dilbert creator confirms cialdini


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This is 'REALLY old news. But I want to piggyback on your post.


In the first part of his interview on (((Rubin Report))), paraphrasing, Scott Adams says that discriminating against white males is good for society.

You have to watch about ten minutes.

We have a lot to learn about persuasion, but his cucked liberal mindset disgusts me. Persuasion isn't everything.

watch the webm, also a few months ago intrepid anons dug the hell out of cialdini while being swamped with shills before the mods anchored the thread, now the dilbert creator confirms it is cialdini helping hillary,

nothing like a

Ok, I don't understand. Where is the confrimed link between Cialdini and Hillary?

What is the evidence? Your post sucks.

Speak English faggot.

We're friends, but please explain. Have a bump.

I don't have a link I have a webm where the creator of dilbert an expert hypnotist and psychological expert says -just like all the anons months ago, that hillarys whole propaganda blitz is being orchestrated by this man
Robert Cialdini

What? He isn't wrong. This is really old news.

the user with the full dox said he would drop if it was confirmed
it is now confirmed

I have no idea what the fuck this thread is about.

it is in regards to the thread "hillarys godzilla"
if you dont remember it you must be new

Not only that, but he's actually been wrong for the past few weeks. He kept pushing the "softening" meme along with the MSM, and today, he came out and said that Trump is still softening on immigration because he never said he would expand budgets toward getting illegals out of the country.

He also said in another post of his the other day that, while he understands how averages are calculated with regard to race, IQ, etc. that the U.S. is doing just fine as a diverse country.

For someone so arrogant, he's not really all that informed.

Ooooh. Well that is good.

Checked and agreed. I thought he could be a partner in saving the West, but he will not be. It has always been up to us, of course.

Do not trust the words of hypnotists, invariably they have an alternative motive for everything they say to you. However if Cialdini is confirmed for 'godzilla' then it is time to DIG.

they don't remember because it was fucking irrelevant. though i'm not against throwing pizza parties for hill's people as they get known.

You must be really dumb if you believe Armies don't use camouflage or spies

To elaborate, an army isn't made of exclusively shocktroopers.

Scott Adams is a literal cuck who married a single mom.


He's right about a lot of Trump persuasion tactics, but at the end of the day, he's still a cuck.

I just want to make it clear that I don't agree with dilbert on everything (in fact not much) but as far as psychological analysis, hypnosis he is pretty good and him calling out cialdini by name as being behind this "dark" meme hillary is pushing is pretty significant

Well he divorced her. Divorce means nothing? Holla Forums is full Catholic Church now?

Same goes for Robert Cialdini. They're teaching us how to JEW moar better, though.

Trump is turning it around and we're going to turn things around further I'm sure.

He's been cucking extra hard recently. When he posted his "solutions" to illegals, not one of his solutions involved deporting them, and his "rebuttals to Trump supporters" did not even mention demographics. Demographic decline of white races is all this election is about, and if he didn't want to talk about it he could've stayed silent, but instead he has to chime in with his basic bitch liberal ideas and reveal himself for the cuck that he is.

What pisses me off is he has this notion that you can disregard all evidence of the flaws in any idea because "people are irrational and so we're all just operating on the delusions that work best" but he fails to notice that liberal delusions are rapidly approaching the point where they stop working, because they're not based on reality at all. For fuck sakes, he says that America is better than any other country and also racially diverse, so therefore there's nothing wrong with shitskins, but he completely ignores that America is only great because of the remnants of it's past as a white ethnostate.

His entire worldview is based on the assertion that "people are irrational", but logically we can ask if this assertion and belief is itself irrational. If it is irrational then there's no reason to listen to him or believe any conclusions derived from this assertion. And if it's not irrational then it contradicts itself and proves that people can be rational, again debunking his entire libshit wordlview.

Sincerely, go fuck yourself Scott, you've become so enamored with your own belief that "I am the smartest of all the Greeks, because I alone know that I'm retarded" that you've ceased to be capable of logical thought.

It's never stated that he was the one who filed. It's more likely she did. She keeps him around as a good beta, and doesn't have to fuck him.
That's not even the main point.
Marrying a single mom is.
Are you trying to say that marrying a single mom and raising her two kids is a non-cuck move?

I'm not arguing against the jew methods. I'm just stating that its not surprising they have cuck viewpoints. Persuasion is a tool that can be used by the Right or the Left, it just happens to be he's a cuck.

Are you saying Divorce is a non existant Secular thing and once Married it is forever?

That reminds me of the Old Catholic Church. I thought Cuckstianity was a thing around here? Or it isn't anymore?

I feel like this is either a slide thread or some form of autistic cancer.

For people that are confused about this thread it's people oy veying over Psychology/Influence/Marketing bullshit from irrelevant faggots.. It really feels like something some faggot from Buzzfeed would make while trying to incorporate memes and what they perceive as Holla Forums culture tbh.

I see. Honestly, I hadn't known about Scott's personal life - I was just reading his blog recently for obvious reasons. Thanks for informing.

Yeah, it's a cancer thread. I'm piggybacking.

Name a single army that won using ShockTroopers exclusively.




A real one, not an imaginary one. You sound very juvenile.

Old news - and what different does it make? What do you want us to do? Not a rhetorical question: explain yourself.

((CTR)) shills are here trying to turn us against scot adams.

Just see how much he gets saged because… uh no one really understands why.

It's also not true. They weren't all shock troopers :^)

Good you admit I'm right both in reality and fiction then.

maximum shillage

Everything you have said in this thread is off topic. Filtered.

Wait user, I'm a bit confused with your questioning. Are you arguing that divorce is degenerate or not degenerate?

My main point was on the single mom and raising another man's kids, but please clarify your point. Your use of cuckstainity infers that you're for divorce. But I brought up divorce because statistics show that women initiate over 80% of divorces, and most guys who get JUST CUCK MY SHIT UP FAM (Brendan Fraser) are divorced by their wives.

yeah all the other threads about robert cialdini were bombed with shills

Molyfoo destroyed him recently when he started cucking on his show. I think that made him double down on the cucking.

You clowns are fucking hilarious, I've been reading your various boards for years and the pattern of thought is laughable. You live in a constant HAPPENING that you've made up to act as a hopeful clean slate, a redemption of the world that can allow us to start again in a way that you feel would be more right.

Perhaps I'm the man in Pompeii laughing as my neighbors flee the city, but the mountain has been there for a long time, and running away won't get you far enough when it does collapse.

Here's what I think: your constant spasmatic responses to the trivia of elite wealth management makes your movement seem less legitimate and more tinfoil. But at the end of the day you can never hope for serious change without participating in your community and government, participating in your local business climate, and putting yourself in a position that you can act on your beliefs in a way that allows the "normies" to pick up on the thread in a way that doesn't scare them too much.

But at the end of the day there is no getting off the wild ride, and losing it over every minor flagellation numbs people toward what is actually going on.

I agree that e-celebs are not worth our time, but "le persuasion man of higher dimensional chess" has been at the periphery of this election for long enough that he's influenced the zeitgeist we have going. So I think it's important for people to know that aside from some insight into persuasion, he's mostly a cuck that should be ignored.

I'm not condeming the use of soft tactics to win the culture war, if that's what you're implying. I'm condemning reasoning that ignores logical thinking and statistical observations, because that's almost entirely the foundation of race realism and by extension our white nationalism and all the other Holla Forums goodness.

Take as many of his jewy persuasion techniques as you can, but don't let him influence you bond that. He hides his lack of knowledge and strong convictions behind a smarmy air of smugness.

Totally not suspicious mate. You'll join assange lawyer when Clinton has no further use for you.

Point is if he divorced her, well then he himself realized the cuckening and tried to un-cuck himself amongst the possible.

If you believe divorce doesn't exist, then marrying a single mother in the first place is ficticious, since in just system she would be a divorcee herself or marrying women with kids would make no sense in such value system.

0/10 m8

This is old a fuck.

learn english shill

I'm sorry friend, you're a cuck, and we're taking over.

Thanks for confirming cancer.

Been here longer that you faggot.

This is old shit. Where have you been?

Dilbert Man has a vague grasp of the persuasion game. Enough to play it, but not enough to play it well. Which is more than can be said of the average normie, but really, both the God Emperor and any given Holla Forumsack can run circles around him.

He obviously knows. So many Dilbert comics about people getting quotas simply for being a minority and then firm fucking up.

If he doesn't mention, it's because he doesn't want to, rather than denying it. To be fair in Dilbert it was already mentioned fairly a lot.

He looks smug? He looked high to me all the time. Let him act smug, who gives a shit tbh

nice shilling hope your thirty pieces are worth it

He hangs with the other traitors.

Source your quotes.
See me after class.

Stop the D&C.

delete this

or what? I'll end up dead?

Going from deportation-squads-for-everyone to no-deportations-unless-you're-a-criminal is a softening though.

Here's a choice quote from his latest blog post
and also

Point is, the man had been told to his face that he would never be promoted because he was a fucking white male, and that company would instead increase it's diversity. This happened twice.

The man can clearly see the writing on the wall, but like any illegal, he can't fucking read it. And it's this inability of his to put together all the pieces that he has in his hands, even when his jobs is literally to mock society's problems, that I'm taking aim against. The man has mentally plateaued due to excessive belief in "persuasion is everything, facts aren't important to persuasion", and so we hould be warning others that yes, persuasion is important, and no, you can't ignore the facts.

We're winning because we take whatever works and discard anything that doesn't, as does the God Emperor.


Dunno about the confirmed link. But the mastery of persuation is to make an old cunt the most powerful person on this planet. Because persuation relies on meta and flow, but if you take a different perspective she is just an old cunt a lot of people talk about. It is like the streisand effect. People talk about an old cunt and this old cunt becomes your saviour.
And then if you look at the meta and the polls and everything that comes along with it, persuation is the vector that steers the flow, the flow of the crowd and the flow of the individual which shapes the crowd and the crowd shapes the invidiual. And then you get this machine that is automized. All these numale betas, all the frogs, the soup friends and all those psyducks. The art is to make people vote for a crooked old cunt, to make her not look like an old crooked cunt, because that is what she is when you boil it down. And then you turn this grandma into all kinda shapes, and all the media is like a big autists looking through a crystal and the normies look where they look.
And then you get the dynmaics that evolve naturally, like big talking points that will surface, and then everyone will resort to his or her point of memory and culture.
And it all rests on human nature, if you can say it i can say it, if you can do it i can do it.

So in essence persuation from people of his kind is how do i get regular healthy people to vote for a sick old cunt? And that is the art we mastered.

I know, it is right in our faces and the shills are using gas lighting techniques on us.

[email protected]/* */

Hard to figure out what he thinks. He obviously knows about the diversity threat, but he isn't willing to be a shock trooper, nor has innate talent for such.

Think of him as an ambusher that ocasionally wears the enemy uniform as camouflage.

Quality post, very very persuasive. I acknowledge a master.

Dilbert man has actually gotten kinda butthurt at Holla Forumsacks shitposting at him lately and he shut down all comments on his blog due to us.

Cialdini is a master of his art. I would dare to say that he is one of the foremost experts on mind control.

I know, and that is why and old cunt will never become president. Somehow i take great joy in that. It is like spitting those who cut themselves into the face.


Do people still use shock troops?

Yes, simply they became highly standardized since WWI and the term fell out of usage, but in practical terms yes, as opposed to snipers, scouts, etc.

Rather than shitpost, we could remember that no one is redpilled overnight…

Took a long for Ben, took long for Stephan Molyneux.

Kek Dilbert comics are full of scenarios where people get status in job simply because of being non white.

He himself got refused positions for being a fucking white male.

Try harder CTR.

Hey man for some people especially the elderly the red pill is a suppository.

Never fucking liked him, seeing his interview with Molly just sealed the deal. What a pretentious faggot.

You niggers are putting way too much thought and importance into this type of NLP kikery.

holy fuck the shilling in this thread
here s a bump

I don't. I'm not discounting the usefulness of persuasion, just Scott Adams.

I agree 100%. And I used to kind of like Scott.

When did he ever say he was going to have deportation squads for everyone?

do you understand how important this election is? do you understand

Scott is dogshit. Nothing he's done warrants this attention. All he's managed to do is lower my regard for any bloggers that have him on. It's like none of them do their homework on who's a good or bad guy, if they can even tell.

Seriously, everything he's done is complete dogshit. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills seeing him paraded around like this.

Same reason he shills for hill, he said this. Safety.

Hello CTR


If you watched his Molly interview he is pretty specific about keeping himself employed.

Wow CTR is going full retard trying to demonize Scott Adams in this thread! Divide and conquer, amirite?

I don't think anybody said we shouldn't use him to the fullest extent possible!

Just remember two facts to protect yourself:

*Scott is literally a cuck. He's also anti-marriage.
*Scott is anti-white.

The proof is above. Don't get your panties in a knot over this.

He's the ultimate pretentious, liberal, atheist, commie, literal cuck shilling for the enlightened middle ground. Only a fucking idiot his target audience would walk away from a Scott encounter thinking positively of him.

Who made this picture? Seems like someone thought "lets put an asian guy in front of a climate change board that looks really complex, but it is basic chemistry and some trees."

But on the other hand you are right but this shit is interesting. Every frog should know the basics.

He is a smart guy, has some ticks if you look closely and he is somehow between a rock and a hard place. Speaking of scott adams, caldini is like a psyduck on sterioids.

How'd I do with this faggot's pasta?

Fucking CTR fucks.
Hillary will be done with you when you're no longer useful.

Never forget.

Not bad.

Not bad.

So the creator of Dilbert is autistic. Not really a surprise tbh fam.

Thing is, he was doing a perfectly fine job of commentating on the election and Trump's techniques without pushing socjus OR overt Trump support, but every since the DNC he's been getting progressively more, progressive, in his rhetoric and framing. He's gone from presenting a perspective on the election that a lot of newfags weren't aware of (looking at you gamergoys) while also attacking the anti-Trump narrative. He was a useful periphery to us and now he's not.

Really, he has one trick that he's gotten very good at using to make himself rich and famous, and that's it. You can learn that trick after some observation but there's really nothing else to him, unless you enjoy dilbert. I'll give credit where it's due but there's not much t give here.

There is a difference between criticism of a semi-useful outsider, and D&C. You are the latter.

Also check'd

You have to write it the other way round, they will be done once hillary is no longer useful.

I watched both parts of that interview before coming to this thread.
I found nothing inherently wrong with anything he said.

I wonder if CIAldini has the memes, too. I haven't looked into him though. I was too put off by dogshit Scott after looking at his Molly interview and bibliography.

I'll see if I can pirate one of CIAldini's books.

this vid seems like a secret red pill to me

man, once in a while ya stumble in a genuine shill thread that you didn't realize at first. Then ya start reading the posts and it sound so alien (cue meme here) not because the shilling is heavy like usual, but because its eerily built up. the flow, the tone, the forced Holla Forums speak, its just 1 step away from sounding plausible, like how the more real a doll gets, the creepier it become.

It remind me of those raiding Holla Forums threads we used to have that kept screaming happening in every thread while going disinfo/D&C all over the place

considering how Scott adams keeps messing with our cognitive dissonance in a reacharound way bypassing our mental defenses, like his endorsement of clinton because he fear death threats from the left, I would not take anything he says at face value, the guy is a hypnotist to boot.

I would be really interested in reading one of his books tbh.

B-E-A-U-Tiful trips-o-truth!

Remember that Dilbert guy is also pushing that ultra-autistic idea of Trump turning post offices into Mexican embassies so that Mexicans can be "deported" to send them there.

With gymnastics like that, why bother doing anything at all? That "solution" wouldn't make any Trump supporter happy. It's just ridiculous, and the fact that Adams thinks otherwise makes me question his judgement.

I think he is self-deluding because he supports Trump but not because of the Mexican deportation angle, so he's trying to convince himself it won't happen.

Jeez. Didn't know Dilbert Man was such a cuck faggot. Kinda disappointing tbh.

this thread isn't about dilbert it is about
robert cialdini

Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert B. Cialdini

The jews have let him have too much money, so now he is unwilling to call them out.

Yep. I think he relies so much on his knowledge of persuasion that he takes matters of policy for granted.

Scott Adams is just trying to sell his wares. He'll say anything to do it.

Maybe I'm a bit bitter because I started a thread about Cialdini months ago, made dozens of comments about it, and received nothing but ridicule from other Holla Forumsacks for my trouble.
Frustrating man.

Do we have anything new about Cialdini? It is probably too late to scare him away from the election…

The Sanger quote is fake.

Who the fuck is robert cialdini and what does he do?

Hahahahahahahaha, what a faggot. Fuck this cuck

Read his wikipedia page. That should give you the basics.

he's an overrated bullshitter

He wrote some shitty persuasion book that became required reading in marketing and business. It isn't that great of a book, though. Pretty basic ideas.

If you don't think he's a worthwhile target, then why don't you go find another thread?

He wrote a book that teaches people how to Jew better, and now he works for the Hillary campaign.

because this isn't a hugbox you fucking faggot. Can't take criticism? then fucking unplug

That's exactly what it is.

For you legit people still asking who Cadalini is, he's a master persuader.

Why waste your time? Or are you paid to be here?

There are dozens of threads on Holla Forums right now that don't particularly interest me. That's why I'm not in them. So why are you here?

He might have been cucked, but he's making things right now the best he can.

That's the spirit, let's take this to the next level. Like a symphony of the mind, like a tribute to the godlike in us. It isnt the math that rules it is the mind that rules. Everything is math, no everything is the mind.

What does he owe the whore? She probably already got a sizable chunk of his cash, and hasn't given him any children. What does it mean for him to "make things right" with her, if not with a shovel?

Here – mobi and epub as well.!mJw3HABK!6-61AZ5JgSJv7BFJ8E_j7AzIQw-GVJFt-tw7qNKZ_lg

We get it, you like weed.

Not necessarily. There is a huge difference between theory and practice.

I dont smoke weed.

His shit relies on a model of controlled information, it's only reasonably effective against people who cannot into internet or can't detect patterns.

That being said, normies in general are fucking morons and remain vulnerable. I guess you can read his shit so you can better catch it in the wild. As for "doing" anything, his research is in literature and will still be read even if he was hit with a fucking bus.

Basically just keep redpilling ppl and memeing cuck-loving faggots into mental breakdowns.


Holla Forums sure is fickle huh

There is a little mistake you make, you extrapolate your internet experience you dug very deep into to normies. That doesnt apply here, the normies never heard of this site, they never heard of anything you take for your very basics. Not even the very basics you do like taking a piss in the noon, it is like a RTS game and they ask you what your main building does while you know all the meta shit down to extreme precison. That is your redpill.

You haven't read that book.

Holla Forums is like a dick that cant decide if he fucks your cunt, your ass or your tits or your stupid mouth.
But it is always erect.

fair point

so are we to discuss a proper counter to his shit?

then fucking elaborate.

I've talked to IT guys that said "I have nothing to hide".
But then again what are your goals? His effectiveness isnt limited to internet people, it is applied to your everyday faggot. It is apply to your fucking everything, even if you just pay your gas to fill up your car. It even works for fucking cunts, have a lot of women around you and then your price goes up. It is the social matrix so to speak, it is the very basic stuff. Very basic psychology just in a refined manner.

here's a pdf link for anons who don't want to unzip shit

sounds like something along the lines of subliminal/subconscious communication.


GOOGLE "Scott Adams Planned Chaos"



GOOGLE "Scott Adams Planned Chaos"



GOOGLE "Scott Adams Planned Chaos"



GOOGLE "Scott Adams Planned Chaos"



GOOGLE "Scott Adams Planned Chaos"


Yeah, Holla Forums is better persuasion than cialdini ever was.

You have no fucking idea how powerful this shit is.
Or maybe you do.

"Finally, each principle is examined as to its ability to produce a
distinct kind of automatic, mindless compliance from people, that
is, a willingness to say yes without thinking first."

pretty much


I'm gonna have to watch that video again because I don't remember anything like that when I saw it earlier.

Just turn it up a notch, i know that you frogs can do that. I knew that once i heard you quak.

404'd here's new one

Holla Forums is great at persuasion, my upbringing is 100% incompatible with what I now know/believe thanks to this place. However, I think that's largely due to the fact that there are thousands of people at work doing the persuading, versus one man. Cialdini would probably destroy any of us individually in a contest of persuasion, but together we are a potentially unstoppable force.

i never stop fam

there's a reason why our memes work

just read his pdf. his sources are mainly people you would probably call bullshitters on first site. He pretty much pulls the reins on normies, which is devastating itself.

Not really, i would take my chair and move it really close to him and then i would whisper "all your words are mine and always has been, all your persuation belongs to me."

I know, that is why your are so facinating. I ve never seen anything like this.

really it's just pattern recognition. Anons pick up on subconscious communication from necessity, than harness it for whatever. Some become hustlers, some become "PR Consultants" some join alphabet agencies or do all three at some point. However many of us just want to live a simple life and keep that part of ourselves as some sort of on-line alter ego.

What makes chans more powerful then researchers like Dr. Robert is that most of us come from the conventional parts of life to socialize here. What we see and say is unfiltered, so our minds pick up on details here and there and begin to piece patterns together more rapidly in a more broad form.

also bias is a big set-back, that meaning, if names were tied to these posts it would effect our judgment on what we are reading. This includes false positives and false negatives being applied before analyzing the content of the posts. In the Time Dr. Robert analyzed 3 bullshitters you would have already analyzed a dozen here, since we bullshit each-tother all the time as a form of competitive sport.

Not only are chan posters a quickly evolving beast, we evolve in the shadows that people couldn't even see in broad daylight. This is why I'm skeptical of researchers like Dr. Robert, I see us as way more advanced.


Scott you are the DEFINITION of a pseudo intellectual.

So are the people who buy into this shit.

STOP sucking this ageing beta male's cock Holla Forums he is NOT an intellectual or "master persuader", he went to some papermill class about hypnosis that LITERALLY ANY OF YOU COULD DO.

We came here to socialize, not to be fucked over, and trust me motherfucker you dont get to fuck with someone like me. I can read that "subconscious code", i can rationalize it, i can make sense of that patterns, and everyone can read that in my fucking face. ANd i can see yours.

I dont give a fuck about this guys research i just want to read to his book to jerk off to myself. And just taking a brief look at this makes me think it is practical. You know idealism and pragmatism.

further reading:

"we, too, have our
preprogrammed tapes; and, although they usually work to our
advantage, the trigger features that activate them can be used to
dupe us into playing them at the wrong times.3
This parallel form of human automatic action is aptly
demonstrated in an experiment by Harvard social psychologist
Ellen Langer. A well-known principle of human behavior says that
when we ask someone to do us a favor we will be more successful
if we provide a reason. People simply like to have reasons for what
they do. Langer demonstrated this unsurprising fact by asking a
small favor of people waiting in line to use a library copying
machine: Excuse me, I have five pages. May I use the Xerox
machine because I’m in a rush? The effectiveness of this request-
plus-reason was nearly total: Ninety-four percent of those asked let
her skip ahead of them in line. Compare this success rate to the
results when she made the request only: Excuse me, I have five
pages. May I use the Xerox machine? Under those circumstances,
only 60 percent of those asked complied. At first glance, it appears
that the crucial difference between the two requests was theadditional information provided by the words “because I’m in a
rush.” But a third type of request tried by Langer showed that this
was not the case. It seems that it was not the whole series of words,
but the first one, “because,” that made the difference. Instead of
including a real reason for compliance, Langer’s third type of
request used the word “because” and then, adding nothing new,
merely restated the obvious: Excuse me, I have five pages. May I
use the Xerox machine because I have to make some copies? The
result was that once again nearly all (93 percent) agreed, even
though no real reason, no new information, was added to justify
their compliance. Just as the “cheep-cheep” sound of turkey chicks
triggered an automatic mothering response from maternal turkeys
—even when it emanated from a stuffed polecat—so, too, did the
word “because” trigger an automatic compliance response from
Langer’s subjects, even when they were given no subsequent
reason to comply."

No one is saying he did something we couldn't do as well. The fact remains that he has accurately predicted and largely explained the rise of Trump where everyone else in the media failed horribly.

The thread isn't about him though, it's about Cialdini. So stop being a faggot.

what he is missing here is that people respond to anything that shows a sense of empathy. For me to give you a reason, it would imply that I am expressing myself with sincerity, as opposed to no sense of empathy or sincerity by giving no reason to use the copier. We brush off autists like this because there is no visible level of emotional communication.

The author literally thinks "because" is a trigger word. We make fun of that exact mechanism on chans by saying "because reasons"

This isn't impressing me so far.

i feel the same t, im still reading it

As soon as Cialdini joined Hillary, these threads have been shilled to hell and back.

meant *feel the same tbh

Anyone who does not read Scott Adams's blog needs to.

Also it would not kill you to pirate Cialdini's books on Persuasion. It is not just a good insight into Hillary's campaign, it is great for personal use.

Hillary DID hire Cialdini, and no bullycide will not work here, because this is a grown successful man whose entire career is manipulation.

If you would like to learn more on the subject some great books are, "How to win friends and influence people" and "The Art of the Deal" No seriously it is a really good book about persuasion. That is WHY Trump won the primary.

Can you imagine what we could do if someone like us picks up this shit and applies it to memetic warfare? Seriously useful books to pirate.

Didn't they do something similar immediately after Trumps DNC speech that it was so dark and portrayed a very negative and scary picture of current conditions?

nobody here cares about sockpuppetting, so stop redtext spamming you autist. That is not a mature way to communicate.

do you have any idea how many "sockpuppet" accounts people on Holla Forums have had? only shithead kikes like zuckerberg care about people not using their real identities online.

Yes, and due to principle of reptition the more normies here it the more they believe it as just background fact.

This is why religions have chants. You only question it when you pay attention. When it becomes background you accept it via subconscious.

Similar to why girl's pop music pushes being a whore. They don't even hear all the words they just accept it.

Not having names ourselves also frees our minds.

If we had names, if we had cross-thread identities, then we would 'all' be less willing to ever change our mind or reevaluate our positions. The strong drive for self-consistency is overcome by having no identity to be consistent with.

This means that when we are on Holla Forums, we are smarter than we would be otherwise because we don't have ego to bind us and blind us.

The reason why it works is irrelevant. Whether giving a reason encourages empathy, or triggers a chicken brain response, the end result is the same.

If you want to use the photocopier first, give a reason. It doesn't matter why this works.

You shouldn't associate Scott Adams with this, it's going to scare him away from further analysis.

Well Trump is insanely fixated on Deals the same way Scott Adams is fixated on Persuasion

Because you have the incredible audacity to call us autists since we dont fall for your predictable bullshit. YOu use every trick in the book, and you figure we dont figure. Ever asked yourself why you see an increase of autism, based on subconsicous level. Just like that one rambam paul said "you cannot even make a joke anymore". The autism that evolves is jut a coping selfdefense mechanism, drilled in from the very start. And that is why i take my chair and i bring it really close to yours and then i look you straight into the eyes, and that is why i feel your fear.

Who cares, the guy is a cuck. The election is almost over, there is little more he can offer us.

If I cared more I'd say give him the Ben Garrison treatment it worked with one cartoonist, why not another?, but I don't.

If you want to read something shorter than the book, just read the Harvard Business Review article "Harnessing the Science of Persuasion" by Cialdini, from their October 2001 issue. It covers the main points sufficiently (the so called "weapons of influence"), without needless pontification on topics that are substantially more nuanced than Cialdini generally admits.


If you want to understand Trump's perspective on deals and persuasion (deals is a subset of persuasion), look into Dr. Norman Vincent Peale.

I wonder if he's trying to boost his media profile so he can shill for Trump come November?

Just dont violate our privacy. Otherwise it will be very unplesant. Just a little warning to you and your alphabetfriends. Last warning.

fair video on the "alt right"

I really couldn't give a fuck as long as he votes Trump. Anyone voting Trump is okay in my book, they can be fixed

This meme shit is really real, isn't it?

The reason for the lack of empathy is that you abuse empathy. No mercy, no consilation. Isnt that what you want?

Less talk about Scott Adams, more about doxing and IRL life ruining of Cialdini.



Then I agree with such value system that says divorce doesn't exist. Does that make me a cucktholic even though I'm an atheist? What exactly are you arguing here with your religious d&c bs

Trips checked. Obviously, friendo!

It hard to fix a literal cuck. Scott isn't lying when he says he doesn't vote. But the real point is that he expresses extreme SJW values from time to time. Can't fix that.

As far as Scott goes, he's an expert on analysing persuasion, but that doesn't make him not a cuck.

The other day, he said this
So, he correctly identifies one aspect of the problem we have with spics. But then instead of refuting it, he goes
arguing that IQ doesn't matter, which is clearly bullshit.

He has the puzzle pieces, he just can't put them together. Doesn't mean he doesn't have anything useful to say, but he is flawed in thinking that he alone is above being indoctrinated, because he absolutely has fallen to the same brainwashing as most everyone else in society.

How about i just fuck your head? But i assume it is the FBI but you will get fucked so hard you fucking vermin.



I really, REALLY hate this faggot and the types of people he draws out of the woodwork. Just go to a lolbergtardian website and be done with it. You don't belong here

And how the fuck will you go about doing that? Posting pictures of dicks or something.

What a fucking idiot.

I will just tell you that i will get to you and it doesnt matter how long it takes.
You little piece of shit.

Well he did endose Hillary.


Well He's not that wrong as Intelligenct Risk-Taking is what sets the Whites apart from Jews and Asians so it's actually a way to show that whites are better are we're more high risk high reward in our genetics and our behaviour, it's also why Whites have some of the most diversity between individuals than any other race

After watching his talk with Moly as far as I'm concerned all Adams is an expert at is blowing smoke up people's asses. I'm not saying that he hasn't become extremely good at it and it's made him extremely successful, but you have to be able to separate using illogic to slip in and influence people's thought process and completely disavowing being logical.

I doubt that he actually believes that though, but his product is the idea that every single person is completely illogical and that "the chosen" can abuse that and you can too if you buy my book! so of course he's going to shill it.

The fuck are you on about.

One interesting thing about Scott Adams' writing on Trump and persuasion is that you can analyze Scott himself using the tools he demonstrates.

I'm still not entirely sure if Scott is experiencing cognitive dissonance, genuinely trying to believe that Trump won't actually deport anyone and that hordes of unskilled criminals are somehow good for America … or if he's absolutely redpilled and just trying to hide it, like with his very tongue in cheek "I endorse Hillary because Trump's supporters don't kill people who disagree with them."

Either way, it's interesting to see the difference in tactics. It looks (to me) as though Scott thinks he's helping Trump by pitching the "softening" angle, claiming that "all the crazy racist stuff he says is just to get people's attention" - Scott seems to firmly believe that being a racist is an absolute dealbreaker, and that Trump needs to dodge the "racist" label to have any chance of winning.

Of course, he's underestimating Trump. As with most media attacks, Trump just shrugged it off. And the continuing barrage of "IF YOU TRY AND PROTECT YOUR OWN CULTURE YOU ARE RACIST!!!" is not only robbing "racist" of what little shaming power it had left, but is accidentally PROMOTING it.

The message the media is actually sending seems to be, "are you sick of filthy foreigners wrecking your country, raping your kids, destroying the economy and providing cover for terrorist cells? Well then maybe you should consider RACISM! The solution to all these problems!"

After reading Mr Cialdini's book I think he is a suitable candidate for the red pill.
Talking points should be how the Democrats failed new Orleans. How they failed Louiseana, how they caused mayhem in the middle east.

Scott adams is a creep who studied hypnosis, not persuasion, because he is a wormy weird fuck and what he craves most is the ability to dissuade people from their natural reactions to him.

yes/no, if you don't understand the functionality behind it, you can't get the best replication possible.

what the fuck are you rambling about?

You KNOW that the shills are out in full force when they successfully manage to turn a thread about one of Hillary Clinton's top advisors into a bitchfest about one of Trump's biggest supporters.

The catalog thumnail looks like Murphy.

He is an old general, fighting the last wars battle.

We are Dark, Dark, Dark, and the whole thing is a joke.

What is probable here, is that Caialdini is good at getting people to see him as an expert, not that the expert for the first time in human history, know what he is talking about.

Ben Garrison treatment took 3 years. Stephan Molyneux even more.

You're bitching because you he dares to not get redpille in a month or two.. oh wait. What did we repeat about the lenght of redpilling?

Hey CTR you better prepare yourself for that "violence" because once you're done Smearing Scott Adams and Trump, it's either Hillary to wipe you out or the people you recurrently harassed.

Get read while you can.

This is ITT:
-Scott Adams names and sort of Doxes the main Hypno Persuasion guy working for Hillary in Mass Media, basically one of the top Generals shilling for Crooked Hillary got named.

-In obvious "Pure Coincidence", CTR appears here trying to D&C and trying to turn us against Adams rather than focusing on Destabilizing the guy who works for Hillary.

Basically a pro Hillary Field Marshall gets named, and thread attention turns into trying to find -anything that might change goalposts to attacking Scott Adams instead.

Let that sink for a while.

And it's a good think that $hillary listen to a Field Marshall who knows how to win the last war, so why should we care?

So sees there is a war about land and resources in MENA lingering the world into the abyss, but Spics are something different?

How can one hold such notions separated in a head?

What is that?

Hello Pro-Hillary CTR shill.
We should care because we don't want that Murderer holding office. She belongs in Prison.

She would give state secrets for free in exchange for licking more foreigner pussy.

Hillary Hypno dude for her speeches. Scott Adams named him, shortly after in pure coincidence anti Scott Adam posting began.

Yes, you should care, but not because $hillary has any chance of winning.

The Deep State supports Trump, but I don't think they want Hillary punished, unless the public demands it.

You said it, old news.

I think Mr Adams is learning a lot these days.

Learning a lot about what he is allowed to say according to his jew masters maybe.

Then fucking stop shilling your crap here Scott. Everyone knows it's you, you're not as smart as you brag about to all those horny middle-aged women on periscope vying to be your next fuck. There's a reason he doesn't save his periscopes, it's because he practices his hypno-dom routine on his audience. Fun to watch the bitter rejected one-nighters turn into bunny boilers on twitter. Scott should be more discreet. It's fucking stupid to flaunt your fetish like that.

What's hilarious, is that you actually imagine someone would believe that. Let me guess, first time posting as well?

Something is always happening :) change is the one constant in life. Are you suggesting we make up the news? I'm sorry, are you criticising people for being optimistic? In that case, go back to the board with the gay porn on it which you really visit for.

No one asked, dipshit.

Did you forget your medication today?

Baby's joining us for the first time this week. Isn't that cute, guys?

Someone doesn't know anything about 'wealth management' or history.

You're a defeatist, narcissistic, depressive, you realize that right? You go back to tending the shitty business your daddy gave you before he dies of AIDS now.

…I'm starting to wonder if Open World Society, thinktanks etc. have way too much money, ego and time on their hands. I bet they believe all of that meme magick thing as well.

aah, those halcyon days when south park was funny rather than just smileworthy


It's good to have Scott Adam's on our side.

He will browse Holla Forums and grow more and more redpilled, even if it takes some time. It took time to all of us.

And what does it even mean to dox a public figure?

Now rate my killshot, faggots!

Just imagine Katrina Pierson saying, "Hillary Clinton's harebrained handling of classified information is a disqualifying weakness in the minds of all Americans who care about the safety of our service men and women!"

Harebrained Hillary!