She has a freak-out and swears in the comments. Obviously isn't supervised by her parents, therefore channel was wrongfully created and shall be deleted. Report it.
Browsing Youtube
nigga do you really think the mods are this stupid
I request a ban. For myself. Any attempt to appeal, no matter how sincere it may appear, is to be rejected. Of course, I need a shitty reason to get banned.
if you wanted to be banned
its really not that hard
Hopefully dysnimu or some other shithead does soon.
i engaged in the comments out of boredom, lets see where this goes
hey dude. ill give you two choices. either we talk on discord .
so what do you want to do pal?
if you dont respond ill drop your dox gayboy. in 5 mins.
so tell me about yourself. i will with hold the information if you just want to chat.
just make him talk to the loli
what do you mean
fuck idk just don't drop his dox ;)
Fuck you, I'm brekfast, I'm better than you'll ever think you are!!!!
What did he mean by this?
ok, fair enough
discord : CyberMass#0908
google+ :
jewtube account :
weird shit:
^his voice
fucking mad man
Too bad I'm too old to care.
you talk like a fag dude, no wonder he want to lick some 10 year old girl's feet.
realistically nothing will happen but then again it's not a good thing for your 'information' to be out of there.
but but I really didn't want to lick them, and i just asked her to show her fet to experiment (like me with my dubstep) and be edgy, dude.
Yeah, you're right, nothing will happen
Means she was too young, and Youtube does not not allow the underage to make their own fucking channel
She can just get her parents to make her a youtube account, right?
Fuck, she's gorgeous. She's HOT! I want her. She is the mother of my children
I already fucking said she obviously wasn't supervised >:( Swearing in the comments
Calm down cutie, it was only a suggestion ;____;
Her skin looks so soft and smooth… I wonder what kind of facila cleanser she uses, or if it's just natural at that age?
No, some prick might tell her to burn stuff and shit!!! There are already feet video suggestions which is a-ok by me, but it really isn't tbh.
must be both
lolis have silky smooth skin :3
Feet videos will be fine. She'll get those views along with subs, basically a win-win situation for her and her viewers.
Sigh, don't harrass the poor thing.
When Hell is full, the dead shall walk the Earth.
fuck you antis leave those lolis alone, I fucking swear antis watches videos of little girls a lot more often than actual pedos as long as you leave alone the 10 lolis i own over the internet
What the fuck does a child abuser knows about not harassing children, and leaving them alone, when virtually all harassment done to children, committed by an adult, comes from child abusers?
Try jumping off of a tall building straight into the pavement, head first, if you really wish to help children to be safe from disgusting pieces of trash like yourself. You deserve no sympathy from anyone, you deserve a bullet to the head.
I'm a famous and active anti-pedo. Watch who you're talking to buddy.
u so card hore
If the child doesn't want their image to be used by pedophiles all over the internet to illustrate some obnoxious point about child abuse being "okay", then I'm pretty sure they guy is intentionally using the image in an abusive manner.
When are you people going to realize that NO CHILD wants to be associated with pedophilia in any way whatsoever?
In what world do you live where you really think children are fine with having their image used in pedophiliac propaganda? Why do you think NAMBLA, or whatever the fuck those degenerates are called, doesn't have a poster child for their "movement"? You pedophiles are all just steaming piles of shit trying to pose as activists, when in fact the whole world hates you, even the children you claim to love so much.
The image is not the child you utter retard, or is it possible to abuse a child after they grow up and die?
She could just make all her videos private.
I wasn't using the picture in a harassing manner. In this case it was filler eye-candy(no not for pedophiles) to assist my sentence to "not harass the poor thing"
The girl does not want to be associated with pedophilia and I respect that, therefore I won't use her picture ever in a pedophilic manner. This isn't a completely pedophilic board after all.
Children do not like bald, fat, poor child-fuckers. They don't like the regular ones either. Yes, we all hate em.
yeah you should go back to reddit tbh
No it is not because I am here, the famous anti-pedo.
you are either contradicting yourself or a nigger traitor
Kill yourself OP you SJW faggot.
I include them with my anti-pedo statements. Pedos themselves really are pricks and anyone who has a clear attraction to children are to be jailed. OP here aswell, if I could delete the thread before you make it any more retarded I would
ITT pedos ironically pretending to be anti-pedo.
Does the child wants to be associated with pedophiles or with this disgusting propaganda of child abuse you're trying to promote? Personally, I don't think they do.
Using a kid's image to illustrate your point not only it affects the kid's image, since you're associating their face with a criminal activity, it's a very scummy way to capitalize on the natural human tendency to protect and love children, just to make your assumptions about abuse to sound a little more palatable to normal folks who aren't aware of the reality behind child abuse, and who probably don't even know what the child abusers really look like when they claim they want to legally have sex with children.
If you really want to use an image to illustrate your point about the "wonders of child abuse", try using the image of an abuser instead, and see how that works out. Try making one of these guys to look like a poor little victim of an oppressive society who doesn't want them anywhere near a child. See how that works out.
Once you really see who those pieces of shit really are, and when you know who is hiding behind cute little children's faces as they try to sell you child abuse as something "normal", "good", or "healthy" for the child, you probably won't be so keen to accept their point straight away.
I personally do not support pedophilia. The age of 15 is where it gets a little better, but no, not anything lower than that. I am dead serious. Dead. Fucking. Serious.
young girls are disgusting
Meanwhile, while we're waiting for her channel to get deleted, lets discuss. In man's country you're not a man until you're 25.
no little girls or I'll fight you
Fuck off. I hope this helps, buddy.
dam thats a lot of writing
your mom's disgusting
Stop using little kid's images to make your point look better, retard.
You're a fucking degenerate obsessed with your child fetish, not a cute child lusting for sex.
Stop trying to make yourself look better than what you really are, you disgusting piece of garbage. You are NOTHING more than a child abuser, and children want absolutely NOTHING to do with you.
This image is probably what you really look like in real life, you disgusting piece of trash.
If you find this attractive, you are mentally ill
must be a burger
But shes so fucking hot i just wanna cum all over her and put my cock in her ass mmmmmm.
They just look like average people you see walking down the street on a daily basis.
still better looking then the average burger tbh
_If you look like pic related and if you think child abuse should be legalized, you are nothing more than a pile of garbage who needs to be beat up into a coma._
I LOVE sex with kids though
You should pay attention what I say and ignore the filler picture of the little girl.
I'm not obsessed with anything special here.
I'm a famous anti-pedo infact. Stupid bipolar pedo.
wow way to ugly shame shitlord check your attractive privilege.
mentally ill
honestly, not even close. I'm tall, dark, and handsome 25+ virgin
mentally ill
Try using these faces to drive your point across, instead of appealing to human nature to protect and love children, retard.
THIS here is the real face of pedophilia, not the young models who are abused by these piles of trash.
Nope its a sexuality not an illness.
This big dumb bitch right here.
you DO know that the "dark" part of "tall, dark, handsome." refers to personality, not actual shitskin color?
So fucking what?
Posting pictures of an attractive teenager does NOT make pedophilia something that should be promoted, celebrated, or allowed in any way whatsoever.
These pieces of shit need to be kept as far away from children as humanly possible, or just killed straight out.
You're not a caring lover, you're a rapist and an abuser.
you can just use my OC, user
fuck of, also warren jeffs did nothing wrong
How fucking homo and gay are cucks here?
that guy is a fag, he thinks sex with minors is bad
actually would be funny to make a 'pedo community' meme with a collage of
He is 'Absolutely Virtuous' :0
Thank god someone gets it.
These psychopaths look like abominations that came out of a toxic waste facility. The only reason they use pictures of children to make their points is because they KNOW no one would even listen to them if they saw WHO is saying those words.
They're just a bunch of degenerates trying to capitalize on human natural tendency to protect and love children, nothing more.
Nobody is posting pictures of little girls to "appeal to your human nature to love and protect children"
These people aren't even that unattractive anyway, if you really can't cherry pick people uglier than this from the sex offender registry that probably says something about your argument that all pedos are ugly fat bald old neckbeards.
I don't know if you think you're doing anything special here, but if it's about making pedos feel bad count me in lol. These bipolar pedos really do suck. Even the powerful, rich people like Michael Jackson (assuming he ever did) are to be
No, the picture of the vulnerable little girl doesn't make what I say sarcastic.
Lowest you should ever go is 15, when they're atleast young women. Okay fine, 16 or 18. I still stand by what I say though. Pedophilia is nothing to normalise!!!!!!!
sex outside marriage should just be illegal tbh
Apply yourself.
To what? The forehead? Anyways, they were always jibberish just like your awful post. You think you can just predict people like that? Think again, faggot.
I don't give a flying fuck about who these criminals who being posted really are, all I care about is the fact that these piles of rotting trash are actively trying to associate the faces of young kids with a criminal activity.
These pieces of garbage are using those kids in an attempt to illustrate some nefarious point where child abuse is somehow "good" for the child in the real world, outside of the depths of their fucked up and diseased minds.
This is a blatant attempt at reverse psychology.
Mods ban this faggot for requesting CP.
Now you're just being a dumb cunt. But ignore that insult. Heres what I really think.
Attraction to children is disgusting. Lowest you could ever possibly go is 15. But of course that'd be if you're willing to commit a crime. I say 18 is a fine AOC. Might be 16. It depends on the state.
If you don't mind beaner lolis and getting murdered by the drug cartel you could always hop the border and legally fuck 12 year olds, you know you want to.
Fuck off, you don't have an argument if you're a 30 year old male who believes a 12 year old child would be sexually attracted to you.
You don't give a fuck about what those kids want, you're just a luster who wants to get off.
Consider suicide.
Hmm.. This post was surprisingly immature. I thought I was agreeing with you. Are you still thinking I'm being sarcastic?
15 is the lowest anyone could ever go. I don't know what other way to put it buddy
back in my days 30 yos married 12 yos and homos like you were shot
Okay grandpa, this is 2017
Dude, if you are a fucking 35 year old, it doesn't matter if the age of consent is 12 or 15, you're still the exact same pile of steaming trash who thinks children want anything to do with gross old ass men.
Them being sexually attracted towards hot, young, rich, phisically attractive famous guy does NOT excuse some 30 year old to be freely hitting on 16 year olds at their school.
Don't you get it? It's not about the age, it's about grown ass men desperately trying to make it seem like they care about anything other than themselves.
Just stop.
your arguments in a nutshell
Yes, I understand all that. If I wanted to oppose you, I could, but I agree too much. I'm off to pursue my chores for talented men now
fug of, once the south rises again we will legalize child marriage and kill all the feminists and homos
Typical pedophile response.
Fuck off.
IF only I said that :^)
3 posts in 2 minutes.
Why game the system here?
pretty gay bro
get lost
How about working on yourself instead of blaming the world for rejecting the despicable excuse for a human being that you really are?
I'm pretty sure 99.9% of all millennial women are not out there by the waves accusing men of rape just because they fell "empowered" to do so. Maybe your anedoctal evidence here is a little bit skewed to make yourself look like the victim of an oppressive system, you know? Just like the feminists you hate so much do.
feminism is cancer and so are you
let just say i live in a liberal stronghold and as a 23 year old, there is no other choice other than a niggered slut or obese whales, my only other choice are hitting on girls a decade younger than be before they are too kiked up. Also, im not white and have brown eyes so i can get way with it.
If you look more like that guy, than pic related, then I may consider your point.
If you look like you came straight out of a homeless shelter and still believes you have the "right" to fuck children, then just fuck off already. Stop pretending you give a fuck about what they want.
I agree, we can't just have any prick on the street with a claw for a hand try to normalise their mental illness. The truth is, people who have a more active life and have proven they're worthy and talented enough should be more accepted than the deadbeats.
some anti you are, where have all the true moralfags gone?
t. samefag
whats wrong with the guy in pic? he looks like any other man walking in the street tbh
Why would a normal, healthy, attractive, confident, rich, and physically fit individual go through all the hassle of dealing with the law, and the risk of being criminally charged of child abuse, just to fuck someone slightly younger than their average partner?
This whole pedophilia shit is an underlying breeding ground for unfuckable piles of trash to congregate and hug each other, as if they were victims of anything other than their own ego and unwillingness to take responsibility for anything.
They're called predators for a reason, and a very good one if you ask me.
poor guy he needs 2 ids and uploading homos and cannot get a convincing argument other than KILL LE PEDOS and we btfo in 3 concise posts, i hope his high blood pressure doesn't kill him.
Are you drunk?
you guys seem upset
nice pimenova
most predators are not pedos, just horny degenerates
Should we really trust ANY child predator?
Can I get the unblurred version? Thanks. I'm really not big on being a censored mangina.
Because lolis are superior to old hags in every way?
Why would a rich person whos above the law and could get away with murder if he wanted to NOT go for the most attractive girls that other men can't even go for yet?
he is originally a nigger you fucking nigger
I'm not here to judge what a child might want, since that's not at all up to me to decide, I'm here to shed some light on what those children certainly DO NOT want, and anyone would agree that no 15 year old hottie wants to be licking some limp dick of a greasy 30-something who can barely shower and who didn't even brush his own teeth the past week.
Wow you mean ugly people have trouble finding someone that would want to have sex with them?
Stop the fucking presses this is breaking news.
I agree. The only people 15 year old girls want to have sex with is handsome men with REAL jobs…
Somehow I still believe a rich and attractive guy would prefer to stay away from children, when considering potential sexual partners, since they most likely aren't living in a constant state of misery, where every day they have to be constantly reassuring themselves that manipulating children into sex is something normal people do. I could be wrong though, who knows?
David Bowie regretted that 14 year old, but I know Robert Plant sure didn't
–If– at all.
The overwhelming majority just prefer sex with someone around their own age. That's just a given that only pedophiles think, somehow, isn't the case.
Stop this bullshit immediately
fake news tbh
Yeah because its not like the fact that they're rich doesn't inherently manipulate everyone around them anyway.
I'm sure they're totally worried that all the women they've been with don't just like them as a person and are actually being manipulated by their huge amount of wealth.
If normal people already reject old digusting men, what exactly makes you think children would prefer them if they had a choice?
These children do not prefer ugly men, over hotties their own age, they are MANIPULATED and DECEIVED into situations they just can't escape. That of course, when they are not being straight out forced to comply with what the disgusting fat fuck demands.
Nobody thinks this.
bump i totally agree btw
Well, at least now you're considering what their partners might want, and not just what the guy wants out of a relationship.
That's a big progress for the average pedophile who can't see past his own nose, I gotta say.
just fuck off and spread your propaganda elsewhere. I was 13, i wanted to fuck with 13 year olds. A decade older, 13 year olds are still my first choice.
Well at least now you're deflecting because you've realized I just destroyed your argument and you haven't a leg to stand on.
That's a big progress for the average moralfag who can't see past his own countries morality, oh wait no it isn't they all do that the second they get their ass handed to them nevermind you're a faggot.
you never made it past 13 mentally. have you considered that?
Did your secret 7th grade love move, forcing you to love 13 year olds from now on to capture that one special feeling? Either that or bipolar
anti-pedo kikes never have good arguments tbh
I'm just waiting for him to say he was pretending to be retarded the whole time to save face, thats usually what happens once they're backed into a corner like this.
apparently, you never met any legal women in your live after the fact 2 of my firends were falsely accused really reconsidered my life choices involving legal women. Besides, i already have tweens and teens messaging me more often than women my age.
any else? Are you more inclined to be triggered after posting 5 more hot random lolis i have saved unlike the faggots above?
What the fuck are you even talking about? Are you, somehow, trying to say greedy women justify some 30 year old weirdo hitting on 15 year old girls just because some rich men attract more women?
What is the logic in your thought process to justify one thing using such a shitty example and trying to claim you "owned" me in an argument based on something entirely different?
If rich, attractive, hot guys attract young girls, that's the girl's decision, and I am NO ONE to decide for them what they are supposed to think. If money and fame attracts young hotties, hey good for them. That just doesn't excuse some drooling fuck from reddit to claim he should be allowed to fuck his 14 year old neighbour because she looked at him once.
Two completely different things, mate.
These girls are adorable. I do nut support what you're trying to support however.
No you're just strawmanning because thats all you can do because you have no argument, now just say you've been pretending to be retarded this whole time and go beddy bye this is getting boring.
Exactly what i think you are a closed pedo pretending to be an anti. you know, they are the most likely to be caught be the lea by being obsessed with lolis you know?
I'm not obsessed with them. I use the pictures along with my anti-pedo statements sometimes tho….
Are you high or something? You can't be this dishonest and actually assume you won by arguing a different point then calling me an idiot for not falling for whatever bullshit you just made up to justify old men fucking young children.
Dtrawmanning again color me fucking surprised.
Done now or are you going to respond with another strawman ad nauseam?
there is literally nothing wrong with a man marrying a 12 yo and then having babies with her at 15 tbh
The marriage in this case is unnecessary and is considered grooming.
Oh shit I just gave him an excuse to point out a typo instead of responding with a strawman because this shit is so boring I didn't even bother checking my post for typos.
I fucked up, its all ogre.
fug of feminist
It's true. I will not tolerate this unruly behavior mister
your wrong and you should go back to reddit
No you're just a spoiled little thing who needs everything his way.
How could you sick fucks do this? Kill this thread I mean
This thread isn't kill its Holla Forums thats kill, this thread will probably be on the front page for hours even if nobody posts on it.
best girl tbh
Oh is she now, faggot
yeah, buddy
I don't know about that, budd
That's not a very nice thing to do Mr. user!
t. mentally ill
She's a painfully pretty girl.
What's the bet she grows up to be fairly average though, like several other cuties you've seen over the years.
Well, there's a reason he's saging.
I try to be safe about being doxxed and shit. I do the standard protocol of never using last name, and if I have to only use the first letter or use a fake one (Never the same fake one though!); You're not supposed to draw attention. You're always supposed to delete accounts you've stopped using; Never have a custom profile picture that can be used to find your other accounts; Never link other accounts; etc. etc.
It's alllllll common sense buddy
I mean in the sense that there are certain things that are so perfect that they're off putting, like a girl who is so pretty that she's kinda… Not-ish.
It's hard to nail down the exact way to explain it- it must have an English term for it like schadenfreude or whatever the equivalent is…
I still think she is one of the most handsome young girls I have seen in a lng time.
I've tried searching and searching, but found nothing by Catalina.. Anyone know who she is?..
Oh, that's just Catalina.
What i thought, sorta hard to find her stuff… wonders why lol