ITT: non virgins greentext losing their virginity
implying there are any
ITT: non virgins greentext losing their virginity
implying there are any
I'll post my almost story
Never called her again
hurts my mind reading that story
Indeed, imagine living it! At least I went to bed knowing I have an above average sized dick
that's atleast something. how many inches is it?
7, but it's not the length that prevents access to a girl's box. It's the width. I was blessed with both decent length and width
too bad I'm shit with women
you need a skinny girl, who you can get to lay on her side, spread her legs, and insert 90 degrees perpendicular. i have the same problem Holla Forumsro
that's good to know, that's atleast something you can improve! can't improve your cock size, but you can improve your skills with women, so don't see your first sex with some fat weeb like a failure that can never be fixed.