- 5 minute talks about cocks at the start of the show
- A whole song about fisting
This was just the latest episode
Why is this show so obsessed with faggotry?
- 5 minute talks about cocks at the start of the show
- A whole song about fisting
This was just the latest episode
Why is this show so obsessed with faggotry?
Other urls found in this thread:
Kill yourself DnC nigger
It's not DnC if it's true. Listen to the latest show.
I thought you CTR shills loved faggots.
They are implicitly white bro
It's not shilling if it's true. Listen to the show and tell me I'm wrong.
Alt-right types like Richard Spencer, Jack Donovan, and the TRS crew have been shilling for literal faggotry for a while now. Holla Forums is the only place safe from these sodomites.
I like their autisté section. The one about Trump being the god emperor is really good but it's like 8.001MB so I can't post it.
Is Morrakiu one of them? I don't know, I just watch his YT stuff. I never watched their podcast tbh.
D&C faggotry
D&C faggotry
D&C faggotry
D&C faggotry
D&C faggotry
D&C faggotry
D&C faggotry
D&C faggotry
D&C faggotry
D&C faggotry
D&C faggotry
D&C faggotry
D&C faggotry
D&C faggotry
D&C faggotry
D&C faggotry
D&C faggotry
D&C faggotry
TRS homo detected. Faggots like you will get the rope, too.
TRS is ambiguously against faggotry but they make retarded jokes about pretending to be gay all the time and it gets really annoying. They've even said (twice I think) "Ok guys we need to stop making gay jokes because it's really not a good thing and we don't really stand for that"
I don't know what the fuck they're doing
Are you seriously telling Holla Forums you don't understand humor?
One of the mods is a literal crossdressing faggot, and many of the members actually defend that shit. I didn't save the screencaps but I'm sure someone else has it.
That quote is funny but it's actually taken out of context. He was implying that the fight against gay marriage was the last stand, not that being a fag was.
It's become a meme at this point. An unfunny meme but a meme nonetheless.
But holy FUCK Ghoul needs to fuck off, he derailed the whole first half of the show with his idiotic interruptions and his stupid fucking dispassionate "I'm so cool" voice. I like hearing from Alex McNabb and Enoch so I have to put up with his faggotry.
Time stamp?
Time stamp?
00:21:30 for cock talk
01:57 for Fisting song
Typical Japhethites
Based TRS
Enoch is the most Jewish of them all. I used to tolerate TRS still being AnCaps yet
understanding the race issue but with time they became shekel grubbing faggots. Even when the daily shoah became 3 hour of coprolalia (verbal shitposting) I endured it thinking they'd eventually fix their shit. Then, Enoch decided to turn the site into alternate media platform that profits from other people's contents and then funnel it towards shit like Dicky Spencer's Phalanx cocksucking. It's like they got in contact so much with degenerates and kikes, trying to get content for their site that they eventually emulated both, thinking they still fight them. Then, when they get called on it, they use the brit/pol/ defense of it being jokes.
Okay, yes, what you said IS technically correct.
However… You ignore the context, which is mocking the behavior of liberals in their employing penile attack upon their opposition, including a reference the accusations on behalf of the media that Hitler had a micropenis.
That entire conversation is mocking the opposition's obsession with cocks and longstanding willingness to attack male opposition by claiming penile inadequacy as motivation.
That wasn't a song, that was a bit, again mocking the opposition.
Jesus Christ, have you never seen standard fuck party?
THAT is faggotry.
Its not normal, its not acceptable, its fucking disgustingly degenerate - and it is the reality of homosexuality.
Sven employed it in reference to the nigh-genocidal spread of HIV amongst the faggot population, due to their degenerate behavior - which the audio from the documentary demonstrates perfectly, nevermind the documentary itself.
Obsessed with faggotry?
They derided faggots, viciously and powerfully, for a totally of like 5 minutes in a 3 hour and 20 minute podcast.
Your statements suggest an ulterior motive in your posting.
Confirmed for not being a member of the forum.
The instant it was discovered he was expelled and the forum went into purity spirals for weeks which ended up expelling a britfag furry as well.
Got some suggested alternatives?
I can only listen to Death Throes of the Republic so many times…
lol. Nice damage control
You're fucking retarded.
TRS is more productive than Holla Forums will ever be. Any bitching about it on Holla Forums is either disingenuous or from actual retards who don't understand that you can't make a fucking podcast with 3 hours straight of "GTKRWN."
Anyways, piss off
Sure thing chaim.
How stupid are you? Grasp at different straws.
Contradictions are contradictions, whether they concern ideology or biology.
Having a good time. TRS is entertainment.
If you want to listen to something serious listen to Radio Free Northwest, move up there and get things moving. Otherwise quit bitching about fucking family guy for Nazis. It is
This goes for you too, bitch. This is like a fucking cartoon for Nazis. If you want to get serious there is plenty of shit out there for that so quit fucking bitching, you are more faggy than any of those fucks.
Yes it is. Either way, who fucking cares. We are what we are, there is no name, alt right is the best classification around right now for our shit, even though there are all kinds of people who are not "one of us" claiming to be alt right. That just how it works. Haven't you listened to kike levin claim the Don isn't a cuckservative? This happens with all classifications. You are being as autistic as kike levin.
Wow. I'm learning a lot from your autism.
Not to mention having another fag on as guest.
Different user, but Alex Linder's "Vanguard Audiobooks" are essential listening:
Radio Aryan (formerly Radio Stormer) has some good shows, especially The Orthodox Nationalist w/ Dr. Matthew Raphael Johnson:
And Andrew Carrington Hitchock (author of The Synagogue of Satan) does a great daily show:
to be fair he is half a fag
Thank you, mods.
It's been said again and again that adopting a name is a good way to invite kikes to subvert the whole thing. We don't need any of that. We hold to ideas, not a group.
Kosher right needs to go.
Ever since Dante was purged for being a faggot, TRS has been dealing with "wow they r so gay" accusations ever since. It's almost as if it's a nice fracture point to attack if you didn't want two influential groups to like each other.
How many fucking Holla Forums threads with this theme have you guys seen? I've seen at least 4 others in the past summer. This schtick is getting old
Does that mean he only likes half a fist up his ass?
Holy shit is this real? TRS just had him on as a guest
Hey, i'm not defending him.
Whenever I see someone post "D&C" all I can think is "what a hugbox we've become".
haha i know. I thought you were just setting up for the joke.
TRS has literally everyone on. How much do you think Anglin and Spencer agree with each other?
Yes, it's real. And you can guarantee that TDS knows about all this shit, but still acts like nothing is going on.
How about no, faggot
Which one is the guy who interrupts everyone and wont shut up? The deeper voice guy? The show would be better without him. He has something to add for fucking everything and he never shuts up.
While that may be true, they talk about Greg Johnson and Spencer offhand more than anyone else.
MW has influence. If you can swing him further right, then you swing others as well. The show isn't about bringing the same group of Nat Socs with the same fan base on. What good does that do?
Autism. The goal is to create an ethnostate. This will be done with a group, groups more likely.
You have no idea what we are doing here or why. There I are many ideas I would sacrifice in the name of an ethnostate. I do not mind if it is NS Fascist, or representative democracy. I do not mind if it is made up of Christians or atheists. I can say there will be no open faggotry, nobody wants that who is interested in actually doing it.
Securing the existence of our people and a future for our children should be your only concern.
Mike is the most intelligent guy there. Without him it would just be ghoul talking about DOTR and Sven shitposting. Mike actually brings up interesting stuff
They're syndicated on the Daily Stormer though. I think they really just want to get shit done and then cut out the chaff later, which I sympathize with.
Leftists don't eat their own, which is part of why they win.
No enemies to the right, chaps.
Fags should only be swinging from ropes.
Yeah and Holla Forums bans me everytime I make fun of that and the inherent homosexuality in the autistic right. Last time I got banned for posting that picture. Didn't even write anything.
Mike's insights are what makes the show listenable. But he does dominate the conversation a lot, he needs someone to bounce ideas off.
Didn't people like bulbasaur because he would get angry all the time?
I want this meme to die.
It is fucking entertainment you moron. They'll have anybody on who says interesting things and has influence regardless of their sexuality.
TRS will not be the organization from which the ethnostate stems, it will only entertain those who create it.
I always heard how the TRS crowd and alt-right were full of faggots, muh traditional traps, etc. But I listened to a couple of TRS podcasts recently to see what they were about and they are no different than Holla Forums and any mention of faggotry is clearly sarcasm or criticism. These fracture points are either created by D&C shills or autists that can't into sarcasm.
I just watched episode 100 and he wouldn't stop talking over the guest or his fellow hosts, one guy told him to shut the fuck up at one point. It was pretty bad.
Can someone please tell me where this trap meme comes from? I've rarely seen it on Holla Forums and only in a satirical context. Granted, I only listened to three podcasts total so far but I haven't heard anything about it on Fash the Nation or The Daily Shoah.
The first thing that happened when your gay little group popped up into the mainstream was to connect itself to us through Milo and the rest. 8ch is not altistic-right, no matter how much you want it to be. We don't need fags like you hear.
You're already being co opted. Now fuck off back to TRS.
Yeah Ghoul's annoying. He is what we call in Britain "someone who kills the banter"
I don't care about wews influence. I'm only pointing out that he's a literal faggot and many guys that TRS features are as well.
This is complete bullshit, leftists toe a very thin line about what is and isn't racist/misogynist/homophobic to the point where anybody on their side who so much as makes a joke gets ruined for life.
OP is a D&C faggot.
What said
It isn't all that entertaining anymore.
Not sure if it's that it just got shitty, or the novelty of hearing a watered down version of Holla Forums in podcast form. Either way, I haven't been able to get through a full show in months.
God I fucking hate these people. Literally everything out of their mouths is 'FASH, 'SHOAH, 'SHITLORD'.
invite me to the forum faggot
Sounds like you're retarded. Leftists pounce on their own for drifting toward the right or showing sympathy to the groups that the left attacks. On the other hand, they run interference for, or at worst ignore, people further to the left of them.
When was the last time you saw someone on CNN countersignaling Black Lives Matter or some irrelevant commie group?
It's a load of shit pushed by shills.
The very first paragraph:
The notion that homosexuality is harmful to the integrity of the family, and therefore the future of the nation, is not really a controversial position within the alt-right. As such, writing an elaborate article on the evils of degeneracy for society would be a redundant exercise in preaching to the choir.
Or hell this, as a response to standard shilling on the alt-right being milo and some edgier neocohens
You sound autistic as fuck, any mention of faggotry on TDS or FTN is always talked about in a sarcastic manner and slight shame that this meme is even perpetuated by D&C faggots like you.
Honestly attacking anyone who is putting a Holla Forums style message out there is fucking D&C, it's not helpful at all having to manage your autism.
FTN doesn't really talk about shoahs or shitlords tbh, fam
You sound like someone who shouldn't be here. Adopting a name is fucking stupid. Tell Milo I said hi.
Nice 4cuck lingo.
The comments on that are hilarious, especially the ones by GRIDS Greg.
Helllo Sinead, sucked many black dicks lately?
You wish, girlfriend.
Ethnostate first.
Anything you do to divide is detrimental to this cause. You will not save the white race by shitting on half the people who want a fucking ethnostate. Tolerate members of your own group. We all want the ethnostate.
You would have the white race die only to hold high your morals and ideals. You are the worst kind of person.
There's plenty of other shit. Maybe you should get busy instead of entertaining yourself.
No my entire point was that TRS and the fags they promote are to the left of us. And that we should attack them
for it. I mean Tricky Dicky is literally pro-EU, pro gay rights and anti 2nd amendment. How can you even call this guy to the "right" in the first place?
And the bible says death to fags, but that don't stop fags infiltrating christianity.
Most people don't want every 2nd figure-head in alt-right to be a fag. It'll basically destroy it.
Anything you do to divide is detrimental to this cause. You will not save the white race by shitting on half the people who want a fucking ethnostate. Tolerate members of your own group. We all want the ethnostate.
All we want is to exclude literal faggots, is that really that fucking crazy of an idea to you?
Did you see Spencer's latest video where he complained about how mean people were to that "Alt-Right" kike from the Jewish Forward?
More that the whole "purist natsoc for whom reality is too imperfect" trope is busted at this point. It's been proven ineffective. You fags had your chance and did nothing.
Time for the bants loving gay kike infested alt right to take the reigns. I'm sorry you've been left behind loser (just like in real life)
Sauce? I know he's a pan-Europeanist, which is shit-tier.
As for TRS, I don't think they're to the right of me personally. Never heard them say anything on either show or in the articles that I've disagreed with. I've disagreed with several of their guests but see .
You cunts want to make 8ch a part of your autism. It doesn't work that way.
Look at what this fucking cuck says:
Tell me what you mean here. What morals and ideals should we shed? Every Alt-kike I've spoken to said the same thing.
Says the shill that thinks tbh fam is 4cuck lingo.
You're clearly a newfag trying to fit in.
Into the bog you go, faggot.
Whoah, that's exactly what they want too. Really makes you think.
It's possible to be against homosexually without flipping out over gay jokes and trying to eject prominent voices in the movement because they _pretend_ to tolerate gays.
Start your own podcast network where it isn't allowed. Show them how it's done. Until you do this you're just whining impotently for no reason.
So they're only pretending to like Grindr Greg?
So you agree that Israel had nothing to do with 9/11 and the dancing Israelis were good boys there to document the event?
Just look through this thread, Spencer is such a fucking moron that he actually said "Why would you want guns to be legal? Do you want blacks to have them?" as if they don't get them illegally anyway.
And the right wing wonders why they're going in circles.
Let me clear things up for you. You want 8ch to adopt the alt-right logo and I'm telling you that only kike shills would want that. It takes one popular person to redefine what you're about. We are Anonymous for a reason. I'm not talking about what the kosher right is about. It's the name. You're either a loser who needs to belong somewhere or a shill.
I don't have anything else to say to you.
You two simply failed to read or understand the conversation I was having with that annon.
I said absolutely nothing about accepting faggots into the ethnostate. Quite the opposite.
wtf I hate the daily shoah now
Nope, but then I've never heard them say that. Everyone knows Jews did WTC.
Looks like he's an even bigger faggot than I thought.
"HURR durr muh right-wing fags are so important"
The TRS/Alt-Right = gay stuff is idiotic, but there are strong entities perpetuating it, and I'm still not sure exactly where it's coming from. It kind of worked since you had TDS going out of their way to mock it, and somewhat poorly. I also listened to Dennis Fetcho's podcast a few weeks ago, who's one of the most hardline anti-Jew guys out there, though not "alt-right," fully buying into the gay meme. The word "alternative" doesn't help much, which is why I prefer "real right" instead.
But TRS did a subsequent good job a month or so ago breaking down the D&C and explaining what I've been thinking the whole time, which is that this gay stuff in the popular culture is a top down Jew meme to make guys fearful of getting together and interacting in certain situations out of fear of being called gay. That has to stop.
Ghoul has to go
I enjoy Shoah and have for a while now, but Ghoul has ruined the beginning of the last two episodes to the point where I was literally yelling "shut up" to myself while listening. Thankfully he seems to disappear after the first hour.
He's become increasingly annoying and whatever good points he makes are offset by his spergy, self-righteous personality. Someone should make a thread about that every week instead of another one of these gay meme ones.
He/they read these threads, and the funniest part when Jim from the Fatherland hosted the show was when he said, "Ghoul, didn't think you'd show up tonight." To which Ghoul responded self-consciously, "Ugh … why would you think that?"
His personality is a bad fit, he talks more than he should, and he's an idiot. TRS needs to give him the boot or greatly limit his capacity.
The chans are alt right.
Not alt right like fucking milo. Alt right like monkeys and humans are mammals.
The preservation of the white race should be the highest goal of anybody serious.
Results are everything. Humorless stormfags like you failed the A/B test long ago.
Flippant, diverse, exciting alt righters passed with flying colors. Anyone who actually cares about winning and not about MUH PRINCIPLES knows where to go. It's time for you to catch up.
Read my post again and then kill yourself, retard.
White straight people or fuck off
Otherwise, quality post.
I meant to respond to
So which one is Ghoul? Someone is annoying and wont shut the fuck up, but I can't make out who it is
This is a good bit of autism too.
Who fucking cares? Ghoul is ok. Its entertainment. Bitching like you are is the same as bitching about say, meg from family guy. "Meg has to go, so annoying."
It is a fucking show.
No. But tbh, I do think there is a problem with alt-right fans trolling/calling everyone nigger and kike.
The one with the fucked up voice.
The one with the deep voice who pauses too much when trying to get his point across.
Yep thats the guy, fuckin hate him. Ghoul if you're reading this fuck off
Yeah, it is. It's way overblown and I don't even know who the fuck the people in those caps are besides Milo.
Do you have a personal beef with him? Did he ban you from the forums?
Ghoul is usually insightful and has a perfect "frame" for dealing with leftists. He's probably my favorite one.
I will acknowledge there's a bit of an imbalance without bulbasaur though. They should have morraiku audition
you post this shit in every thread related to TRS, what did "Ghoul" do to you?
Reminder that there's plenty of room in the WN movement for based traps.
As long as they're qt and don't sleep around, of course. They should be traditional submissive monogamous wifeys.
When he finally does get his point across, it is never retarded or anything.
I have never understood all the Ghoul hate.
It is entertainment, I'll give you that, but myself and many others still find his input cringe-worthy. I find him to be the worst aspect of the show, by far.
They should be fucking men, because they are men.
See anyone who thinks Milo is part of the alt right and has fallen for the "alt right is gay" meme is a fucking low IQ retard.
You idiots fell for the shill tactics, bravo, keep posting your D&C posts so more retards can fall for it.
This is a board of individuals, not a group.
Filtered. No one who hangs around here says that seriously. Go listen to your 'fashy' podcasts, you embarrassing fuck. Not a single one of you losers has addressed the point that a name can be co opted.
No, and I've never even been on the forums.
The fact that you're a newfag who isn't aware of the personalities in the movement you claim to be a part of doesn't make it any less gay.
Ideologically diverse friend.
The bog awaits you and the objects of your lust, faggot.
Did you seriously just post this shit again but in another thread? Fuck off.
The worst aspect of a gold bar is still better than nothing.
Autism. All groups are made up of individuals.
those bodies just look like skinnyfat males
Dubs confirm
I'm not a newfag, but isn't pol the one always bitching about some of these e-celebs? I don't do that, I just pay attention to the ones with a higher caliber of intellectual awareness.
Shit I remember watching him
I think he had a beef with common filth and he began spamming ghoul hate in these threads until others followed suit
Ghoul hate is a forced meme
You get it, user. Traps are inherently pro-male.
This is how shills have forced the "alt right is gay" meme, post a bunch of gay shit and turn a VPN and post replies supporting it.
yes you are
We just happen to disagree on the value of Ghoul, then. And that's fine, but I still dislike him and wish he would go. I'm not alone on this, but I wish the TRS threads would focus on these kinds of disputes rather than this stupid TRS/Alt-Right = gay meme.
This exact same shit word for word was in the other tranny thread. How much are you getting payed by rabbi fagowitzstein to post here?
No, I'm not.
Na. That shit actually makes Holla Forums look gay. I see these kind of pics everyday here while browsing threads.
Dont worry user. We will gas the traps.
I get it, if anybody is on the spectrum its Ghoul but his contributions are a net positive in my eyes.
Can't say I have anything to do with their forums.
Yes you are, and if you've listened to TRS even a few times, you're familiar with at least some of the people on that image.
Stopped watching when Jon left, had hope for Trevor but he sucks
The name alt right means nothing. Even if the faggy Jewish "anti sjw" Gavin McInnes right appropriates the label and becomes the new mainstream right, we're still moving the overton window in the right direction
Look at what we did to molyneux. You can't unlearn the truth very easily. Redpilling is largely a one way street. As much as possible everywhere we can to everyone willing to listen
So you've fallen for the tactic then
They're creating an illusion of consensus around faggotry in the alt right with VPNs. They post the same pictures in every thread so people like you think that this place is full of faggots.
Not ones who defend it and call Holla Forums "pol"
Come on user, that's just a little spectrum worthy.
Maybe I should re-think my stance on traps
You shills are fucking relentless.
It's only that richard spencer guy and he isn't part of TRS.
Christianity is pozzed but so is every mainstream institution. A Christian can still be pro-white and jew wise.
I don't think anyone here gives a shit if a homosexual is pro-white. It's different when they boast about and have a LGBT agenda to push. Homosexuality is still degenerate.
Topher Carlton? Who the fuck is that and why should I care? I'm aware of the people who matter.
And I've been listening to it from the beginning, but I'm not on the forums and am interested in my own shit, not necessarily theirs. They've been going on about some guy name Johns or Johons or whatever it is, for example, and I still have no clue who that is, so what? Why should I? It seems you need to get out of your bubble and pursue a more higher level of intellectual awareness instead of getting bogged down by what's being said by random twitter personalities.
This exact series of posts was in the last tranny thread too, fuck off kike.
No. I agree about faggotry in alt-right. Just pointing out that Holla Forums is also a hive of degeneracy.
This will probably just filter out the retards. Anybody who knows anything, knows faggotry will not be tolerated in the world most of us want to see.
When found it will be addressed, but not explicitly sought out. That's how I would do it.
You should, user. Trap girls really are best girls.
shills are recycling their posts now
The faggot at the top of the image (Millenial Woes) was on their show today, and Dicky and Grindr Greg are two of their most frequent guests. Ryan Faulk has been on there a couple times too, he even hosted his own show for a while.
No. People did something. Fuck off with your attempts to call me and everyone else here alt kike.
That's the reason it's a bad idea. You brush it off like it's nothing. I'm not alt right. I don't think most people here are either. Good luck convincing anyone, traplover.
I'll be reporting your e celeb threads each time.
Thought you left in shame autist. Tell me again, what makes up a group?
You go be auti- or uh "not alt right" in New York or Tel Aviv or whatever and we'll build a nation for the white volk.
I wonder which one of us Hitler smiles upon.
There was a time where you often saw these things around here together with the Milo shills. Now you can't really find them because they get called out for their faggotry immediately, except in /brit/pol threads where they call it civic or on cuckchans pol.
That's who two of those tweets are from.
I'm very familiar with all of them. Woes doesn't seem bad and was good on the recent Shoah. I have my own issues with Spencer but I think he's a good face for WN and has contributed a lot of intellectual output. Greg Johnson has probably contributed the most intellectual analysis of the New RIght/Alt Right/Whatever right, and that's important. Are you doing that? No, you aren't. He's a fag but he keeps it to himself and does possibly more than anyone for the greater cause, and that's commendable. His gayness should be seen as secondary.
Where are we being falseflagged from with this shit? Is it JIDF or Common Cucks fanbase?
Gavin is many things to many people, but a jew he is not.
Unless Scots are considered porridge kikes now.
Just posted those because the main image is already in another thread.
Still a faggot who admits that the Alt-Right is dependent on fags
Even though literally no one - except the gays, apparently - likes him?
The material on Counter-Currents is worthless. It's all either intellectual masturbation (as opposed to actual intellectualism), or content lifted from elsewhere.
Except when he's writing articles defending it and calling people who disagree "LARPers" and "white trash".
But he's another one to add to the extensive list of alt-right fags.
I generally like what he does as far as the intellectual content on Radix is concerned, and I'm not gay. Surely I'm not alone.
Complete nonsense. CC is a wealth of great information.
He's telling people like you that you're being sucked into tertiary issues that are a net loss. Gays are not the main issue. Jews are. Getting bogged down on all this gay shit does none of us any good and the main thread it poses is *FROM* the Jews who use the sick mainstream culture they've created for gays as shock troops against people like us. Start focusing on what really matters, start thinking long term. Gays are minor in this equation.
But where would we be without counter currents brilliant pieces like this?
One MDE video does more for shifting the Overton window than 1000 counter-currents articles. Intellectually masturbatory sites like radix and CC are worthless.
Trump is going to win.
This doesn't work. You can just say "I'm further right so I'm punching left!"
The D part of D&C is inevitable, and can't be stopped. Even among enemies of the establishment, we all scramble to be the one who'll claim the prize. This can't conquer us, since it can't even be encouraged. It happens naturally from natural divisions just as whites naturally diverge from blacks even when forced together in one country (white flight). Right wing ideology version 1 CANNOT coexist with right wing ideology version 2, anymore than tumblr can coexist with Holla Forums.
Holy shit, they just never learn.
The top of the first image in my post
Not alone, but definitely in a small minority. Spencer just isn't likable.
Worthless information.
And Greg says we shouldn't question their hoax, which is where most of their power comes from. He also supports the existence of Israel and denies that they did 9/11.
Except when it comes to the Alt-Right, which they're vastly over-represented in.
ghouls stuttering is annoying. combined with the frequent interruptions, it completely stalls a conversation.
TRS has gone to shit ever since PENDULUM took it over. PHALANX was slightly less gay.
They're just social clubs for older people with views somewhat similar to ours. When you realize this, suddenly you'll stop giving a fuck about their incessant drama.
Jesus Christ, I really hope you're a shill or you're fucking stupid.
Let's just agree that Jim should be on the Shoah every week and should also take us all camping.
I'd ban such obvious shilling.
Spencer is fine. He's presentable, well-spoken, intellectually-minded, and a good face for the greater cause, even if he's a bit quixotic. Shitting on him does little good in the face of more pressing obstacles. Same goes for Johnson w/r/t his desire to downplay the hardcore Holohoax stuff. It's just not the right time for that and he's knows, as I do, that pushing it does more harm than good for the time being. Also, we should all support the existence of Israel, because ultimately, if we achieve what we'd like to, that's where they'll go. You're the guy checking people on the right and going after them with no compromise when they fail to uphold your principles; that's fine, those people are necessary. But more practical people who understand the long term vision, the best methods for attaining those goals within the current zeitgeist, and who won't get bogged down in the stupid gay paranoia bullshit are a greater benefit to us than people like yourself. I'm not against what you do or what you stand for, but pick your battles wisely.
I didn't like SS at first but he's improved a lot and is really good at what he does now. Couldn't replace him now. The Fatherland is the only other podcast I listen to regularly now (besides FTN), and that's a good show, I like it a lot. Jim's an interesting cat. But I still say fuck Ghoul. He's been talking way too much the last couple episodes and his points, while not necessarily bad, are far less interesting than someone like Mike who's much more intelligent and drives the show.
I like Ghoul but I can understand why people hate him because quite frankly I didn't always like him either probably because… I don't know quite how to put it.
I'm guessing it's Common Cuck since he's the one who's been trying desperately to drive a wedge between Holla Forums and TRS for months
Faggots dont breed other faggots. Its not the same thing at all
I'm OP. I don't listen to the Daily Shoah very often but I thought I'd listen to this one and it was a full on faggot fest.
Call me a shill if you want. It doesn't change the fact that they talked about cock for 5 minute and had a song about fisting.
Just wondering why a supposedly "anti-gay" show would have this kind of content.
TRS are a mixed bag. They've been responsible for the ((())) meme which rattled some feathers, so you can't argue they don't name the Jew, which they do all the time. The only thing Holla Forumsacks could possibly have against them is that some people on their forum are soft on homos, but that's not their fault.
These sort of petty struggles are inevitable though, as I said.
Underrated post
Trs isnt perfect but its 3 hours of entertainment in my life where i cant talk about any of this shit to anyone i know irl.
Ghoul is ok, hes not the best but ffs he's not that bad. The ems guy is a good addition too.
Biggest complaint wae sven sounding way too insecure but the last 3 shoahs hes been hitting it out of the park with random bantz thrown into the mix while other people talking. Hes a great color commentator to mikes monologuing. The only real shit part of the show is when people start talking over each other, with the worst offender being mike.
Its not pro gay, its just too low hanging fruit to make fag jokes and you can tell it gets on mikes nerves. Both richard spencer and greg johnson can gtfo, they both sound really pretentious tryhards. The absolute worst is if theyre ever on the same program together trying to outsperg each other.
Ghoul should be moved to the Young Hywtes, as well as Slug2_. Jim will take his slot as third host of the Shoah.
Aristocles_Inv will be moved from Kultur Kampf to Manifest Destiny (sorry bro, but you suck at textual criticism and talk when Tacitus should be. TITUS ACTUALLY READ THE BOOKS FOR ONCE JESUS), where his cynicism will be useful, as Tree and his autists take the New Right stuff at too much of a face value. Ryan Landry/Freelance Autist (actually same person)'s book club should be on the front page.
Make a show with Lawrence Drake, Braden, Mike Enoch, Musonious Rufus and Halberstram where they just talk gruffly at things.
I think the same thought has crossed my mind before. The YHWs seem pretty chilled out FWIR though, so I can see Ghoul's defensive, stuttering awkwardness being a downgrade for them.
I tried to tolerate Ghoul, kind of liked him at times, and haven't participated in any Ghoul-hate up until now, but his attitude and behavior in the interview with the Gawker guy really set me off. This week was almost as bad as well. He's just childish and out of place, and he's not funny. They want a younger voice, and Ghoul was there from the beginning, I understand. But their loyalty to him is now hampering the quality of the show. Hour 3 of this week's episode (after Ghoul had left) on the alt right stuff was really good, but it should have been in hour 1, and I suspect it would have been if Ghoul hadn't been talking so much.
And none of it is personal. I was never on the forums, he didn't ban me or anything, and I don't even really participate in the chans, alt-right twitter, or any of this stuff, really. But I like what TRS is doing, I like what they stand for, and I was previously very tolerant of Ghoul. However, he really fucking spoiled the last two episodes for me. Dude should go. Reactionary Tree would be better, McNabb is funny, and I'm fine with everyone else. But Ghoul makes that show worse.
Completely agree. The last episode I was hoping that SS would just kick Ghoul from the call.
Just give him a project to do. Have him and boatsinker make nice posters of the counter signal memes or something to sell once the PHALANX/Ex Surgo shop starts selling shit like that.
Look I'm all for Fags supporting our movement but I'm not going to indulge in their delusion
If Dailystormer is at 5M world wide I wonder how many Holla Forums has
Dude, everyone is cool with faggots in meat space as long as 1) they shut the fuck up about it 2) they don't use the movement to cruise.
Unfortunately, only one in a fucking million faggots can do both.
Because they're jews and try to build a strawman which other jews can attack in the media.
Simple. Same old trite bullshit.
They're also responsible for "1488er".
Rebel Yell is pretty good, they had Natt from RFS on this week.