We need an Islam thread.
Besides the silly ban on eating pigs and the fact its adherents are mostly shitskins I don't think there is very much in Islam I don't like.
It's a pretty based religion and based culture all around.
We need an Islam thread.
Besides the silly ban on eating pigs and the fact its adherents are mostly shitskins I don't think there is very much in Islam I don't like.
It's a pretty based religion and based culture all around.
daily reminder that isis is not islam
ISIS is controlled by Israel/CIA I know this. They kill muslims more than anyone else. They are the coolest fighting force though. I just finished watching a documentary about mujahiden btw.
If you pick any page in the Quran and start reading, you will find that Islam is a barbaric religion that is founded on the teachings of a violent man.
That's what I like about Islam.
I don't want any christcuck nonsense.
It's like Nordic Paganism / muh Valhalla except instead of LARPing and doing death metal they have actual holy warriors that still die for their god.
You don't understand Nordic paganism any better than you understand Islam. Why should we believe that you understand Christianity enough to reject it on any solid grounds either? You are obviously a high school fucktard who does whatever his buddies are doing without even thinking about it, and are posting it here to feel cool.
Enjoy school tomorrow, junior.
what for?
theres already an >>>/islam/ board
Islam is only true religion so go eat shit and die
Islam is anti degenerate
I think islam is cancer