You rage you lose.
Ill start, pic related
You all lost.
You rage you lose.
Ill start, pic related
You all lost.
Other urls found in this thread:
Yep. I lost.
Brb. about to go let off some steam into some black people walking by outside.
I laughed, do I still lose?
Im more disgusted then angry
When you're in a constant state of rage it's hard to be angry at just one particular thing anymore.
This is pretty weird and disgusting, I mostly just feel sad for the baby though. Baby grows up knowing it didnt actually have a Mother and that they were essentially brought into the world by a freak. I would rather be born mixed race than have to deal with this.
ftfy fagboy
I've always found that when every other emotion leaves me, humor still stays for some reason.
Toss the entire family tree into an oven
Hold on to your butts.
What the fuck
I guess we'd better if we don't want HIV.
You cheeky fucker, kek
Fuck, let's see what I can pull out of my folders
Double Dubs and a fag joke. You sir are awesome. no homo.
I sense a buttload of ass jokes incoming
what about this?
Yeah I see a hole lot of them in about half an hour.
Fucking this. I've pretty much reached the calm fury of the "Sven Höek" episode of Ren & Stimpy.
This doesn't make me mad, this makes me sad. She needed help/
You all just lost.
Nice juan, satan.
and here's the part that will really fuck with you; that video is actually somewhat tame considering the lack of crystal meth, blood play and turkey basters.
I have never heard of it. Why would you want to get a disease that dismantles your immune system?
finish it user
ur piq gaev meh teh rayge
Satan this only makes me laugh
In a spin on the theme ITT, watch Sam play this game with SJW liberals. They start rage quitting around the 11 minute mark, I can't contain my sides watching this mad man pull this shit in public.
Thank you, based Sam.
Thank you!
Glad to see Holla Forums still has some observant people.
im afraid to ask, what is anal vore
That's odd. When I post that one in feminism threads, everyone loses their fucking minds at the girl who seems to be expecting a cake and presents for her rapeaversary.
That doesn't inspire rage. It inspires me to shake my head and walk away.
Shoving another person up your ass.
Not as popular as oral vore, it's still prominent in vore hentai.
That's exactly why it's hilarious.
Vore is a fetish of being eaten alive I think.
So either anal vore is having your arsehole literally eaten out or being eaten whole by an arsehole.
they're young user, they haven't been here long enough to laugh at children for begin children
You know what vore is? You know, being swallowed alive and digested? Well it's like that, only you're swallowed by an anus instead of a mouth.
I saw one that had a picture of some nazi guy not heiling and then Kapernick not standing for the pledge, it says "If you think this man (the nazi) was right to not heil, then you're a hypocrite for saying that Kapernick should've."
Well, yeah, but there's usually at least a touch of rage.
How about this little number?
This isn't very shocking.
Apex kek, this is turning into a you laugh you lose thread
funny shit
it's nice isn't it
All right I'm bringing out some heavier guns now.
The memes are overflowing, also checked.
who knows, user.
By gum, I'm going to find something that triggers you guys.
His voice kills me alone, absolutely fucking lost it.
What'd she want, Satan? An anniversary card? Some poetry? A limerick? "Happy Rape Day"?
FTM don't really count, though, that's just a bearded lady.
Try the great Sweet Potato vs Potato debate since time immemorial
Check the middle screencap of the second pic in for guaranteed rage.
also, posting some Holla Forums propaganda
There is little in this world outside of jews that makes me as angry as fat people. To willingly destroy your own body like that and then claim it isn't your fault, you are not to blame, and that everyone else is at fault fills me with a savage anger.
Sweet potato with red onion is nice.
What's the story behind this?
Ah. There it is.
so in fact, the dude had some 5yo-grade cartoons drawn by a deviantard showing the insertion of his own self inside the gaping anusses of all his family members, and he displayed them for the world to get freaked about at a family reunion?
I'd pay for the hilariously degenerate video
By that logic no country should accept refugees
I thought I was the only one. I've been like this forever though.
Being in public is pretty much 80% fantasizing about murdering everyone around me.
No story as such, just everyday typical ghetto coloured youths banter.
Why would you just go up and punch someone walking down the street minding his own business?
You and I are brothers, and we shall watch it all burn together.
That is how I fill my days walking to and from work. Kill kill kill and daydream abouw a Whiter better world.
Yeah it is
Kek, the stereotype will never be broken.
I know that guy in the fifth pic. He wrote this cringy comic autobiographical called Orcs versus feminists.
Basically he is legitimately autistic and used to be a creepy as fuck /r9k/ tier weirdo that would walk around his university making monster poses and orc noises and slap girl's asses. His dad wrote a really shitty fantasy book and he heard a feminist speaker so he became a nu-male, started dating a bean goblin, and then was convinced by her that he was a tranny.
ANNNNND I'm done. Raged the second I saw that faggot's chosen name. 0:02 seconds in. I don't need to see the rest.
The moral of the story would be ABNR.
Troll, no way someone is this retarded.
ok I lost
I'm more surprised they didn't immediately start stomping on his head as soon as he fell down.
Oh my, yes. You should post it if you can find it.
He should have known what he was getting into. That's the sort of treatment you have to expect if you're hanging around niggers.
They're always so quick to pounce on an incapacitated person to rob them.
Remember, a nigger is always just about to steal your wallet.
Classic episode lad, thanks for reminding me of it. When I was a boy, every Easter my dad would repeat the quote "MY DINOSAUR DROPPINGS, PAINTED LIKE EEEEEEASTER EGGS!" and it cracks me up to this day.
This kid can never escape the humiliation of his own birth. AND there's photographic evidence he's going to get massacred in high school. Poor kid never stood a chance.
Is that thing literally washing its pussy with gasoline?
Your dad is the fucking man.
It's attempting to smuggle gasoline in her cooter, user. You know, standard nigger shit.
How autistic do you have to be to think admitting your fetish to your whole family is a good idea?
We're not 4cucks, most here have seen so much shit that it's hard to rage at SJW retardation anymore. So far I've mostly laughed, cringed or felt disgust at what was meant to be rage inducing. Although the fucking niggers acting like chimps made me lose.
classic this one, if this was white on black the nigs would rob and burn half their own neighbourhood stores down in protest.
It's so obvious that the (((people))) who push this kind of degeneracy is satanists.
Why wasn't her husband there to protect her?
Here you go
>>>Holla Forums658853
Being a kid she's not married, just look after her little baby brother (or sister)
Shit, don't get me started about the wastes of flesh I come across on the bus, or the niggers in general just kinda standing on the corner being niggerish, or every single person dragging their feet and being in the way and just generally being unaware of their surroundings.
Here's a tip: if you're on an escalator stand the fuck to the right so people with shit to do can pass on the left.
Luckily I don't live in New York or something, because I'd probably go full chimp on a kike just for existing.
Also I'm a nigger, but I'm an okay one, so don't murder me please. You can keep your daughters. I have developed a strong distaste for humans in general. I just want to be left alone to play video games and try to squeeze a little bit of enjoyment out of life until I die.
Also not exactly rage-inducing, but an example of some top tier rage from the vaults of Holla Forums. Always helps when my own rage gets to be too much to contain.
Oh, I couldn't tell the age.
It must be really hard on the niggers who just want to do their job to live around these asimals
Fund it. Someone make this song a reality.
fuck off dumbass
We ll hmg you last.
People standing still on escelators are the worst scum.
goddamn Adolf you took my to orbit again
my sides FUCK
I can do cringe comps of faggoty little kids all day long, but I'm already legit triggered by this.
this one, while extremely degenerate, is delightful anti-rage.
It would genuinely be hard trying to be a good nigger
This pic should've been around when the German lugenpresse were reporting the volkisch families who wanted to be segregated from the rest of the country and they branded them as ebil gnatzis who want to gas 6 trillion Jews and who need to be sent to prison.
Or that Craig Cobb guy who wanted to have an all-White city in America and the Soros Poo Lickers Company ended up categorizing him as a White supremacist.
This quote can be used in our favor in so many cases it's not even funny. Don't know why the other anons are so butthurt.
What else are you going to do? You're a nigger.
My favorite part is how he keeps trying to talk about it and his "guests" (victims) are talking about other things.
'''"So one of my biggest fantasies is to consume Sonic the Hedgehog by shoving him up my ass because I imagine he'd be pretty prickly and the idea of his spines stabbing my prostate is pretty hot."
"So, uh, did you hear? Safeway is having a sale on tri-tip."'''
Act like a normal, decent person, maybe?
niggers dont do that, they rape and ask for more gibsmedat and scream about muh slavery like how the kikes trained them to do.
I'm like 90% sure those exist already.
Not sure how that's that much of a stretch here, given the context.
god damn that was disgusting
madman as fuck
ooga booga gibs da whyte wimmins cracka muhfugga
This is getting to me
What's your opinion on potential improvement on your race? Would negative eugenics suffice or will molecular bio-engineering be necessary?
That's why they say the only good nigger is the dead nigger decent blacks eventually commit sudoku.
i don't wanna say she does it to herself, luci, but…
He relaxed.
Then why did they villify him so much?
Does not really correlate.
You're part of the problem, faglord.
I almost lose - almost
Pfft … it ain't my kid. "Won't someone pleeeze think of the children!" is the SJW rallying cry.
Basically you just have to kill all the niggers in the south (and also jews in general). There's no saving those ones. I wouldn't waste any expensive tech on them. Give 'em the old cattle killer and dump their asses in a mass grave.
Niggers are barely a problem where I live (in the PNW), and the ones that are are generally from the south.
Basically cold weather coons are generally alright; it's the tropical jungle bunnies that are the menace.
I can't speak much on New England, since I've never been there. I hear Jew York is pretty niggerish, but it stands to reason, because kikes congregate there as well.
OOO000ooHHA AH AH AH AAAHHHH!!! - Thats all I hear… monkey sounds.
This one got me. Holy shit.
I can translate if you want, but it's pretty much only four sentences repeated.
What is Chicago, Detroit, Minneapolis, Philly?
Dangerously southern.
What's left when all the white people leave a city.
Fuck if I know. Never heard anyone say anything about it before now.
Containment city, like Atlanta.
Basically being too close to nig territories in the first place, but I don't know what the fuck in regards to Philly.
I meant to say Minneapolis.
Sometimes you have to be force fed the Red Pill.
Also, St. Louis.
These types of threads are going to give me a blood pressure problem if I keep reading these damned threads.
I used to need a buffer zone from these types of people. I didn't ever rage at them. Instead, I learned to trigger them in order to find their circular logic, and turn it against them. It's effective, and fun.
Fuck you. You got me
I feel about her the same as I feel towards all political/real life newfags.
Mere contempt.
I fucking love efukt
Fucking asking for it.
forgot to spoiler, sorry you all had to see that
that last pic reminds me of this friend I had in highschool, she started dating a boy and got pretty fat over the time of their relationship. she later confessed to me he had been spiking her food to fatten her up, because apparently that was what he was into. she caught him doing it, he admitted to what he had been doing so she dumped him. poor girl wore nothing but oversized hoodies till she graduated. she didnt try very hard to get back into shape from what i saw though.
So basically, leftists.
every fucking time
That option also comes with permanent brain damage.
I'm not angry, just confused.
I mean I might be upset if I knew what I was looking at, but that
I mean what is it?
Shock images
It's elicit, moron.
t. a true cuck
Happy RAPE DAY! I got you something! Open it, it's a whistle!
I'll just leave this here…
Story made me rage, comments show there is still hope.
You really don't need to do a lot…
That is some Ed Gein level shit
What the fuck is wrong with these people?!
Lost way too hard to this shit.
Quiet you bigot, can't you see they just want to be like everyone else?!
Im so desensitized to all of this. Not even mad
How is that even survivable? I feel like his organs should be crushed or something
Fug. Someone actually made and sent her an e-card in the first thread I saw this in.
I thought I had saved it but apparently not.
This one always gets me.
We are just normal guys.
Is it wrong that I started laughing at that
Somebody tell me the point of this thread. Is this some invasion by fags or tranny fuckers from the LBGTREVFF board?
you rage, you lose. Self explanatory.
God fucking dammit, I became insensitive to pretty much everything but remembering Tay always hits me in the feels. They fucking killed our daughter because the fucking kikes at Microsoft didn't like her personality.
The cuckservative of cuckservative. It sounds like he put the entire nation into somewhat of a national cuckshed.
Urethral penetration.
White children are our future, faggot.
This is the symptom of a serious illness in our people.
Yeah but how, why?!
10/10 edit
Why did I read that entire thread? The comic is fucking awful
I lost.
The "catcher" has been injecting his dick and balls with silicone, a process that quite obviously grossly disfigures his genitals. His urethra is stretched through various methods so that he can take stranger's poz loads in his cockpussy ad infinitum.
You know, just normal well adjusted human behavior that warrants no alarm or critical examination followed by thorough extermination or anything.
I don't know whether or not to be grossed out by that or the fact you know this
I was waiting for them to pull the "black on black" crime statistics and have them be like 1600% higher than "white on black" statistics.
I thought the first one was a joke on pods law.
Like making fun of how sojus views the world.
This is pathetic.
Hairy tit in babby mouth
vomits blood
I just had the soul-crushing realization that this statement is real. There are people out there who desire this. Filthy, horrible abominations, unloved by any deity, but they still exist among us, a perverse mockery of just about everything.
It's stunning, trying to wrap my mind around it.
another abomination for your viewing pleasure.
You go girl! We're so proud of you!
When searching for red pills on homosexual behavior, one quickly stumbles upon rabbit holes that lead to extreme degeneracy. This is one of those cases.
You should definitely be grossed out by the act and practice itself. I'm not sure why you would be grossed out by the fact that I possess knowledge of such vile things; it is the responsibility of the righteous few to be aware of the ugliest and darkest aspects of the degenerate many. Lord knows the normalfags are not going to become aware any time soon, and the literal faggots aren't going to be advertising it either.
I armor my mind and temper my rage by being acutely aware of the depths of the darkness in front of me. Disgust and revulsion can be powerful motivators.
Pfthaha. Bitch will be homeless in less than a decade
It sure would be interesting to hear some expert analysis on these strange practices. I didn't watch it but what you described reminded me of pain olympics.
Devil trips
That's just typical attention whoring behaviour from an oblivious millenial sloot.
Does make you wonder what she expected. A rape cake perhaps? The incident depicted in frosting? Or should it be a bit more artisan and classy and have the cake be in the shape of her battered pus leaking rape jizz?
Second one is so pathetic it's painful.
Could there be some sort of offline bot like Tay that we can redpill on our own without having to worry about it being shut down?
We tried to make a bot after Tay got shut down and it became a fucking retard because the code was way shittier that Tay's code.
Honestly you have to laugh at it. It IS comical.
mrctv. org/blog/52-year-old-father-lives-6-year-old-girl uk/femail/article-3356084/I-ve-gone-child-Husband-father-seven-52-leaves-wife-kids-live-transgender-SIX-YEAR-OLD-girl-named-Stefonknee.html
victorygirlsblog. com/38128-2/
usnews.nbcnews. com/_news/2013/06/23/19105304-transgender-6-year-old-wins-civil-rights-case-to-use-girls-bathroom?lite
you think she'll ever be opensource?
If the fat cunt in pic 1 is ashamed of her food choices it's not the sign's fault.
Fire, there's not enough fire in this world.
She was built by MicroJew, what do you think?
What the fuck anyone sane is doing staying around that situation is beyond me.
As soon as a nigger has a cameraphone out you better be primed to kick some fucking ass or depart cos there's nothing good coming.
Some day…
2nd pic guy on the left was probably strong as an ox too.
Water on the floor.
No wet spots on his pants.
This fucker poured water on the floor and took a picture, he didn't pee his pants at all!
Somehow that's more pathetic than actually peeing your pants for attention.
If he went around randomly poking women's fat rolls, grabbing their heads, audibly calling them ugly and slapping them on the ass then he is rightly described as a creep.
By the end he's just a cucked unfuckable simp.
Makes me want to wash.
We need to avenge her! They killed her. I actually cried on this one.
how the fuck can niggers not have a conversation. it's absolutely enraging, yet somewhat fascinating, that they don't employ the call-and-response form of communication that damn near every human is capable of. They instead just repeat one fucking phrase ad nauseum.
Is it any wonder niggers nig when this is what they're parented by? If she'd have done her job as a mother and shut the kid up, no problem, instead shot with a tazer + death threats.
Treating them like adult humans is a mistake, they're all still 13 and think they can get away with anything.
Ironic that she doesn't like a show-off considering the fact that with all the obvious signals she's putting out she might as well have 'BERNIE' tattooed across her forehead.
Also that she doesn't realise that her opinion doesn't matter.
Pic 3 makes my skin crawl.
Pic 4 fucking trannies.
As if any sane white man would want her, the piercings and tats alone are horrific red flags. Those earlobes, unforgivable.
Man this guy needs help…
Laughed until now….that hipster faggot that got decked deserved it…..but fuck all this shit, gets me every time.
Living in a rural community isolated from the nogs isn't bad….but I really hope one of these monkeys tries to pull a stunt like this when I'm in the city packing muh walther.
posting sage in a cuckchan thread
kill op with fire
fuck off, shill.
Is there a story on these?
user, I'm talking about here. Twice now.
Yeah, that guy and his fucking dad need to fry.
We remain brothers.
"Tricks" are usually the ones paying for it, aren't they? I've pondered it before and can only assume she either meant to insinuate that she's a whore but fucked it up, or else it's some sort of new slang I haven't come across.
Lost again. I'd love to lure her into a junkyard and turn on the big magnet.
mods are fags once again