Groups that belong to the Alt-Right:

+ Sexual Deviants (Transexuals, Homosexuals, etc)
+ Globalists
+ Full-blooded Jews
+ Materialistic Atheists
+ (((Libertarians)))
+ Fetishists
+ Gamer "Hobbyists"
+ FOSS enthusiasts
+ "Christians" (Papists mostly)
+ Marxists (specially on economics)

You might think this is an attempt to divide and conquer, but this is an attempt to segregate and annihilate. We can no longer allow our minds to be polluted with false ideologies that will end up fracturing this movement.

It's time to forge our own manifesto, but first we must purge our movement.

When you see one of the groups mentioned before, report.


Holla Forums is not alt-right

Use them as a shield, retard.
If pressed, they do not exist.
Do not attack.
Keep at arm's length

The alt-right doesn't exist as a group. It only exists as a meme. If you want to kill it then you have to kill the meme.

Also, burn in hell for eternity you fucking tripfag cancer. Thread hidden and reported for sliding.

So why are you saging an anti-altistic right thread?

It needs to be gotten through the heads of anons here that the altright is NOT welcome here.


This user gets it.

Art of War you silly niggers.

We need to exterminate Christians before they destroy europe

a thread died for this shit

they arent here.

D&C shit

this. also what is wrong with FOSS enthusiasts.
Holla Forums should care what they download, know what your software does niggers.
change FOSS enthusiasts to freetards that won't download goddamn photoshop because GIMP does the same thing only worse b-but it's free

If you abandon the title "alt-right" you abandon it to those people. The media is trying to push the attention of the "alt right" onto people like Milo, the gay coalburning Jewish leader of the nazis, or kosher nationalists like Jared Taylor. If you want to be an edgelord and demand you be called a nazi or whatever, you're going to let them get away with it.

Andrew Anglin's policy is best. "The Worlds Most Visited Alt Right Site" right on the top banner while shitting on faggots and kikes all day every day. By embracing the term we become impossible to ignore and brush over the way the current media psyop is attempting to do to us.

the only faggot here is you

Where have you been for the past week and a half?
There had to have been 50 altright threads.

Nice try shill. Whether or not they are fully Holla Forums-approved is irrelevant. The label of the alt-right has successfully been able to unify all non-establishment entities of the right wing against the neo-cons. Contrary to whatever dreams you have about everyone in the US deciding that voting for the National Socialists is the way to go, people will actually use and accept the label of the alt-right.

The neo-cons need to go. Equally as important, Hillary must be stopped by Trump.

Once the establishment has been BTFO, then the factions of the alt-right can fight it out for control of the GOP. If you really think your nazi shit is the way to go, you have a much better chance in a multi-horse race against the libertarians, and the tea party, and the whoever else then you do 1v1 vs establishment GOP or running third party autist style.

If you want to say that you want to distance yourselves from jews or fags that's fine. But you aren't gonna D&C the alt-right, which is actually fucking accomplishing something.

There is only 1 faction of alt-right and it is the trs/lolberg/faggot enabling kind.

We're not abandoning anything. We're the New Right, the true Right, the renaissance of the old Right.

Not the Alt Right. The kikes can make up whatever label they want, they're attacking a boogeyman and we're not falling for it.

Where have you been the last 3 years, newfag? You've know idea what that term means.

Newfags: this is a shill.


and it has actual niggers now.

you're doing it wrong schlomo

what did I say that was about PR? I said we should continue to be edgy otherwise "alt right", which has been popularized by Holla Forumsacks outside Holla Forums, will become a term to refer to nothing but faggots and jew lovers.

Look at what Andrew Anglin is doing, it's the perfect approach.

So basically it comes down to semantics.You're willing to avoid something that's attracting national attention as a platform advocating 99% of the same things you are because of semantics. Great, have fun on VNN forums or Renegade circlejerking with other 2leet4u edgelords.


They pay you guys too much.

Of course imkampfy identifies with the altright and bumplocked this thread.

Hey guys lets make a organization, I am going to need your social security number,name,address and picture of your dog

I has been that for awhile actually.

PR refers to toning down your power level to a more "acceptable" level of discourse in some attempt to slowly push the overton window, rather than explicitly stating your views. While I disagree with his belief that "alt-right" is anything less than a manufactured boogeyman, it's tactics, not PR, to suggest it's a valuable front to maintain as espousing genuine, unhindered far right rhetoric instead of the cucked, degenerate, jewish shit it represents now.

It's not semantics. The Alt Right was already co-opted and corrupted long before the media got ahold of it. The media distorted it further, you're suggesting we subvert it a third time over by bringing back to its debatable roots, rather than just ignoring it as we always have and hoping the good ones jump ship before it's too late.



Greetings, so you're a newfag and you've recently discovered that you're stereotyped as alt-right. Not to worry, the difference between being a newfag here and a normie out there, it's tremendous. In the coming days, as you lurk moar, you will receive further red pills about this, even many you can share with friends. Enjoy!