Just got banned on gab.ai for discussing pedophilia, I wasn't even violating any rules, freedom of speech my ass tbh, bunch of hypocrites.
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what did you say to get banned?
any stories?
post pics.
Thanks for the heads up, all these "free speech BUT" sites are pissing me off, Holla Forums included.
I don't have any pictures, I just said that I was pedophile and I was willing to discuss this subject with anyone that was willing to and help bridge the gap between the two groups of people. After getting bombarded with posts telling me to kill myself, which was admittedly expected and some legit questions I tried to answer, I went to sleep, just to wake up and not be able to log back into my account. I don't know what exactly triggered the admin there to the extent, that I got banned. I was trying to be as respectful as humanly possible, while the community was trying to do the opposite.
Freedom of speech exists only so you can make fun of people and say racist things without consequence. The fact that you thought it was for anything else is laughable.
People don't want to talk about controversial things. They just want validation about the contreversial things they feel.
It's an inevitable echo-chamber. That's just how humans work.
Partially correct. Free speech also only protects you from getting arrested for what you say, write, etc. But a private company or group has all the right to tell you what you can and cannot talk about while using their service/site/etc. Does it make it right? No. Is it covered by free speech? Also no.
I was referring to communities that claim they're all for free speech. Or when someone makes a place specifically for free speech and then erase anything they disagree with.
i.e. any community that breaks away from something in order to not be censored. They end up becoming the censorers themselves.
A more accurate bio for Gab's twitter account
Ah, that makes more sense.
The double trips of truth, about how gab.ai are hypocrites!
It seems every age has its boogeyman. Nowadays it's open season on pedos. Don't expect things to get better in our lifetimes, because it takes the death of a generation for the zeitgeist to change.
As for me, let me virtue-signal that I have a live and let live mentality. I judge people based on their actions (especially towards me), not their tastes, preferences, fantasies or what they fap to in private.
Free speech is a meme. They ban anyone who isn't conservative, pretty sure they even ban natsocs, like the other guy said free speech just means you can say what everyone else hates for the sake of saying it.
Make your own "free speech" site then.
You're inciting criminal activity which is not covered by free speech.
being attracted to children is not a crime.
kill yourself.
this, over 98% of child abusers are non pedos
If only the attraction was the only problem with pedoniggers.
the people you have a problem with are child molesters. the attraction itself is not a problem, only molestation.
It isn't a problem? Ok, would you trust your child to be in the care of a self-admitted pedophile, then?
Would you trust your lovely 11 year old daughter at the hands of a 35 year old who believes "love" between an adult and an 11 year old is only natural, and anyone who disagrees is a shill?
If you do, you're probably a lot more open minded than I am.
That's not open-minded, that's removing the top of your skull minded.
OP was actually rather vague on what was being discuss; he simply said "got banned on gab.ai for discussing pedophilia", which could mean he said "it's ok to fuck children", or it could've been a discussion on pedophilia and, sa, how to prevent it. Unless the op wants to clear it up… well, we won't know.
Nobody wants to "discuss" pedophilia, unless they're for it. The rest of us are just against that shit.
Why do I think the discussion went down somewhat like that?
are you sure you're just not capable of defending your position?
most people who are unwaveringly sure of their position are also capable and eager to convince others that their opinion is correct.
… Jesus I'm a moron. Dunno how I missed that.
Then again, it's for in the morning for me so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I suppose that's a fair point; then again, in my time on the internet, I've seen some odd conversations around pedophilia that weren't promoting/defending it. People are weird.
Daily reminder that gabbai is a Hebrew word for a synagogue worker.
You know, we could always speed up that process by genociding the fuck out of them. Food for thought.
Land of the free, everyone.
Why would you use any social media besides galaxy?
A thought occurred to me just now. Why don't you dox the gab.ai moderators and owners? If they take away your soapbox, you're justified in resorting to the ammo box. TBH the same thing should be done to power tripping halfchan-tier mods here as well, and on boards like Holla Forums and Holla Forums. I don't know much about Holla Forums mods but I wouldn't be surprised if /r/the_donald had some of their mods on Holla Forums as well, or people who know them. Same thing goes for Holla Forums and /r/socialism. The influx of Redditors to Holla Forums seems engineered to push out the original, freedom-loving board culture and replace it with whiny, chronically triggered normalfaggots, so I think that's a good place to start if you're into that sort of thing. Really though, /r/t_d and /r/socialism mods should be doxed anyway out of pure principle.