Ann Coulter: Media Invented Lie About Trump Mocking Disabled Reporter

Ann Coulter: Media Invented Lie About Trump Mocking Disabled Reporter

>A group called Catholics 4 Trump has posted a video clip of another part of that same speech, in which Trump imitates a flustered general. Guess what? He does the exact same arm flailing.

>In another speech, Trump pretended to be a timorous Ted Cruz. Again, he does the exact same arm flailing. You can see the videos here.

>Neither the general nor Cruz is disabled.

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inb4 the "Ann is a coalburner" JIDF shill shows up

This is the key video.


Hillary said it; therefore it's true. Facts and evidence don't matter. End of story. - Said her supporters.

Why does she look like a kikess?



Why? It's already in the past and forgotten about.
Spreading this only reminds people of the controversy.
Pretty fucking strange way to "help" Trump if you ask me.

She's a wasp.

It's not forgotten about at all.

It's a common talking point against Trump.

Spreading anything that damages the media which is bad for kikes and anything bad for kikes is good for us

based Ann

Who has burned coal.

… because you saw that one episode of Boondocks?

Taking a friend on a "date" to a public event is not evidence she burned coal.

Please fuck off.

I called it

Sure is shilly in this thread.


So you believe he did mock the reporter?

Did you watch the videos?

How did Trump know this reporter was physically disabled? He's not a prominent media figure.

I knew I'd seen him do that same kind of impression in other situations.

Trump's idiosyncrasies always gets him in trouble with the (((MSM))).

(((Oy vey)))


no because she dated a fucking a curry nigger. it isn't about her going to the awards show with the dyno-mite nigger. calling her a coal burner doesn't need to be the first thing that gets brought up, but it's disingenuous to think she's a white nationalist.

great attack dog and hates spics, so she's got that going for her.

There's a ton of anti-Coulter posters today. How the fuck can you honestly criticize her when she's been at the vanguard of taking our views mainstream?

Good find.


So Fascism, class cooperation, corporatism, nationalism and destroying marxism in all forms in now mainstream?

Yeah the media is fucked, but Ann is more fucked tbh

We're getting there.

These two are not desirable political goals, the rest are, to varying degrees.

Faggot talking about shit he doesn't understand…


Corporatism doesn't have anything to do with the legal entity some businesses operate under.

Corporatism is how fascism does voting rights, if a fascist country chooses to have them. It was a central component in Italian and Mosley-an Fascism.

It has nothing to do with business corporations you simpleton.

The delusion of eliminating class conflict on a systemic level is insane, all you can do is temper it. Any class harmony that exists in a nation is primarily rooted in religion and common faith rather than systemic prescription.

Systems are not the answer, they are the form the answer takes. Fascism is not desirable, it is potentially desirable for a time, in a place.

As this is an Ann Coulter thread I'll assume I'm talking to Americans, Fascism is a dead end in the United States as you're suggesting we assume a dead form, as opposed to allowing dead forms to inform our actions given the living circumstances of our lives.

I'm aware of Fascist Corporatism, and I oppose that as a prescription as well, but for different reasons outline above.

Oh holy emperor, his ascension to the golden throne shall be most glorious

Bump for importance. This is the one talking point i had no answer to when i talk to normies about trump.

It's good to arm Trump supporters with info then when confronted with this bullshit charge.

Why isnt this thread getting traction? This is the number one complaint brought up when i talk with run of the mill conservatives that find trump distasteful.




Notice that Trump's hand is blurred? That's because it was moving and in that particular frame it just happened to be in a similar-ish position to that of the reporter with the disability. Which is why the MSM used that frame to try to mislead the public that Trump was mocking the reporter's disability.

Did you watch any of the videos?


When the lugenpresse goes, you'll be drug into the streets to face their fate with them :^)