Can any moonrune speakers translate any of this and provide context? What are his policies? How does he plan to Make Japan Great Again?
From Wikipedia:
Can any moonrune speakers translate any of this and provide context? What are his policies? How does he plan to Make Japan Great Again?
From Wikipedia:
Other urls found in this thread:
The Jews fear the samurai.
Fuck off kike
Isn't abe's party a hilariously misnomered imperial resurgence party or something like that?
Why the fuck would they need something as faggoty as the "Alt-right" when they have imperialists?
I knew some retard was going to say this.
I was quoting some twitter fag. That's why it's in scarequotes in the subject.
It's some twitterfag's spin. Japs probably haven't even heard the "alt-right" phrase. He probably calls himself a nationalist or something similar.
who cares, what are his views
The LDPJ basically plays host to various factions of Japanese fascists and has ever since America did the math and decided that Communist Japan would be worse than Fascist Japan.
(Germany was a different case, being a far greater threat and being hated by the kikes, it was insisted that Germany just be kept weak and under permanent occupation.)
Fucking kill yourself faggot. This isn't newsplus. Your thread is yours to own, not to try and generate shitty conversation and back out of culpability. This isn't reddit.
It doesn't matter. If I hadn't quoted that guy, you'd have found another reason to shit on this thread. I've noticed it every fucking time I post any thread that isn't directly related to the US presidential election, the (((1)))'s come out of the woodwork to shitpost, D&C, and sagebomp. You're the (((1)))'s that need to chomp down on an oven-toasted razorblade sandwich right about now.
it's actually refreshing to have a thread about fashy nips in place of just anime worhsipping threads.
He does look like an anime fan, i will give him that.
will (((they))) ever learn?
He looks like he spent time playing some final fantasy and watching some anime.
I don't care what non-whites do in their own countries
That's what NatSoc is all about, man.
Anything that isn't a trump thread gets shilled
The sum total of all the people who belong to the Alt Right is one Jap. Good to know. Very good to know.
The people of his organization seem pretty cool guys to hangout with.
this must be his daughter then
remove kimchi
my sides
How do you guys feel about the fact that we will bear witness to the Chrysanthemum Restoration during the opening ceremony of the 2020 Olympic games?
I, for one, am hyped as fuck. Pretty much going to be the point at which the Fascist Bloc turns on the afterburners.
Koreans are the jews of East Asia.
They even read the jewish playbooks.
The "alt-right" is a pan-European ethno-nationalist movement which has arisen in response to non-white encroachment into our homelands and kike subversion of our institutions. Japan is 99.99% Japanese, the Japanese "right wing" consists of nothing more than Island gooks who hate mainlands gooks slightly more than average.
In summary, Japan does not have an ideological analog to the "alt-right":
1. The Japanese right are traditional narrow ethno-nationalists, while the "alt-right" is a transnational European racial movement.
2. Japan does not have any significant problems with non-Japanese subversion or immigration.
3. All gooks are subhumans who must be exterminated, so by definition, cannot be part of a pan-European uprising.
The alt-right is a media strawman.
Maybe you just make shitty threads and are too autistic to notice
Japan has schools and organization funded directly from Pyongyang to do shilling for NK.
Japan has been stating the need to import Filipinos to make up for it's population shortfall.
In most white countries, our entire political, economic, academic and media establishments exist explicitly to promote non-white interests, so like I said, Japan's problems with foreign subversion are relatively insignificant.
Not only are you wrong about the lack of subversion, but you're arguing a point that nobody was trying to make in the first place.
I try to bring up topics that nobody is talking about, that I don't know much about, in hopes that someone knowledgeable will come along and enlighten us and bring something new into the fold.
Retards like you can't handle anything more complex than "HERE'S SOMETHING THAT HAPPENED GO SPAM REACTION IMAGES" and lose your shit every time.
I also post longform Holla Forums-related articles and papers that I come across and find interesting. Which nobody ever responds to, and promptly die when they hit page 5 because I'm too polite to bump my own dead threads.
Alt-right =/= RWDS.
Maybe the definition is different in Europe, but here in the USA the alt-right is not really a violent movement. It's about a rejection of neoconservativism and a return to saner, more pro-White policies that used to exist, especially around immigration.
In fact, from what I've seen, many anons here dislike the alt-right because it isn't violent enough for them - it's politics, not RWDS.
Japan's already plenty traditionalist. In fact, it's their adherence to social values that's killing them.
I hate to say this but that's one country that would actually benefit from a little socialism.
No, just some time off and sane work hours.
I've got two guesses. Either it's somewhat well-intentioned retards that think any non-Trump/Hillary thread is a slide thread trying to distract people from the most important issues, or it's a new tactic of CTR/goons/etc, where they pester people in auxiliary threads that have nothing to do with their message because its a much easier D&C to get away with than openly shilling in Trump/Hillary threads.
this. All nips need to be exterminated along with every other non-white race. Them going hard-right is not in our best interests
It's time to stop Chaim
Oh, how fucking dreadful. Fuck off back to normalfag space, you nu-male cuck.
Whether you're a snownigger or kike, you're gonna get gassed if you keep shilling for wiping out any race other than kikes.
Go away, Trudeau. only cucks want their competitors/enemies to remain in tact and strong.
>d-don't speak for the best interest of white people, goy. We on POL value diversity and respect every non-white's right to self-determination :^)
Go back to Reddit and spew your racial solidarity nonsense elsewhere, faggot
Pick one, then gas yourself
Die snownigger. You go off with your untermensch skinheads and try to kill non-whites for simply being non-white, see how long you last.
From my experience with them, Nips are that kid who spends his time playing video games and wants to be left alone.
Blow it out your ass. Only European lives matter.
There is no alt-right. There's an American New Right, and a European New Right.
At best alt-right is an umbrella term to collect some of the more radical, primarily post-liberterarian blogs alongside the NRx folk, blogs like anarchopapist, futureprimeval, spandrell. It doesn't refer to anything outside bloggers except as a new media boogeyman.
Where do you think you are, you altistic right cuck? No one's buying into your self-defeating love of shitskins.
I'm not a skinhead because I'm not a drug-addled degenerate wigger. I merely want the best for the white race, which includes eradicating all non-whites and establishing a global white imperium. The very fact you're sucking off non-white cock suggests you're still souped up on libshit egalitarianism. Non-whites never have been and never will be our friends. Your ideas of racial solidarity are kike propaganda which you have tried to repackage.
How is their insular seizon senryaku in contradiction with our isolationist survival strategy? Only semites and niggers create conflicts with other races. If you have a problem with the Japanese, you are clearly a kike.
Alt-Right is everything pro-white that's completely up front without being full 1488 gas the kikes. Not as safe as Trump, but not as hardcore as Holla Forums
The problem isn't that they're pressured to get married, but that they're pressured to be insanely absurdly selective when picking a partner. This means there's not much marriage, all the overworking means there's not much sex, and a noticeable amount of people look at these two variables, say fuck it, and go full NEET.
White countries can exist just like Asian countries can exist. I'll kill you if you endanger our existence by shilling for the genocide of other nations. You're no different than a kike at that point.
The New Right is an old as fuck term, you stupid cuck. Alt Right means exactly what it is. New Right is cuckservatism ala Buckley. You ignorant snowniggers are so fucking grating.
Japan was an axis power
may it rise again to be our allies
Isolationism is not our survival strategy. Isolation means death in the long run. If you isolate, you allow your enemies outside your gate to grow stronger. Expand or die. Destroy your enemies or die. There is no valid reason Europeans shouldn't destroy ever non-white on this planet and repopulate the Earth with our own kin.
Go spew your bullshit elsewhere, shitskin-lover. You clearly have no idea what you're talking about
>d-don't use a strategy that works, goy. You don't want to win, do you? That would make you just like those pesky Chose- I mean kikes!
No, I'm someone who recognises what's in our best interests.
you think the all-night is real. what libtard rag/blogsite do you write for.
My fucking sides.
lmao. Pic related
Nips will not be a friend of the white race. They wanted to depopulate Australia of whites and colonise it with nips.
Only an idiot would want his racial competitors to be strong.
May as well just kill yourself now.
Yeah, they were never the same since the bomb dropped.
They're practically NEETS getting into their 30s virgin with falling birthrates and high suicide rates.
This is why no one takes you nigger-lovers seriously. You hop to the shill accusations immediately like the intellectually degenerated morons you are.
That's good for us. A weak Japan would make it easier to conquer.
No such thing exists for Europeans. If you think otherwise, it is clearly because you belong to an inferior race which is capable of being threatened by others. "Jews fear the Samurai" illustrates this truth. Europeans have no need to fear another noble race, however, the Semite must fear all others due to his ignoble nature.
The only danger to the European has always been the race traitor.
Bullshit. All races regardless of how great are capable of being subverted. Asians pose a threat to us and have the ability to compete with us readily for dominance, land, and resources. It would be in our best interests to neutralise them.
You can try, you revolting gook parasite.
You are dealing with a whole new movement now. We won't fight our own and we will never ally with non-whites.
caring about anglo criminals interbreeding with abos
nazis weren't anti racists you cuck they were racial realists that recognized races that actually gave a shit about racial purity and tradition
You are either a top-tier cuckold or a dirty nip yourself. Either way you need to be exterminated.
I'm sure that's exactly what you want, Herschel.
Yes, they pose a risk to you Semites, but not to us Europeans. The chinks are poisoning themselves, the gooks are trash, and the nips are touched by fragmentary strands of Aryan nobility. The Japanese islands hold nothing of value to us nor any threat. It is a matter which is beneath the gaze of those looking to the stars. If they are subverted and oppose us, we'll crush them once again.
Filter the shill.
Hory sheet, look at that fuckin' weeb.
Nah. I'd prefer to act in accordance with natural law and eradicate our racial inferiors than allow them to survive so they can pose a threat to our global hegemony down the road.
There's a lot of shills in this thread trying to D&C right now. Anti-Japanese is codeword for anti-white.
I remember that happening, Toru got mad as fuck and stormed off like a faggot.
This thread is swarming with shills.
You're a fucking retard. By understimating your enemies you allow them to grow stronger. You have no excuse whatsoever not to destroy them entirely. Calling me a kike is still not an argument
Sorry to inform you, but your slant-eyed "honorary aryans" are not white in the slightest. They are just as much a competitor population as chinks, niggers, arabs, and spics, and they too need to be exterminated for our own benefit.
The Japanese will thus become hungry for resources and wish to expand. This is in contradiction to our interests of racial expansion. If you think current trends are static and will always remain this way, then you are an historically illiterate fool.
Sorry, nip, we don't want you slant-eyed bastards to be strong and pose any kind of opposition to us.
So the dirty piss-skin is now resorting to calling European people non-white. Fucking hilarious.
I know. The amount of piss-skin-lovers is disgusting. It wasn't like this a few months ago.
It's the most obvious D&C as well, targeting the asian fracture point.
You are the shill.
Oh, ((jew))
As is our ideology. There have been two New Rights in the US, there's no reason there can't be a third. Alt Right is by design self-defeating, positioning us a minor alternative to normal politics, rather than the new wave.
And the European New Right is very much the same as your "alt right", founded around Benoist' et al. thought. It makes no sense that we wouldn't be the American New Right when we're exactly its stateside analogue, alongside France's Nouvelle Droite, Germany's Neue Rechte, etc.
Fuck off, cuck. Asians and whites have never been allied and never will be allied, thus "D&C" is non-applicable. Newsflash: They do not give a single shit about the preservation or propagation of your race. Why should we care about them?
pic related
pic related
I mean, it's not as if alignment with the moon hasn't been a core aspect of chan culture since the beginning. Oh wait, you're just a class A shitposter. I guess if you actually believe all that garbage you're a Semite instead, but it's all to finely crafted to be anything other than shitposting.
Thank you for correcting the record!
competition is a good thing and japs are a healthy competition china is a problem though
No doubt. I mean, their planned jew satellite blew up in their face, they are panicking and in a flourished rush are trying to squelch the internet as quick as possible for what it's become now, as they realize it is giving way for regular populace to come across information once thought buried, when in reality all that they keep putting out there, from boasting, to history within the world is being found as if it were just posted yesterday.
Donald also gave a pretty damn powerful speech, put Hillary in her place, and has the kikes running scared because of it.
Look at the recent hit pieces. They have NOTHING LEFT . They are out of ideas and out of time, and so they are avidly trying to undo it by crashing and remaking the internet, all the while actively acknowledging in public that a rag-tag group of autistic people on an ancient japanese rice pudding image board format site poses the greatest threat to their political power than anything else in the world.
This shilling, mass D&C, mass defeatism, mass concern posting, among other shit that's pretty common seems to be in a vain hope to try and over saturate the subboard with a last ditch attempt at making sure the goyim go back to sleep.
Do you guys have anything to say other than ad-hominem buzzword garbage?
"Not an argument" isn't an argument, newfag, that's the joke. I hope you realize it's not supposed to be used unironically. There's no reason to respond to posts you can just as easily ignore, but yes, your motivations and sincerity are under question. The onus is on you to provide evidence you are worth the time & effort to engage.
I'd love it if one of you egalitarian-lite "nationalism 4 all" non-white-lovers would give me one valid reason why we shouldn't exterminate nips like any other non-white and expand our race globally, especially given the potential negatives of leaving them around.
pretty typical, tbh. "CTR" has become some catch-all phrase to shut down anyone these autists disagree with. What I'm arguing has nothing to do with Trump's campaign at all.
You're a retard. Neither are favourable to leave around. Exterminating our racial enemies should be our first priority after regaining control of our nations and exterminating kikes.
Is this some sort of new shill strategy to make Holla Forums look like a bunch of drooling morons?
Oh look, the kike knows how to count!
Oh look, the weebshit knows how to count! Kill yourself
By all means, keep trying your best to be as (((anti-racist))) as possible. You're just advocating an ideology that is ultimately self defeating
Pretty much. We're getting some intense D&C shilling right now. The head rabbi's must be positively terrified of Japan's nationalism.
It's a "strategy" to try and cause confusion and D&C. By them arguing amongst themselves, and with others, all while sounding like absolute retards hope to bog down discussion with the thread as well as use it to slide.
my fucking sides. Get a load of this good goy.
Sorry. I'm clearly not a meme connoisseur like you.
Kike-tier logic right there.
This isn't the only place where this sort of shilling happens. And not all shilling is obvious, while someone won't take your bullshit, you can direct them into believing some other sort of bullshit. It's why you get threads that could go in decent directions like this sway way off course, it's why you have people who actually buy water filters and watch Alex Jones, MGTOW, all of that shit. Bluepills painted red, it's a shame how many get tricked.
By the amount of angry kikes ITT, I'm only more interested now in seeing Japan succeed, since it's putting them on edge. I guess it was true when I read "The jew fears the samurai".
I want altistic-right Reddit transplants to FUCK OFF.
WEW LAD you shills are going full out now! Isn't it a bit late in Tel Aviv for this? Don't your bosses let you sleep?
Oh I advocate racialism wholeheartedly, but you are misrepresenting the racial ethos of Europeans in order to enable your shitposting. There is no real argument to be made because you are nothing more than a clown vying for validation. I don't understand why, because there isn't an ounce of believability to it. Your posts are so heavily constructed to be as like shilling as possible while maintaining a confrontational attitude that the whole illusion is meaningless.
Now THAT'S top-tier cuckery
Lol. This is the same logic feminists and beta-cucks use. "Haha. Those stupid misogynists are attacking feminism. This OBVIOUSLY proves that feminism is a valid idea that needs fighting for, lol"
If supporting something that harms your racial interests makes you feel warm and fuzzy instead because, then you're probably a cuck
You want to know how i know you're a recent newfag Reddit transplant? Because you can do nothing but mindlessly repeat shill accusations as if it's making you fit in. Trying getting a real argument, anti-white.
Thanks for outing yourself officially, Redditcuck
Reported and filtered
This is not shitposting. I wholeheartedly believe that exterminating all non-whites is a permanent solution to the threats posed by them.
If I wanted validation, then I clearly wouldn't be arguing in favour of something will all these autistic reddit transplants calling me a shill and drowning me out.
So what you're saying is you can't possibly believe I would believe in advocating the best interests of whites, so I must be a shill.
Good riddance. Hang yourself, you blithering imbecile.
If I recall correctly from past thread, there's also the issue of where Israel is dealing with a potential civil war as their shit is being filled with degenerate jews that have soaked themselves in liberal rhetoric.
So, you add all that up and just for this week, with the sudden intensity of shilling, I'd say Holla Forums is on the right track, Trump is on the right track, and the jews are watching their tower of moloch worshipping supremacy collapse before their very eyes.
I think so. Part "push fracture points between LARPers and regular Holla Forumslocks," part "we have to shit on non-Hillary/Trump threads because people are paying too much attention to those."
How's this for a new direction for the thread: What reasons do the jews have to fear the samurai? What could be motivating their shilling beyond base D&C trolling?
The absolute best I can come up with is that the Japs and other asians provide successful examples of ethnic nationalism. The corollary to "black countries for black people, asian countries for asian people, white countries for everybody" is that (((they))) want highly successful asian countries to become pozzed multicultural shitholes fast before white people can pick up on the hypocrisy and demand the same.
we gotta kill erybody! get a load of this faggot
you want to risk lives of more white men just so the big bad scary asians wont be around anymore
i didnt say get rid of them i just said they are a problem mainly because they are kike infested just like we are
They feel it coming, don't they? The real holocaust. No wonder they are shilling this hard, they've never lost control like this before.
Trying to create a fracture against the only good Asians, wew In an imageboard no less
Isn't the Nippon Kaigi, secret society that runs Japan already agree with Holla Forums on pretty much everything?
I keep reading but nothing about this gook has to do with white nationalism nor answering the jewish question. He's also one fugly gook.
This too. Wasn't there an earlier thread about how jews were trying to cozy up to china and shit like that? I don't mean their regular jewish antics, I mean really cozying up, intermarrying, and seemingly trying to blend in with the chinks. It'd ruin their plan to abandon ship and move to china as the next host for their blood meals if asian countries went full nationalist.
Who else will be part of the new axis powers?
You sound like a kike with your wordplay. Fuck off.
>all these asian-loving cuckolds coming up with wild theories about how "the shills" are attempting to D&C two groups that have literally never been allied and never will be allied because "muh ethnic nationalism 4 every1 is good!! Yay egalitarianism!!! :DDD Every non-white has a right to self-determination :DDDDD"
You people are an embarrassment. You are not much different from libshits in that you just repackage their ideology into a slightly different form and pretend to be pro-white. You still want egalitarianism. You still pretend to be "the real anti-racists" like a bunch of cuckservatives.
kill yourself, you race-traitor.
But you aren't. You are applying the American folly to the European race and touting that as true. Expansion and intervention are ideals of liberal races which need concern themselves with others due to inferiority. The European has always remained insular, or else struck out to colonize and reap the benefit of the managed efforts of another race. The concept of hierarchy which is core to European idealism applies to race as all other things.
My god, weebery of this magnitude shouldn't even be possible.
What fracture point? There is literally not a single point of shared interest between gooks and Europeans. Gooks are a major component of the non-white colonial horde now flooding into white countries, as well as major international rivals who steal our technology and jobs, and compete with us for limited resources.
btw, I am this poster , I got banned for being insufficiently enthusiastic about gook subhumans, now I have to post from a shitty proxy. Holla Forums is being utterly overrun by gooks and weeb race traitors.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
You've hit the nail on the head. Japs aren't awesome like white people are but they're not fucking niggers, spics or anything else like that. America and UK are getting fucked in the ass at this point but Japan has a lot less black people and immigrants, doesn't react well to interracial porn and relationships. They've got some decent values regarding family structure. Trump winning will probably make Japan grow some balls and tell south korea to fuck off with their demands for "muh rapes, muh comfort girls" every god damn Tuesday
You should know you're right because the shill replied to you like a butthurt faggot.
We're not all that awesome either.
Post yfw the Israel civil war is cutting their funding so low they can't even give their paid shills good VPN's to samefag on.
I'm not touting anything, I'm merely stating facts. You can call me a shill as much as you'd like, but the fact remains - exterminating our competitors/enemies is far more beneficial in the long-run that letting them remain simply because of naive ideas of egalitarianism.
What moronic drivel. Expansion and intervention are ideals of superior races who wish to actualise their superiority by expanding and dominating inferior races. Are you going to tell me that the colonists in the 19th century were "inferior"? The biggest mistake they made was not exterminating the non-white populations the colonised. We could have had an an Africa-sized white racial state, but ideas like "the white man's burden" stopped us, and look where we are today.
You are trying to impress your own desire for pacifiist egalitarianism on the European race as a whole. In reality, the European was the greatest killing machine and apex predator ever produced by nature, and with this superiority we conquered the entire world. In Some places we fully colonised like in America and produced incredibly nations, and other places we allowed the inferior races to remain, only to have them eat us and drive us out when we became weak.
Yes, and we are the race at the top of this hierarchy.
I'm still waiting for a valid reason not to exterminate them.
Maybe he'll build another island, and have China pay for it.
Point taken.
The non-race traitors then.
No, they are far more intelligent and thus pose a greater threat to us, because they convince idiots like you that leaving them be to grow in strength is a good idea.
Because Japan wasn't infested by kikes, you fucking retard. If you're trying to chock this up to some inherent superiority in nips, then you should just stop posting altogether.
Is this what you people do to validate your own opinions and protect yourself in a bubble of self-reassurance? I can see it. I imagine labeling your opposition as a shill allows you to dismiss it instead of engaging with their arguments head on.
Notice how i've not accused anyone of being a shill this entire thread? It's because I recognise that people have different opinions.
Fucking this. Where the hell did they come from? I remember a few months ago only a few cuckolds were sucking off the nips and other non-whites and most people agreed with my stances. Now it's all "muh nationalism 4 all!!! :DDD. Muh racial solidarity :DDDD"
Talking to yourself?
Off yourself
I think it is. Has its programming glitched out?
I know why you're so butthurt!
It's because you're probably a slant-eyed nip yourself who hates the fact that someone's not sucking you off. Tough luck, piss-skin.
They aren't white, though, so they have to be exterminated, clearly. We should make killing them our first priority and we can get to the niggers and jews later. The Japanese nationalists are clearly the biggest threat to the white race and all nips need to be destroyed. Open your eyes, user. Don't be a weeaboo.
holy fuck you are an autistic faggot, shut the fuck up.
America is a third world shithole with liberal ideology penned directly into its constitution. It represents a rejection of European ideals to the extent that nobility was expressly forbidden so that merchants could reign.
What even is the point of making such an obviously false statement, as if we haven't been hanging around these sites for years watching anime and posting 2D reaction faces? "Jews fear the Samurai" has been a meme for years. It's fucking pointless to shitpost so deafeningly.
I don't think it's a meme now, not with the responses we've gotten from Israel's finest ITT.
I think that it is gook entryism due to the recent publicity that this site has received. Every gook on the sight has gravitated towards this thread, there are probably only 3 or 4 actual Europeans in this thread.
Kikes need to be exterminated first, of course
Fucking retard
I know. Imagine that. Even with the hindrance of such a dirty ideology, America still proved to be a power to be reckoned with. Imagine what a nation based on militant racialism could achieve.
I'm not, though. I've been making these arguments for months and I've never seen this much cuckery for non-whites before.
There's your problem right there.
Yeah, a meme. This doesn't mean my arguments are any less valid.
Aren't you banned, Chaim?
Real whites love anime with all their hearts, your D&C have no power here.
Probably true. Gooks have made a nasty habit of considering themselves friends of the white race and trying to steer discussion in their favour. In reality, they are as much a competitor population in need of extermination as any other non-white.
who's dividing what exacty? Piss-skins have never been united or allied with whites, so your statement is false.
Anti anime is codeword for anti white.
You really advanced the white race by derailing this thread. Now kill yourself.
It's impossible for your arguments to be any less valid because they are entirely invalid. Your posts are instantly obvious as shilling or shitposting.
By the way, another basic fact you continue to ignore is the Axis of nationalist powers during WWII. The Japanese were united with the definitive European power in opposition to the Zionist Allies. Just another example of how America is a garbage tier country despite your protestations about a far off island of moon people being a threat to Europeans when it is the American Zionist which has marked the great threat of our era.
How do you put so much effort into posting only to be such an obvious shitposter?
Still waiting for an argument, race-traitor.
Calling me a shitposter and a shill isn't an argument. Like I've said, it seems that calling people shills is some kind of defense mechanism you use to shelter yourself in a bubble of self-reassurance - a self-constructed safespace, if you will. I mean, it kind of makes sense. If you can dismiss your opponent as a shill you don't need to refute them or show them how they're wrong, you just need to pretend you're under attack by paid agents who want to disagree with you (how dare they), and you've automatically proved yourself right.
I haven't ignored this fact. I've pointed out many times that the Japs wanted to depopulate australia of her whites and colonise it with Japs. This is indicative of a race whose interests are fundamentally opposed to our own. It is thus in our best interests to exterminate them so they can never pose such a threat again.
Out of self-interest, not any real opposition to global jewry. Japan needed an emprie for resources and wanted to engage in turn-of-the-century style imperialism, and they saw Germany as a means of achieving this goal. There alliance with Germany was one of convenience and self-interest.
America was a wonderful country right up until it got culturally corrupted by kikes who wanted to extend rights to non-whites and enforce ideals of racial solidarity. Even with these liberal hindrances, America achieved greatness. Imagine what whites could achieve in a racialist nation the size of Africa.
And here you show your true colours. You defend the piss-skins of the east who care little if not a tall about white survival interests, yet you attack and berate a people who have been infiltrated and subverted by kikery. You are a race-traitor of the highest order.
Again, accusing your opposition of shitposting might make you feel "right", but everyone can see it's just a cheap deflection tactic to avoid actually having arguments of your own.
The best way to preserve the white race is to advocate for the pointless extermination of all non-white races while calling those who disagree race-traitors. A truly brilliant strategy. Maybe we should just exterminate all life on the planet that isn't white. They could compete with us for resources, after all! If they do that, the white race will surely perish! What about nips, specifically, makes them a threat to whites? Don't say "they're smarter than whites, goy.", that's bullshit.
Oy vey!
The Jew is calling a goy a race-traitor?
YVHV will not be amused, cursed Hamite.
Kek, you are Johnny Depp in Donnie Brasco, in the scene where they go to the Sushi joint.
If it preserves the white race, then how is it pointless? Do you put the value of non-whites over that of Europeans? If so, that makes you a race-traitor.
This is a shitty strawman I have refuted too many times to count. Asians and other non-whites are competitor populations within our own species. They pose a threat to our interests while some other animal does not, as these other animals occupy entirely different niches in the animal kingdom. Two different populations of the same species will naturally compete for dominance over resources, hunting grounds, territory etc.
Why? It seems you are still drinking the egalitarian koolaid.
This is a potentially volatile population which we get nothing from leaving around.
I've already responded to this here
Get something more original. You attempts at fitting in are obvious.
1. Shits on Hitler
2. Gets upset at the mention of "jew"
3. Fears the Samurai
We got us a live one. Only jews stab their allies in the back.
Pick one. Or you could stop LARPing and focus on actual threats.
A response to (((western))) involvement in their country. Japan was isolationist until they were forced to open up and realized just because they leave everyone alone doesn't mean they will be left alone. A barren feudal island of perverted fisherman then became a industrialized superpower able to defeat a European nation in just 30 years.
All the expansionism stemmed from this, they needed to secure resources for their industry and make sure they can fight off any threat to ensure their survival, lest they be taken over and become something else entirely.
They only wanted to be left alone, user.
South is worse tbh
You either get paid per post or are the most autistic sperglord in all Holla Forums.
Pointing out that Hitler had flaws*
Tells you to fuck off for calling me a Jew in place of making a real argument*
No non-white is an ally to the white race.
yeah, like non-whites, including nips, infesting our white nations. Clearly they do not care much or respect the racial foundations of our nations. Maybe their interests aren't aligned with our own?!
Clearly they pose a threat to our race as you have just outlined. All the more reason to want them gone.
Yes, so as you clearly showcase, nips have their own interests at heart and would not hesitate to attack and destroy whites if it meant achieving these goals. There is nothing inherently wrong with this from the perspective of nips, but if we are looking out for our own interests, as we should, then we should recognise them as the threat they are and act accordingly.
Isolationism is stagnation. Stagnation is death.
Massive gook colonization has taken place all over our lands. Hawaii is a Japanese prefecture at this point, and millions of Japanese gooks have colonized the west coast of the USA. Massive colonies of mainland gooks exist all over the Anglosphere, and almost every major European city now has a Chinatown. There is no doubt in my mind that gooks are the greatest threat to Europeans after kikes. All gook colonists on our lands must be eliminated, and in the long-run, the gook nations themselves must be neutralized.
1. They are non-whites who have repeatedly colonized and threatened to colonize our lands.
2. They have previously declared unprovoked war on whites.
3. They are intelligent enough to build nuclear weapons, making them the only non-whites other than kikes that could potentially pose an existential threat to us.
These reasons alone justify the extermination of island gooks, though 1 and 3 also apply to mainland gooks.
Source? If true I would like to visit there someday.
It's not working, Moshe.
Do you think this kike is just underpaid or lazy?
Not even niggers? Muslims? Liberals or trannies?
I'm this poster , I'm using a proxy because a gook mod keeps banning me.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
spoken like a true false flagging kike
Not the brightest of your kind.
Of course not. We really have to be worried about Japanese nationalism.
this is a whole new level of race-traitorous cuckery. You will be exterminated with the piss-skins when the time comes.
does not compute
niggers are stupid and violent. They are easily neutralised. Asians are intelligent, have advanced technological states and can produce nukes. This alone is enough of a reason to recognise them as the second biggest threat to the white race after kikes.
I don't think you know what that means, Redditor.
But I'm not the one sucking off for non-whites, user. That's you
Now you're learning :^)
The only person acting like a shill here is you. You are encouraging white genocide.
Sperg harder, kike. You pop up in every thread that mentions non-whites in a favorable manner to shill your D&C. Either this is your job or you're some pathetic NEET larper that doesn't do anything of what he advocates for.
Don't pull numbers our of your ass. It's mainly just Hawaii and California, which need to be cleansed anyhow. Just send the nips home.
The Chinks don't have nukes? I'd be more concerned with them. Yet you want to eliminate their natural enemy, the nips.
Reported for Ban-Evasion. Thank you for Correcting the Record.
How much are you getting per post, "user".
Thank mods
I think you might be an anti-white who deserves to hang.
Still waiting for an argument, cuck. Kike accusations do not count, although I'm sure they make you feel special.
==Non-whites will never be our allies, you historically-illiterate Reddit trainsplant nigger-loving retard. This is what you don't understand. They have a vested interest in seeing our race destroyed. D&C doe snot apply 'because whites and non-whites have been united as a single group with common interests
I swear to god you people are fucking dense as shit. This was common knowledge before you faggots from /r/thedonald came here thinking you were in good company. No. We do not want anything to do with your "based nigger" shitspewing, nor do we want to suck off non-white cock like good little cuckolds.
what ban am I evading?
Your time is coming, Chaim. So, enjoy your shitposting while it lasts.
Why even live?
Just a coincidence, user.
The total number of asians is much higher
They all need to be neutralised. not just the chinks.
anti-white weebcucks show their true colours
it's a sweet kind of irony.
I've been promoting these ideas for months on end and it's only been recently when all you reddit transplants showed up that I was suddenly an ebil ohmygosh extremist
The strong races should dominate the weaker races. This is an accordance with nature's iron law. I'm sorry it doesn't agree with your faggy ideals of racial solidarity and egalitarianism.
This is a special level of cuckoldry. The Asian threads always bring you race-traitors out of the woodworks when your "BASED AZN HONORARY AREEANS" are painted with the same brush as every other non-white as they should be.
just a non-argument, user
So, what's the rate CTR pays per post? I need some extra gas money.
Even if you wanted to dominate other races, doing a watered down version of nationalism will actually put things back on track and save white people from current extermination.
But you are such a fucking full of shit shill.
Please try making an actual argument, you mouth-breathing anti-white retard.
Calling me a shitposter and a shill isn't an argument. Like I've said, it seems that calling people shills is some kind of defense mechanism you use to shelter yourself in a bubble of self-reassurance - a self-constructed safespace, if you will. I mean, it kind of makes sense. If you can dismiss your opponent as a shill you don't need to refute them or show them how they're wrong, you just need to pretend you're under attack by paid agents who want to disagree with you (how dare they), and you've automatically proved yourself right.
I didn't expect to come here to feel, user.
pretty typical to be honest. It's not like I expected you to be intelligent. I'm betting you have more smug anime girl pictures than you do brain cells
Kill yourself, Chaim.
Everybody knows who (((you))) are.
I wonder if he will go the distance and beat >360 from /cow/
Hey shill, you know you're up against literal wizards, right?
You feel it, don't you? Even a Kike must be able to feel the coming storm on the horizon. You must know you're wasting your time, trying to delay the inevitable. Shaking; knowing we see right through you.
How can you spend your last days shitposting with the day of the rope so close at hand? You must know your attempts at saving yourself are futile. It's coming. You can't stop it. Spend you last days coddling your piggy bank and foreskin collection; it might bring you some comfort until we can pencil you in a time to receive your Zyklon B dosage.
typical anti-white rat.
Let's make a list
Yup. It's terminal cuckoldry
not an argument
Still not an argument, you mouth-breather. Come back when you have enough brain power to refute a single thing I've said this whole thread.
I'm still waiting for one reason why we shouldn't exterminate all nips along with the rest of the non-white populations of earth for the purposes of white colonisation. All you can muster is emotional appeals to egalitarianism and pitiful shill accusations.
Nice ad-hom, cocksucker.
still not an argument, bucko.
Yup, smells like Jewry. You're a real good goy, gook-lover.
That would imply you had an argument for me to ignore, which you don't.
Maybe you misunderstood what I meant when I said literal wizards.
Let me restate that.
literal wizards
Merely a coincidence.
Gettin' real close to the old shill saying: "Muh JOO"
The jews fear the Samurai - (((You))) are no different, Applebaum
*you are anti-white
"Not an argument" isn't an argument.
Is the (49) kike going nuclear yet?
The stench of death must already wifts through your nose. The heat of the furnace already prickles your greasy Jew skin.
Your needle-like fingers tremble over the keyboard, shakily typing up a hollow shill argument in the vain hopes that this might be the one to break the spirit of those damn bad goyim, right?
The Age of the Good Goy is over, Chaim. The Age of the Bad Goy is upon you. Your days upon this Earth are numbered.
You cannot stop us.
yup, that's degeneracy.
If you don't want to put white interests first, which logically arrives at the conclusion of exterminating non-whits, then you are a cuck
Hitler allied with non-whites against whites. He wasn't a cuck, but this isn't something to forgive and forget.
Promoting ideologies that strengthen non-white populations, thus emboldening them against you is anti-white cuckism.
basically ">muh pr" to justify your egalitarian worldview
start making an argument please
I've been here prmoting these ideas for months, and have been on Holla Forums since the first exodus. The fact you think these ideas are new shows that you're probably a cuckchan transplant yourself.
From that twitter image, his views are:
1. Stop construction
2. New regulations for pachinko (gambling)
3. Cancel socialist programs
This is the future you chose
You're having a tough time tonight.
I want to know for what rag tabloid/website are you fishing screenshots here.
I am literally at the edge of my seat to see where this thread will show up as news and whether you will have the balls to post the replies telling your false flagging ass to kill yourself.
News to me, Chaim.
Keep grasping, Moishe. Only jews like you promote Globalism.
If there was any trait of a Jew that could be seen as admirable, it would be persistence– though, that is a trait your share with cockroaches.
Your kind will be wiped out, Chaim, and nobody will even remember the name of your species once we've built a monument to our achievements atop your ashes. You must know that it is futile to persist, and yet, you still attempt. I can feel the desperation growing with every post your make. You can't stop it.
you could have prevented this
Rest of the picture, please
Its about letting them in their countries you dumbass autist.
Do you even know what egalitarianism is suppose to be you goddamn retard? We wanted them off here.
start making an argument please
The impotent rage seeping through every word you type on your keyboard with your shaky, hairy fingers makes me gleam with excitement. I can feel your weakness; your fear.
Don't have it famalam, sorry. Her name is Clowpiece if you want to find shit of her.
He's the only one who's opinions count as an argument. You should have realized by now.
this is the best part. You people are the epitome of PRcucks who are basically just libshit egalitarians at heart.
might makes right
no race has a right to survive that they do not secure my force
whites should ensure our global dominance by eradicating all competitor races.
logic isn't your strong suit
as expected.
The belief that all races are equal or of equal value
You are advocating egalitarianism-lite. You believe that nips of equal worth to Europeans and should be left alone for unknown reasons simply because you're too afraid of looking "extremist"
promoting cuckolded egalitarianism-lite for the purposes of PR is PRfaggotry
Oh how they swarm! I'm betting all the resident gooks on Holla Forums have swarmed this thread.
not an argument
not too bright
I have no idea what you just said to me, but consider the record corrected, fellow anonymous poster.
Keep trying skinwalker.
It's been fascinating watching the progression of your shilling tactics. This has been the funniest thread all day thanks to you.
If I post anime then will you get assmad?
Witness this kike post, everyone.
Witness how, as his shallow courage falters in the face of his inevitable demise, his mistakes begin to mount. The inevitability of his fate weighs heavily, even on his deluded kike mind, and his begins to make mistakes. His time for the chamber is coming soon, and in his haste, he forgets to capitalize his sentences. To even do a cursory check of his spelling or grammar.
He knows, truly, that deep down he cannot stop or even weaken us, but the power of kike denial of reality is strong. He will persist. Gaze upon him, and smile, for this is the desperate flailing that precedes the death of all vermin, Holla Forums. Get used to it.
This is the final thrashings of a creature whose entire survival strategy is built from lies, deceit, and infiltration. This is what his death throes look like.
I'm not arguing with you, I'm ridiculing you. I'm not surprised that an individual on the autism spectrum wouldn't comprehend the distinction. I'm sorry about your inferior genes, (54).
It would be very butthurt.
You're a smug girl.
For Jew
You are a cuckchanner altistic-right transplant. If you don't know what this means, then you simply prove that you are new here.
If you do not know what a PRcuck is, then you are also proving that you are new.
Oh sorry. That's too extremist for your libshit sensibilities. I've got to be an egalitarian-lite and advocate racial solidarity, international unity, universal brotherhood of man, and the right of every race to self-determination.
What a cuck.
accusations of shilling is still not an argument, you anti-white jew-enabler.
Only if you justify white genocide and attack white interests.
We have been infiltrated by cuckchanner anti-whites.
Well you're not doing a very good job, considering you're just showcasing everyone that you are incapable of making any kind of ocherent argument against my points. If shitpost is all you can do, then I accept your defeat.
Ahhh, now I get it.
You know you're living in one crazy fucked up Berenstain Bear timeline when the goal of the paid establishment shills is to make the ebil internet neo-nazi forum look more racist than it actually is.
Continue for my amusement.
(((He))) doesn't even sound like a neo nazi at this point. (((((He))))) sounds like a cartoon James Bond villain.
Chaim, even you must know by now.
We know better than to argue with kikes.
I'll let your obsession with "rational arguments" speak for itself.
No words, only laughter at you.
lmao. Redditors are hilarious
You really have some unnatural love for non-whites, don't you? You seem to want to go out of your way to defend them when they really don't give a single shit about you preservation.
No, you altistic-right reddit transplant, that's not all "we" want. Take your egalitarian-lite ideology and cuckoldry for non-whites back to your nigger-loving site.
feels pretty good tbh.
Enjoy your never ending hell of a time loop.
lol didn't read
Record Status:
[ ] Not Corrected
[X] Corrected
yes user, you've figured it out! it's those evil paid shills trying to scare away the valuable support from non-whites and liberals! Stay vigilant! We need to focus on improving our image and ensuring we have a diverse face to represent our moderate™ views. For PR reasons, of course :^)
It is in our own best interest to keep our relationship with Japan and her people healthy and strong.
Were it not for the cultural bulwark known as anime, we would have been forced to 'enjoy' our own (((Western Media))) and a good portion of us would be Wiggers or poz'd up Homos. We have Japan to thank for many things.
We're correcting record levels that shouldn't even be possible.
It's always a fun night with you, /pol
Woah you such a real nasi "user"
But you want to kill all non-whites?
Why do you want to make white people do shit jobs instead of enslaving them.
Youre such a anti-white
I can't wait for his next wall of autism where he makes a reply to everyone.
Rev up your anime girls, this will be a bumpy ride.
I'll leave it to everyone else to compare his previous posts to this statement.
Kek this guy is STILL shitposting? This is got to be the most hilarious display of autism I have ever seen.
Not Autism, it's Judaism.
Funny, isn't it? You still haven't provided a real argument to refute me. Maybe it's because you're unable and all you have us >muh feels and accusations of shilling
I didn't really expect you to. you're anti-white, after all.
You're so hilariously dense it hurts.
Even when they're fucking you in the ass you beg for more.
>Yes, don't you whittu piggus see? You need us for our cartoons of little girls doing irrelevant things. We are clearly a bulwark of culture preserving Western Civilisation!
And take away employment from whites who deserve it? And have a repeat of the trans-atlantic slave trade? No thank you.
The digits!
how new are you. Really?
you're a jew if you want to advocate the best interests of white people and not cuck for nips
How does one arrive at such a conclusion?
forgot pic
still searching for an argument. Can't seem to find one
I for one, find it quite hilarious.
I got 'em revved and ready to go.
This kike is having a complete and total meltdown.
What a time to be alive when people accuse you of being a kike on Holla Forums for advocating white superiority and imperialism.
These ideas were commonplace until you cuckchanners rolled in here.
still waiting for that argument you never made, piss-skin
Those mines in africa sure are so deserving for white people
WAY fucking older then you shlomo
If you had been in chans for a goddamn couple of years you'd know this was a literal SRS meme that they used when shilling there
Nobody is arguing with you. What's the deal with your "argument" fetishism?
Keep on posting, Shlomo Moshiesteinburg.
Surely if you shill hard enough, you'll safe your rat-like race for another day from the gas chambers.
Being a kike, he doesn't realize that Holla Forumsacks are too smart to argue with Jews.
Yup. Give me one reason we shouldn't take them for ourselves.
Is that why you space your replies like a Redditor and spam all caps in autistic fits of rage while simultaneously out yourself as a newfag with your promotion of moderate cuckoldry.
Russia is white. Why would we do that?
not making too much sense, m80
You have more smug anime faces than brain cells.
Not an argument. :^)
I like to be thorough
Okay shill, i'll give you this one chance, give me all your hottest arguments why we should exterminate Nips, but bear in mind:
Humor me shill, tell me why we should exterminate these particular people.
We're reaching autism levels that shouldn't be possible right now.
Source? That sounds adorable as fuck.
I'm actually a little embarrassed for you right now. But do let us know what news site you post this up on, kay? I want my sister to see the levels of (((autism))) one man can reach.
Did that cocksucker give up?
This is objectively false. Stop reading we-wuz pseudo-scientific garbage. Japs are a mongoloid race.
Yeah, to their own people. Not whites. This makes them a cohesive threat. This does not benefit whites.
irrelevant to my argument
how does this benefit whites?
my fucking sides. Not only is your worship of Japs nauseating, it's also based on complete bullshit. Only weebs, everyone
How does this benefit whites?
How does this benefit whites
1. They are non-whites who are engaging in white genocide by colonising our lands
2. They have previously declared unprovoked war on whites.
3. They are intelligent enough and capable enough to build nuclear weapons, making them the only non-whites other than kikes that could potentially pose an existential threat to us.
4. They have a natural inclination towards desiring resources and power and this will inevitably lead to conflict between us down the road
5. They do not give a shit about the survival or propagation of the white race, so we shouldn't care about them
6. It is in our interests to remove all populations that have have the potential of posing any kind of threat to us our our interests.
7. Whites should ensure our interests are maximised, and if exterminating nips helps, then we should put our interests first.
Odd, considering I'm the only one actually defending white interests here. Maybe you think that way because you put an unnecessary and unhealthy value on non-white populations.
Clueless cuckchan transplants are a blast.
Look at you, burning the midnight oil straight to the dawn in Tel Aviv to correct so many uncorrected records.
Don't worry, Chaimberg.
The white race will be sitting pretty and happy once your race has finally been sent to the dustbin of history.
Or, should I say, the ashy tray.
Why shouldn't whites advocate global white supremacy? Please give ma a reason or two. I'll be waiting
If that's true, we need a good purge. I hope you leave for some shitty alt imageboard. If you don't I'll certainly be here to counter your shilling.
If you leave, maybe you'll be able to find people who actually want to argue with you. You should think about it.
This guy is a fucking joke in the mainstream japanese politics.
Find a better jap to shill, Holla Forums, you're killing your own credibility with shit like this.
The Eternal Jew has such a small mind. No Moishe, it won't be global, it will be Galactic, and our Jap allies will be there to help us. Hooknoses won't survive that long.
If you had read the thread, you'd know that the thread was never about whatever irrelevant nip the OP wanted to discuss.
I used to find plenty of people with enough brain power to argue intelligently and honestly before you cuckchan shitposters arrived.
You are a defective human being with unnatural feelings of affection towards a competitor population of humans.
Hi Commie. Your innate hatred of competition let the nose out of the bag.
Your not fooling anyone with your nosey SRS smiles
But you are a hell of a motivated kike, Ive got to admit.
The hypocrisy is thick. This is the same faggot accusing everyone who doesn't agree with him of being reddit. That's not an argument, by the way, (68).
Does a soccer team ally with the opposing team based on retarded warm and fuzzy feelsing of unity? No. Their objective is to win against the opposing team. there is no middle ground or mutually beneficial solution. I don't hate competition, I recognise it as a fact.
What can I say? If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and looks like a duck, it might just very-well be a duck.
If you made an argument, then I'd happily respond with one.
Go away, terryaki-san. Your anti-white garbage isn't convincing anyone.
Not an argument.
Your soccer (football you cunt) analogy doesn't work. The White Man's only real enemy is the jew, no other race has earned its extinction as much.
So, Fed. If we're to kill all non-Whites, I'm assuming you'll be so gracious as to sell us the nerve gas?
I'm sure our good, pro-white friend has many incriminating things to sell us, user. We have to kill absolutely everyone, after all. We're white nationalists!
I agree, fellow nazi!
You are literally posting reddit smiley memes and shitty stock photos.
Just get out kike
Here you go brah, i was commuting to work and couldnt source you then.
It sounds like it came straight out of an anime.
You take away my waifu - you pay with your laifu.
Damn nigga, this retard went to >(70) while i was away, good job not addressing anything in my post kike, you lost.
Where's your argument?
But it does. Race relations are inherently zero-sum since resources are scarce and both populations have directly contradictory interests.
All non-whites are enemies of the white man in some capacity. The Jew is by far the most deadly, but then underneath that the Asians pose the biggest threat due to their high intelligence, high in-group cohesiveness and trust, tendency to aggressively follow their own self-interest and disregard others, and ability to pose any serious opposition to white imperialistic interests.
Killing non-whites for the purpose of colonisation can only happen once we have reclaimed our nations, which, by the way, are also being colonised by "muh based azns!!" So much for interracial solidarity when they're contributing to your own fucking genocide.
that honestly wasn't me.
the point is that the lurkers will see who's the real dishonest one here, and they'll see that this whole thread I've been the only one making arguments and actively responding to those people who reply to me, even when they're shitposting like morons.
Of course not! We are proud supporters of Diversity™, racial solidarity™, human rights™, and universalism™. Why would you suggest such vile, evil, and bigoted crap. We can't have people thinking we're racists. No. It's those liberals that are the real racists™. We've gotta keep good PR so people don't call us ebil naghtzees like they've been doing anyway!
I thought they were tumblr emoticons before. Make up your mind, redditcuck
You are Reddit because you sperg out in massive fits of autistic all-caps rage, act like Holla Forums has ever accepted the "alt-right" label, and overral prove you're an ignorant newfag in your attempts at coopting Holla Forums by pretending all we want is "non-whites out" and nothing more. You've been found out and nothing you say or do will change that. :^):^):^):^)
You don't even sound like you've convinced yourself.
Well I don't really need to convince you. I don't care. I was posting with this ID before that guy joined into the conversation and have continued to post with it after he was banned.
I wish i had smug anime girl folder at work right about now.
I wish you also had an argument right about now
Let this sink in Holla Forums. Nips protest against Koreans entering their country.
Niggers, spics, and sand niggers are far, far worse than Koreans.
have you really exhausted all other insults that this is all you have left?
How does ti feel going on an hour long autistic spergfest and failing this hard?
How does it feel posting 73 posts of autistic dribble and getting told to kill yourself every time?
Please tell me as i really want to know how you feel right about now.
You just have boundless energy tonight, huh chaim?
>>>/stormfront/ is that way. I think you got lost at that crossroad from Reddit!
I remember this.
I agree with you.
But I guess we need to first cleanse all the low IQ white people, let me set the boundary to about 150.
You need to take a genetic test to ensure you are 100% white, really specific and detailed too making our gene pool smaller and making hereditary disease more prevalent, kinda like the Jews and their craziness but it's worth it,below that you are a security risk and need to go to take a gas shower.
Next we cook the kike first, then the nigger, then the spic and all other race to realize our true white utopia where all malice action are done because of our free will, not because of our gene
Reddit and tumblr were all SRS dominated shit you dumbfuck, but you wouldn't know that.
And when did I ever said I we had accepted alt-right shit.
You fucking faggot just keep derailing shit and making strawmen.
Dude, stop.
The shill is such a cool headed guy he doesn't get offended when someone simply tell who he is
What argument are you referring to?
Sorry if my sarcasm wasn't thick enough for you user.
Man, I knew I should've added a :^) in the end
I'm one of the few here who heard of this guy when the election happened. But Japanese nationalists (outside the mainstreamers in the Liberal Democratic Party) are fragmented enough. He should have tried to join Japanese Kokoro.
Japan doesn't need al Alt Right though because nationalism has always been fairly popular there and has never been forbidden from the public as in the Anglosphere.
Okay, i forgive you.
I just couldn't tell anymore.
Changing your ID won't help you faggot. Or are you another newfriend to be instructed in the art of seppuku as the 73 post wonder has?
Feels pretty good. I BTFO a bunch of anti-white piss-skin gooks in the process
Pretty good. Clearly I struck a never with people who hate whites advocating their own interests
Pretty good tbh fammolia.
well thanks for confirming my suspicions, at least.
Of course not! We are proud supporters of Diversity™, racial solidarity™, human rights™, and universalism™. Why would you suggest such vile, evil, and bigoted crap?. We can't have people thinking we're racists. No. It's those liberals that are the real racists™. We've gotta keep good PR so people don't call us ebil naghtzees like they've been doing anyway!
You really can't stop yourself from getting outed as the dirty cuckchanner, PRcuck, and altistic-right moron you are. It's actually hilarious. The drivel you spew wasn't even common place a few months ago before you people started showing up. Just admit it. You washed in here from cuckchan or Reddit recently and think you can fit in.
PRcucker has no place here. That's the shit that killed gamergoy.
I'll take your word for it. You clearly came from there recently.
right here when you had your autistic meltdown and spewed a bunch of altistic-right moderate crap like "all we want is to get the immigrants out, promise! We love real diversity!"
top fucking irony
you're really wearing that one thin. It has about as much meaning as "racist" does at this point.
I just want a pure white world user, isn't that what you are advocating?
Or are you a nigger lover traitor as well?
I'm hurt, I really do
Says a >(76)
sorry meme master I will try harder next time to please you oh king of genocide
will this meme quench you thirst oh great record corrector
Heyo if I post an anime girl smug picture right now will you call me out on that as well?
I actually miss the good 'ol days of 4cuck Holla Forums. Back when camwhores didn't have chins. The sparkling wiggle dick that bitch could suck was impressive.
I don't believe it
anyway. It's been fun arguing with you anti-whites and piss-skin oven-wrthy nip, but I'm tired. Keep proving me right with your anti-white shitspewing and PR cuckery, though. It's incredibly easy to tell you new cuckchan transplants from the rest.
Maybe if any of you actually tried to argue the my points with refutations you could have made some headway, but no. animu girls are more fun, amiright? XDXD.
All non-whites still need to eventually be exterminated for white colonisation after whites have regained control of our nations.
The strong races should dominate the weak races as nature dictators, no race has a right to exist which they do not secure themselves with violence, and might makes right.
No amount of shitposting will change these eternal facts.
nighty night cuckolds :^]
wow (((they))) really do try hard to fit in here
Oh shit it's not an hour long autsimfest, it's even worse
First post: 03:54:31
Last post: 08:43:48
So you're that artfag who whined about 'where's muh art' then? Makes sense now.
Wow, I didn't know CTR shifts were 5 hours long.
Do you think he gets an hourly wage? Or is it pay-by-post? Pay-by-reply, maybe?
goodnight fellow nazi may the chambers be filled with gas always and forever
Also my post were just like my opinion man.
But if you don't agree with me you are a race traitor that is first in line to get shot in my white world
Also I love you, I love the way you sperg, I love your post. No homo tho
Come back later okay user
lol kike
By the way, is it just me or does the Ghostbuster symbol have solid memetic potential?
That was some fringe Soros-funded crazy tank. Not anyone connected to the actual centers of power in Japan.