Admins should delete all pedoshit and save Holla Forums.
Look at what has happened without the proper policing. It's disgusting. Save us.
Admins should delete all pedoshit and save Holla Forums.
Look at what has happened without the proper policing. It's disgusting. Save us.
Other urls found in this thread:
not your safe space tbh and if you dont like it you can go back to halfchan
They sealed their own fate when they destroyed /hebe/
Death to pedophiles.
This is not your safe space, communist.
I mean, what's the difference between halfchan and a board full of retards promoting babyfucking?
I for once prefer seeing nigger shills posting trap threads or whatever the fuck, than having some smug self-absorbed piece of trash sniffing his own farts over how amazing he feels about himself for having a collection of 4 year olds in diapers tbh.
im not a commie and im a big fan of varg
t. halfchan
Yeah nah
Opinion disregarded you hysterical little bitch
I'd rather see jewish shilling than some overweight weirdo constantly posting about how baby raping is normal and "totally" healthy/natural.
You people are definitely a special type of vile.
You niggers are constantly posting 8 year olds in panties or some shit in every single fucking thread.
There's nothing you deserve more than a bullet to the head, and even that would be too humane to scumbags like yourself.
Stop with this bullshit and fuck off back to 4chan
theres only 1 ano who posts baby, your just a globalist shill who hates biology and nature and loves feminism and wants the aoc to be 18 worldwide
There's not even consistency in this fucking degeneracy of yours. If you get banned, it's well deserved.
fake news and you should go back tbh
I still think they should get a cyclical, but I fear it'd just get shit up by the likes of you. What's so hard about hiding the threads you don't like?
hail hitler!
Gotta love these mods, combatting spam right on the front line, huh?
I ID filtered the spammer but can still see when he posts when I look the the tab. so whenever I think he has had enough, I post a pepe which is enough to keep him going for at least another 10 minutes while i watch Youtube vids.
I take a sadistic pleasure in knowing that somewhere, someone is forcing himself to spend his free time like this.
*dabs on them haters*
running out of steam?
I'm gonna go make myaelf some breakfast. Don't give up, spamfag. We believe in you!
who /comfy/ here?
Varg is a literal white nigger criminal NEET. You should feel ashamed for respecting somebody so low on the food chain, that you would actually admire him. Pedos are scum as well and will have the necks tied around a weight and be drowned in the sea when theit day comes.
Ah. The spammer has been shoo-shooed away. Until next time!
you can drown anyone you want in your land but if you ever try to force your gay actions in other countries we will declare war on you
room pass: secret
post the better one m8
this one nice too