How do I get a girlfriend Holla Forums?
20 yo virgin
Unless you were a stud chad who fucked every ass shaking slut when you were 14, it's too late.
Don't be so awkward
Bathe regularly
Try to hold yourself more confidently and comfortably
Don't be so awkward
Don't set your standards too high
Literally that's it.
I'm a mute, as in I don't talk. I may have autism. I have no friends.
Disregard what every other faggot going to say in this thread.
The real solution to getting GF is to imagine that you have a GF and regard your imagined GF as an actual, real GF.
You keep doing this, you will end up with a GF before long.
You're fucked
Get fit
Get funny
Get money
GF isn't worth it tbh fam. Pump and dump or get a hooker.
Make friends and among them there will be females to try to court. That is step one. Go out and do something with yourself. Being a mute should not be a problem if your have figured out how to communicate in other ways. Most people will think its eccentric or cool if you are personable anyways.
I'm 30+ though
20 is not too late hence why he is asking for advice.
30 and you're fukt though but this isnt a bragging contest
I wonder how much pussy hitler got in his hay days
A little expansion on what I previously said.
Notice how gf-havers always attract tons of girls?
Like girls never paid attention to you or gave a fuck but suddenly once you have a GF every girl wants to fuck you?
Same principle with imagining you have a GF, basically making a tulpa GF. As you do this and feel more and more you have GF, it becomes reality.
6 million
his niece, eva, and the dog but he was into scat and had testicle according to sources
I wonder if he secretly has children somewhere
By being a man who doesn't need one.
Once they see that they will.. more than likely still not want to have sex with you.
You need an undefined variable to attract women
This is just an interaction of the "believe you have received and it will be so" principle. A man who already has a GF doesn't need one. OP just needs to imagine he has a GF very intensely and the rest will fall in line.
>according to (((sources)))
FTFY, you fucking kike.
step 1 is an hero, step 2 you have to figure out for yourself.
you dont
actually, you can always go outside and kidnap some women and put them in your basement.
By not listening to Holla Forums.
That's a major disability and it is a huge bridge between you and normalfag women. Try Internet dating and look for a woman who shares your disability so you will be on a equal ground and able to communicate with each other.
I'm having my 24th birthday soon. Still kv
I'm turning 25 this year. Never kissed a girl. Still a virgin.
a man who has magical powers, especially in legends and fairy tales.
synonyms: sorcerer, warlock, magus, magician, necromancer, enchanter; archaicmage
"the wizard cast a spell over them"
I kissed a slut when I was 17. Groping too.
That's it though. Missed a lot of chances with hot women but my autismo got in the way. That was back when I was lean and athletic. Right now I'm dad-bod and reclusive. Gotta work on that.
I would post a picture of myself from age 17 but somebody would just dox me or put a dick on it so I'm just gonna not.
Dude I have a girlfriend.. but she is "asexual" or just don't want to have sex with me out of fear of sex. That or she just isn't sexual attracted to me.
Getting a girlfriend will not solve your problem.
Try a one night stand once you are 21 and can go to a club.
Or rape.. Rape is an option. I wouldn't.. Maybe..
But it is there on the table if your are willing to deal with the repercussions.
You also accept your faith and become an all powerful wizard.
How about boy?
Can asexual girlfriend guy be a meme yet?
Yeah. Can I be a meme? It would make being a poor ameri-fat virgin worth it.
Lower your standards.
I don't see the point in having a "girlfriend" at all, but if you want one so badly, just lower your standards and date someone unnatractive.
I think you may be missing the point of a relationship though, since the entire reason for you to get involved with another person is to procreate, so as long as your wife is white, there shouldn't be a problem if she's fat, if she has good genes, since she's not supposed to be of much use, outside of taking care of your child when you're not around. Still, I don't really know what exactly you expect from a "girlfriend" really, considering those things are disposable, selfish, and extremely volatile regardless of who they are, since their only use is to make you a child and keep the child safe when you're not around.
Get your priorities straight, pal.