Why white race so great?
Why white race so great?
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beguse nobodi have whide benis :D
White isn't a race. We all come from Africa.
Read and find out
We invented pretty much everything that is of value in the modern world.
Black people invented smartphones, the very thing you are posting with
How does it feel knowing your hallowed race is fallining victim to the so-called inferior untermensch? I live in the deep south with a sizeable black population and not once have I seen a white woman without her black man. And the majority of these white chicks have desirable features such as blonde hair and lithe figures. Black men have sired a generation of mongrel children en masse. Purity is a spook.
Phone posters should be executed for willingly using government tracking devices.
Jesus, the Holla Forums cuckold meme really is true.
black people built the infrastructure (through slavery) that allows the internet to exist, it doesn't matter if you have a PC or not. Try again idiot.
Last I checked it was the Micks and the slants that built roads and railroads. And I'm not sure where your evidence is for the mass gangs of niggers laying fiber optic cable circa 1995.
Hey, if you can find a link to any proof that the internet was built by niggers, post it. Otherwise, I'm going to have to say that the internet was built by whites, given that whites invented both the protocols that form the basis of the internet: IP, TCP, UDP, HTTP, HTML, CSS, javascript, and flash, as well as the predecessors of the internet: ARPANET, usenet, and the NPL network.
Hell, given that whites created every iteration of computing device from the pascaline, to the IBM punch card reader, to the Zuse Z3, to the Manchester Baby, I'd credit just about the entire computing world to whites as well.
Are you retarded? The infrastructure for the internet wasn't Designed or built by black slaves you ignoramus.
because we all know the communist niggers invented the internet
dog isn't a race, we all come from wolves
NO! We all come from aliens!