She's ready for porn.
Angie varona
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she's doing bikini modeling now? i thought she was so traumatized from being eye raped by 5/10 guys in the privacy of their own homes. how did she recover from that?
Twerk in thong too.
post tit
Attention whores gonna attention whore. From weeping thru sheer terror on national news over the thought that some horny teen boy's fapping to her pic….to doing bikini modeling pics for horny teen boys to fap over.
Wow, that musta been one severe case of PTSD she suffered.
Gee, I wonder why this pure specimen would do such a thing!?!?
Stupid fucking slut
14 yos are woman not children tbh
What happened to her boobs?
Workout hard.
how you get this bro? no reverse image hits. you got a private connection with her?
Are you fucking retarded?
It says KENNY•DEVEAUX on the fucking image…
yeah but were is the set or even one instance of it publicly? i can't find it in image search. i don't see it or anything with her in a bikini when i search for kenny deveaux.
are you saying op is kenny deveaux?
How old is she now?
basically, too old
why do you think she's doing this bikini shit and all the sudden isn't "bothered" when men look at her?
the attention which hurt her feelings so much (wink wink) dried up. so off come the clothes.
typical roasties
how else do you get them? even if you date them you still have to pay for them. is there any woman on earth that can be fucked for free besides a dark alley rape?
theres like a 20-40$ rule
u lie how much money u actually have
u just show them the money
u stop playing their game
u stop paying for porn
u stop paying for whores
u stop buying bikini magazines
post dat twerk vid right now
Not even once
Why are increasing numbers of young girls exposing themselves and performing sex acts on apps like periscope for nothing but virtual "likes" from strangers ?
Why do their parents even give them a smartphone with a camera and internet access ?
Fucking shitty broken fucking browser…
user are you ok ?
go to hell.
women are mistake.
girls > women
disgusting tbh. You want these girls becoming mothers?
periscope is where it's at now. i got a video from vola of a girl on periscope that'll straighten your pubes. is there a good repository of periscope vids like the old stickam stuff?
I think I'm losing what's left of my sanity.
Also Russian girl asshole is hot.
OK go ahead and straighten my pubes, I'm waiting…
it's 20 minutes long and i'll get banned or worse. i'm just pointing out periscope is like the good old days of stickam. a lot of girls doing shit like in and even more.
Well link some shit or post something you sketchy nigger.
None of us have the time to look for ourselves, we at the FBI take our jobs very seriously…
first pic sounds like my ex i'm glad i dumped the bitch out after i found out she was cheating on me, Woman now days thinks cheating on guys it's ok in their book and this type of shit is some sort of sick trend because i have seen so many cases of girlfriends cheating on their boyfriends for shit reasons.
sums it up pretty well
So whats the story with this chick ?
former jailbait model aka attention seeker continuing to do what she has always done, I think
Teenage whore is a teenage whore, attention whoring ensues. She doesn't even look good, a few of the pics aren't so bad but that's because she was in breeding age and used a bunch of camera tricks.
see video
so wheres the porn then?
these girls make this all on their own and you're mad at the guy that merely reposts it. you need a reality check.
At first I thought the title read anime vagina
Somebody help me
You sure took a wrong turn, didn't you, nigger?
any more?
Post her face atkeast fam
I might have already seen it, or if not, well find it easier
Of those 2? Not that I can post here
Any links you can drop then?
No, they will be taken down instantly uf linked here
Because life is about making mistakes and weeding out the degenerates. If those girls were actually worth anything they wouldn't need every aspect of their life controlled by equally stupid parents. But hey, I'm not complaining :^)
You are such a pathetic faggot. Get the fuck out of here and fuck off forever. That preteen girl already spread her tight o-ring asshole on the camera you LITTLE FUCKING BITCH FAGGOT GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE.
That blonde looks autistic, wouldn't want her sperging out all over my dick.
Ass tatoo
Pussy tatooo
twerking is so fucking disgusting.