==15-time Playboy cover model Pamela Anderson urges people to stay away from porn=
Have you given up the sexual Jew yet?
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Sometimes I think they're making up these names just for the keks.
Doesn't she have HIV
Says the woman who's a millionaire entirely because she marketed herself as every man's fap fantasy.
Damn didn't expect this idiot to be this wise on anything, now she just needs to do something useful and warn woman about what being a whore does to their souls
But it's fine for every teenage girl to run a camshow.
This is bad for other reasons. This is about shutting down healthy male sexuality. While porn will be diminished, the anti-male propaganda will ramp up.
she doesn't deserve the ropes, she deserves the hounds
Pick one, and only one.
It would have carried more weight if she had said this before her career was behind her.
Also, porn is not the reason for men being unable to function as fathers. Divorce courts are.
Boteach is a slimy arch-kike who was cliqued up with kiddie raper Michael Jackson. His overwhelming kikeishness probably contributed to Jackson's nuclear turn on kikes later in his degenerate life.
didn't she take her clothes off for money, stuff her tits full of silicon so they would look bigger and marry a drug using rock star that beat her?
Personaly I don't think she knows a fucking thing about healthy sexuality.
We all know that if she was offered 10 million dollars to do porn/strip/whatever she'd do it.
it's a matter of times
fapping to porn is statistically less likely to fuck your life over than marrying a cunt right now
Easy for a cunt to say
When they have nothing to lose and everything to gain
You're likely a bleeding cunt, go neck yourself.
Yeah, it's just because we're too lazy…
"Yes goym, you see, only women should be allowed to consume pornography ₪".
Would you spergs stop being pussies. Antimale propoganda ? Are you a fucking faggot?
Oh sure, I'll give up porn the second my Pepper arrives. You actually sign a contract to promise you won't fuck this thing, but I plan on breaking that immediately.
Porn is degenerate as fuck but it's all many men have these days due to slut culture. In a perfect world there would be no need for porn because men would have wives to fuck.
All porn is produced by jews. This is a fucking BASIC redpill. Yes this includes your pedophilia drawings.
Holy shit, are you serious?
This, the problem lies entirely with cunts and their inability to act like decent human beings, anyone defending them is a white knight cuck who's reward will be holding his wife's son.
help my sides are exploding
It's not a black and white issue mate. Nothing against you but I see lots of Holla Forumsacks pulling this shit. Most things are not that simple. They don't have one reason. More than one factor is always at work.
Women are affected by this shit too honestly.
And when women are more slutty and men are more beta this leads to a higher rate of divorce. Or worse, the guy being completely whipped and convinced to become a cuck.
There's other stuff at work too I'm sure. But this is just what I'm considering right now.
Nah the problem lies with western men being cuck fags who can't raise daughters properly. That and Jewish entertainment brainwashing them.
OK, where is muh virgin 16 year old q.t.3.14? The problem with anti-porn people is that they have no desirable alternative other than used up whores corrupted by Jewish Cultural Marxism.
Good for her, trying to correct wrongs she took part in creating.
top cuck
It's not possible you stupid fuck
the harder you tried to make them a decent person, they bigger of whore they will be, you can't employ real discipline either or you'll be an "abusive parent", you can't do shit you retard white knight cuck, we need to return to the days of locking our daughters inside, they don't deserve the rights they've been given, they've squandered their chances.
This. Who can blame women? If I was a woman, wouldn't want a trap-fapping, fat, anime-watching neckbeard either (and none of you would fuck the female equivalent to one).
Lift, you motherfuckers. Get your T levels up. Be men.
how the fuck am I supposed to trust this now?
I really hope even semi-sentient robots never come to exist.
They will have two purposes in live: be raped and be tortured.
Sure thing mate.
Okay Elliot but if you went outside you would notice there still are good women. Sure they are a minority but it's possible to find them.
and there it is…the double standard
pick one you fucking faggot
This is as degenerate as it can get. Can one of you weebs pelase give a good reason why you are wasting your time on cartoons that isn't about "muh feerings"
Women are what we make them, that's it. There are a handful out there right now, why should I waste my time looking for the 1 in 100000, when I can just train for the race war and we can keep our women in cages after it's done so this shit never happens again.
You are a woman faggot, go suck the State's dick, it's what you've married.
She's right, but I find it ironic because her tits are literally the first thing I fapped to.
Real life is like a Holla Forums parody
What's with all the faggots shilling for porn ITT? It is a Jewish tool for making the goyim docile and complacent, just like video games and anime.
It baffles me how someone can be such a fucking degenerate and still consider himself a nationalist. Stop masturbating to that fucking drawn pedoshit, it's disgusting. Have some self-respect…
No why should you have white children…
actually I would
if her face was naturally pretty enough despite definite fat and acne
also the size/shape of her tits and ass, if adequate…ya never know
This is ltierally what he looks like.
Plus the kike is rather rich.
is this the mantra of women today?
Yeah. Yeah they are.
Sure thing Schlomo.
kill yourself
Oh It's one of those fuckers again. You pedophiles are not welcome on Holla Forums, get the fuck out of here.
You are worse than niggers. Hitler would've gassed you, no clue what you are doing here in the first place.
Porn hasn't done anything for me in a long, long time. I don't even masturbate anymore. Browsing Holla Forums for all these years turned me into a fucking puritan. Maybe I am just a fucking sperg, but such violent/excessive images of sexuality genuinely disgust me now. Whenever someone in real life mentions watching porn, or says "it's just sex", I feel deep disgust and revulsion.
Thanks, Holla Forums.
I wish they banned all forms of digital entertainment. Without circuses, people are much more likely to take irl action.
They are 13~14.
My grandmother married at that age.
For the exact same reason you waste your time with whatever your do for entertainment.
Well now she's not. She's wrinkly and forgotten. So her jealousy is making her lash out at her former employment. Women are petty like that.
Control yourself.
You, on the other hand have disgustingly low standards. Have some self-respect, and don't couple with a cow.
what's up with that pic
oy vey another complacent stupid goy who is partaking in "hobbies" while his race and generation is dying around him
Nothing but post-wall jealousy. Every whore facing oncoming menopause eventually switches over to the anti-porn side.
When she could peddle her ass for a dime, she was sex-positive and shamed men that criticized her whoredom. Now she's shaming men that prefer women in their prime rather than dried-up, wrinkly sacks of disease ridden silicone.
And why is it always about condemning the relatively harmless practice of male masturbation? Considering that antibiotic resistant syphilis and gonorrhea are becoming a reality, where's the no-whore movement to accompany the no-fap craze?
actually vidya
Wouldn't that include imageboards, though? I think the problem is that the kikes have enforced a culture where it's normal for men to be social outcasts who escape from reality into the fantasy land of pornography, cartoons and vidya games.
Basically, we live in a society of manchildren. Men are simply not growing up anymore.
it sounds like you're trying to convince yourself, user.
I click on it and immediately I feel shame and regret.
We live in a society of children, people are simply not growing up any more. Male or female.
You fuckers love to ignore that there are other factors to determine ones matureness other than the physical one. You are more material than the commies on Holla Forums, it seems to be the case that "if it has tits, it's mature" for you. Though you seem to have no clue what is mental and emotional matureness. It could be because you never reached that stage.
Hitler trips confirm tbh :^)
Yeah, no. I'm not giving up muh pr0n. I've got a high sex-drive and no other outlets, and I'm a sperg who has absolutely no game, so cheating is out even if I wanted to. 2D is all I have, unless you want me to start fucking trees…which you will then denounce as "jew trees."
Leave an old man to his poorly-chosen fate. All I ask is that you all learn from my mistakes.
You ignore the fact that men retreat into porn and vidya because too many women are riding the cock carousel, or are fat, or are single moms. You can't form a long term relationship with a whore. The cock carousel destabilizes the sexual market place ensuring that a lot of guys end up losers when historically they would have ended up fine.
Tell that to the women. Men are controlling themselves by self medicating with porn. If they could fuck a real girl they would.
Most guys T is fine, they just have no outlet.
the pic is something I found on TV. I found it sort of appropriate because it shows old cucks enforcing retarded gender equality on younger guys.
Just interjecting to say you mean "maturity".
This won't last long. If things don't change drastically, the West will inevitably collapse permanently
True. English isn't my first language :^) Don't know how did I get that one wrong though.
You realize you are talking about a cartoon, right ?
Why the fuck are you even married if you don't find your wife to be desirable and can't even have kids?
You genuinely should just fucking kill yourself. Degenerate, subhuman piece of shit.
First, they came for the women with the suffragette, flapper, bra-burner, and feminist ideologue, in that order.
What's happening today is not very different. They just took out the weaker target, first.
Well, at least you know multiple languages. Good job. I'm too dumb to know more than English.
She's retarded, isn't she.
No I'm not. It started off with a pedophile claiming that there is nothing wrong with being attracted to a 12 year old. It doesn't matter in which form of media it is shown, whether it's a cartoon, a drawing or anything else.
If you insist on masturbation, don't use jew produced porn. That's not going to help you at all, and enables the cock carousel whores that star in porn.
Are you seriously saying that the only outlets you can engage in are passive ones that don't help you in any real way? You can always work on improving yourself, learning skills, exercise
True. But if we men got our shit together, women would be forced to get better.
Things ARE changing, at least in the USA and Russia. Trump's victory is all but assured, traditionalism in Russia is at it's highest since the times of the Empire, and in Germany the Holohoax narrative finally beings to collapse.
This is the year of the fire monkey, and it is only the beginning.
That is just tradcuck BS propaganda, thought.
That is what Pol taught me, tradcucks and feminists have an autistic obsession with pr0n because they have no life and needs to blame something else than their own shitty, autistic behaviour.
I hate how they pretend to care about the health of men. Pretty much all ex-pornstars who are "anti-porn" either contracted an STD or are old and washed up
1. I have kids, and then decided I didn't want anymore…and then I found out we're an endangered species.
2. She started off desirable and then proceeded to let herself go in the most heinous ways imaginable.
Oh, my sweet summer child. I hope you remember that advice when you're a washed up middle-aged fuck with nearly nothing left to live for.
Impossible, women are now the epicenter of society.
You will suffer as I have suffered.
Why do women always need to try and fuck up mens fun once they become miserable?
How does one know which ones are the ew-jay ones? It might be moot, anyway, because I usually just stream scenes and move on with my life.
Even if Trump wins, kicking out a few spics and giving us jerbs isn't much in the grand scheme of things.
That's not an option, these days.
Tell me what "desirable" means to you.
All porn is jew produced.
Don't use porn.
Because cucked men have allowed it. All men became traditionalists, do you really think women could stop us?
100% of American mainstream professional porn is produced by Jews
you can always reverse your vasectomy, you know.
Just jack off to drawn forms, if you "need" to waste your proteins and energy for such a cheap high, so badly.
Yes, give all your money to women so they can spend it on important things like shoes, goyim, can't you see how much you need one?
Do you really think he isn't going to crack down HARD at the corrupt, kike-owned media that has been slandering him since the very beginning? That same media which constantly shills for all kinds of degeneracy?
Most men are so desperate for sex that all a woman has to do to win is give them her body
ur a fucking faggot.
i immediately felt arousal.
Even that's bad.
Do you not have an imagination?
Masturbation doesn't satisfy as well, you know that.
show me a study and I will believe you
How? How would women be forced to get better?
The 21st century Western woman that you see is a woman that is completely free, and this is what she's happily chosen with her freedom. The only way to get back a more monogamous, pro-nuclear family culture is by restricting their freedom.
Don't pretend like you're immune to pleasure.
I'm trying to fucking help here, and "quit spanking the monkey" certainly doesn't seem to be working as an argument.
I am talking about sex. Men use porn because they can't get any in real life. It does not mean they are not learning, exercising, etc.
Being a Chad manwhore is much better for your mental health than porn addiction
As I said, it was prior to redpilling. I regret it, now.
Then to the trees I must go a-fucking!
Yeah, but I'm not paying for it.
To the tune of $2000+. Can't afford it, and the wife's in no shape to bare any, anyway.
Good grief, you anti-wanks are a cult unto yourselves. What the hell do you care if I'm unloading some excess empty-semen?
Let me see if you understand this way:
We have zero hope of ever putting our dicks inside a teenager, not alone marrying one.
We know they are too immature but so are 20 something girls these days ( i dated a girl that at age 21 was surprised that i called her a woman ).
Both of them are not immature in essence, they are immature because society made them immature by not raising them properly.
Therefore there is nothing wrong with fantasizing about engaging in sexual activities with them.
let alone*
Do you know what the name of this video is?
Naturally, women will act according to what society deems as 'normal'. Since women cannot survive neither physically nor emotionally without men, the moment said men stop putting up with their bullshit they will modify their behavior in order to please them.
Did you let your wife get fat and live an unhealthy life? Or are you both ~40+?
I have green eyes, brown hair, white skin, and am a little over 6' tall. I will become a wizard and practice celibacy my entire life.
That doesn't make you any less of a cuck. You fucked your own shit up, now make a sacrifice and don't waste away yourself.
Answer the question.
Could you go a month without porn?
>>>Holla Forums
We're already on Holla Forums.
Btw, it records pretty much everything and feeds it back to Softbank to make the algorithm "learn". Just to let you know ;^)
Also how do you actually get one? For non-fucking purposes, that is.
I can get women. It just takes an unreasonable amount of time and effort.
Dating a woman is like a fucking never-ending job interview. You constantly have to prove your utility to them.
this site is a goldmine, plus it's not filled with christfag shit
Practicing a life of abstinence and self improvement is far more fulfilling than becoming a slave to a woman and having alimony.
As long as you contribute to society and don't engage in degenerate time-wasters like porn/vidya/anime you're good in my book.
I neither agree or disagree, but this isn't the place for you. Go join a fucking monastery or something
You don't get to be the moral police of my life, faggot.
Guess again. Asocials get the black triangle.
Yes I do you little bitch, now do what I said you fucking faggot.
Sounds like you need to go to camp, then.
Nah, I'm actually learning a lot, getting something to put on my resume, and contributing to the enjoyment of a hobby I love and for other people by modding a video game currently.
I can only imagine the petabytes of Amazing Atheist tier amateur porn they are going to get.
Get the fuck out of Holla Forums then you useless faggot.
What video game?
moar like this
I'd rather not say, no need to make it easy for people to find out who I am and SWAT me.
Then quit bragging about shit you can't prove on an anonymous imageboard, and lurk moar, faget.
What color triangle do I get if I fuck your mother in her shitter?
Seems like you're modding dragon dildos in Skyrim
I don't play casual normalfag garbage like that, nonetheless mod it.
What are some non-normalfag games?
Nothing that came out after 2007.
Thief is a good non normalfag game.
Hitler never gassed anybody you sleazy cunt. Don't you dare disrespect Uncle Adolf with those trips again.
Vice sent you, I suppose?
What is your favorite game?
Battle for Wesnoth
It's a metaphor for discriminating for them, as the homosexuals were discriminated against.
Which is a good thing you cunt.
She never did Porn though, did she? She was a sex icon on Baywatch and in that shitty movie she did in the 90's. A sex tape got leaked, but that's about it as far as I can recall
Do you have autism or asperger syndrome?
Do you have an argument?
You don't.
Most of us here spends more time watching Holla Forums and other websites than watching pr0n, haha!
It is a good thing that there are such alternatives as pr0n and prostitution. It isn´t degeneracy if your means of social control over men are damaged by that.
LOL, sadly it ain´t just women that does that.
Just like tumblr feminist, a complete inability to owe one´s own decisions. Sad!
"leaked" you mean. It was heavily monetized and sold on dvd
I was answering his question user.
You answered mine. Remember?
You're committing tu quoque.
I'm not arguing with you. I'm just genuinely curious. Grown virgin man who spend most of their time playing 2 bit games usually happen to be autistic more often than not
Nope, and I think calling everyone autistic for enjoying things that require thought is a bit of a meme on imageboards these days. It's overused.
I use this as a backup
She's not wrong though, regardless of what she has done in her life.
Vasextomy can be fixed mate.