I just graduated from infantry school in the U.S. Army, AMA
Proof is my uniform, name-tape removed w/ my unit patch, my dogtags, and my military ID (Name and DoD # covered up)
I just graduated from infantry school in the U.S. Army, AMA
Proof is my uniform, name-tape removed w/ my unit patch, my dogtags, and my military ID (Name and DoD # covered up)
Did you not cut it for the marines because you're a faggot son?
It's called boot camp you grunt.
I don't much care for the taste of crayons
That's some Hollywood shit
Don't talk tough when we can see your face right in the picture son. Your IQ can't be higher than 90 with fish eyes like that.
You do realize a bored autist could easily find out who you are just by first figuring out what unit that patch is associated with, right?
What did they teach you in infantry school?
How does it feel to be one of the good goyim
No it just shows he's in the 29th infantry division but that's pretty big. I guess if you were really autistic you could sit near Fort Belvoir with binoculars until you saw him and then follow him though.
They try to teach them how to not piss and shit themselves too much. Results are varied.
How is Benning this time of the year? Also… National Guard? Really? You don't have the stones to be Regular Army?
National Guard is in high demand right now. The government is looking forward to a civil war in the next few years and needs low IQ grunts to kill those who would defy the eternal will of ZION tbh.
shit, that was pretty clever
t. US Marine
enjoy fighting and dying for rich people user, hope you get to keep your jaw
dafuq is a normie doing here
this. unless you're doing some scout shit for the us army you're basically a pussy for joining the us army and not the marines.
t. OP
id's aren't as fun. besides you just posted an ayy.
I literally just cropped the picture from OP's first image and rotated it tbh.
that's the joke
i forgot this isn't the 1990s anymore. fuck.
what's it like being a ZOGbot for Israel?
jesus christ, they actually did it. look at the guy's face next to her. are they mixed gender units now? nvm, don't answer.
OP is based and a true nazi tho
He's a recent BCT graduate which narrows it down as well, and there are autists here who can and will take the time to find out who he is.
Not that it matters, he's going to hate life regardless for however long his contract is.
Unless he really likes mind numbing pozzerpoint classes and being told to rake gravel.
And unless he winds up in a calvary unit at some point he's also not going to do shit but jerk off on a FOB when he deploys, since it's mostly engineers doing route clearance and the cav scouts that escort them who really even get to see much of anything, and even then jack shit happens 99% of the time.
Enjoy your Israeli buttfucking though OP
There's a QR code right there guys.
c'mon u slippin
James T -Something-. A Pos,
it's there enough for me to think this is a ruse. espec given he's out as a PFC which implies hyper normfag
His rank doesn't imply shit, there are turbospergs at every level in the military, and that goes double for the army and marines.
did they change it? you had to have a degree and do the pre enlist hoopla to get out of basic at E3
But OP is based tbh
that or get the BiS pedigree award sponsored by Kibble, but idk if they do that for infantry
You know what to do.
Start sabotaging the system from the inside.
if anyone finds OP's kikebook account. please post this. make his family freak.
He's stationed in Virginia tho
fuck that oversight. will fix. brb.
Also the header says 'man' but the description says child. Make it child in both cases, it'll be much funnier that way
I got automatically promoted to PFC simply for doing some online prepwork like learning the basics of landnav.
This was back in 2010 too, how long ago did you serve?
I should also mention I literally went to the recruiter the day after I graduated high school, and had zero college level classes to my name.
PartyCity sells uniforms? also, did you post this on 4chan too?
lol no
spite bump
wtf, they changed shit a lot. was before you by a bit. DS could still swear, but not officially make physical contact
Found a picture of OP.
It's worse than we thought, OP is literally a nazi, oy!
needs a longer neck tbh
This thread 👌😂
This is a bait thread and you're bumping it? $10 says he makes this same thread on 4chan
you freaking tool
I hope you die :)
Are you drunk or retarded?
So, you're calling him a statutory rapist and usng his army credentials to fuck him over? Wow, you're very twisted, quite sick and you're just a weirdo in general for doing it.
JamesIDF plz go. let nature take it's course
don't forget to change the name
JamesIDF plz go. let nature do it's thing. you knew what you were getting into
taek me to yor leader
mine is better.
need a fucking blur tool though
fucking need to reddit edit it again.
oy vey, he's got 7 adam's apples
gotchu fam
what is his fucking name?
It's changed even more after I got out too.
Most of the people I knew when I was in straight up left recently specifically because, according to them, things really have gotten completely pozzed in every aspect.
There were already signs it was going that way at the end of my contract.
If the US military wasn't controlled by zionists I'd probably be a little saddened, but at this point I hope it all comes crashing down on their faggot heads.
Glad I learned my lesson and fucked off before it got even worse tbh.
James T. ??????
6 letter word. his name is basic as fuck. i'd assume it'd be something that'd rhyme with (6 letter last name) since it looks like OP's mommy loves him.
It's bretty fucked all around. It'll have consequences soon lad, no stress.
judging by the swoop on OP's edit, it may be a bit longer. FB search James T. army basic graduate or something fam
it's the small things
Actually it looks like his last name is 8 letters.
Looking closer it's *ELL
Think his name might be James T. Mitchell tbh
nigger i dont use kikebook at all. you fags are on this.
here is it though.
It's probably James T. Kirk
looks good m8. i don't into zuckbook either, lemme see if there's a newsletter or something
FACES charges… goddammit. If you want to make it look convincing at least use proper grammar.
i do have an excuse. i dont know why but my balls hurt dude.
fixed all the bugs. the red arrow is suppose to be darkened to indicate no more pictures.
grammar fixed.
rub one out?
it's not that. anyways let's get back to business.
OP is a evil evil person
someone has to find his kikebook account
spamfuck these pics to his mother
It was even different over a decade ago. Glad I am out. Our military is a fucking joke now.
Sad to see the day that my MOS gets super cucked.
Also, those uniforms. I miss the greens.
lul i forgot they list last name first. looks like ***MMELL
this is my guess
they also look like Hs.
could be
it's definitely 8 letters, and ends with ELL
Let's go with that, he looks potato niggery
we got a match. maybe?
O is the only thing I can match
0311. 2/4 fox co '04-08' here.. good luck after your time is up with the army go into the Corps where the real fun begins
source: nypost.com
my last one. thread seems to have died down.