On this evenings show, Maddow tries to deliver a message to anti-immigration viewers in response to Trump's legendary immigration speech.
The message backfires, and now we have a new spokeswoman!
On this evenings show, Maddow tries to deliver a message to anti-immigration viewers in response to Trump's legendary immigration speech.
The message backfires, and now we have a new spokeswoman!
Other urls found in this thread:
Why are you watching this ugly ass tranny?
You're too obvious with this shit kampfy. Nobody wants anything to do with that dyke. I would report, but yunno.
Holy shit…why are kikes allowed to rip on Catholics like this but based Mel gets ousted?
It's already been established the maddow poster is the real maddow and everything she says is ironic and she means the opposite
What's that nasty shit on her lip?
The current supreme court is five catholics, used to be six, and three jews. The dominant religion in the country is protestant. Go ahead and read some supreme court opinions. Don't you think they were right to be concerned?
Holy shit, dude.
We got some Ted Cruz shit here.
It starts on her upper lip, and ends on her lower lip, and then she swallows it!
Fucking microscope Pepe!
Kek wills it!
inb4 rach poster
toppest kek, Mr. Bond this is a real find.
Catholics confirmed for filthy aliens
I'm waiting for the rach poster
I've been telling you guys about this for months now. A 4chon tripfag turned Holla Forums avatarfag is single-handedly memeing Rach Wing Death Squads into existence with heavy-handed satire right here on this very board.
Was she talking about the kiked-out Know Nothings?
I agree with the nu-male. Papists are awful. Just look at how they vote. Look at their Argentinian King, and his Muslim foot-fetish. Look at their ritualistic cannibalism. Look at their idolatry.
They have to go back.
Kill yourself, imkampfy
The heresy that they can just on a whim call on Christ to eat his flesh and drink his blood.
God that Maddow woman is ugly.
What she fails to recognize, is that illegal immigration costs the federal government millions each year. No sympathy from me. Seems like the media's pulling every last straw they can but all of them seem pretty short.
Does this mean that the Rachposter was really Rachel Maddow all along? You redpilled her, Holla Forums!
Heil Rachel!
never post this cunt again on this board, shitdick
Just made me think of the winnie the pooh thing but instead of communist propaganda tigger says "that is rachposter propaganda" tho it sounded funnier in my head.
She keeps trying to get that cruz crud off her lip jut it just wont go away.
Maddow appeals to half-witted reason of the irretrievably emotional.
Like all (((feminists))), she has destroyed many women's lives in the name of freeing them.
every american christian is a protestant, anything else is heretical.
kill yourself, learningkike
So is the whole "Hibernian Conspiracy" shit Holla Forums made up easily rooted in Judism
You know the emotion she puts in is real. :^)
Because Mel Gibson isn't a (((G-d's Chosen Person)))
Honestly, this coincidence shit scares me sometimes.
Fucking Catholics
I've got some news for you, user….
I can't click on that shit and look at her soulless eyes. I paused it at the right moment but I am not going to make a screenshot of that.
I already feel sick for having ratoeatsasnack.mp4 on my drive.
Gets the whigs, boys.
Pope "Jorge" Francis is not my pope. He is a false catholic and probably a jew as well. Holy war not holy peace, ok?
not sure it's you (didn't imkampfy die or something?) but just to be sure
Well he's not wrong. We should have never let those filthy fucking Roman Catholicucks in.
I'm reporting that I checked these dubs. Praise HIM.
No, son, you say
it shuts her up quicker.
Pick both
Native American Party was a kike movement. classic schlomo divide-and-conquer. op is a faggot
good goy godda keep them occupied fighting with the old protestant vs catholic thing
Well now I know what her voice sounds like. Fuck.
It replays, the two-party system, trump vs. degeneracy.
Luther was right! Burn the Synagogues and the Cathedrals
Cathlicucks and greasy pin headed italians played a huge role in destroying this country and everybody who was opposed to their immigration has been vindicated.
Luther divided Christianity into the mess that is today, if Luther never went against the church, Christianity wouldn't never be in this modernist situation today.
They're fucking Siberians mixed with Europeans, they are the third world for a reason.
I'm starting to wonder if learningcode quietly and discreetly became board owner
Iconoclasm IS ALWAYS a Jewish Trick you stupid fuck
Yes Rachel, yes! They shall be swamped eternally forever, until the swarms of breeding masses would rather stay in their own shithole!
Why is the pope playing a wooden Ocarina?
learningcode is imkampfy; a Board Volunteer and also a Reporter on /jewsplus/, he is suspected to be COINTELPRO as he actively subverts Holla Forums with his Rachpost threads. Imkampfy is such a fucking nigger he permab& based gex; creator of the open gates video.
Heil is B.O., see pic 2.
also, here is /jewsplus/ screencaps
Gex is permabanned? No wonder why. Our garbage subhuman of a mod of course wants to keep Holla Forums down after all. Just look at it. A fucking nu male.
Do you have the full version of that pic? I have been looking for it for literally months.
yep, it was during the Evaliongate drama.
Actually, it wasn't Luther per se, but nobility and royalty willing to steal gold from the church.
Who would be surprised if Mod was a Mossad or NSA agent?
No, it's billions
I missed that entire three days or whatever it was.
Looks like I might listen to that red ice interview of her after all. All I know is that Molyneux threads always get anchored because 'e-celeb', and that never happened before.
The difference between Catholics and modern third world immigrants is that Catholics (Italians) were slightly less barbaric.
The no difference between Italian immigrants and Syrian Refugees fallacy
Sounds like someone's #triggered!
Imkampfy is COINTELPRO.
It was a big thing for the board and almost caused a migration to 8ch.pl but btw 8ch.pl is just as bad as Holla Forums with the Global Moderation as it is run by a Polish conman called czaks.
I'm a newfag and cannot weigh in on the first exodus, but there is something blinkingly obvious here that I have to comment on.
You oldfags, at the moment, are being reactive; and are not being proactive. That's a losing strategy.
You need to consider your position and develop a plan. Any plan is better than no plan. Complaining and shit posting on 8/pol/ will get you nowhere. If the mods on 8/pol/ have been compromised then posting stuff about imkampfy here is a pointless exercise because the mods will always sage and delete your posts / threads before the majority of users see them.
The only way you will advance is if you create a new board on, say, librechan, or a similar board, and then convince the members of 8/pol/ to migrate. That way, you control the moderation and imkampfy et al. are left half-way up shit creek.
I suspect that many members on 8/pol/ are sick and tired of imkampfy / the maddow–poster so, if you are lucky, you might be able to start a new exodus.
You mean fbi chan2.0?
There are no better options that could realistically handle our traffic and/or has better moderation. .pl is owned by czacks and runs on the pre-Alacrity 8ch which was AIDS. Endchan isn't terrible from my experience but they definitely aren't up to hosting this many people.
He worships Santa Claus just like the average catholic does. How is he different?
This post. Those digits.
goddam catholics breeding like rabbits and being poor.
Librechan was just an example I took off the top of my head. Another other board would work just as well.
People in favor of religious liberty had reasons to be skeptical of Catholics, as according to catholic political theology the eternal real ought to have indirect powers over the temporal. This was the view of Cardinal Bellarmine.
Further, people in favor of national sovereignty had reasons to be skeptical of Catholics, as Catholic is by definition of the term "catholic," a universal, trans-national religion.
Finally, John Locke, the grandfather of liberal toleration as we know it today refused to extend toleration to two groups, one of whom was the Catholics. The other group was the fedoras. Fun fact: John Locke may have been involved in a plot to assassinate by explosives the soon-to-be and catholic King James II
There were and there still are principled reasons to be intolerant.
Maddow can go fuck herself.
First thing I noticed too.
The average catholic does not worship santa, you dumb sack of shit.
hey, don't let them know ;)
catholicism is a race? who writes this shit?
Rachel Maddow isn't cath?
Holy shit, a laugh my ass off with the second pic.
Idolaltry is a sin.
Building massive expensive temples to your own honor without using your wealth to better the community is a sin.
t. noble looting gold
Why in God's name would anyone ban Gex of all people?
Gex, the dude who made 2 super important videos on youtube which redpilled 10s of thousands, 100s of thousands, millions of people?
right next to him sperging in chat about how he's a master puppeteer kek
Holy fuck you guys have really fucking ugly reporters even for brazilian standards.
You filthy, filthy Catholics! You suspicious interlopers! You criminal, unassimilable, irretrievably alien people from other countries!
treacherous mod fam
Because Gex was being a massively retarded faggot defending the (((Evalion))) psyop of all things, and namefags don't get any special clout here so he got gassed for his stupidity.
I made habbenchan but nobody used it.
I'd have no problem making another one if we really needed it, but we aren't near the levels it was on 4cuck yet.
The biggest problem with imkampfy isn't his Rach threads but the fact that he bumplocks several threads at a time for no fucking reason. I'm talking solid, constructive threads with 300+ posts bumplocked out of nowhere.
forgot to sage
cuckholics have to go back too? I'm okay with this tbh.
go away rach
This has been tried several times and the kike mods here SHUT IT DOWN by wordfiltering and banning anybody who dare mention an alternative board.
And when you pray, do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do. For they think that they will be heard for their many words. “Therefore do not be like them. For your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him.
Matthew 6:7-8
Do you not yet understand that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and is eliminated? But those things which proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and they defile a man.
Matthew 15:17-18
“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.
Matthew 7:15-20
Catholics don't even follow their own religion correctly. We would have been better off without them.
it's an edited version of this
I still feel the shadow of shame
Imkamphy please go
The 1840s-1850s immigration wave ruined America like nothing else. Prior to 1840 the South had a larger population than the North. Then the North had an influx of failed Jacobin revolutionaries mostly from Germany and Catholics. Immigration was used as a weapon against the South.
Those Puritan and Quaker yanks are gone bred out by their own replacements. Good riddance for that scourge to be gone but now their replacements have taken up their work to destroy Southerners too.
I promptly decided that I didn't give a shit since I didn't know anything about it. Other than the moly anchors.
This is a fantastic example of what I saw in a thread or two, though:
No context, no info.
This image is the only thing I've seen that makes me want to look into it more.
It took me way too long to figure out that
are two different things.
Kill Yourself Jim.
imkampfy permab& GEX because imkampfy wants to stop the video spreading, he is subverting Holla Forums.
I have seen even more solid 500+ post threads about Jew digging that were deleted in seconds.
She did nothing of the sort, was her standard libtard shit
They're showing signs that they are starting to feel like idiots bantering on like they do. Keep it up. Rachel will be a hard nut to crack though, she is deeply indoctrinated, we might have to appeal to her inner male.