Aside from Thrawn, what exactly was/is worth saving in the Expanded Universe? So much of it is absolute shit: the Vong, the Solo children, Mara Jade, Palpatine's rebirth saga, and the list goes on. As a fan of Star Wars for decades, I can't see why the removal of most of the E.U. was a bad thing.
Expanded Farciverse
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I kinda liked the Vongs and I wish they could have been brought back. You could make some interesting parallels between them and mudslimes. Of course they wouldn't do it because it would have been islamophobic.
I'd take one of those over the Disney SJW trite we have today.
The Vong could be interesting, and Revan, Katarn and a lot of one offs are awesome characters. Love Chiss, too. The Thrawn trilogy is one of the best pieces of Star Wars lit.
You should give up on Star Wars for the time being, though. TFA was just ANH but with a more colourful cast and there's gonna be a movie every year until it is run into the ground.
I think it's just not a good time for Sci-Fi, at least there's a new Trek series coming out soon. (I wish ST had better lit, though. A lot of is just plain garbage). Heck, freaking Star Trek Online's Romulan story is a better narrative than TFA, and it's a f2p MMO only thousands play. That should tell you about the state of Sci-Fi.
I'd keep pretty much nothing of the EU post empire. It was pretty much all trash.
That's the thing though, I think the Old Republic was when all the interesting things happened and where all the interesting stories would be, but we're just not getting anything else about it now. I don't give a flying fuck about the rebel alliance holy shit. Why do I want to watch star wars with no Jedi? Fuck off Disney. And of course TFA managed an even shittier post-Empire story and setting than all the things the EU came up with.
It all died with nBSG.
Even that didn't survive it's last two seasons, but ever since that ended there's just been a lot of shit everywhere. Such a shame.
A very weird amount of the EU was literal fanfiction, complete with original character donut steels that were obvious knockoffs of existing characters. There were like, five not-Han Solos, and three Death Stars.
Also, every character briefly shown in the movies becomes what literally every other member of the race is like; all Mandalorians are armoured mercenaries, all Hutts are gangsters, all Twi'Leks are slave girls or gangsters, etc etc. Post-Disney pretty much goes the opposite on that.
Exactly zero. The EU had turned into cancer long before Disney got their hands on the franchise, and the only reason people look back on it with fondness is because Disney's stuff is so bad it makes shit like Mara Sue, the entire Solo children storyline (seriously, Anakin and Jacen got shafted super-hard in favor of Jaina), the Vong crapfest, Timothy Zahn's overrated garbage, and the Nu-Empire stuff look good by comparison.
The Vidya Stuff was generally pretty good with some notable exceptions, Rogue Squadron, Jedi Knight and the like.
It's not that he doesn't want politics in it, is that he thinks the politics in it are stupid.
Fuck it. Keep it all. I'd rather have Jade, Karrde, Katarn, Horn and all the rest the good and bad over the complete shit of the Disneyverse.
I would literally prefer a Crystal Star being canon then the current books they've shoveled out. The story about Han and Luke being fucked with by an alien from another dimension and his cultists is far better then wibbly wobbly tie fighters and fuckers using xhe as a god damn pronoun in a book.
If the worst of the EU still does better then the Mouse can do I'll take the EU anyday. At least the EU writers had a love for the universe and setting.
Dark Horse had some pretty great series
All Disney seems to do is milk the OT for flavor.
It's always Disney's fault, because everyone knows our savior Lucas only sold the rights to Star Wars. Marvel on the other hand is completely ruining anything Marvel.
In some cases this is understandable. Dash Rendar was made because they wanted a Han character while Han was in carbonite, and the character himself decided hanging around after that was stupid. Kyle Katarn was his own thing in the first game but got a bunch of Skywalker-lite elements in Jedi Knight because they wanted to do a jedi game and the tech wasn't there before. And so on and so forth. The only problem bigger than stupid OC's nobody cares about was that the OT cast was in way too many stuff in a contradictory timeline. So the obvious thing to do is create similar characters when necessary so you can have a recognizable "star wars" experience(because "Star Wars" boils down to a few dozen elements and if you single out of a few of them you're only left with a handful of archtypes).
Most of the really bad ones are, as you've probably figured, in the games. Because novel characters have more room to grow while games need someone to stand in for somebody that can't be important to the plot without killing tension since they have plot immunity.
That part seems pretty much in line with Disney's approach
A lot of the new continuity just seems like ripoffs from the EU anyway. They brought back Thrawn, but the guy in white from Rogue One seems like an expy of him. And there's that black chick who's just female Pellaeon.
It'd have been a lot of work to trim the fat, but I'd rather them have done that instead of throwing it all out.
he's not, apart from the white uniform.
swipe Catalyst off a torrent or mega. it explains a lot about him and Galen Erso.
so Hera and Chopper are probably still alive.
Commercial #26:
Quite a bit actually. Most of the stuff around the Clone Wars timeline, Shatterpoint, the core clone wars comics hit or miss, but there's enough good to keep, Quinlan Vos, comicbook Grievous, etc.. The Old Republic comics. You already mentioned Thrawn. The Bane trilogy. Darth Plageius. Lando's backstory romps were stupid and fun. Kyle Katarn should've been saved, both the games and the character were cool. Republic Commando's no longer canon, the video game, the characters are still running around being cameos but I'm sure they'll be generic as Hell whenever they talk.
Vong were at least interesting in concept, their execution was awful, but invaders from another galaxy that use biological engineering instead of mechanical had potential in the right hands, cutting the concept out instead of just rebooting the series in the hands of competent writers was a waste.
The major complaint with the original EU is that a lot of it reads like fanfiction and it does there's no way to honestly argue that point. Disney has not been ANY better. Now you have the Not Rebels against the Not Empire and the Not Wedge blowing up the Not Death Star while the Not Luke duels the Not Darth Vader in the first movie and wins forever cementing him as a non-threat no matter what else he does.
Outside the movies, Disney did start referencing the old EU, but all the shit they did end up keeping has been made worse by their desire to take it out of nostalgic 50s-inspired scifi pulp and into CURRENT YEAR KID FRIENDLY TELEVISION.
Also Marvel writes the Star Wars comics now, which means Bendis's Bull will be in there soon enough.
And now there are 3 in the movies and I'm sure there will be 4 before this trilogy is over, what the fuck point were you trying to make?
EU at least set a good precedent for years and years of Officially Definitely Real Canon Things That Actually Happened being thrown out and invalidated just because. Now I feel that much better about ignoring whatever I want. Including Disney Wars.
Even Karen Traviss' HURR MANDOS BEST JEDI BAD DURKA DURKA DURKA shit is light years ahead of everything Disney has been putting out since they got the license.
I want to echo those saying the Old Republic comics are great. You could tell the writers had a lot of respect for the setting, like how they kept Revan's features hidden, so it gels with your version of the games. And Zayne is a great hero.
Also, I like Mara Jade, partly because I'm waifu trash and partly because I was glad to see Luke find happy romance after the sister thing. I haven't read many books she's in, I mostly remember her from the spin-off videogame where she confronts Kyle and keeps him from the dark side, so I guess she could be a Sue as someone said, but I feel like it couldn't be worse than what we're dealing with now.
This sentiment is part of the reason we have DBZ levels of power inflation and the force is over-explained. It's immature and short-sighted. One of the reasons I'll never watch Rebels is that the main character is immediately revealed to not only have the force, but be intuitively strong. The Force should be used like seasoning: it's a great addition, but you can't make a meal out of it, and if you put it on everything, it becomes worthless.
Problem is that it also feels unsatisfying when it doesn't have any substantive abilities.
Like pre PT, there was a general assumption that the Jedi used to be super powerful and such and that what luke was learning now was only a minor glimpse into a lost society.
Im not saying over-explaining the force is good per say, but it feels utterly flabby and weak when every 15 years the Jedi Order gets wiped out.
Because the best part about Star Wars was the Cantina.
Dats it
That han solo story was gold
I was always torn on this concept on the one hand shooters have become redundant but on the other hand the smuggler criminal stuff is a side of Star Wars that hasn't really been explored in a game so it could work.
I guess some of the old republic stuff like Exar Kun, Naga Sadow, KOTOR 1&2 and Darth Bane.
This may be true, but on the other hand, lightsabers and the Force is literally the only thing that separates Star Wars from generic sci-fi with pew-pew lasers and shit. It was a quite innovative and flashy way to introduce magic and melee/kung-fu fighting with colorful plasma swords into a space setting which has been up until then dominated by guys shooting each other with laser guns. Take that out, and Star Wars loses a lot of its appeal to normies, especially since the prequels and beyond have already established a major precedent for lots of that stuff being present, while the original films were more conservative with showing that off.
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Everyone from the 513 Hamilton/Oxford area post what ya got!
Also I'd like to add that your average visible Japanese fujoshi is an adult, many well into their 30s, while here they're mostly spastic teenagers.
If it's even possible, I'd be very grateful.
Cuttlefish is delicious!
Benis In da boypussy?
why? it just werks. update and upgrade, ez.
You have to go back.