Fuck women

Fuck women

In the pussy.

I'll take things he never did before dying for 300 Alex

You know if supremus memus has just raped some bitch he probably wouldn't have killed anyone


did anyone read his manifesto?

fuck 3dpd, 3D women are superior.

I did actually, it reads like a Lois Lowry novel with a Brett Easton Ellis kind of vapidness and edge

Kill yourself.

Dude, whats wrong with you?
What kind of person would say such a mean and horrible thing. I've never heard anyone say that before did you just think of that urself?

Love waifu

No I borrowed it off a friend.


I see you fuck women as well, me too

Oh dear lord, you're not joking. Euuuugh.

Oh cool, we got IDs back. Never mind then.



tor users don't have ID:000000


You don't!


day, my mother being at work, and heard the sounds of Samuel plunging his penis into my sister’s vagina through her closed room door, along with my sister’s moans.

Elliot Rodger was kinda narcissistic and came off as very self-loving which is most likely caused by his deep insecurities from getting rejected and bullied etc. but he was also misunderstood and I can understand why he felt the way he did, his Manifesto was very touching and had my blood boiling at times.

What really pissed me off was when these feminazi cunts turned it into some feminism bullshit, the cause of this is way deeper than than the shit they say.

There is so much sexism and objectification towards men and Elliot Rodger was just a product of our hypocritical over-sexualized society that drives many young men insane.

I'm not saying that I support what he did but I understand where that madness came from and I think that we as a society should think about this deeper, fuck what these feminist cunts say, they used this tragedy to push their own agenda.

While I agree with you on the feminist cunts thing.

Being a virgin will only bother you if you allow it to.

You haven't ripped down a mountain in the backcountry with 20+ inches of powder.
You haven't seen the sun rise over your hunting stand in the middle of the rut in october.

I could go on, but if you treat your virginity like a rational person and don't hypersexualize women and treat it just like another experience, you'll realize that there's much more valuable and memorable experiences that you're missing out on because you're focused on why 3DPD won't fuck you.

And besides, no one likes desperation and narcissism. ER had that in spades.