got permanently banned from 4chan and I'm too stupid to change IP (I tried) and now I'm come here and it's a ghost town
Got permanently banned from 4chan and I'm too stupid to change IP (I tried) and now I'm come here and it's a ghost town
Go back
make me
What did you expect, OP?
Did someone tell you this place was the shit?
It was…2 years ago.
Welcome to 2017.
4chan don't want you, Holla Forums don't want you, i'm sure >>>/reddit/ will welcome you with open arms.
>i'm sure >>>/reddit/ will welcome you with open arms.
Well, open buttcheeks anyway.
redditers have infest halfchan actually. Pretty sure redditers and halfchanners are 'basically' on the same level of faggotry now.
not quite. i remember seeing a r/the_donald comment saying he didn't want to visit cuck/pol/ because he didn't want to get called a faggot
Yeah you're right but they're certainly getting there. All the redditers need there upvotes to see which opinion is the 'correct one'
that kind of explains reddit in one sentence
What the shit? Is that second image real? How fucking dumb can one webdev get?
that pic is shooped, right? plx tell me that's a shoop
don't know.
Get banned from Holla Forums and maybe you'll go to a nice place next time.
its real
i had this screencap from a Holla Forums thread from a year ago. he explained why reddit sucks ass. lemme try find it
the fuck! always thought it was fake!, if you could find the thread in some archive that'd be great
i have screen cap somewhere
not sure where i saved it under because my folders are just fucking all over the place
gimme a few
but it's impossible to be that fucking retarded. right? can't possibly be real, need source.
found it
it was in my greentext folder for some reason
that doesn't prove the image is real, i have this image saved myself.
oh you misunderstood what i was trying to say. In all honesty I think its a shop but i wouldn't be suprised if that shit was actually real.
I was saying i had a screencap of an user that explained beautifully why reddit sucks not definitive proof that confirms the authenticity of 2nd pic. Sorry :(
oh sorry for my autism, misunderstood you.
don't worry i worded it poorly along with my punctuation i could see where you were coming from
It was shit 2 years ago
it really wasn't
that was the 'peak of this board' when the gamergate fiasco happened and there was a 'mass migration' onto this board. Halfchan was also being spammed with Holla Forums advertisements and I believe they've blacklisted '8ch' because of said advertising.
fuck off retarded children
Obvs did not try hard enuf.
It's a joke. I'm not defending reddit but it's their only good joke, is that that happens whenever you make a password.