Ask someone who experienced sudden enlightenment anything.
Ask someone who experienced sudden enlightenment anything
Is life worth living?
what kind and how much drugs did you use to achive sudden enlightenment?
I'm not gonna pretend everything is happy days for me. When you take all the shit away life is worth living. But there is so much shit. (Interpret as you might).
How can mirrors be real if my eyes arent real?
not OP but i sometimes experience enlightenment. usually from a really long lucid dream that goes on for so long i think im dead or have transcended reality.
the longest i felt i been in a dream was several years. it was a bad trip.
How do I lurk moar when I have to use 18 different boards at a time just to get enough interactions
Good question. The more I'm confronted with discussions of psychedelics the more I have to face the fact that that there was definitely a psychedelic dimension to my experience. I always knew it but i put it to the side. I kept coming up against discussion of drugs (your question is a case in point) and it made me accept it.
I saw that on somebody's facebook recently too. Believe me I've had similar ideas. Start with studying "Las Meninas" lol
i'm not talking about "experiences" i'm talking about full blown enlightenment