Utah Makes Pornography Illegal - Fines & Jail Time For Repeat Offenders
Are the Mormon shabbos goyim based now?
Utah Makes Pornography Illegal - Fines & Jail Time For Repeat Offenders
Are the Mormon shabbos goyim based now?
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Good move
Mormons still deserve the gas chamber
this better be a fucking joke
loli is art
porn is the devil
accept this redpill
You just can't make this shit up.
This is a good thing. I hope it spreads.
you will never guess what happened to "fappy the dolphin" (this is old news btw)
he was caught jerking off in public
Nice source OP.
Here we go again.
Did they ban (((porn))) to avoid degeneracy or did they ban all porn to create more thirsty beta orbiters?
That level of bro science this guy must read no fap
Weebs, everyone
im sure with some proding there are some more states that will follow.
Good shit, porn is absolutely degenerate and is a net loss for both society as well as men on an individual level.
back to cuckchan faggot
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You don't need to watch porn to jerk it, dumbass
Not surprising. I can't say it matters because they aren't forcing me to live in their shithole of a state and I never will.
Back to reddit
Pornography is a dangerous vice that can see additive. It brainwashes the young into expecting unrealistic sexual standards.
A percentage of young males develop ED as a result of compulsive porn viewing.
Utah is absolutely correct in declaring it to be a public health crisis.
Actually, being horny around women tends to lead to babies, jerking it to anime/trannies doesn't. Work on your aesthetics. Lift. Change your hair. Maybe grow it out if it looks like you have ass stubble on your head. Don't stink. These are basic tips. Don't live in a blue state.
You must be a virgin or live in Africa
Go away faggot. Nobody wants your fake news sites.
Maybe I'm retarded but I don't see any specific punishments laid out for specific offences.
Even our cuckservative wannabe nemesis got it right on the first time.
Mandatory chastity belts when? We Psycho Pass/Shimoneta now!
Time to request something on /monster/.
because it's completely made up bullshit
Jewish academic historian Dr Nathan Abrams (right), perhaps the world’s most renowned authority on the Jewish role in pornography, let the cat out of the bag a few years ago in his controversial essay, Triple-Exthnics. [2]
Published in the prestigious Jewish Quarterly in 2004, this essay spelled out in detail how the world’s multibillion dollar porn industry was dominated by Jews.
Dr Abrams not only admits that Jews are the world’s most successful pornographers, he celebrates the fact. Jews, he tells us, have a grudge against Christianity, an “atavistic hatred of Christian authority” rooted in centuries of humiliation, and pornography is one of the ways in which they get their revenge on their Christian persecutors — the hateful oppressors who expelled them from 109 countries since the year 250 AD, always without justification. [3]
So it’s now payback time.
Actually being around women, that's the key point.
stop being a porn causal
Mormons have one of the highest birth rates for any white group.
You're only validating Orwell's fears as you post.
It comes as no surprise to learn that Jews dominate the production and distribution of pornography. If you want to learn more about these luminaries of lust and see what they look like, here is an excellent starting point.
In a now defunct article entitled Jews in Porn, parts of which have been published on Henry Makow’s site, Luke Ford notes:
Well the user you first replied to pointed out (correctly) almost all western women aren't worth being around
Robert J. Stoller, M.D. in his 1991 book, Porn: Myths for the Twentieth Century, sought to understand the mentality of the people involved in the hard core pornography business. While interviewing some of the actors and actresses in California, he was told, “If you’re welcomed into the porn scene, it’s unbelievable. It’s an extended family…. So many Jewish people involved with it.” [8]
Today, most porn movies and porn videos in America are produced by Jews in the San Fernando Valley (pictured) in Southern California. This is located just north of Los Angeles in a sprawl of seedy suburbs known to locals as “Porn Valley” or “the Other Hollywood”.
Here Jews are the kingpins of the sex industry and own every single major studio. Chief among these is Vivid Entertainment [9], reportedly the largest porn production company in the world.
This is owned by Jewish multi-billionaire Steven Hirsch, sometimes known as the “Porn King”. Vivid generates an estimated $100 million a year in revenue, cranking out 60 films per year and selling them in video stores, hotel rooms, on cable systems and on the Internet. [10]
“Sex is a powerful thing,” Hirsch notes complacently. “This is the right time for us!” [11]
Another billionaire Jewish porn mogul, Paul Fishbein, founder of Adult Video News (AVN), is also headquartered in Porn Valley, California. Fishbein’s business associates, Irving Slifkin, Barry Rosenblatt, and Eli Cross are all fabulously rich Jews. [12]
So make no mistake: Porn Valley, California, is a Jewish enclave, as Jewish as Tel Aviv or Brooklyn.
Fuck off weeb
And they still don't brake even
A porn ban and mandatory chastity belts for women until marriage would by itself make America great again.
It is a tragedy that the Jews should have been allowed to deploy pornography to such good effect that they have succeeded in enslaving entire nations, as Circe with a touch of her magic wand enslaved the Greeks, turning men into swine: an apt metaphor for what lies ahead for the masses under their new masters.
Organized Jewry seems to have no moral scruples about profiting from the sale of pornography. They show no concern about the proven fact that highly addictive and dangerous erototoxins are released into the brain after contact with pornography and can cause progressive brain damage. [21]
Nor do these pornocentric Jews have any qualms of conscience in regard to the wholesale corruption of families, whether Jewish or non-Jewish, or show the slightest concern about the tragic descent of children into the hell of compulsive masturbation and porn addiction — a subject I have covered in detail in a soon-to-be-published article.
These sex entrepreneurs, intent on easy profits, have eagerly sought to provide the masses with the cheapest and deadliest of tranquilizers: opportunities for endless orgasms, by way of a ceaseless flow of pornographic images in the mass media they control.
This is one way to achieve world domination without the need for revolutionary violence or military conquest: to take entire countries and turn them into giant masturbatoria.
The model citizens of the future will be happy masturbators. This enthralling activity will keep them occupied throughout the day. It will make them docile and complacent, sated and semi-somnolent, like drugged dung flies in a cesspool or swilling latrine. They will be too busy debauching themselves to mount revolutions or plan revenge attacks against the shadowy elite who have been the architects of their slavery.
These are not the worldchangers and wizards of the future of whom Nietzsche said, “Behold, I show you the Superman!” Because of their degeneracies, their weaknesses, they are destined for the dustbin of history.
Here is what Brother Nathanael Kapner has to say on this subject. It is a neat summation. The fact that Kapner is Jewish makes his words even more compelling:
I am afraid I cannot agree with Kapner’s sweeping conclusion that the Jews are entirely to blame for the decline and fall of Western culture. If the West has gone to hell in a handbasket, the goyim are as much to blame. Their enthusiastic complicity with their own corrupters has been their undoing.
The society we get is the society we deserve.
Touche mormons
internet porn is definitely fucking people up and causing problems, but sending someone to prison for having a nudie mag under their mattress is retarded.
They should attack the producers, not the consumers.
why don't you just say god you stupid kike it's not as if moloch cares about you people at this point
Kek. Christcuckery, not even once
The prison industrial complex is never going to cut a profit that way.
Delightfully Orwellian, user.
Just look up mormon seed bearers. They cuckold each other as part of their beliefs. Mormans are cucks.
Filtered for being an unbridled newfag.
*tips fedora*
If a belief system produces cohesive white communities with high rates of white children being born then it should be considered a good thing.
guarantee you can't go more than 2 days without abusing yourself you fuckin weeb
don't actually give a shit about anime reaction faces but when they're accompanied by some weakwilled numale bullshit like this you can go fuck yourself.
I was referring to Mormons, not Christians as a whole.
Yeah the last 1-2 millenia of European history never happened I guess.
sorry I forgot to the add the source.
Did Mittens have a hand in this?
Because the majority of atheists aren't cuckold progressive policy pushers, right??
Read that url more carefully.
Europeans are a minatory of the Christian population
Here's a source, since OP didn't include one.
This happened about a month and a half ago.
The comment section includes the likes of AmItheonlysanepersonleft?, Fuckk and Fuck Jesus getting mad about the decision. Go figure.
Likely, meanwhile he engages in degeneracy like polygamy (a mormon belief) and independent.co.uk
You can do that without going full retard. This is Shariah law tier.
I'm pretty much straight edge fam.
Strange how the communists were the ones advocating for sexual liberation.
So? The fact that Mormons have one of the highest, if not the highest rates of childbirth among whites and tend to build strong communities is negated by the fact that that some are involved in charities helping non whites?
Are you trolling or are you just retarded?
what a Christcuck idiot. Millennials have less sex than any previous generation because sex is no longer special, pornography did more for abstinence then all religious zealots ever tried. Personally I do not get exited from porn, but for different reasons.
Im sure he must be closed homo/pedo/orgy obsessed
Oops, just saw that he did earlier.
Still, I'm glad this decision was made and would like other places to follow suit. I'm not aware if any have since this was reported, though.
degenerates mad as fuck right now
Pick one.
Third worlders tend to be papist scum.
Praise God, let's hope this anti-degeneracy trend continues.
I would hardly call rubbing elbows with shitskin rapefuges a "strong community" maybe that's why I'm not Christian
Strange how the communists want everyone to be monitored by the government and go into reeducation camps if you have wrongthink.
What do they define as porn?
Hardcore sex? What about softcore nude models?
They consider themselves as ones, and seeing as they are 1/7 of the entire earths population they have changed the definition regardless
Ahhh it's a fake website. I was conned.
the article is fake
Banning porn is akin to Sharia in your mind? I tip my fedora in your direction good sir.
Maybe you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Are you familiar with Mormons at all?
abcnews.com.co/ is a fake news site.
Utah didn't actually ban porn, but they should.
the supreme court's going to hit this one hard
I am very familiarity with the rapefguee aid center they are running in my state
Funny how everyone wants a Natsoc state that cracks down on degeneracy, only to whine when their cummies get taken away. You can fap without porn too faggot.
Ah, my bad. The Fappy the Dolphin set off alarms in my head, but the MSM's reported stranger things before.
the shills sure came out for this thread
the FLDS were a group of Mormons thats broke away from the LDS church after the church banned polygamy. They practiced Polygamy but now they are just kinda weirdos that are essentially cucks. They also have a weird kind of eugenic believe in that the 'seed bearer' is supposed to have to strongest, healthiest, most alpha genes in the church so that the they can essentially produce just alphas, but I kinda dont know how long they can do this until it turns into inbreeding.
This is a sad attempt at religious d&c and you guys are showing how new you are.
Thanks for confirming you don't know what you're talking about.
I believe Mormonism as a whole is a good thing for whites.
As I said previously the fact that some of them help non whites does not take away their positive impact on white demographics.
Now how are they going to know if you're doing that? I can't agree with that at all. If you censor porn, then how long before they start censoring things we want to keep around? Just put the free sites out of business and the pay wall will keep out 90% of people…
And banning porn won't make me interact with females one iota more than I already do. I would still avoid them, and just rub one out in a sock every now and again.
This is fake. Fuck off.
Yes it is. People need to learn vices and virtues on their own, you can't "protect them" from it. People who are sheltered all the time often become the worst degenerates.
This is just CTR trying to make Holla Forums look bad, isn't it?
Get the fuck back to /r/politics
Women still have mouths and hands. Developing personal and social ethos by gassing the kikes and self-restrain is the most important prerequisite for fixing the West, not anti-hygienic puritanism.
Discussion is about banning porn (in principle), go be autistic somewhere else.
He's likely a shill. Goebbels warned us about the puritanical fucks that tried to infiltrate National Socialism.
Fucking kill yourself. It is Jewish mind control on a whole new level. The only thing good about it is the high birthrates of whites. But if you were a filthy Mormon kike like I was you'd know that the church is spreading in latin american countries like crazy and will without a doubt lead to a mestizo race completely overwhelming the white Mormons. Half the "white Mormons" outside of Utah are actually swarthy mestizos and "white" street shitters with black hair and brown eyes.
Fuck Mormonism. It is browning the white race not saving it.
Here's some backup on that:
It's not my fault you're a broken human being
Have fun with that alimony, cuck.
We can't know that. You may very well be a jew.
Masturbation, especially to porn, is crack for your brain. The minute of bliss is followed by feeling like shit afterwards. It increases your tolerance to dopamine making everything seem less enjoyable, and erodes your moral compass. This should concern you even if you don't get out of your room.
Not necessarily. If the father by law must be the keyholder, and the government is responsible for enforcing the mandatory wear law outside the home, it should be fine and they would get regular cleaning breaks. You will not be able to stop hook-up culture with just muh morals.
For people who are supposedly redpilled, is seems like Holla Forums has a lot of trouble picking up on an obviously fake story.
Nice to know, but that still isn't going to get me to interact with females. Even sitting joyless in my room is safer than risking divorce courts or common law marriage.
10 This concurrent resolution of the Legislature and the Governor recognizes that
11 pornography is a public health hazard leading to a broad spectrum of individual and
12 public health impacts and societal harms.
13 Highlighted Provisions:
14 This resolution:
15 ▸ recognizes that pornography is a public health hazard leading to a broad spectrum of
16 individual and public health impacts and societal harms; and
17 ▸ recognizes the need for education, prevention, research, and policy change at the
18 community and societal level in order to address the pornography epidemic that is
19 harming the citizens of Utah and the nation.
64 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Legislature of the state of Utah, the
65 Governor concurring therein, recognizes that pornography is a public health hazard leading to a
66 broad spectrum of individual and public health impacts and societal harms.
67 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Legislature and the Governor recognize the
68 need for education, prevention, research, and policy change at the community and societal level
69 in order to address the pornography epidemic that is harming the people of our state and nation.
u got punked by Michael Moore
does this make u want to evaluate your views on the holocaust?
And when your old man without any white children, you will regret your entire life.
You're the Jew, faggot
Well that's because you're fucking up your dopamine receptors. I'm perfectly happy doing the same thing you're doing.
"Masturbation, especially to porn, is crack for your brain. The minute of bliss is followed by feeling like shit afterwards. It increases your tolerance to dopamine making everything seem less enjoyable, and erodes your moral compass. This should concern you even if you don't get out of your room."
sounds like you are doing it wrong….
This is projection. YOUR goals in life, YOUR wants, what makes YOU happy is to be an old man with children, by your post. I am perfectly happy dying alone, my genes are my own and I want them to die with me. I have no regrets.
jesus christ please tell me you guys aren't falling for this
lol the site was fake bro
Can't you niggers recognize satire?
That's just moral subjectivity or you are fapping way to much. I personally feel nice and relaxed after.
Can't wait for them to bitch when the Supreme Court makes them cut that shit out. It's unenforceable practicly anyway.
I agree porn is bad. The real thing is better. I will stop porn if you give me the 3D equivalent i.e. hot chick in porn/anime = hot waifus IRL.
Sadly the real thing like that doesn't exist.
Then we need to use genetic engineering to create the ultimate aryan cat girl waifus. Also hot women should be forced to donate their eggs.
Porn addicts are truly the most pitiable of people. How does it feel to be a slave to your dick?
I agree that professional porn is fucking disgusting, but I'm against any further censorship of the internet. Wouldn't this effectively ban most imageboards in Utah?
Then what the fuck are you doing in a white nationalist forum
He's saying there is no way to get 2D irl like you could get a actual hot 3D
lol no they can't, the goyim are stupid
The article was satire, but there are groups who thinks like this. And it may seem impracticable to enforce, because about 70% of the population engage in it, so you'd have to have a lot of house and car searches to look at computers and thumb drives, subejct each school child to mandatory hour-class-per-day of PARE (pornography addiction resistance education), and you'd still end up with about 70% of the prison population being non-violent porn-only offenders. That wouldn't work…. oh wait… there was this thing called pot they did that with… hmmmm maybe the govt. is that crazy.
I come here because this is a satire board. It's the new Holla Forums for entertainment since Holla Forums died from inactivity.
sage because lolno
kill yourself retard
We all know that Sweden and Germany are going well with atheist progressive politicians.
nothing of value lost
wow you guys are still posting. did any of you actually continoue reading the article? I feel like I'm fooling a bunch of gullible children.
it sounds like a good idea to ban pornography, it has become way too normalized in modern society.
but some of this stuff just sounds goofy.
Anti masturbation doesn't make much sense to me, you can't just keep it all bottled up like that, it can't be healthy. Also the anti masturbating dolphin sounds dumb.
Restricting children from viewing porn sounds like a good idea to me, but some of the stuff just seems unrealistic and will probably have undesired effects.
Christians are the majority of the population in both Germany and Sweden.
I didn't read beyond the subject line
and I'm not going to
Post the source, faggot
Its almost as if its satire or something
Just to dispel this fiction once and for all :^)
It's a fake news site.
Anyway, masturbation is still bad, you're supposed to have sex with your wife.
""""Christians"""" maybe, true Christians form around 2% of the population, maybe even 1%, and they are the best kind of people you'll meet in life. The other self proclaimed Christians are hypocrites, and probably atheists at heart.
How are so many of you so fucking new?
Even the newfags have no excuse because they only read the subject and didn't even process the impossibility of such an occurence.
"Biotechnology report 2010" (PDF). Eurobarometer. 2010. p. 381.
No, fucking stupid. The correct solution is to go after the Jews themselves and stop them making any money off it, either by fining/jailing pornographers or by explicitly removing copyright protections from them. Do that and the whole operation grinds to a halt very quickly. They haven't solved a damn thing, the Jews aren't going to give a shit.
Damn I'm always missing the fucking joke
I'm gonna go kick shit around my house until my mom makes me stop.
Threads like this remind me just how many of us are incredibly autistic.
18+45 is 63 which is larger then 50…
Get out of here, heretic scum.
Thread confirmed for bullshit.
We're really fucking bad at this shit.
How is this relevant to Christianity? Christianity doesn't teach there is a "life force" thats pagan or "atheist spirituality" bullshit. Christianity teaches there is a god, dumbass
Its not even a matter of processing the impossibility of such an occurence.
Its the fact the its so obviously fake with in the first few lines
And people on this board think they are Ubermenschen.
They called god the spirit when I use to go to church, did they quit doing that?
You and I both know thats not the same thing as believing in a "life force", quit reaching you faggot. Atheists in general are cucked, just like most pagans in general and most christians in general
The only group of whites of any significant size in 20 years will be Mormons and Fundie Christians. It's all about the demographics and Mormons are still known for having large families (mine included).
What? Christianity teaches full well that souls are real.
Okay were all cucks what's your problem then
Because you're a religious D&C kike
Whats the point of D&C if "everyone's a cuck"
Good news. Now if only they found a way to ban the urges to watch it.
You distract from the Jew behind it all.
its counterproductive to actually solving the problem and you act like a hypocrite considering your own camp is just as cucked and infiltrated by kikes
My cousins are mormon, pretty much all of them are married and having kids before they hit their mid twenties.
Here I am at twenty five and the last time I even had a girlfriend was 9 years ago.
I wonder what they're going to do with their property holdings in Las Vegas.
If Mormonism wasn't heresy I'd be all for it.
What a waste of digits.
I hope more states follow.
do it
Mormons are pretty good for having high average IQ's and high birth rates
what sucks though is that the they are essentially well bred well groomed Jewish attack dogs. Pretty much ubermensch shabbos goyim.
can you guys just sage this thread already?
Im starting to feel bad for pulling a ruse on you guys
Not compared to other Christian denominations.
They make no apologies in their opposition to "gay marriage".
This is absolutely true. Mormons are so cucked for the jews its disgusting. Anytime I point out that jews are behind all of the evils that are preached about in Sunday sermons I get this blank stare. Their minds just melt when I name the jew.
No Christian group is more cucked than evangelicals.
What is it with exmo's that make them so angry? Why can't you just go apathetic or something?
Faggots want to control and change anything and everything. If Mormons kick them out for being gay, they'll whine and whine and whine and demand everyone else change to accommodate them
You haven't met the right Mormons. Every week I redpill them more and more.
Most Mormons are redpilled to some degree. But try and tell them that giving blacks the priesthood was wrong and not according to the Father's will. Or that Jews are behind most of the social ills in the world and they won't be able to handle it. They are not searching for further light and knowledge (as they are instructed to), but are only go so far as to what is taught over the pulpit.
Religious cultists are so evil and fucked in the head I had no problem or hesitation believing this right away.
back to reddit faggot
back to >>>/christian/ sandnigger worshipper
That's southern baptists
fake and gay
Its confirmed fake.
Also fuck Mormons. I want every Mormon to die tbh. The goodest of goys.
Insane cult shit.
Say anything against vegans, veganfag will come. Say anything against porn, pornfags will come. Say anything about jewpanese cartoons, weebfags will come.
go home to /r/atheism, kike
Images like yours ("loli" I think it's called) are banned in certain counties, are they not?