what's that thing?
its like men with social problems that post here and have no feelings… only they have vaginas i guess
what the fuck, this place exists? it needs to be purged, we can't have women having their own board, they need to go outside and get raped and killed by niggers. the internet is for men only.
How about a raid, lads?
But girls are gross and indifferent towards us.
eh, leave em alone. I checked em out earlier today. Their community has been fucked with enough.
Girls are great. All women must die tho
im doing this as we speak
sticky plx
Their board was better before this new cunt BO tbh.
kek. user…
what a bunch of pussies
where do these sluts even come from?
It's a board for trannys and fags to roleplay as women on.
It's a board where you post dick pics.
You need to learn difference between those two. Womyn must be purged.
ritsu is cute
I don't wanna go back to prison.
Age is only a number, prison is just room Oni-chan.
(((LOVE is LOVE)))
This same shit happens on Plebbit
To be fair user, that was a bit too direct. Be more subtle next time.
This is how I know political correctness is bullshit, if white men got their own board it would be banned, but this is somehow allowed! This is how you know SJW cucks have taken over this website.
You don't know until you raid it
No it wouldn't, make one.
yes it would