Blocks your path

wat do?



one dollar is a bore
I'd prefer a lot more

is he actually a jew? Fuck I hate how even the redpills are getting bluepilled

yes. he had some talk where he said his mother was juden or something to that effect. he's a jude. it's some webm that was posted here.

His mother is Jewish, but apparently he grew up Christian like his father.

I want to say he's good. When he interviewed that jew from Israel he was pretty hard on him. Basically told him it's not right for the Jewish people to promote open borders in the west when the Israelis won't do it themselves.

i understand that. but it's such a lowbrow move considering there are better arguments than "but you do it" to the yid.

yea i looked at both its quite interesting.

Hes redpilled quite a few people which makes him good I guess and I'm watching shitton of his content and thinking about buying his book.
I'm just wondering how the west is supposed to solve all this jewery

Do people really non-ironically do this shit?

Anarcho-Capitalism is a jewish conspiracy, not communism.

Elitist Rich Jews: "I like this!"