New mawa thread

Hey, OP of the original bread here.
Feel free to come over here for the nice discussion of bestgirl.
(since the original comfy one has been more-or-less killed, they can have it)

No Lewds! D:<

no mashas were harmed in the making of this thread

Now as OP, being a faggot like myself, I will probably end up with a 000000 ID because it gets autodetected


Requesting napanon to come back

I'm just glad that there are other people who want to protect that smile

I'm an anti-pedo. She is very attractive. Sorry what happended to her. Dirty men

she went along with it like the slut she is. even tried to get into modelling. she is fucked in the head.

Dumb girls turning into sluts. She could've been a sexy docot when she grew up.


hey come on don't talk like that. Yes, she knew what she was doing. But don't be mean like that
She's still a nice girl

I will admit she was taken advantage of unfortunately. But there are a lot of other factors

Dumb russian bitch. She didn't have the right life. She needs America. Put her on a farm, give her a nice fat mom and a working pa.

Idk if your familiar with this girl OP but she will want more than just cuddles and headpats

What's with all the pedo threads? If they are allowed to post again can't they have a general thread to contain them?

um, that's kind of a weird picture…

I wouldn't be able to, I'd feel like I was using her.
I feel like after going through all that maybe cuddles would be good for a change.

She don't want your pussy. She like benis.
It seems this is more your speed.

If you're over 18 and you have a relationship with anyone 14 and under that is definitely a predator relationship. Just wise wprds from myself. See ya

If a 50 yr old man has a relationship with an 21 year girl that is a predator relationship too, bitch ass nigga

k enjoy trap threads in 4cuck

No, they're both grown humans. The woman is grown enough to be capable and handle him. However if she under 18, I'd agree.


Man I'm 19 and there are some 16 year old girls who look older than me. They're developing waaaay faster than they're supposed to.

The brain doesn't stop growing until 25. I know because someone said a scientist said so.

That's just Man's Country. You're not a man until you're 25. And you're still a little girl until 25. That's why all these tough rock song's like Magic Carpet Ride are mentioning little girls. They're actually talking about women over 18.

Is Masha still modeling?

Back in 2015 I had just found out about her modeling career and try to buy a small-ish poster (about 8 by 11) from a catalog that had a portrait of her. But it was in Russian and from Google translate it wasn't available anymore

Since then I've always wanted her to model again so I could buy a printout of her and put it on my wall

How fucking retarded are you? So liking 24.99 year olds are pedo now? And with the fact 24.99 year olds are older than me and makes me a pedo?


Liking 24.99 women is a little bit better than being a pedo. But you are still to be ashamed. Anything 18 and under is disgusting, underdeveloped predator status

love that cock sucking video she did

That's not what this thread is meant to be about tho :\

Real women are 35+. Before that they are just immature whiny bitches. Once their looks start to fade they become human again or become crusty old hags clinging to their fading attractiveness while bitterly lashing out at men for preferring their teenage daughters over them.

oh okay

i had blowjob webms lined up and everything

I never said i liked 24.99 grandmas nigger. I'm 21 and the only girls adore are 11-13 year old girls. The rest are garbage. Now like i said fuck off to trap threads.

Pic is ugly. Also, old women are hysterical and mental. Theres a commercial on tv thats been on for about 20 years of this rich old women walking and saying "im only 60 i got a nice long life ahead of me. big plans." dumb bitch, you're life is already over you stupid feminsist

Seriously stop making this thread for fucks sakes I'm trying to quit CP and you just make another thread? Can we have both threads just be deleted please?

Don't YOU start, grandma

lol I know which one you mean

Is it possible to take advantage of boys?

Yes. They are still retarded too. But they automatically have more talent.

Betacucklord seriously. She's legal in my country. Would you still not do it if you lived here, it was legal, and she was clawing at your pants trying to get you undressed, demanding you fuck her?

dumb- fuck me
me- no im too powerful and i got a job. wait til 18 or 16
is it that hard?

Why should I respect your "muh 18" when the AOC is 15 in my country faggot?

This thread isn't about that. I made this because my other thread got completely derailed.

Honestly when I was 13-14 I would look for older women online and try to get them to /ss me

well, if it was legal..

I would still get to cuddle with her after though, right? Sex doesn't interest me unless it's tied in with cute love stuff as well

i know that, tool. I was implying I was responsible.
dumb-fuck me
degenerate- durr ok

I don't even underdstand what you're saying.

why the fuck teen boys like 80% of them want older women to plow to and then get super angry and shun the 23 year old guy that plowed his classmate. Then after he turns 23, now he wants to plow the 13 year old, making her friends jealous? Really makes me think.

(Edited for dumbass)
I know that, tool. I was implying I was responsible.
Dumb girl: fuck me
Degenerate (you): durr ok
How good is the AOC in your country btw? Is it perfect? Seems kind of irresponsibless


delet this thread

this is actually a really sweet picture. That's what this thread is for

but its just her being ugly as usual, nothin special

Some restrictions if they are 14 or below.
A little bit of restrictions on 15 but if you're similar age it doesn't matter (aka 60 year old can't marry 15 year old). Once they're 16 though, the man could be 70 and it wouldn't matter.

Also if you do get in trouble with our AOC laws it's a slap on the wrist.

There's lots of pedophiles here that openly fuck children and get away with it for years and years and nothing is done.

One (male adult pedo who was also a priest) did get murdered though by one of the boys he molested and also his church burned down.

You're far more likely to be killed by a vigilante (probably someone you molested yourself or someone from family of someone you molested) then that the law will come down on you.

I've seen men walking around with their loli gfs and holding them and hugging and kissing and even in one case fucking.

It's an epheb paradise here heh.

Fuck your customs, fuck your laws, and fuck the retarded shit that makes you think sex with teens is abuse.

Old enough to bleed; old enough to breed.

Chances are your ancestors were having kids in their teens and if you go back 300 years you'll find great grandmother of yours that had her first child at like 13.

this is a a meme and not factual

So uncivilized. Hmmph. What country btw

In my family you don't even need to go back that far. My Grandma was married to my Grandpa when she was 12. He was 20. She came from a very poor family and he was a soldier. Good looking. Making a good salary (at the time) being a soldier. At least he could buy food on the table. Her parents basically threw her at his feet and begged him to marry her. She then had her first child at 13 when he was 21 enlisted in the service

He's in his 90s. She is in her 80s. They are still legally married but separated about 30 years ago after 15 kids together.

*put* food, buddy

so where are you going to get this food to "put" on the table you cunt? are you wanting my Grandpa to steal the fucking food?