Let us now troll democrats with the glorious dox bestowed upon us by my volunteering at a hilldog phone bank

let us now troll democrats with the glorious dox bestowed upon us by my volunteering at a hilldog phone bank.

It is the middle of the night and they need to learn that the database was compromised. Post your repsonses ITT or on Vocaroo.

Other urls found in this thread:


not your personal army

First post, almost every time.

Good job OP. I will be calling in another hour with an Indian accent to ask how my fellow Democrats would like to Donate to President Hillary to to Drumpf.


Fuck you.



We need more infiltration like this. Nice work. Don't be discouraged by the few replies ITT, since it is late and a few of us are headed to bed. Later on tomorrow though, there should be some fun.

is it working? try offering sexual favors if they promise to vote for the (((green jello stain))) instead of hillary

This. You can harp about muh feminism using her.

It was so hard bullshitting my way in there because I felt like a traitor to decency calling Hillary a good person. Holla Forums has taught me how to argue with the facts and truth on my side and it felt like I was throwing away all my values to shill for her.

I'm a strong guy but the first couple calls I made for her reading the script my voice broke because it felt so wrong. But after I got my first few pages done knowing I had doxxed all these people, I felt really proud and kept going.

Every time I found someone who wanted to volunteer I would tell them we would call them back with instructions and list the number as a bad number or disconnected. Every time someone said they didnt want any more calls, I put down that they wanted to volunteer. I sabatoged their shit.

Let's get a resource bank going and plan of action.

I think we should avoid direct phone calls that could let them feel victimized. Instead, signing up their home to a lot of free subs - Trump newsletters, Evangelical, islamic, gay, etc.; ordering pizzas; sharing number on CL, etc. will slowly terrorize them. Drop hints, do a custom order to make the pepperoni spell MAGA.

And nice work OP, as said, infiltration is god's work. but entryism wherever possible is the ideal

Good job OP.

Great work.

I salute you.

I have like 6 more pages, and we can always get more.

Interesting shit though


605 413-3379

She is head of the Minnehaha country democrat party


here she is making the news

not yours either

to the user mole that dumped this

Should we all try to volunteer for her? Spread disinfo and piss off undecideds?


yea but it's not that easy, im pretty sure they do background checks, although half-hardheartedly. they might ask why a non democrap would volunteer

Wait a minute, what happened!?

you guys want to make noise?

grab all those emails, and do password reset-requests via payapl, gmail, ebay, etc. get their cell phones buzzing with confirmations. that will get normies scared as fuck and think they are being hacked.


that reminds me i need to get whonix running again on my system.


the interview starts the minute you walk through the door. Tell them you are a former bernie supporter that went Hillary because you are afraid of Trumps racist rhetoric. I just said I was a bernout that hates racists and they handed me a phone

There is no detailed background check because every nigger that shows up is a felon. For fucks sake, the hillary campaign office is in the same building as the welfare office and parole office here.

"Trump is literally Hitler, and all that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing. My wife's son will be deported if Trump is elected, he must be stopped."

why am i not surprised

The team I volunteer for owns the building :^)

literally chuckled

but yea use whonix and get password resets done, then make some dumbshit skid group twitter account and take credit for "leaking" . Just drop what OP has into paste-bin don't use the images.

anything posted in a pastebin is immediately assumed to be hacked without question. You'll have Hillary bitching about the Russians again in no time.

in fact, i'm making said paste right now so scrapers will pick up on the info and spread it to phishing lists

I think this is a really good idea. When on the phone just talk about how only Hillary is willing to use nukes on Russia. Nothing 14/88, just a lot of hyperbole. The undecided don't need to decide to vote Trump, we just need them to abstain.

encouraging bernouts to vote green party if they cant get to vote for trump was my strategy. I literally sat there and sold rare pepes to and dancing hitlers to people over the phone.

Admittedly, as far as infiltration goes not all of us going through with it should blow our loads too early, posting this stuff could probably lead to OP being identified pretty quickly.

Some of us should remain off the radar well into November, get lots of trust and access to deeper info.

Er, well into October is probably a better way to put it.

Burrow as deep as you can into their networks, identify high-value targets, sew paranoia into their ranks.

The Emperor Protects

Im just dropping it into a pastebin when I'm done typing. Maybe I'll make some dumbshit ascii art as a header like "ALT-RIGHT DEATH SQUAD" or something


Imagine Hillarys next speech.

"and then they deliberately sabotaged my campaign waaaaaa"

You have done that yourself witch, you have done that yourself


You best be on a VPN or logging in from a Mc Donalds on a device purchased with cash in the next town over.
I better not open these up and find metadata.

Don't forget that if you get caught or you decide that you want out and you reveal what you've done, make sure you say you did it to give Jill Stein a better chance of winning.

Make the cucks eat each other from it, don't walk out screaming MAGA

Exif's stripped.

Any organization that has to pander to niggers has an inherent weakness. It must pretend inequality doesn't exist in order to appease them, which gives it an enormous weakness.

This is the nigger induced weak point.


Must happen a lot that they ring up old people and beaners who don't even speak English. I wonder if they use that data for fake identities during the election.

Also that binary gender is not very progressive at all, why doesn't Hillary's campaign consider the 510 other genders?


Lol mods confirmed compromised.

vop+tor gateway fam, browsers are for found pedos and kike journalists who want a false sense of security

meant VPN+TOR

fuck off

Bernie doesn't have a chance of winning though, he has already thrown his weight behind hillcunt. Jill Stein is the "new" one, so it's better to false flag her than someone who isn't relevant anymore

Concern troll GTFO

dude, did you just apply logic to try and imitate a bernout?

bet your ass he's still going to get write-ins

It's only done in the name of Bernie or Green Party, retard.

Alternatively, shill for Hillary poorly by bringing up all her controversies on 'accident'. I.e. "Yeah, sure she committed treason and the feds said anyone but her would be jailed, but have you seen Trump? He's not even fit for president, he's pretty much an actual racist! Yeah, we've all heard about Benghazi, but what do you think would happen if Trump was made president? He's literally hitler!"

god dammit one of these images is cut-off on the left. anyway that's two down 3 more i think

I know those bernouts are some persistent niggers but my point is that if you're going to make a scene, implicate the new competition.

A handful of bernouts writing in that sneaky kike isn't going to do shit, but I'm certain a lot of bernouts will start shilling for stein now because they don't want anything to do with hillary and stein gives them an excuse to not vote trump

won't work, they'll get triggered to quickly. these are professional victims.

The hell are those boxes?

Forget about the context of the election. What's the most effective way to annoy the shit out of a large number of people, given their names, phone numbers, and home addresses?

An autodialer that spams sanic?



Other lang = other language
left msg = they left a message
Wrong # = wrong number
moved = moved house or residence?
strong trump = they strongly support trump

You gotta word it like this:
"I mean yeah, she let four people die in Benghazi"

Have you ever tried it on a normalfag? They'll accept anything as long you couch it right. At the far end (JQ), at worst you have to couch it in humor.

Leftists are even more easily lead but have more rigid no-no zones that humor doesn't trespass. But as long as you seem to be on Hillary's side, they won't get triggered or even suspicious. The problem is, the only way to redpill someone is to get them curious and have them look things up themselves, and most people just won't make that effort, instead just mirroring whoever they're talking to until they run into a new conversation. It would work to push people on the fence over the edge to Trump, however.

Gods work user. Gods work.

No it is inside the comutah

How about finding if some of them were on Ashley Madison.
The rest is using "Order first, pay it later" services.

Still a confusing thing of why these are used

I have officially seen all there is to see. Great job OP. Have a pic that never fails to make me kek.

You're on the right track. "Accidentally" Benghazi, mention that four people died, but it doesn't matter because they were white and she supports Black Lives Matter.

Those new-age designs are all terrible, I'd go with the flying Lada

I think you don't know why phone banking exists.

the bernouts excitedly went to phonebank while their wives went out on dates to "get the voters fired up". that's not what phonebanking is for.

phonebanking is datamining. you want to know who's a reliable voter for your candidate so if they don't show up as having already voted on election day, you can pester them to go vote. obamaforamerica.com in 2008 was a massive-scale datamining operation to find out who had already committed verbally to vote for their candidate and make sure they actually did it.

they have to do this because democrats lack the agency to remember on their own to vote.

My dad voted for Bernie in the general(He was born in the 70s and raised by a hippie single mom)
We were having a conversation about politics and I brought up how Bern threw his support behind Clinton. He hadn't heard of it until now and you can only imagine how assblasted he was.

Get this, he had just been telling me about how Trump would go against his supporters the moment he took office.

There's something about russian cars from the 80s/90s that I find really appealing. I think its the utilitarian aspect of them, they all look like they could get hit by a dump truck and keep on rolling.


They copied the old Italian style as far as I know, Russians never created their own cars or even motor vehicles, save for maybe tonks, bikes came from the Nazis and cars came from Italians.
It still looks like canned food on wheels to me.

Cars in 178 probably wouldn't even look like that.
Compare a car from 1915 and a car from 2015, they're roughly similar. Cars wouldn't just radically change to retard designs for no reason.


ok, im almost done putting this shit into .txt

This is not a great plan, guys. You're just giving (((them))) ammunition. You're missing the point of "muh PR." That meme isn't telling you to go out and do things which harm your image; it's saying to not overreact to contrived PR issues.

I'm sure that you all understand this. I'm not sure why I mentioned it, tbh. Enjoy your lulz, I guess.

Blame it on berniefags and of course ebaumsworld

Wow, thanks for Correcting The Record.

Either way we play this is a win for us. Either we subtly infiltrate more and keep sabotaging Shillary's campaign, or we use what OP's already got for the keks, and then dump it publicly after the keks have been extracted, proving that Shillary can't even be trusted with her own supporters' private details.

The media has been publishing a lot of shit about us lately, shills have been here constantly, they've been waiting for something exactly like this to shit on our hotpockets.

We should take the discussion on this thread to h8chan gold tbh.

shut the fuck up with the PR shit, they already call us Nazis who gives a fuck. filtered.

anyway, copy-cat shill faggotry aside, i competed the list in .txt format. going to dump into bins with "le ebin h8xx0r" header

wait, not filtered not sure what the fuck you're linking my post for

ya nah, you're a retard and gay.

you probably are a legit shillary supporter trying to false flag.


Top Kek.

What are you doing you mad man?

Go along with the script but do weird intonation.





also for drybones


who gives a fuck they'll bite this one

The worst of all possible name combinations.
Kill yourself faggot.

You fucked it up nigger

lol im using them as a patsy

also you can copy-paste this and add your own header, you fucking retards

Hmm… I'm OK with this.



Much better.

Tippy top kek. I think playing off their paranoia like that will only make them more hysterical, which helps us.

This is amazing. If this cunt wins we are definitely all going to be thrown in reeducation camps because of this though.

I love how these get 64 views instantly because of the emails addresses

bots, crawlers, and scrapers are going to be listing these as we speak and they will get spammed into the next election by phishermen

now that you mention it:


this will get looked into by Security personal eventually.

i regret nothing

Oh poor naive user. She already said she'd shut down breitbart. If she wins we're all fucked regardless. And if she loses she goes to prison.

This is literally a fight between us and her to be unchained. We must not lose.


fight to the death, Moscow is behind us.

That's true we were probably on her to murder list way before this. But holy shit this is going to seriously piss them off. I hope op's apartment doesn't explode or something.

thats hilarious user, well done.


OP already fell down a flight of bathtubs and landed on some bullets to the back of his head. we must shill this in his memory.

OP opened a can of tuna and was attacked by 4 well trained German Shepherds that happened to be passing by his bedroom door at 2 in the morning.

Top fucking kek that old paranoid bitch is gonna have a meltdown

OP was walking through a train-crossing when his pillowcase fell over his head and he fell face-first into an oncoming Santa-Fe

>Email: [email protected]/* */
I smell a cuckold

Amber Kielman
48209 265th St
Brandon, SD 57005
Age: 38
M/F: F
Email: [email protected]/* */
Phone: (605) 334-9666

might be hot, let's get pics

lolol all these emails are already surfacing on google indexes

I noticed the spanky name. There is a Kikebook account linked to the email, unfortunately it`s sealed off.

got the url? let's check google caches

If you put in an email or phone number in the lost password thingy sometimes the account name pops up. In this case there was an account yet nothing telling.

toasting in an epic bread

lol if they went that far well ive been a registered democrat for 15 years almost.

thanks dad, one of the many shitty things forced upon me when i was younger

Looks like we have more than a few Reddit, halfchan and other assort faggots joining us.

We're first and foremost about the lulz. Second, if you're so concerned about appearances, what are you doing supporting Trump? You're a Jeb/Cruz type faggot. That's the old man you want in your mouth and colon, faggot. Dis this the new shit.

consider the record corrected

Where do the bad gays go?

Instead of subverting their network in obvious ways, wouldn't it be wiser to go along, do an acceptable job and gather as much insider information as possible?

I was with you up until you tried to talk like a nigger.


You pretty much sabotaged OP with this…
Surely they know who they gave those records to and now he's fucked.

Good work, user.

Operative word here being 'obvious'. If OP was real, he/she could've monkeywrenched the shit out of HRC just by being an annoying, pushy cunt while leaking what meager info he/she has.

Oh wait.

Into the bog so they can be good. It's like a baptism.

OP put too much info in this thread already, the pastebins just ensure the goal of being as annoying as possible.


Have you jokers considered that the OP provides no proof that these are the phone numbers of democrat members?

Who the fuck stickied this?

Calm down, Moishe! Now's not the time for fear. That comes later.


I'm signing them up for Trump e-mails.

I'm probably just being paranoid but can you show us the script you're using? I don't have the time at the moment to do a background on these people.

You magnificent bastard.

The fuck are you on about retard?

Kill yourself.

CTR just shits up whatever is pinned these days


as opposed to what, hand typing a bunch of random people with real info, take shoddy pics, just to trick us?

if that was happening, you wouldn't know about it, would you?

Not OP's personal army, but we are the God Emperor's personal army. Fuck off, CTR shill.

they print out fucking call sheets, like it's the 1960's. OP said they have convicts volunteering who can't even vote.

they obviously don't organize shit.

Yeah I see these posts in all sorts of threads, specially in World Peace threads. They look like they are generated randomly too.

Do you know where you are?

This is fun.

I wish Holla Forums did more fun things more often like trolling every single wealthy champagne socialist lefty on social media forcing them to give away all their money and telling all lefties in general who are white why they haven't killed themselves yet since they're apart of the problem being white and all.

Let us now praise famous men

I'm proud of you op.

Good fucking job buddy

Dude, we're trolls, this is what we fucking do.

Trolling normies is what has made this election so god damn enjoyable.

Good band name, though.

Wow that's a beautiful car user. But check out my favorite:

Good man, now start wasting resources. Waste them all.

Also I'd pin a anti-partisan badge to your chest for the work.

b b but that's illegal!!

That car looks like it's wearing a tracksuit.

I was looking to buy one but I couldn't squeeze myself into it. They made them for nips which didn't help.

We've got people deeper in their networks. They aren't posting about it.

If you added an S to the 4wd it would look like "RWDS"


are you really going to randomly terrorize these people (who are probably not democrat, they might be trying to sway undecided voters) just for the sake of it?

wouldn't you be risking convincing the people you harass that obama and hillary's tighter internet control isn't a bad idea?

sorry for the concern troll, but how exactly can this end well?

unstickied after 10 minutes


weev fuck off with your swastika crap

I've put a robot fly inside hillari's head, hence the strokes.

Just wait until Soros wakes up and realize he's pissed out of the toilet during the night again…hehehe

Not hard to check. You could look up a few names on social media and see if everything checks out if calling is out of the question. I'd suggest we do this first anyways.


This reminds me of:


So far this is a really nice PsyOP

Exactly. NOW you're thinking.

Quality post.


Magnificent bastard detected.

I want to believe.

I have to go to work, but have a bump

It's hard not to believe that this is a false flag, but if not, you truly are doing god's work user, the lord may bless you.

an email list of people will have some discernible usernames in other social media. still waiting for our boyo to confirm his chops



Not only that, but there's nothing to be lost by the sabotage if you go in pretending to shill for Hill. No matter who's on the other end of the line, they're gonna view her more negatively.



you clearly know nothing about political phone banks, or life in general. kys




This is what the best way to use Holla Forums…to actually make change. You're doing God's work user. You magnificent bastard.

Get started.

Hello CTR


If you call someone and they're a white male, pretend to sperg out and go off on a tangent about how white men are evil and the country needs to be taken back from them, etc.

Do we have newfags becoming mods now? We must for him to not remember us making "nits make lice."

Then spread some bullshit about hillary calls being responsible for it.
Normalfags know she can't run an email then this.

OP we need more like you

top kek

It makes so happy I want to cry. We're finally going out there and affecting. Change on the world. Now I'll see if I can't do some work of my own

You guys are doing this wrong lol

Just call in the middle of the night like 2am and say you are with the Clinton foundation and you are seeking donations

Any normie democrat receiving that call wouldn't even consider that we were up to it. Call them every fucking night until they scream they aren't voting or are voting for trump or something then quit calling. They would tell all their friends how fucking disrespectful the Clinton camp is too

It's actually better this way because now CTR rats have to hunt for it rather than it being conveniently stickied so they can show it to their bosses and get OP fired immediately.

Most CTR people don't seem to really know the mechanics of how the site works.


Hey CTR, instead of speaking for us, why don't you go take a hit of zyklon B and think this over?



Use it.


look up her new "mental health" initiatives.
if she wins, we're all going to the loony bin until the FEMA camps are ready.

Here op, use this.





And there's more where that came from.

I don't know whether to be more disgusted that there's all these Hillary supporters in South Dakota or at all of the @yahoo and @gmail addresses…

they are all centered in brookings/sioux falls area. The entire rest of the state is red as fuck.

Are you in SF OP? Wanna get together and touch wien…exchange Pepe's?

cheah, send me your steam or something. wanna go shooting or something?


Lots of (((1))) concern trolls in this thread.

Fucking with normies is what we do. It's our fucking bread and butter. If you can't handle that, then you don't belong here.

Still no Vocaroos?

Seriously good work user.

pick one


Dude you're pretty dumb. They know who you are and when you were at their offices. And they also know when you made this thread.

It will be trivially easy for the cops to track you down.

I keked many times

Cheers mate.
Do you ask them if know that Hillary is sick?

because what I did was illegal.