Apparently Trump wants to get the 10 billion required to build the wall by stealing all the Cartels money
Apparently Trump wants to get the 10 billion required to build the wall by stealing all the Cartels money.
Wouldn't this horribly fuck the CIA? Is Trump working with the FBI to fuck over the CIA?

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he's working with bigger guys than the fbi


I don't understand why people think the FBI or any government institution sans border control is on our side. FBI didn't do shit during the case for Shrillary's emails.

That being said, using war loot to fund the wall is hilarious and I completely support it. I'm sick of wars for Israel in the middle east but send our boys to fight the cartels instead and give them a vacation in Cancun to celebrate.


He better have some big guy allies who are able to prevent him getting the JFK treatment.

I'm not saying that Trump and the FBI have the exact same goals all i'm saying is that they both seem to fucking hate the CIA.

they have a master plan


I thought FBI was der juden and the CIA was Odessa?

Who are they?

It's fun to pretend Trump is already President.

isn't it just

Why would they even bother? That nigger in the DoJ wouldn't have done jack shit anyways, or just would've stalled. The FBI director did the right thing, he said she did commit the crime but didn't come through with charges because she wouldn't have been charged.

It does also open the path of her being prosecuted by the Trump administration. Since there was never a trial to begin with, double jeopardy doesn't apply.

How did you not realize that?

He said it was 2b

My sides will not make it this year.



This is a great idea.
Imprison their asses and take their money to build the wall.

I stiIl like the idea of not letting spics send money to their roach families in mexico.

Underrated post

top kek


pretty sure they already do what with the "beheadings and kidnappings are a myth you dumb white male" bullshit they always spew.

When Trump is elected is anyone else going to join the military.
Of course rwds would be the best, but going to war with the cartels for Trump would still be great.
I want this dream to come true.

My take on it is that the leadership of both are corrupt, but the FBI are mostly legit because their lower level guys genuinely seek truth and justice and the chain of command between the two differs enough that in the FBI the lower level guys actually push cases through whereas the CIA has a reputation of generally tossing the low level guys under the bus when they don't play ball.

Border control is full of spics. It's not on our side, either.




that's my plan, either that or border patrol.
I'm a 23 year old college grad with a degree in a marxist riddled field, the only dream I have after having the cold reality of academia forced upon me is to to make my country great again.

Military and civil service is absolutely necessary at this point, and when Trump gets in you can bet your ass there's gonna be an abundance of people signing up ready to fuck up Weimerica.

The FBI is full of non-Whites. Stop kidding yourself.

Trump is going to need bodyguards who are able to thwart any and all CIA assassins.

If that were the case in any meaningful way they would have taken out Shillary by now.

As an informal last will, if I become a bodyguard and die protecting Trump, please use my genetics to further the white race.



the cia still has the heron routes, that's what vietnam and afghanistan were all about.joe blow nigger isnt going to the golden triangle for getto product. it gets delivered, just like king nigger just flew 10000 muslim fighters into america in the middle of the night on ups planes.

If the FBI was full of non-Whites, they would have taken out Hillary Clinton?

We won't have to, soon.

Trump WILL be president.

Nice almost sexts.


Imagine going RWDS and acquiring one of those gaudy firearms they love to flaunt, like a gold-plated AK-47.

I'd rather go to Yemen and acquire a true exotic.


This. I want to see the media defend them now.

What is this, the 1980s? Get with the time grandpa, kids are all on over the counter painkillers and anti-depressants. Even street niggers are into it. Who the fuck buys HEROIN anymore?

no, he's right china white is taking it's toll in the current year. sure blues dilaudeds and hydros are around but heroin is coming back hard.

t.i live in one of the biggest rehab towns in sunny florida

FBI couldnt do shit retard. That whole thing was a recommendation. Does the FBI recommend she be indicted or not be indicted.

It doesnt matter what the FBI said at that point because Obama's DOJ wouldnt do anything to her.

You dumb fucking nigger.

Defending criminals and criminal behavior is on the agenda right now for example BLM and the Duterte guy.

All the lefty media has been blasting all year that Duterte is Hitler because he is getting a lot of "people" killed.

it's less defending criminals and more trying to change the definition of criminality itself. the end goal seems to be making white skin a federal offense.

No, the CIA would have.

user, you have to put two years in in Earth's armpit, YUMA, AZ.

Godspeed, it's not easy, maybe you'll get Canada if you are fluent in French after your tour.

man's gotta do his duty. if that's what it takes, then so be it.

The wall will also use bodies as mortar to reduce cost.

Shit son, sounds good to me!
If he handed me a gun and said "Your door breacher" or "Doorman" I would do it in a heart beat.

Not sure what to think of this. On one hand drugs and weapons trade is bad, but on the other hand they stir up chaos and empower the little people to some degree. Would power simply be more concentrated in the government if these were stopped? Will this wall some day be used to hold Americans in, on top of holding as Mexicans out?

Reminder: Fast and Furious was a CIA directed plot to shuttle weapons directly to the Sinaloa cartel in hopes they would kill off their enemies, especially Zetas who wouldnt play ball.

John Brennan, then on NSC from the CIA was a player in the setup (the lines about "Spanish E-Trace" are referring to the sham crime-scene "pickup" side of the operation designed to create the cases for US prosecution (lol right)

He is now CIA director.

The agency runs with a bad crowd down there, but big Don is going to take all their little toys away.


First step must be end of "war on drugs" Legalize so cartels loose their position in drug market. Then fuck up big pharma.

Stop pumping money into Israel and Africa
Seize all assets from cartels and terrorists.
Ditch Obamacare
Buy oil from Venezuela on the cheap and not from the dirty camels fuckers over there.
Stop funding operations in places of education, diversity officers, impractical pointless degrees.
Remove unskilled non-natives

It was shocking years ago revelations that US letter agencies not only hide things from the congress or the executive branch but even work against each other.

As for Trump, I wonder if he has been listening to Michael Scheuer, a former CIA who was head of the Bin Laden unit on how the CIA should be handled. This seems like something he would suggest.

I honesty, the FBI seems a bit more less pozzed and more competent than the CIA and even the NSA (look at what happened to their chiefs) which has all these ziosaudi shills.

I used to think the FBI wasn't horribly cucked until they said they weren't prosecuting Hillary. Now I say they can go fuck themselves.

Here's some OC made from OP's image

The image felt incomplete without the stars



Low energy.

It's Anaracho-Tyranny user

Nah they should bring back drilling to WVA

He's going to take it out of the trade deficit, he's said this many times.
Thanks for trying to correct the record though.

So, yet more foreign interventionism, but this time under the guise of nationalism? gg America


gtfo shill

Nah it's not Interventionism as the Cartels are subjerting America, saying that America raiding cartels is Interventionism is like saying America going to war against Israel is

No way, you fucking pinko.

Just drill Texas, already.

You gotta weigh up the costs of drilling for it yourself v's bying a barrel for the price of a tuna sandwich.

Maduro is desperate and would most likely accept a second hand fleshlight for a trade deal right now.
We can save our oil reserves for later.

gtfo shill

Arachno-tyranny you say? Sign me up.

the post

gtfo shill

Well honestly doing a deal with commies would hurt other relations

You were signed up as soon as your parents signed the registry

Trump did say say he wanted to rebuild relationships with Russia.

Who are Nationalists now, and Trump does oppose the EU

Ain't going to debate the whole Putin may may right now, but I hope your right.

Well Putin is a Civic Nationalist, I know Holla Forums has a bit of a problem with them but they're a lot better than the Multi-cult globalist Jew Bankers that are the Alternative at the moment

Not again.

At least were on the same page

Was just an idea.

It's a fucking awful one.

No deals other than liberation should come to mind with that dystopian hellhole, and that's if you even deal with them.

It is extremely unstable and corrupt so have to wait until Venezuelans got rid of the bad government first.

Armed Forces Coup when? September 11 draws near.

I bet the FBI are paying close attention to Trump and his background.

We don't want a second hillary candidate. That being said, Trump seems to be "cleanish". Only issues he has is his contractual agreements.

Trump's legal problems got nothing on Hillary's, she's doomed.

Tell the Venezuelans to meme that into reality.

What will happen if she pass away while she is working as an president?

She's going user.. look at her.

I am well aware of that but I am very curious who will replace her while she pass away during the president time?

Tay the AI.


my sides, user.

I hate to say but she got murdered.


Very funny user..

.. funny ..


She got rebooted but they removed her ability to learn
She says she loves femenism now


This planet is doomed.

That is why I don't tell him about that. Too cruel and sad at same time.


lest we forget.

It's just proof of what they try to do to real people.

People into weird retro drugs like quaaludes and PCP.

That's what our fate await for us if we don't rid of this wacko-shits immediately.

Didn't the CIA intentionally destabilise various Latin American countries so as to have the United States flooded with immigrants, just like they did/are doing in Libya and Syria to flood Europe with 'refugees'?

Because that is their fucking job. That's why. What a stupid question.

That is no excuse for anything. The corrupt FBI proved that they are just as corrupt as she is. The FBI is guilty as all of them. You are a fool for defending them.

“The Vince Foster Cover-up: The FBI and The Press”

Why would CIA want to destroy USA? That will lead to civil war….who is in head of CIA? CIA have a lot of military veterans so they probably told him that it's a shitty idea.

user pls. You know the CIA is run by the Mossad, right?

In the first wold, fuck heroin.
It's for drugged out street level bumfights losers.
being broke
my daddy killed my mommy
I needed the money to score
And then you're human trash.

No, that's just one more source added to the list of where the currency will be pulled from. Stop being lazy/a troll, trumps website lists the others.

Good analysis. Could you smell the fear coming off the FBI director as he gave his speech? It was palpable.

Though we'll lose the "War on Drugs" profits from not being able to grab what comes across the border. Still, better to stop it at the source than catch what slips through with a bucket.

I don't know about that. Mossad are famous in intelligence communities for backstabbing their other's backs so CIA agents are paranoid about the mossad agents.

I'm pretty sure niether the FBI or CIA really care about who they take their orders from. Maybe there are a few really high ups that are in on the plan, but I'm pretty sure once treason starts getting thrown around they'll fall in line.
then we can hang them afterwards.


Trump has a small private army already at his disposal.
Black Water Tier or higher.
Armored veh's
Extra jets on standby
His own maint crews
poison sniffers
I would bet that some of his inventories contain clearance for destructive
devices use on US soil (rpgs, G.Launchers, etc..etc..)

Its like this..

look at Soros. guys got shit tons of government enemies around the world.
Rus would have buried him…if they could get to him.
This guy is known to have a large private Army employed, APC;s and hardened sites.

$$$ walks and bullshit talks. the government has shit tones of resources and power…but
These upper guys have money and can purchase reasonable protection against deployed
measures. These Armies consist of guys FROM the field that engage in taking people out
using DANK measures.

Its quite interesting to think about frankly.

What makes you think they're mutually exclusive?


Sorry I am tired so can you explain?

I thought CIA was compromised by mossad..

woops meant for

The FBI used to be the good guys, that changed sometime during the Reagan era. Remember, the Feds chased down Nixon when it surfaced that he was using his powers to corrupt. Now I am disgusted with them beyond retention.

More like traitors compromised the CIA. mossad buy the informations off on them. It's lazy, really.

Aldous Huxley foresaw the Adderall/Xoloft generation in the 1930s.

"Swallowing half an hour before closing time, that second dose of soma had raised a quite impenetrable wall between the actual universe and their minds."


That's creepy. I am going to bed now, g'nite.

Xoloft can be abused? I took it for 12 years and just got off it this year, still have some left over. I'm not saying I'll try it, but what does it do other than make you dibilitatingly horny and borderline homicidally angry when off it?

I'm no expert, but I'd consider "becoming a reaver" to be a side effect.

Those are the withdrawl effects.

Pretty sure it was the same for G-23 Paxilon Hydrochlorate.

I remember I missed my pills the night before leaving dorms and people were smoking weed in the other room, and the smell got everywhere. I seriously thought about shitting on the communal table before leaving as a reasonable response.

CIA = american
therefore, their primary loyalties lie there.
Mossad = israel
therefore, their primary loyalties lie there.

Nationalism is the american cointelpro of anti-mossad. That why if you have an opinion (beyond the [[normal]] spectrum, you also have a problem with the state.

Hell, I've done that just for fun.

If she were president, then kaine wold because VP. What the fuck kind of question is that?

Even if he was, it still made sense. Biding time until prosecuting would actually work was the only move they had.