Hillary threaten to go to war with Russia over "cyber attacks" like the DNC hackings

Hillary: Russia's hacked into a lot of things…as President, I will make it clear, that the United States will be ready with serious…military responses."


Isn't this great? She keeps making these kinds of statements towards Russia, and the media doesn't seem to have a problem with it at all.

Other urls found in this thread:


This cunt needs to burn.

Warmongering bitch.

She needs to burn alive, horribly.

This cunt is basically declaring war on Russia and she hasn't even won the election yet.

Its literally at this point:

Clinton: War with Russia

Trump: Friends with Russia


If we go to war with Russia, the only one's who will live through it will be the globalists, and they will have a hell of a time surviving.

Maybe the entire planet will be uninhabitable.

This is what Hillary brings, the Angel of Death.

As a American this is just getting ridiculously embarrassing.

They are using the republicans red scare from like the 80s that they always fucked with republicans about using.

Christ, she's scary.

Translation: Those big bad ruskies made me feel bad by allegedly exposing my mistakes. When I get my big girl chair theyre going to pay.

America will run off of what Clinton feels and I feel like were fucked.

Reminder to painting Hillary as a crazed conspiracy theorist to blue-pilled cattle.

I always thought a good label for her is Frightened Hillary. It makes her look weak and irrationally scared of the Trump boogeymen.

the DOTR is close I can almost taste it


Thanks, I've been looking for this video.

No problem,satan

was wondering what music/sound clips could go with it since who ever made it didn't add anything. Maybe just her talking about these things.

Russia just wants friendship




Why are liberals voting for this woman? Wasn't the sole reason they voted for Obama in the first place was because Bush, McCain and Romney were war mongers.


pic related should be clinton, as a real traitor deserves a firing squad or to burn at a pyre.

They voted for Obama because he was a nigger

That too, but in the debates Obama painted the republicans war mongering hawks. Hillary cannot paint Donald like that.

But she'll play the 'racist' card as usual.

That bitch and her fellow travelers weaseled out of the debate with Trump and Im supposed to believe she has the intestinal fortitude ;^) for a war wih Russia

And Trump will parry and counterattack, he knows how to play ball. It will not work on him.




It is a very well written petition with many supporting links.

Thanks very much for your help. Please share this wherever you can.

The Liberal mind

Well this is it lads, WW3 with Russia for Jewish Global Interests.

do they find evidence that pointed to the Russians, or is this still speculation?


Damn, didn't think they'd go full steam ahead with the war narrative just yet. Figured (((they))) need a bit more time to establish more "plot" to it first.

But at least it further proves that Hillary is the civilization-ending WWIII candidate.

I've yet to see anything to suggest it's beyond intentional propaganda. That's what makes it obvious this is setting up for war. They could have as easily blamed a Trump supporter causing shit, but instead they're going for Russia.

there's literally nothing

Careful now, Hillary.

and by nothing i mean in all likeliness it was leaked by someone on the inside and no hacking was involved



Her MO is to accuse her enemies of what she is doing.

Frightened Hillary is similar to the "phobic" buzzword libtards use to trivialize genuine fact-based concern with playground chants of "scaredy cat".

Hysterical Hillary sounds better IMO even if libs play the "hysterical woman = soggy knees" angle which they're going to play with everything anyways. See: "questioning Hillary's health = sexism" I shit you not, they really did push that angle.

Tinfoil Hillary would be best though since the public already had a conditioned reaction to dismiss anything labeled "conspiracy theory". He claims sound stupid enough that the Tinfoil label works & it works well.

Rovian Projection. The gamergays are well-acquainted with it.


Is it just me, or does she look seriously unkind?

It was pretty funny to see them criticizing Trump's physician last week, as they questioned Donald's own health.

I find it unsettling when any woman makes declarations of war and military action.


She looks like she is ready to give America a Great Leap Forward

Let me get this straight;

She used an 'illegal' personal email address and/or server to send/receive work related emails with information such as confidential state security and foreign affairs information, which probably led to the death of people?

Due to the USA's own laws the encryption of those emails is forcefully kept at an outdated and dangerously low encryption level. Laws which she has never publicly challenged?

She blames the Russians even though North Korea, China and other countries have a vested interest in hacking American intel and have successfully done so in the past?

Rather than upgrade, fortify and change the rules/laws/protocols to clamp down and secure the privacy and security of emails in the USA she wants to instead threaten to start what would be a multi-trillion dollar war against Russia? Potentially dragging the whole world into WW3 and costing countless lives. Whilst leaving the level of internet security in the USA the same as it is now?

She thinks she speaks with the interests of the American people at heart and that her threats are not just part of her growing, apparent, mental health issues, paranoia and to satisfy her own narcissistic ego?

Please tell me I have it all wrong, other wise we are awake in a living nightmare where delusional hillary the sociopath could potentially get to power.

That's Hillary wrapped up in a nice little corrupt, easy to swallow package.

If she gets into power, watch this bitch like a hawk. The slightest rustling of Putin's jimmies is enough to get your family and tin food in that station wagon and punch the pedal until you reach innawoods.

Make sure your happening bunker is stocked up on non-perishable food and water and a good supply of tunes.

Why is she promoting war?
Doesn't she know that Democrat base is mostly pacifistic.
This would maybe work with Republicans, but Democrats are filled with former hippies.

She is basically destroying her own base, while getting only the minority of disgruntled Republican neo-cohens and evangelicals.
Nothing that this woman does is logical. I would rather see Bernie to put up a real fight than this demented witch.
I think that the Don is also a bit bored with how easy this bitch is lying down.

She's trying to act all tough and virile like all female politicians and business executives.

Few things are as grotesque and obnoxious as a stronk womyn trying to act tough.

The "Democratic base" is mentally retarded and focuses almost solely on so-called social issues.

They don't care, user. Many Hillary supporters still believe we're in the middle of the Iraq War and have no idea what Hillary and Obama have done in Syria and Libya.

She has done more to undermine the nations security than the Russians ever have.

It was shocking years ago revelations that US letter agencies not only hide things from the congress or the executive branch but even work against each other.

As for Trump, I wonder if he has been listening to Michael Scheuer, a former CIA who was head of the Bin Laden unit on how the CIA should be handled. This seems like something he would suggest.

I honesty, the FBI seems a bit more less pozzed and more competent than the CIA and even the NSA (look at what happened to their chiefs) which has all these ziosaudi shills.

Political Correctness ends on the 17th January 2017

Thread about this on jewsplus.

She'll start WWIII just because some 1337 hax0rz threw some sand in her vagina.


I keep hearing this in my head when I watch this.


i was not aware of this, there will be no live debates?

And America didn't?

Well the American people literally have no control over any 3 letter agencies besides going DOTR guns blazing and destroy half the country. WE DINDU NUFFIN


this is incorrect, democrats arent pacifists, they just want the war to be "on the right side of history"
so if clinton paints putin as hitler, its their job as social justice warriors to ensure he becomes the history they defeated.

Neither do the Russian people.

But hey, who will be there on the battlefield?


This is true, Slick Willy and his wife bombed the Serbs in 1999 despite security council telling them to fuck off, they openly supported, armed and trained albanian terrorists in Kosovo (proto ISIS), invaded the province and made Bondsteel base on a soil of a sovereign country without that countries approval, and in 2008 took 15% of Serbia's territory and declared it an independent state, one step closer to creating Greater Albania.

why does she have the same mannerisms as obama?


MKULTRA is a bitch

anyway you can add music in this linked

What a stronk and independant womyn!

Holy fuck she looks awful.





Glad I'm not the only one who picked up on this.

Kinda like Reagan's UN speech.


How will "cyber attacks" be defined.
Will there be a US vs Russia war over enlarge your penis spam?

Straight from the cfr?

Oh yes she can! She has most of the media at her disposal, after all.

Has she not been paying attention lately?

Putin's not a fucking idiot. If he's publicly saying this to reporters, you know he's got countries on speed dial ready to support him if need be. This dumb cunt has no idea what she's asking for.

Part of me hopes she succeeds.

This. It would be a bloodbath. Putin has no problem using tactical nuclear weapona. It would escalate very quickly. China would get involved in the Pacific, Iran and Syria in middle east. Of course, we'd have the same allies 3 wars in a row.

She has crossed the rubicon. Trump must win.

Aren't there agreements put into place that if one country fires nukes, the other immediately retaliates?

We'll get to find out whether the US and Russia were bluffing or not when it comes to their anti nuke devices.

seriously what the absolute fuck are the US "officials" doing with those sketchy as fuck "ballistic missile defense systems" that fire "non nuclear ballistics" as a counterattack right on Russia's border, and why the ABSOLUTE FUCK would they transfer the Turkey nukes to the SAME FUCKING PLACE and think nobody would get rustled

It certainly has Putin worried, which makes me think maybe they are real.

It's very simple user. They're still living in 1950's and don't seem to realize the rest of the world is able to learn in a heartbeat what's going on.

oh and in case this one got memoryholed, those US anti nuke defense systems are also hidden in such a manner that foreign govt's aka putin has no fucking clue what they are actually loading into the launchers, as he elucidated a fee heads of state in the EU last month

It's how you know her "thoughts" are not (((her own))).

It's tactic number one of Jews: project what you are doing into a boogeyman; all Jews are on-board so the whole media starts shouting it, and then you stampede goyim off against him. When one is totally cucked by Jews, you project just like they do.


Wants to Establish an old Empire – like Greater Israel

Is responsible for a military buildup and is pushing for WW2– like the Jews in DC and the media responsible for the NATO buildup and war agitation

Is involved in massive financial corruption – like kikery everywhere

Is going to hack the machines and steal the election – like the Jews are planning to do and have already done if you count what they did to Sanders.

She's on a crusade and just knows she's right and muh vagina. She's a woman so she has no idea how she's been influenced. But boy does she know she's right.


Don't let it happen America.





Checked and bumped.

they aren't. well over half of them are going to Stein and that dudeweedlmao memequeen whose name I can't remember. that's not even accounting for all the ones staying home because Bernie lost.

Almost every person I know believes Trump is a warmongering idiot enslaved to his emotions. Every liberal I know is voting for Hillary because they think she's the peace candidate, because Democrats are the peace party and Republicans are the BLOOD FOR OIL party.

you wouldn't happen to be in college would you?

Have you tried to sway them into thinking otherwise? There is so much evidence in even the MSM that shows she is a war-monger while Trump has said otherwise.

No, these are middle-aged people who watch Maddow and Colbert. The possibility that Russia is going to steal the election is a major concern.

Yes, their response to that sort of thing is to eject from the conversation immediately or wander over to "Trump is going to ban abortion and I have to defend women's rights." Lately all my liberal friends are on edge when I'm around and they try really hard to avoid talking about politics at all, which I guess is a step in the right direction. It's good that they feel uncomfortable when they think about bringing up fag marriage or how cool white genocide is.

I dont believe anything you've said.

I'm not surprised. Leftists always turn and run when they cannot hold their ground on issues.

You should remind them that Trump is leaving that up to the states and that they should take it up with their state if they feel strongly about it. I can bet they haven't or even vote at the state level.

bump, this is a big deal


Banks love her!
Everytime a leftist friend of mine complains about banks I start making parallels with pre WW2 germany and how they had similar problems up until they drove them out.

A vote for Clinton is a vote for literal voluntary human extinction.

This election is between le insensitive orange hair man and the end of the fucking earth.


It's better to die as a tolerant human being than to live as a racist.

Rules were changed in 2015, accessing secured (read, stuff that anyone can shoulder surf on but is still coming into your government account) email from a device you do not have positive control on is now jail time. Accessing +.1 secure material (various agencies have created markings that do not follow the standard public, classified, secret, top secret classification) is now to default to the previous classifications and not agency created.

Security is still fucking awful, but hey at least they tidied up the org charts, ahead of, oh no wait that was after the OPM breach and sharepoints and contractors. Okay so actually its done long after anything of matter was revealed, but hey at least we have small, medium, and big peices of rubble now instead of having to call some pebbles, others gravel, that's a rock, this is a stone, and that's boulder. Oh and if you look over there you can see what is tied to a politician's leg prior to the finishing touches.

Pretty much. Any any jerkoff can route traffic through russia with tor or a VPN, so under a Clinton administration literally any script kiddie can cause WW3 for the lulz.

Dubs confirm she'll burn.

She hasn't even served a term in office and she already looks tired. Look at what 8 years in the oval office has done to King Nigger. Hopefully, when she faces off with Trump, he will totally drain her and she will just drop dead.


There's nothing angelic about that cunt.

Just another trail of blood she will leave.
With russia, it will be rivers of blood.


Trump has already had a heart attack, he'll die in office. Should be entertaining seeing that happen, the heart of the heart of America goes out on this night.

Killary has already suffered a massive head wound and can barely stand without assistance. Just the inauguration alone will put her in the morgue. I'm sure he has a good medical team monitoring his condition. It's probably the best team there is, absolute experts. He has been traveling the country non-stop campaigning while (((she))) has been nearly reclusive. I hate to burst your bubble, but the man is unstoppable.

This is very good

Now you can literally play both sides and request for paper ballots only.

Didn't expect Hillary to just announce something like this.

He's also positive for literally everything according to those guys.
You're voting for AIDs here.
And yes I agree on Hillary, but concussions heal regularly, heart attacks only get worse and more frequent after the first.
Unless Trump pulls a Cheney and subsists on the hearts of young boys, he will die in office far more assuredly than Hillary suffers massive traumatic brain trauma.


wtf I hate trump now

Oh shit, now I'm #mentallyHill.

Thanks for Correcting the Record!


Sorry, Shlomo, you're still wrong.

If you follow the man for the man, then you can only fail him.
If you follow the ideal, then you must fulfill it yourself.

You can also tell me what is so fucking great about Missouri. More important than the more populous states or bigger swong states like Florida.


s-she wants to actually w-world war 3?! D:

Anyone of Trumps age who gets to fuck a young model every night without heart complications is classed a very healthy by any stretch.

Not at her age. And she admitted to not being able to remember shit due to the concussion, considerable time after the concussion, to the FBI in official legal proceedings.

She's also an idiot that clicks on random porn links and doesn't know what "C" stands for.

So does your father, mother, and siblings looking for warez.
You're acting like this is a shocking and new thing, I'd be more worried if she didn't.

So he's giving them AIDs then?
Does he enjoy taking a wire brush for his chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis?
And further, constant fucking is hedonistic degeneracy, something he should be against.

Do you have a single fact to back any of your drivel up?

Do you have anything to back up Trump building the wall and deporting everyone and keeping them out?
No touchback, no use of natural features, beyond Operation Wetback, no care for illegals trying to use their American citizen baby to getin.

Yeah - but not on a work machine. And especially not if you work for the government. You could get in shit for browsing titties on the taxpayer's dime - unless apparently your name is Clinton. Some police where I live recently lost their jobs over it.

You realize ESPN and prn are very commonly used on work computers?
As you just pointed.
Its a reason to fire an asshole, but not something to do so on its own, particularly when the server logs show everyone are made evidence, and the daughter cases start up.

lol what a conspiracytheorist, right guise?

I always did think the hostility againt Russia was still about the gays and muh Ukraine was just distraction

Are you ready for nuclear war because Putin won't allow faggots to showcase their dildo collection in the streets, goyim?

Don't let her become a president.


t. Aussie

Why is this being slid and not stickied? This is fucking huge

I am worried that she will win……I hope she die before she wins so she will never start a war that can kill everyone.

Fuck. Could this be the greatest double think of our era?

Trump didn't give a name. He should have said one rather than try and insinuate.

Why isnt this stickied?


Are everyone prepped?

Women will never be men, no matter how badly they want to be. Hillary doesn't understand this.

She knows she is not fit to be president. She knows this damn well. Plagued by various health issues, knowing she wouldl be an incompetent president, she pushes on regardless. Why? Because she is a selfish, manipulative bitch who knows that her health will have declined so far as to be undeniable in later elections.

Hillary isn't a SJW.

I'm sure she knows she's unfit for presidency.