Holy fuck, if you need any more evidence libertarians are nothing more than autistic liberals, this is it
Lolberg cuckold Gary Johnstein Explodes With Anger When Interviewer Says "Illegal Immigrant"
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Fuck Gary Johnson. He'd be more useful as decor along the rainbow valley
Of course the autistic lolbergs on here will say "he's not one of us. He's not *really* a libertarian"
Libertarianism was a mistake : Ron Paul
Oh look I was right. Top comment in the comment section
to be fair kikes infiltrate everything just to spread kikeness
End borders goy free weed lmao
tfw I voted for this faggot once
He because he isn't you double nigger. He's a washed up liberal lite Republican like his running mate.
To be fair, it was him or Romney.
A nigger betwix two cucks…what a shitty election that was
Open borders is a lolbergtarian position, though, which is one of the bigger reasons why libertarians are scum.
However, Gary Johnson doesn't even even stand up for all the other libertrian points. They are supposed to be pro-liberty, and anti-government.
But this nigga is pro-big government, and anti-gun, and I wouldn't put it past him to be completely cucked on other shit, like "hate speech". He's your basic "dude weed lmao" liberal.
Isnt political correctness supposed to be the antithesis of libertarianism?
'Illegal immigrants' is offensive?
Cool, I can go back to calling them illegal aliens.
Lmao what a fag. Most libshit politicians don't even get THIS buttblasted over a fucking neutral, objective phrase.
I actually hate this guy more than Hillary now.
Libertarianism doesnt acknowledge degeneracy as a problem .
There is a lot of flavor of people in the right . but the only place in the earth where muh freedom would be right wing is america,for the love of my life cant see how being against hierarchical structure and in favor of a decentralized authority and bigger individual choice would make you any different than you run of the mill anacap retard.
I honestly believe that all of them would be anacaps if the constitution didnt exist.
even better
>gets upset at un PC language and tries to correct the record
What a fake.
Jesus Christ, what a cuckold.
KEK wills it
Nope. Anyone who identifies as a lolberg at this point is either an autistic dude weed liberal who doesn't like paying taxes, or a former RP supporter who never realized that libertarianism died along with his campaign.
I'm not a lolberg either, but isnt the very concept of regulating types of political speech entirely the opposite of what libertarianism is about?
Niggers to the left of you
Cuckolds to the right
Here you are, stuck in the middle with Jews
Fuck this is bizzare, a politician shouldn't be defending criminals? This should be a death for a political career in any normal country. It's pretty clear that letting some fucks cross illegally borders is very serious threat and nobody should defend it.
Nice meme
In theory, yes.
He's a stupid cunt. So are you for thinking one mans stupid faggotry defines a political ideology. It's not "Gary Johnsonism", he doesn't define libertarianism. Ron Paul is obviously a much better example of a Libertarian, but at the end of the day it's a set of ideas not a set of fucking spokespeople. This faggot is not for small government, and he clearly has serious fucking political correctness issues. Now, granted, you can be a politically correct piece of shit and a libertarian, unfortunately he isn't. He's a politically correct piece of shit and a faux Libertarian. I'm so fucking tired of you stupid faggots acting like Libertarianism is garbage based on these stupid faggots or any current political climate. I wonder how your political philosophy is doing at the moment. I'd reckon it's dead-and-gone, run by fags and/or some vague kind of utopianism. The only fucking thing there is to know about Libertarians is they want smaller fucking government, which is equivalent to more LIBERTY.
But you know what, I'm only kind of mad at you cunts. I'm really mad at this stupid piece of shit who's making a philosophy about self governance, self reliance and generally treating people like adults seem like it's some kind of fucking emotional hand-holdy "W-well don't say things that might bother mex- er, uh, hispanics. That's bad :(" HORSE SHIT!
Yes, I MAD! Called the police, sent a letter to my senator, called Interpol on a payphone, notified the FBI, the CIA and China through their botnets and bought ten dogs.
Webm finished. I think it's fine, used vp9 but haven't watched it yet.
Are there no sane web devs? This is wasting both my and 8ch's bandwidth by having me reupload this.
cuck compilation when?
Pro Tip:
When discussing western politics, don't use common sense or facts.
trying to force immigrants into this country using liberal rhetoric has nothing to do with libertarianism.
Nice webm. I'm sure a lot of tryhard fags will use this as an argument against libertarians.
I'm hispanic, I don't find that term incendiary, I find it accurate.
Every day I get more and more convinced that 50% of Holla Forums is just brown people LARPing as white people.
Reply to this post if you're a pure white
Obama turned out to be the greatest thing that ever happened for white nationalism.
He's not though, he's some leftover faggot being pushed as a spoiler for the republican party. His policies and his mannerisms are cuckservative/business as usual with a bit more weed lmao.
I wonder if it is obvious to everyone now that he is just an agent/attack dog for Hillary and is trying to garner enough support to go to the debates and continue his attack dog bullshit there.
The libertarian stance on immigration is open borders.
I've been thinking that same thing. That or various breeds of asians.
I'm a nationalist libertarian, fuck Gary johnstein
We should all tweet, "illigal immigrant" at him.
no it isn't. It's based on a decentralized government, it never implies that the borders should be open, only regulated by localized governments. These localized entities can decide who comes in. This also implies that non-liberal (ie muslim) peoples are not allowed unless they decide to assimilate. The idea that libertarians are basically progressive liberals is an opinion held by dumbass teenagers that haven't graduated from high school.
This. I want to see him lose his shit. It would be funny if we triggered him into a meltdown before we that to Hillary.
Kitty tried. Give him some credit.
In Israel they call them infiltrators.
I bet saying that would have shut his kike mouth up.
Holy shit that gif! lol
Thus necessitating 50 separate customs agencies in the U.S.
You niggers are insane.
Half Yemeni Sandnigger half Pollock here, my skin is pale as a ghost and never plan on breeding can I stay?
I got ammo and can make mean home made pierogi
Nice made up number. Also, it doesn't automatically accept anything that is currently acceptable in this country. You have to realize that the black acceptance has been promoted by an unfair democratic practice, like affirmative action for example. Why do you think libertarians will automatically fall for this government implied bullshit?
Yeah, I should have said 50 different customs agencies at a minimum.
don't forget the fags and trannies. make a thread on either and they come out of the fucking woodwork.
yeah we are everywhere!
beware of the jewish libertarians!
if you only realized libertarians hate globalism and Israeli control in general
50 states, 50 agencies, in your libertardian worldview, faggot.
Oh goody, so New Mexico lets in tens of millions of beaners and every other state looks at them like they are a bunch of fucking retards.
Well, it is called New Mexico…
Haha, nice try m8
Man, is he really Jewish?
This picture makes him look more Jewish than I have ever seen.
How would it be any less than 50 if one state has to e force it's own customs laws because it's neighboring state lets in a bunch of shit skins?
Gary Johnson certainly doesn't represent libertarians, he is far far worse. But let's not lie about the fact that a majority of libertarians are cucked on immigration and the importance of race.
A grave mistake if ever there was one. Still doesn't give them the right to enter.
Guess what retard? There is no border protection between states. If New Mexico lets in beaners, they get a free pass to travel on freeways into any other state. You have to stop them at the border.
Great, we can let cities determine who comes in and out.
Oh wait, we've already got sanctuary cities.
yeah, its just delicious irony
It would be a bunch of the local community to enforce their own opinions. Their opinions would be gathered up and then would be dumped into a huge bowl that determined the result. Hell, it would be like a republic 2.0!! But I know you faggots hate that because it is too oldschool….
I know that, retard. Apparently, you missed my point.
Do you even know what sanctuary cities are? They are "locals" that have decided they will not deport illegals when caught, despite it being against the law for them to be there.
We already have a "let them decide" system and it's fucking retarded and it has to go.
Even when I self identified as libertarian I thought the Libertarian Party was a joke.
yep, San Fran
This has nothing to do with what I am talking about. You are taking some progressive liberal concept and plugging it into my own.
Your "localized government" that "decides who comes in" is pure fucking garbage and ruins the country.
Defunding these retards is a mild sanction in my opinion. City officials thwarting federal immigration laws should be charged with sedition.
You sound like a Marxist. I am basically saying that anyone who wants to conserve libverty is welcome. You on the other hand are promoting literally everyone.
*liberty even
What the hell are you smoking? I'm not advocating for this retarded shit, I'm arguing against it.
congratulations, you have been redpilled, you finally found it out.
Look, you are both wrong.
Nationalist Libertarianism is better.
YOU! Natsoc go patrol the borders and delete the illegals.
YOU! Right-wing libertarian, go and help foster local communities in tradition, self-sufficiency, and American culture.
Fly! My countrymen! FLY!
Maaan, you just don't get it. It'll be like local you fucking statist. Don't you understand? We'll be free and the market will take care of everything else.
What the fuck are you even talking about anymore? You directly stated:
Which is a BAD IDEA and NOT HELPFUL. If the states or "localized entities" let illegals come in then EVERYONE else suffers sooner or later.
Libertarians, who adhere to the classical definition, are probably some of the more sensible people on the planet.
Where fascist systems try to delegate the races to the lower castes autocratically, a Libertarian System allows this process to take place naturally, based on merit and worth.
I'm a nationalist libertarian.
But, you are raising my suspicious for using fascist and autocratically negatively.
Fascism is one of the political ideologies I greatly respect.
That's if you are under the impression that a centralized government would take control later on. If a decentralized government held control and encouraged others to do so in order to protect liberty, they could essentially dismount illegal aliens.
These two ideas are at odds with each other. That's like saying TOR is a decentralized network, but oh by the way one exit node is actually controlling them all. Thanks NSA!
Hey, New Mexico? It's Texas calling. Can you stop being liberal faggots and prevent illegals from crossing the border? What's that? You want me to go to hell? W-well I asked nicely! Hello? Hello? They hung up on me…
Nigger please.
It's true, I was a libertarian when it was Ron Paul running, now it's all my Boinie Sandersberg liberal reject friends that said "Fuck Hillary she's a criminal I'm voting lolbergtarian"
My point is the government doesn't have control and that the control is based on a localized level. I thought you'd understand this with my description. There is no global control, that is my point. However, there is local contro, which can result in the unaccepted being thrown in the trash.
Who is being liberal here? Where did libertarians accept spics into this country willingly?
I fail to see how fascism is unnatural. Defending the tribe from negative foreign influence is more natural than not doing that. Bodies have heads. Autocracy is natural.
Are you seriously projecting so hard that you think New Mexico is a Libertarian paradise? That a Libertarian President would convince every state to be independent self-governed free thinkers but also secure their borders and deport illegals? All the hard-left liberals will simply convert or disappear into a puff of smoke?
No, I am just responding to your previous comment. I don't care about New Mexico, I bas all of my opinions on your uneducated comment.
That last image is extremely interesting. History repeats itself, it vindicates the term entirely. We should see it spread more. Does anyone have the original photo the tweet is embedding?
I know some cucked Bernouts who switched to Gary as a "protest vote" after it was clear they had been sold out. I can't wait to shove this shit in their faces.
I am talking about broad-scope thought experiments here.
In order to get the blue state of New Mexico (and California, really I should be harping on them even harder) to secure their border and deport illegals any time in the very near future you need federal government to be mandating this.
Maybe, maybe if in 50 years you manage to convert the majority of the voting population to "Libertarians that also believe in strong borders" you could have something good, but I'm not going to wait that long to stop the flood of illegals.
I already hated this piece of shit. I'm glad he's showing his true colors.
I agree that this sort of semantic pandering is pathetic, but I still want Johnson as President. Whatever civil liberties violations President Trump would come up with in order to solve random minor terror attacks, would be visited upon American citizens tenfold by the next Democratic President.
My ideal candidate is basically Johnson + wall, but that guy isn't running.
Oy vey
This post
is meant as a reply to this one
I did the same in 2008. Gotta make up for it this November.
This. My old man was a Libertarian before it went full lolberg. I'm intimately familiar with what Libertarians used to stand for. It's good to see there is no refuge for them anymore.
100% evil oppressive white ayy lmao stock reporting in.
I'm not trying to convert anyone though, nor are any other libertarians (including the mainstream ones). It's just something that has to happen naturally.
The fact is, being a libertarian doesn't mean that you are against nationalism. The reason that so many tryhard fags on here hate libertarians is because they are against authoritarians.
tbf, it can be. The idea is that the 'open door' immigration policy in the south is a come-if-you-can type deal… meaning they're something in between legal&illegal.
Well, I suppose the libertarian party is useful for something, at least.
And on this day, a lone user has proven exactly why Libertarians will never win. 95%+ of the population is too brain dead retarded to think for themselves, they have to be actively convinced of something by someone. If no one converts them to Libertariansim, then they will 100% guaranteed be converted to something that actively goes against your ideals.
You are making absolutely no sense. Libertarianism is the polar opposite of Authoritarianism, so if you are against Authoritarianism then you are for Libertarianism by default. Speaking in the broad definitions here, not political parties.
WAIT, ignore the second half of that post, I didn't exactly understand what you meant when I read it. You meant Libertarians are against Authoritarianism, not the "tryhard fags."
His mother is Lorraine Bostow and is of Russian descent
Bostow and Bastow are jewish names
Dude looks like a gnome.
The nose was the give away. Not quite as curved as other jews, but he's got a bit of it working there.
Also I should have posted this earlier like I usually do.
I meant "they ARE authoritarians"
Excuse me, I am a bit drunk
I need all the ammo we have on this piece of shit
Well this explains a lot. Still, the sentence you wrote actually still makes sense, even if it wasn't what you meant to say.
Also don't confuse wanting to elect a strong leader for "authoritarianism." If we didn't have a President that needs electing, we probably wouldn't care, but since we do in fact require a President, it's always better to elect a strong leader than a weak pathetic faggot like Obongo.
Poor choice of words, I'll admit.
I still dislike others telling me what is best for me though, so I cannot say that I like fascism, though I think in many regards it is still "natural" - just like every other political system.
As Alan Moore once said:
"I believe that all other political states are in fact variations or outgrowths of a basic state of anarchy; after all, when you mention the idea of anarchy to most people they will tell you what a bad idea it is because the biggest gang would just take over. Which is pretty much how I see contemporary society. We live in a badly developed anarchist situation in which the biggest gang has taken over and have declared that it is not an anarchist situation – that it is a capitalist or a communist situation. But I tend to think that anarchy is the most natural form of politics for a human being to actually practice."
Thanks m8, it means a lot that you understand me :^)
And how did obongo become president again?
Do you even go to the doctor or follow Christ?
Even more proof here.
What do you call an immigrant to gets into your country illegally??
I don't understand American libergs, ours may be anarchists but they aren't stupid.
apparently their work wasn't really needed then you fucking kike bitch
You faggots need to grow up and start to collect incendiary devices. Fucking plebs.
how in the everliving fuck is this guy even claiming to be a libertarian
this guy is as liberal as they come
If the states were divided into a libertarian method lime the fuckheads above me, interstate transportation would be baised upon treaties set by individual states as opposed to one federal government. Meaning that if california let in a million beaners and they hightailed it to nevada, nevada would have the right to regulate the type and amount of peoples who are crossing into their boarders. They would be legal californian residents but their legality could easily be disputed as soon as they leave californian boarders
nice job, man. You did it, you proved I am liberal!
I don't get the offensive/incendiary divide btw, can you please explain?
If you follow Christ, then you have to accept what God tells you is best.
I can't really comprehend a person who follows Christ yet claims that God does not have the authority to command him.
He was referring to Gary.
100% white. Only problem is is that I'm a Canadian with Scottish heritage.
i meant that he tried to avoid using the word offensive because of its liberal connotation
it basically means the same thing in this context
So white I am nearly transparent with blue eyes
shut up you little bitch. truth is you dont know what the fuck you are. now you shill against "nationalism" and "oligarchs". these are just words. what they stand for from your perspective could be different than mine. what matters is what these words mean and that is why everybody who isnt a newfag calls themselves a national socialist. because your nation is your people (whites in our case) and the socialism stands for the mutually beneficial social programs like a fucking military. you can call yourself a libertarian all you like but if you believe in a strong military, youre not truly liberal because collective taxation is required for one. so stop equating yourself with the word "LIBERtarianism" if you believe in people beyond yourself. now, you could actually be an autistic full libertarian who is a total minarchist. and faggots like you will be the reason china invades our shit.
I love nationalism and hat oligarchs, what is your point?
I really hope this is copypasta because it makes me laugh and makes pretty much no sense. Thanks for the text m8.
Not him.
But I think Nationalist Libertarianism is viable for the US.
And if you really are so against libertarians, how about us natlibs give the left-libertarians free helicopter rides.
Once we are the remaining libertarians, then will we be cool?
Might makes right.
Could have some in the pipeline, wikipedia gives no info but sources say he's a non-practicing Lutheran. He seems more in the area of light jew/autistic libertarian mixed with generic white cuckservativism. That's about as far as I can scry.
theres (((hispanic))) which is brown people who complain about cultural apporpriation all while ignoring they are just bastard children mestizos and that spanish is a white language, then theres hispanic which means a european white caucasian from spain.
hispanic is not a fucking race no matter how often the jews push it.
not believing in objective right and wrong and allowing "localized government" to make decisions on the whim. this is what you little faggots dont understand. you bitch about authoritarianism because you dont want to acknowledge natures eternal fascism. youre living in a fucking pipe dream in your mind and you are bordering on being a civic nationalist. youre worse than commies because you dont even pick a side. you just lurk somewhere in the middle like the fucktard you are.
you can call yourself a national libertarian all you want. what matters is the policies you support. libertarians are inherently minarchist which weakens our nation and makes us susceptible to our enemies. you have an argument when there are no more nonwhites alive.
It's a tossup as to who are the lowest IQ posters on Holla Forums. It's either the anti-libertarians or the Christcucks.
Please explain it to me, if you are trying to explain natural selection then you are failing.
Yeah, because relying on facts is so hipster-tier. What if you rely on an ideology that is based on history like national socialism back in the 1930's or anything that has happened in the past. You are comparing libertarians to nihilists or fatalists.
Well I believe in a minarchist inward government.
When we are white American Nationalists, we don't need militarized police huge welfare systems. But the government doesn't have to care about non-Americans, the military can be huge as.long as it is not turned on the white American citizens.
I think if America becomes Natlib it would be 80% the same policy wise if it was Natsoc. Think of the differences between Hitler and Rockwell.
Garry Jonson is just a democrat that is involved in the doood weeeed business. Wouldn't say shit about Hillary, repeats the same "Trump iz a racist" bullshit. That's your Libertarian Party.
He is close to becoming an SJW
The "lowest IQ" posters are always the shills, no matter the nonsense they're preaching.
Boy we have been naming the Jew before the first happy merchant was beaten by the Saxons.
natural law. right and wrong. true and false. instead of acknowledging this, you externalize responsibility to find out what truly is right and outsource it to smaller collectives (localized government). you do this instead of placing the highest authority above all else. truth. probably because you lack the ability to truly think something through until its conclusion. authoritarianism is nature.
thats what im saying. the problem is you dont take it all the way and leave room for our enemies to crawl back in with your subjective local/community governments.
He is also courting the Koch Bros. He's part of the faction of libertarians that are completely blind to the depredations of corporations.
I'll quote you here:
Please tell me nature's eternal fascism and the laws that proceed. After you do this, please tell me who currently could provide these laws.
Thanks in advance. :^)
The local governments deal with local issues.
The national government deals with National issues.
Outside of doing random searches through Americans internet history to see if they have been reading the Talmud. I don't know what more you propose we could do.
I can give that to you.
Because in 2008 and 2012 the choices were "weak faggot or weak faggot." There were no strong candidates.
giving a webpage definition of fascism doesn't answer my question, nor does it prove that you actually know what it means. It's just a lazy response to a question.
As if God is autistic enough to care about what the ants do. He laid out his rules, he laid out the consequences, it's up to you to decide what's best.
Think again faggot.
Um, it's an essay. Did you actually read it?
natural law. action and reaction. the thing you and are trying to ignore by giving authority to subjective local governments instead of an objective national government. having multiple governing forces is totally illogical. a large enough nation wide state government can deal with local issues and national issues and you remove the subjectiveness of the many separate governing forces. the only issue is realizing what is truly right for the people and the people understanding it. standing under it. because guess what? everybody stands under natural law. thats how objectivism exists.
why would I read an essay at this point? I am "debating" with some little kid about fascism, something he obviously just learned about in social studies hour a few weeks ago.
Am I speaking to a person who identify using the political compass test, or maybe a person who thinks Jewish is not a race?
You wanted an answer, I gave it.
Your fault in remaining ignorant not mine.
nothing about this disproves libertarians, other than the fact that you think they are inherently on the left.
Can you please name things that libertarians believe in that are on the far left.
you type like english isnt your first language. go back to /liberty/ faggot. your idealism is your suicide.
k, see
I'm getting a bit lazy while replying to multiple people
I am not ignoring it. Also it is not multiple, it is branching.
Why doesn't it make sense that the government representatives of an Amish community, be the Amish themselves?
You have no basis for flinging your shit. If you have a point, make it.
So I guess real native English speakers don't follow rules on capitalization and punctuation?
learn to capitalize your sentences you foreign faggot.
leave it to a libertarian to frame a conversation in left vs right (the direction) instead of wrong vs right (true). its unfortunate you cant understand why local governments are inefficient in a nation with a national government.
you still didn't answer my question.
here, i'll ask you again, can you please name things that libertarians believe in that are on the far left?
A God who creates a creature such as man who is able to be moral based on the natural laws created by the God would have an investment or would not have done it in the first place.
This is basically your argument.
Show me where a National Socialist makes that exact argument.
It's not even the same as the argument you've been making, but I'm guessing "inefficient" has too many syllables for you to properly define.
the way this guy writes sentences comes across very foreign. im not talking about spelling and punctuation. i now think youre either sub 90 iq or a shill because ive educated you and you have not made one rational rebuttal, just asked more questions so i can educate you further.
Can you give some proof for that?
I can't imagine a case where if a small town wants to hold a county fair, that them organizing would be more inefficient than the national government doing so.
Also abolishing local government would kill the American community and culture.
the argument im making is that putting local governance under the banner and authority of the national government is the logical conclusion of a truly moral society where subjectivism no longer exists.
grammar/typo correcters are reddit-tier and always will be. Whether you are b8ing or not, you are still just a cuck. Die faggot.
But I want this too.
(I'm the Natlib, not the other person.)
Why couldn't you just link directly to the video?
the national government replaces the local government but still exists in the same capacity, but with a more objective approach. the entires nations interests in the back of their minds. you still have locals as part of the government in your small towns.
Top fucking Kek, all of Trumps opponents are official the cuckold candidates.
There is no final arbiter of a moral society, so your centralization means that one perspective on morality wins out and is enforced across an entire nation.
filtered spastic.
When do we get the WhiteHotTakes version?
Why are you not capitalizing after the period?
*smug English teacher face*
Yes… so what are we arguing about?
morality - principles (truths) concerning the distinction between right (true) and wrong (false)
you are confusing societally beneficial dogma with morality. morality simply seeks to find the truth. deception is immorality. their arent multiple perspectives of truth. only one.
the fact that you want your own "local government" label instead of being part of the greater nation. you want to be the faggottown local municipality government instead of the faggottown branch of the american national government.
within an ideology. Not inherent "truth"
Fascism is doing great right now.
Yeah, and there is no final arbiter on what is moral and immoral, which incidentally is different from true and false.
There is no book you can pick up and say, "Oh, this tells us everything that is moral and immoral."
relativist spotted. gas yourself thanks for exposing your retardation. filtered for real this time.
So the lack of the word "branch" even if it is a branch in practice as the local government reports to and is approved of by the National government, is the issue we are fighting over instead of gassing the kike s?
If they refuse God, than they will face the consequences. I don't want them too, and I will try to persuade them of their view, but I don't want to force them to. If they wish to embrace the consequences, than who am I to hold them away from their foolishness, and act like an obnoxious faggot in the process.
Besides which, God obviously wanted us to be free, otherwise everyone would believe in the same God. Perhaps he sees evolution as the ultimate tool of design, and doesn't want to adjust the process. Perhaps he has reasons that humans cannot, and should not, comprehend.
Regardless, it is not betrayal to allow your own people to choose their fate. I am confident that they will choose well, and that is a trust that proves my allegiance to nationalism, and God.
No one cares, spaniard
Dumbass, I am talking about truth in the right or wrong sense, not scientific data on what is true or false. I am asking what is inherently right or wrong and what proves this. There is nothing. I'm not even an atheist and I can agree with this concept.
Bro, those books are called Logic, The Bible, and Grounding for the meta-physics of morals: on the supposed right to lie for philanthropic concerns.
the final arbiter is your ability to reason. a government collecting tax money for the disclosed purpose of building a bridge but then using that money to throw lobster and steak parties, is acting immorally. that is objectively true 100% of the time. you cant pick up a book and find out every right decision because not everything has been thought through to its conclusion.
That is my point.
Yours was God would be autistic to care what his creations do, thus wouldn't give them a right and wrong.
i suppose.
Half Swede, quarter Welsh, quarter English here
Simple misunderstanding man, perhaps I should of worded it better, but I was just memeing.
lol whoops meant for
5ff299 is 14
This right here is the biggest thing:
Yeah, let niggers overrun the plan.
I think they just post when they're triggered like that. It don't matta
This is however, the basis of why the cuckservatives have always been disgusting morons. The only non-whites who would have ever supported them were always turned off by all the pandering to people who broke the law to signal to legal non-whites who can actually vote.
The rest were always unassimilable in the first place.
Okay, so your argument is that the Bible is the final arbiter of what is right or wrong? The people in the images follow the Bible.
My goal is not to make this a religious thread, it's rather to point out the failings of viewing any one source as being the last word on what the law should be. That is why we have such a complex system for making, enforcing, and judging laws.
Sure, but that is a very simple case of fraud that is universally agreed upon. Much more difficult questions revolve around actual policy issues.
Okay, the Lord understands and forgives those who meme, as we should do as well.
Argument from morality m8. Those people understand Christianity about as well as a Jew understands kindness.
No, because the Bill Kristol-tier cuckservatives wrote him off because of the weed. Shit plan if that's what it is, because NeverTrump are all just writing in Cruz instead.
why is the nigger holding his hand over her body like she is pregnant?
One of the books.
I am not a Muslim, who claims his book contains all knowledge.
Also why are you posting fake Christians who wouldn't endure 2 lashings before the renounced Christ?
I'm honestly so sick of these mediocre kikes in here that graduated middle of their class and decided to become a shill in order to serve Israel and later result to nothing.
Tbh, I think the neocons wrote him off because ultimately they don't want anything to truly upset the 2-party duopoly. A one-time candidate acting as a spoiler in a state or two was fine, but pushing the LP to take 15% of the vote nationwide would be seen as a disaster by them.
Here is their story:
The image shows her 3 white daughters along with their 2 Liberian "brothers."
The article has a short video of the family.
So who is this woman?
like i said here dont confuse dogma with morality. morality simply seeks to find truth. you have to frame a policy issue with a concrete agenda. for example, the question of should we ban nonwhite immigration? if you frame the question with white americans interests as the backing, yes we should ban immigration. that is the moral answer. if you frame the question with immigrants best interests in mind, no we shouldnt ban immigration. it all depends on how you frame a policy issue. that doesnt mean morality is subjective. it means dogma is.
At least they aren't dating…
The least white part of me is spanish.
Do you think Spain and Portugal should just become one state already?
Yes, but those are really simplistic yes-or-no questions. It gets harder when you ask
In my seething anger, I tell myself "maybe the niggers were adopted really, really early in their lives." This way, the westermarck effect will have had time to take hold, and they won't think about touching their "sisters."
Still, I blame this on the cuck father. What sort of limp-wristed faggot invites young men into his household when he has 3 young daughters around?
I didn't even read that one until you pointed it out. I wonder who these nationalists were, and if those cucks were full neocon interventionists.
Then that is not a matter of principled morality, but with a fulfillment of circumstantial statecraft cost/benefit analysis.
that bitch looks like an Italian piece of plastic.
OP here, white as fuck
My neighbors.
I didn't save her Holla Forums she moved away before I was red pilled, I'm sorry Meghan.
Autocorrect will be the first I gas.
you would need a ton more information than we have available about genetics and history to answer that.
depends what you are looking for, back to framing the question. if you simply seek survival of your race, exceptions that help accomplish that.
depends what outcome you desire.
depends what outcome you desire.
you are getting extremely deep and delving into will and what people truly desire. something i dont have the desire to discuss right now as i need sleep.
The creepiest part of the whole thing if you read through it is how the niggers scare off prospective boyfriends of the girls, and how the mother seems to get off on that.
Evangelical Christians, kek.
Here are some others.
Every question I asked brought up other moral issues, like "how many immigrants?" Some Brits complain about Polish immigrants. I think those Brits are being enormous faggots for complaining about other whites, but no doubt they have valid arguments as to why hundreds of thousands of Poles coming in stresses their society.
Here, one of the moral questions would be the relation between helping your own group nationally vs helping your own group racially. What is the proper balance?
Let me tell you why this bullshit. Say you're one "localized entity" and the "localized entity" directly next to you has shared history with you, similar and shared culture, similar or even the same race, and it been this way for thousands of years. One day (((someone))) decides to fuck with your buddy next to you who you like and even identify with. (((They))) take control of their media, finance and politics, and decide they should let in a bunch of fucking niggers. Does this not affect you? Don't you think that's a bad thing? How long until it reaches you?
So to avert that, instead the people of these "localized entities" band together create a nation-state to protect their interests. The nation-state is how people protect their identities, land, cultures, interests, and race on a larger scale.
Do you understand now? What your advocating just evolves into nation-states or even empires in the long run.
Listen to fucking Trump you dumbass. "The nation-state remains the true foundation for happiness and harmony"
Meant for
Yeah, and corporatism has already done this to capitalism, what is your point? As a libertarian, I hate Zionism and think it should be fucking destroyed, but i'm not the mainstream libertarian, am I? People who actually support libertarian ideology hate zionism and globalism, just look at ol' Ronnie Paul. He still calls out kikes daily on his daily podcast but only a few thousand followers hear him. Oh well…
Libertarians out themselves as anti-white kikes when they speak lol fuck is this shit
Yeah, great point. All of the focus on immigration and illegal aliens misses the toxic things like Evangelicals adopting niglets and bringing them home. Or simply the number of blacks we have right now.
Your too wrapped up in your ideology to actually see what's going on around you. The white race is fucking dying and being replaced by the worst kind of niggers and Muslims that not only don't give a fuck about your principles but also hate them and you and your race and want you fucking dead. You're a bitch too afraid to confront the reality of the world we live in in 2016. Maybe a hundred years ago I would have been a libertarian too…
I have obsessively kept up with the situation in Europe and am well aware of the white genocide.
What is this based on? Is this some delusional fantasy in your head? could you please explain what you mean by this?
I think you mean that I assume that the white race isn't dying and that borders are irrelevant. Both are false. I believe that whites are being systematically targeted and that "refugees" are being illegally mobilized over foreign borders.
1. moving non-economically suffering individuals through a border shouldn't be allowed
2. allowing a single race to endure can be promoted through libertarianism
Are you trying to build a strawman here?
They seriously expect this guy to take votes from the right?
Libertarianism, in my opinion, is simply too weak and contingent upon certain conditions to suit our current situation.
based on what?
That's nice and all, but your ideology isn't workable at a scale of hundreds of millions of people.
It requires every single person to cohere to the same moral code without any threat of outside feedback. It's utterly impossible.
and what ideology is? Assuming you are right, honestly, which ideology works?
So, gary johnson doesn't mind it when people break the law, eh?
He's supposed to take middle of the road cucks that don't like shillary. A big appeal of lolbergerianism is getting to sit on a perceived moral high ground and jerk off about how your're better than everyone else and an enlightened fedora wearing faggot.
No, it requires the lack of coercion, this is the basis of being a libertarian. It is anti-authoritarian, fucking aye, when will you faggots understand this. It's about a decentralized government and localized allowance.
Which will never work and is fucking retarded to even contemplate. How are you going to enforce said lack of coercion?
Read about the liberal version of the NAP
t. G Johnson
The people are not intelligent enough to rule themselves, not at this time. Freedom must be earned, and cultural Marxism must be rooted out. Libertarianism is an ideology that would only work in a homogeneous and intelligent society, as it requires a people that are smart enough to rule themselves.
How are you going to enforce the NAP?
How exactly? What mechanisms would be in place?
And why does standard libertarian doctrine not mention race or culture at all let alone the preservation thereof. Seriously, cite one prominent libertarian or book/manifesto that details this. Just one.
Libertarianism's main failure is that it attempts to turn a social attitude into a political structure.
Welcome, fellow human.
That's what.
dude weed
My ancestors were first generation immigrants in New Sweden
I agree for the most part, but I believe it could be implemented to conform to the current state of the USA, in due time.
I'm no fucking scholar, but i'd start out by not allowing authoritarian ideologues like muslims into this country.
Why does the constitution not mention only white people are allowed into the USA? I dunno
Because 250 years ago they couldn't comprehend shitskins be considered citizens.
Libertarians are and have always been a complete joke.
And not only are they a joke, they're patently dishonest as well as evidenced by just about ever one of them on Holla Forums.
yeah, because they aren't pro-fascists
Nice argument.
How are you going to do that without violating the NAP?
Just fuck off mate. Nobody falls for your bullshit.
Freedom to discriminate, and form your own communities.
Don't be daft. Donald Trump never mentions race either. Race is a taboo in our culture.
Dude you just said you were going to enforce the NAP by violating if you. You failed.
People who don't support liberty are able to commit crimes against liberty. Plain and simple. You might call it nationalism, others might call it on principle.
Libertarianisms failure is that it does not explicitly state that we are one people, one race, one nation. Instead, libertarianisms treats all individuals as if they were interchangeable. That a if a nigger can do the same job as a white man then there is no difference between them, no preference assigned.
That kind of structure can only dilute races in the long run, especially considering our birth rates are low as fuck and a government based on libertarian principles would not necessarily assign preference to white immigration first
Sure libertarianism is sound, I actually very much agree, but it's not applicable if we live in a world where kikes are literally exterminating us and niggers and sand niggers rape our sisters and daughters in every single white nation around the globe. So all you lolbergs fuck off with your basic bitch libertarian shit
What are you, some kind of racist?
t. dude weed lmao
Cuck Johnson is there to scoop up the bernout-votes, so that they don't vote for Trump.
Trump is this elections libertarian.
inb4 NatSoc butthurt praising him as Hitler.
You're implying I give a fuck about the Constitution or think it's some kind of mythical document. The Constitution absolutely should mention race for it to be a worthwhile document.
Dang, it's been a while since I've heard them.
It isn't really.
Libertarianism has no way to address any problem that isn't from the government. All problems need to be recast to being the government's fault.
If it can't be recast as the government's fault, libertarians state it isn't really a problem.
kek. I'll cite the Constitution to protect my guns but it doesn't mean I wouldn't like to see something better replace it.
You are literally a liberal. If you think that Holla Forums globally supports NatSoc then you are extremely new and are probably 14. NatSoc is dead m8.
When will the subhumans ever learn? You are welcome to host another poll on this board right now.
Okay CTR, whatever you say. You're right, I haven't been here since the first exodus. This hasn't always been a majority NatSoc board. Thanks for correcting my record
No shit, right after you said it, the subhumans lie again.
I wonder how often do they spew the Hitler gun control myth outside of Holla Forums when we arent looking. They are truly despicable.
you realize that national socialism back in the 30's was completely watered down and was based on the previous government of the Weimar Republic, right? The government under Hitler was actively trying to disable socialism.
Anyone who calls themselves "NatSoc" these days is a socialist faggot and deserves to be sent to the gulag like all socialist cunts who wish they were full commies.
why would CTR pretend to be a libertarian? That makes no sense.
Because libertarians are kike shills and the ideology is literally just liberalism + free markets?
Hitler call it National Socialism. I call it National Socialism.
Now folks, please observe how the subhumans were so quick to red herring muh logical fallacy lol when BTFOed with facts and hard statistics like right here
Yes yes. Hitler and the NSDAP would have jailed all National Socialists.
Lolberg "arguments", folks.
You will see the subhuman change the subject again. It is how they operate, just like liberals. Just shit up the entire thread when faced with hard facts.
Capitalism also supports a free market, you dumb faggot
Oh look another lolbertarian sperging out
You mean invaders.
This is fucking rich. I'm glad these threads have no purpose other than to bait libertarians to come here and embarass themselves
Wow, you are so smart! I am stumped.
(they literally did)
You basically just proved me right here.
Nope, still on topic. What else would you like to talk about regarding this subject? Would you like to talk about how Hitler actually was a true fascist and did not support the modern day definition of socialism?
No, I am just drunk and am engaging in banter.
Remember to use hard facts and constantly call them out. And always screencap.
Mises already deleted like all of their "anti racism" articles. Pretty dishonest shit.
Since I trust your grammar, can you cite when Hitler jailed all of Germany or at least half of it?
No, I would like you to show ALL OF US when Hitler stopped calling himself National Socialist.
And now folks, the subhuman has went back to the "Im just pretending to be retarded" routine.
"Smash the State" with your "friends", you little shit.
How would you like to talk about how your entire ideology was created by and for kikes, all the way from Ayn Rand to Murray Rothbard to Ludwig von Mises?
Why should I engage with your ideology at all, this being the case? Do you think I put any stock into the other ideology created by and for Jews, communism?
I'm going to have to stop you there. The States were founded to be their own 'objective national governments'. With their own peoples. They are merely supposed to work together. A continental overreaching government was always the problem. In fact, it was only after it took over control of immigration from the states that we got invaded by nonwhites.
Besides, you should already know that certain things will be true for some groups of people and not for others. This is the entire basis of ejecting nonwhites. You meanwhile deny differences within a race.
That's also possible.
bantz are bantz m8, if you can't handle them then maybe you are the tard.
Do you agree with the theory of relativity? Guess what, you are a kike! A kike made that theory! You fucking kike faggot!
Science and politics are two completely different disciplines retard
ah okay, so you are going to separate it based on a category, that's completely rational!
Please share images of Hitler doing manual labor. I don't mean ceremonial shovels or anything, but manual labor.
Lolberturdians in a nutshell.
Yes exactly, because one is objective and can be proven and disproven empirically and a theory stands on its own regardless of the author. Politics is absolutely not the same and you know that, herschel
Fuck that, the Poles aren't Brits.
He probably couldnt afford taking a pic as an impoverished war veteran you subhuman fuck.
Beaner please
I really hope this is b8, but i'll give you the benefit of the doubt… Do you realize that you are using psycho analysis made by kikes while making this comment?
Which is what places like AmRen seek to correct, and help in doing so.
Who is talking about that? I was referring to when he was Reich Chancellor.
Yeah, Polish women are more attractive.
Top kek
Can you see now, folks?
This is lolberturdianism unhinged. Like arguing with kikes.
And why should a Reich Chancellor waste his time shoveling dirt while he has more important businesses to attend to?
You are not a butthurt pole, are you?
I'm not. Go to sleep lolberg
Got any other insults? Want to call me a mongoloid or a shitskin?
So he's not pulling the rope or shoveling dirt. IOW, the image is propagandistic bullshit made by some retard.
Nah, you getting caught lying is enough for me, subhuman. And mongoloids and shitskins do understand the need for authority and governance, so they are better than you, actually.
hah, where? Please cite the example.
Why is it that people who do this usually have either all daughters or vast majority daughters?
Why do poles always show themselves as completely retarded subhumans? Or are they just incredibly ignorant?
Stalin during his revolutionary year was a literal bank robber, and before that a pedo priest.
Hitler fucking broke his back working when his dream to paint fell, and he was a decorated war veteran.
Try harder janunsz, you fucking subhuman.
(they literally did)
Of course, understanding the mentality of your subhuman mind, you will probably call all of us "autistic" for citing these.
No matter though, at least we are not lolberturdians and therefore complete losers.
Lying about this board, pretending like we're not the same people that have been here for years and know it's always been majority NatSoc, confirmed by poll after poll after poll
What the fuck? Do you even read anything?
let me guess, you understand libertarians through infographics and memes, right? Let me give you some advice, know your enemy before attacking them. Learn about real libertarianism before you decide to attack it :^)
Also, anyone who claims that they want to resurrect true NatSoc on Holla Forums is a fucking tryhard faggot with a shaved head and a 50 inch waste. That shit is fucking dead.
Lolbertarian autism strikes again!
I bet you read Milo and think we're all pretend racists
Communism = authoritarian
try again
I hate that faggot, nice try though.
It just is
Not the point, and you know it. There are only four ethnicities that belong in the UK. Welsh, English, Scottish, and Scots-Irish.
You realize we hate him because he's not a white nationalist/NatSoc, right? What exactly do you hate for? Being a faggot? Doesnt libertarianism teach you to be tolerant though?
does it not fit your narrative that I dislike Milo? I understand your frustration. Not all of us libertarians fit your mold.
I hate him because I find him annoying, he is just a troll trying to represent the "alt-right" and trying to get a reaction out of people. I usually like that when people attempt this IRL but I find his tactics annoying. I also dislike faggotry but that's not why I hate him. Nowhere does it say that a libertarian can't hate faggots. Nowhere does it say that a libertarian can't be racist. Nowhere does it say that a libertarian has to believe in one certain ideology. It's about free speech and freedom of expression.
He also worked as a clerk, and off of donations. He robbed banks to fund the Bolsheviks. The SA also committed crimes to further their cause.
Hitler remained in the army after the war, and worked to infiltrate the precursor to the NSDAP before becoming swayed by their views.
I guess if you're an autist who doesn't care about whites.
Yes, Hitler even worked as a government agent to stop anti-Jewish groups.
And nowhere in your ideology does it explicitly protect healthy families and their children from the homosexual propaganda. "Live and let live man, they're not hurting you"
And no where in your ideology does it explicitly protect my race from becoming a minority or assign preference to my race. Nowhere in your half-baked ideology does it explicitly mention blood and soil.
Then I'm a libertarian who believes in national socialism, fuck you.
Still waiting, faggot.
Creepy as it sounds, I think they get off on it in some way. If they had boys, they would be less likely to bring home niggers.
You do realize that we hate him first and foremost because he's a kike faggot and anything after that is just icing on the cake, right?
I hate him first and foremost because he's at best a civic cuck nationalist and worst a disgusting liberal faggot
Unlike Christians, for example.
Nor does it mention colonizing Russia, or starting a war with the rest of white Europe.
You're aware that the Germans were completely destroyed in terms of military production, correct? Third Reich policies didn't help them. Even Hitler had trouble dealing with the bureaucracy that he helped create.
And the current state of USA™ brand corporatism does? Does capitalism in its true form prevent this? Does socialism? Communism? etc…
You just keep bringing up shit that is based on moral principles usually prevalent in religions of philosophy. It's not an argument.
*religions or philosophy
Yes NatSoc does. Don't know why you brought up US corporatism as if I was advocating that, but go ahead and throw in useless buzzwords it sure makes you sound refined and intellectual
Typical libertarians spreading lies about the third Reich. Like usual.
I didn't imply that it advocated that, I implied that it allows it… Just look at the current state of things for fuck's sake.
Which buzzwords am I using btw?
So because his service during WW1 was before he was Chancellor, it is automatically nullified? How fucking stupid are you?
Let's not forget he built the National Socialist party which successfully pulled Germany from a severe depression and elevated them to the level of world power. He was even imprisoned in the 20s for trying to stage a coup of the Weimar Republic, but that still isn't "getting his hands dirty?"
Try harder faggot.
NatSoc allows for US style corporatism? What the fuck are you talking about?
No, you fucking idiot, it allows for homosexual propaganda, like the comment I responded to. Do you have ADHD? can you read?
It doesn't. And even if it did leave some room for homosecual propaganda, libertarianism leaves the door wide fucking open
can you even into context? You are like CNN or MSNBC. You realize the subject matter that we were talking about while I made that comment, right?
What's the context Shlomo? NatSoc doesn't sufficiently suppress homosexual propaganda so therefore libertinism? What is your point moishe
I never implied NatSoc allows homosexual activity, you are just spinning this shit to make me look like an idiot which is ridiculous because you can just scroll up to find out the truth.
I simply said that capitalism (corporatism in the US form) or any current version of a political ideology can and will accept homosexuals, except of course Islam for obvious reasons (sharia law).
Goddamn you are dull.
meant for
And what does that comment have anything to do about me and that other guy arguing about libertarianism vs NatSoc? If your point is that no modern ideology outright rejects homosexual propaganda then all I can say is that I reject modern political ideologies, including lolbergturdian shit
half german with mixed english irish ancestry
It's a reply to your comment, I could care less if it strikes close to home or not, or whether you agree with it. Calm down.
Good for you then. Maybe you should join ISIS, they hate faggots.
There is no principle in libertarianism that accepts faggots. Saying that all libertarians love faggots is like saying all capitalists love faggots. It has no meaning, that is my point.
t. wants one indistinguishable white race
You're right, that does sound creepy.
Notice I said "rejecting homosexual propaganda" in every single one of my posts. Nowhere did I say I hate gays or want them to be chucked off roofs. I'm fine with the putin treatment. Ban the propaganda. Don't let these degenerates teach transsexualism to children
Good on you for twisting my words though, and probably intentionally too, you lying lolberg kike
And yet there is nothing stopping a kike from sneaking his way onto the school board and injecting transexual propaganda into the curriculum. What can I do to stop that, especially if my fellow parents are brainwashed from kike media exposure and I'm the only one opposed?
Libertarianism is a fucking joke. I might take libertarians if they were actually committed to a white ethnostate, but their not. So fuck em
Name just fucking one. I already asked lolbergs to cite just one prominent lolberg author who describes the mechanisms by which libertarianism preserves the white race and none has given me an answer yet
If you just know people in real life that are "libertarians" but want to protect the white race, that's simply because they're not libertarians but more akin to paleoconservatives
Hans-Hermann Hoppe
Homosexual propaganda and allowance of homosexual activity go hand in hand, I wasn't trying to twist your words, you delusional faggot.
This shit is currently going on in liberal colleges in a "capitalist" governed country (the USA). It is also happening in Europe, Australia and Canada. What is your point? I'm not trying to prove that libertarianism is an end to kikery, i'm just saying it might lead to a start.
"Libertarians" is a funny word. It's not an exact spot on the political compass, it's just at the bottom. There are libertarians on the left and libertarians on the right, just like there are authoritarians on the left and right. Stop treating it like an exact category.
Go away gamergoy
I said cite him, show me the book or video or article wherein he defends the white ethno-state and details how libertarianism preserves the white ethno-state.
No it doesn't and that's not what you were resisting my words over. You were implying that I hate gays like ISIS and want them thrown off roofs.
You just cant fucking stop lying
Gary Johnson is a KIKE
Twisting my words over*
Nope, just a good libertarian shabbos goy doing their bidding, probably unwittingly too
Jesus Haych Christ, calm down kid.
"BTFO" by what? You didn't respond to any subject matter, other than tha gay ISIS thing.
I'm not trying to be a dick here, but it seems like you are obsessed with the homosexual aspects of the comments I am making and completely disavow everything else. I'm not going to say it…
As much as Holla Forums hates to admit it, PR is very important when wanting power over a country.
If Donald Trump was to say "Gas the kikes, race war now!" today, he would immediately race.
From "Democracy: The God That Failed: The Economics and Politics of Monarchy, Democracy and Natural Order":
"There would be little or no ‘tolerance’ and ‘openmindedness’ so dear to left-libertarians. Instead, one would be on the right path toward restoring the freedom of association and exclusion implied in the institution of private property"
"[towns and villages could have warning signs saying] no beggars, bums, or homeless, but also no homosexuals, drug users, Jews, Moslems, Germans, or Zulus"
"In a covenant concluded among proprietor and community tenants for the purpose of protecting their private property, no such thing as a right to free (unlimited) speech exists, not even to unlimited speech on one's own tenant-property. One may say innumerable things and promote almost any idea under the sun, but naturally no one is permitted to advocate ideas contrary to the very purpose of the covenant of preserving and protecting private property, such as democracy and communism. There can be no tolerance toward democrats and communists in a libertarian social order. They will have to be physically separated and expelled from society. Likewise, in a covenant founded for the purpose of protecting family and kin, there can be no tolerance toward those habitually promoting lifestyles incompatible with this goal. They – the advocates of alternative, non-family and kin-centered lifestyles such as, for instance, individual hedonism, parasitism, nature-environment worship, homosexuality, or communism – will have to be physically removed from society, too, if one is to maintain a libertarian order."
*lose the race
You're the one that latched onto homosexuality and ignored my other points, as anyone in This thread can see the first time I brought up homosexuality ( ) it was brought up along with 2 other points but you ignored the others and started saying I should join Isis because you have no other argument
Like I said, you can't fucking stop lying. It's absolutely pathetic
I don't care if you're gay bro, I know plenty of gay guys, i'm not friends with them though. I support your efforts.
Not disagreeing but I'm not Donald Trump. I'm an user on Holla Forums image board, I'm not going to not advocate for NatSoc here.
You're completely out of arguments and can't lie anymore, sad. Go back to whatever hole you crawled out from
It's okay to admit you're gay in the current year. We will accept you m8.
I agree too, I meant my original statement to be about when talking to general public about your views.
pick one
Yeah, just there to team up on Trump and allow Hilary to sneak off for poop breaks
Hoppe Libertarianism
"It is written in the libertarian doctrine that all shall pass over the borders" - quote that never happened
I agree that nationalism is not something that would come naturally to libertarianism but it isn't a fairy tale. Denying anti-liberal people into a libertarian country would be acceptable.
t libertarian
I agree.
Look how lizard like he is.
That image is a nightmare come true.
2016 is incredible.
Who thought that pic was a good idea?
What the fuck was he thinking?
This is an internet meme create by the computer inept.
Kill me.
Jacobs Ladder
I was pointing out the stupidity of this graphic that someone was dumb enough to post.
Show me how he would be the Leader when he was doing manual labor.
Not by appointing Ribbentrop as Reich Minister for Foreign Affairs he didn't.
This is what 30000 will buy you when you pay people to make memes for you…
Lolbergs are like commies
"Just so you know, just so you know so you don't have to use that term."
Condescending stupid mother fucker.
What a fucking sperg.
some fucking faggot already posted the mp4 in a duplicate thread
And you can tell it was forced from that little quick breath he takes before going full retard. Not allowing someone to use a word doesn't sound very libertarian to me.
johnstein is the cuck who keeps on giving. he is doing his job and pulling bernouts from Trump unfortunately.
What a faggot
He isn't a fucking libertarian.
Read Hoppe, you dumb fuck.
Even (((Rothbard))) knew open borders were retarded.
He’s going to lose enough support after this that he has zero chance of being in the debates.
true gommunism has never been tried either ;^)
All bluster, no action. That's reason enough to avoid lolbertarianism.
I want to kiss those lips.
Just once, then I can die happy.
inb4 the commentator is a "don't step on snek" lolberg
The libertarian party is not a representation of libertarian philosophy.
They are more close to classical liberals than libertarians.
Libertarian Immigration:
The immigration issue seems to be somewhat of a divide within libertarianism, with two seemingly conflicting views on how to deal with population growth through immigration.
On the one hand, it is not possible as a libertarian to support a regulated immigration policy, since government itself is never legitimate. This is the somewhat classical libertarian standpoint on immigration: open borders.
In a world order based on natural rights, this would be true.
On the other hand, the theory of natural rights and, especially, private property rights tells us anyone could move anywhere — but they need first to purchase their own piece of land on which to live or obtain necessary permission from the owner. Otherwise immigration becomes a violation of property rights, a trespass. This is an interpretation of a libertarian-principled immigration policy presented by Hans-Hermann Hoppe a few years ago, which since then has gained increasing recognition and support.
Since all property must be owned and created by the individual, government cannot own property. Furthermore, the property currently in government control was once stolen from individuals — and should be returned the second the state is abolished since property rights are absolute. There is consequently no unowned land to be homesteaded in the Western world, and so "open borders" is in essence a meaningless concept.
Both sides in this debate, the anti-government-policy as well as the pro-private-property, somehow fail to realize there is no real contradiction in their views.
The anti-government-policy immigration standpoint (or, the open borders argument) and the pro-private-property ditto are two sides of a coin; their respective proponents have simply fallen prey to the devil in the details.
it's a trap
1. Does he have a twitter?
2. Has anyone started asking him questions about "illegal immigrants?"
Proof or fuck off.
that's a double-negative.
You're probably one of the biggest retards I've come across on this board. Thanks for the laughs.
You're the second biggest retard. You do realize that your way of doing things is very inefficient and will have horrific unseen costs to society, right? But because those costs aren't coming directly in the form of taxation you think it's fine, because you can't see past your own nose. No I'm not calling you a jew
im italian. does that count?
i hope i dont get killed by either side in the upcoming racewar
Not proof.
He is only the nominee for he Libertarian Party, he doesn't speak for all Libertarians!
Can we share this on Faceshill?
Because he is polling at 7%. This could cause Democrats to vote more his way drawing votes from Shillary (Just mention his pot position. They love that.)
Conversely it could draw Republican votes away from him and back towards Trump for obvious reasons.
This is why I quit being a Lolbertarian in college.
Imagine the polls if this makes the news cycle.
Google images.
Only one of 4 siblings that isn't blond hair/blue eyed, don't worry my nips are still pink though.
This guy needs to lay off the weed. What a fucking stain. Sad!
hwhite man here
Actually he spit in all the pseudo-libertarian stoner faces when he proudly announced he was quitting the stuff to keep his mind sharp for the election, implying marijuana makes you stupid and lazy. Don't disagree but there you go
deleted :(
If you're older than 18 and a libertarian you're a failure.
I can't believe I voted for this guy in 2012 as a protest vote. Fuck this faggot so much. I have soooo many faggots in my kikebook feed too. Fuck this guy.
vid related
liberarian cringe
B-but dont you understand the political compass OP?
Are you not even trying?!
Wanna see what vp8 looks like?
That comic is right though. Having a one world government would solve everything.
mfw my dad will probably vote for this autist
look at this faggot.
Funniest part is that he'll get 0% of the latino vote.
Funniest part about cuckservatives is that no matter how much they try to embody the values of liberals, when liberals talk about them they'll always be retarded biblethumping Hitler. Than when they talk about us we're Hitler in a suit and tie with a genius IQ.
Funniest part about liberals is that no matter how much they bend over for the assorted muds in the world to show how generous they are, they'll never get the pussy they think they will for holding those positions and Tyrone, Achmed, and Pablo will be fucking their women.
Why are our enemies all such pathetic loser faggots?
descended from William Bradford himself
Fuck, the johnstein shills are worse than CTR. Is there any libertarian who isn't a raging autist?
No, lolbertardians are people that realize our government is fucked, but think the solution is to get rid of government rather than fix the problems.
Someone ask Johnson why Mexico is poor.
libertarianism and autism go hand and hand.
autistic minds think "rules like this would work perfectly for me" so they think it is a perfect system for the world. they fail to make the connection that some (most) people on earth don't have the same thoughts/motivations/behaviors as they do, which completely screws up the libertarian society.
[spoiler]sorry, my non-autistic libertarian friends, but that is definitely how I see it.
PS if you write a huge essay explaining why I'm wrong because I oversimplified everything, then you are just proving your autism :^) [/spoiler]
100% white German American here.
Had family that fought on both sides of the war.
nice trips
he'd probably say mexico is poor because white americans are so racist
You can say this about literally any ideology retard, it just matters if you exterminate the people who think otherwise
While we're on the topic of 3rd party candidates what's up with cucks like Ric Wilson pushing that literally who Evan McMullin? You think they'd be shilling Johnson.
They want to LARP while being special snowflakes.
Keep it up, Shlomo. I'm sure your anecdotes are going to shift reality.
The Constitution is a useful document as long as it is protecting our right to own AR-15's and deny the Holohoax.
Nonetheless, it's immensely flawed – which is to be expected from a 300-year-old document written by people who never could have envisioned that the country they were establishing would soon be 60% white and shipping in shitskins by the truckload.
The Constitution needs to be either scrapped and re-written, or amended to make it clear that the term "American" is analogous to an ethnic European who likes his guns and burgers.
What a fucking clown.
He so desperately wants to be a liberal cat-lady yet it so obvious that he is just a pale imitation of the real thing.
Great job.
You should be quiet and go easy on the sauce lest you turn other lurkers away from your brain-dead, idealistic-to-a-fault ideology.
Goofy Gary strikes again.
Any libertarian should feel completely and totally embarrassed to have this idiot representing their ideology to the normies.
Keked and Checked
Cat still did better than the average Indian
Why do you think we bait these dumbass lolbergs with these threads. They can only show how stupid they and their ideology is when they reply
White Mutt reporting in. Hardy ever post. Mostly English and Irish, then German, and Spanish.
Way to prove that lolbergs are autistic libshits in more ways than 1.
She looks like a psycho who will cut you in your sleep.
No fucking shit youre on CNN and running for president what did you think you would be talking about?
Gary Johnson is a liberal LARPing as a libertarian, LARPing as a presidential candidate.
How can she have such an disproportional face that would look horrible on anyone else yet it looks so adorable on her ?
This will fit well into my 'losers' folder.
That sounds great and all, but if you instituted this first we still have lots of illegals and so on already in the country. All this would allow is for towns or counties to have exclusive membership, rather than HUD chasing down the last white person with section 8. Consider birthrates and it's still white genocide. When can you look at some county filled with illegals and declare it yours as well in this?
Okay. I choose you!
George Soros!
Once in college I got really drunk, and dreamed I was taking a shit in the woods. Woke up in the middle of peeing and shitting on my floor
I had my dick out ready to take a piss but came to my sense that I was standing in some corner in my room.
I can't believe in this day and age Republicans still fall for Libertarianism. I had to redpill a few of my GOP friends because they were leaning towards it.
Now they realize the party is just a bunch of fucking open borders Communists, I'm hoping the word spreads from the seeds I've planted.
why don't these self-named pagans react to proofs that Christianity, contrary to contemporary Christendom, is actually redpilled as hell? have they ever read the books?
Reminder that an unemployed Mexican and her 8 kids on welfare are not "Undocumented workers".
Even if you don't go all in for Austrian school economics, arguments like that really make you think, amirite.