I have heard a lot of different things. I recently looked into them and some of their content on their main Youtube channel doesn't seem that bad. From what I've seen so far on Holla Forums, the general consensus is very negative. Is that still the case? And why is that?
What is the overall consensus on Renegade Broadcasting?
Other urls found in this thread:
Possible coalburner
They like to shit on everything wherever they go
Sinead is a crypto feminist
Kyle is a retard
Just those things off the top of my head.
Polite sage for e-celeb drama
Its shit.
Women in politics. There is nothing of value to come from such.
Beyond that: /x/-tier faggotry, crypto-kikess coalburner, stupidly hostile to all comers.
I don't even have to say anything
But there are 6 men working alongside her. What about them?
It's because members of Renegade Broadcasting don't like Christcuckery and are not fans of Trump, saying that he's a shabbos goy, so it triggers are lot of faggots here.
Sinead advocated for violence. Only an FBI agent would do that.
not true.
Because one of them fucks crossdressers.
No it's because she went crazy when the pics of her with niggers resurfaced, said we should stop using encryption and being anonymous.
Makes sense.
Lol, cuck.
That… that doesn't address my question at all.
Yeah it does, the men working alongside her are degenerate. The most degenerate is this guy who fucks crossdressers.
There's a video where she explains nigger pics. Besides, she's only one member, that isn't really doing that much in comparison to others like Kyle. I get it though, she's the easiest target to use in order to discredit the whole group.
Yeah, just read a couple of their articles on renegade tribune or listen to some broadcasts and make your own conclusions.
Does that detract from the content produced by their group? Their Youtube channel puts out stuff that seems pretty redpilled to me. This is of course ignoring who they are as people and more about what they are adding to the movement.
The fag-bashing is great but the flat earth stuff is really a turn off.
Kyle and Sinead are both insane and overly paranoid. And incapable of civil discourse. I used to think they were shills, but they're just nuts. Renegade and the crazy couple, are on the other hand, capable of thought, it is just that they tend to get carried away with themselves.
I don't bother myself them anymore.
To me yes, especially since sinead is some neo feminist and they advocate to get rid of anonymity and encryption.
Trailer trash
There's a .webm of it floating around, lad.
Are you serious? Source for this?
Do you really think the world is going to change peacefully? How nice was your suburb growing up?
That nigger loving wench is nothing but an attention seeking piece of shit
Pics of her w nigger bf.
Pretends to be NatSoc nazi
Takes jab at term "fashy"
I will say that the jewess can sing though. But otherwise shes juuust like those "NERD girl lolomg I LOVE minecraft!"
Out of place woman thinking shes doing something amazing. When really shes clueless and cucking hard
I don't have it, but pretty much after trying to copy Holla Forums's silent march/sitting with guns she said it was time to stop hiding behing encryption and anonymity and take it to the streets or something like that.
Well yeah, it won't happen just by posting shit on the internet. That doesn't necessarily imply to go blowing stuff out, but all sorts of activism.
sinead is controlled op, 100%
fuck that whore
Oh, that's entirely different from what I imagined. I agree with her on that. People who are still afraid of being on "lists" are fucking pussies.
Violence is a last resort once civilization has begun to break down. Even Hitler was elected democratically.
Uh… I suggest you go do some research on the violence that occurred in Germany prior to Hitler taking power.
You don't have to believe me, just hang out in their streams and you'll start seeing the neo feminist and crazyness coming out.
I have no doubt that Sinead is crazy, she is a Millennial female.
I don't really know a lot about it, but Sinead's youtube content kind of balanced itself out. I don't think that the Earth is flat, and I don't think that Donald Trump is colluding with (((them))). Not everyone who isn't completely in line with NatSoc has the intention of destroying America. When Sinead did her interview for Holla Forums, she clarified that she hoped Trump was legit. So that's something.
The letters D&C come to mind, tbh fam.
I really am just generally curious about what Holla Forums thinks about them. If you want to like them go ahead. I would hope one small group of content producers wouldn't be enough to divide and conquer us.
Thousands of NSDAP members died before they came to power. There was something similar to civil war after WW1 in Germany, you do know Communists tried to spark a revolution there, right?
I mostly read the articles on Renegade Tribune, watched some of the streams, I'm not saying I agree 100% with everything everyone of them says, but there's nothing that implies neo-feminism or crazyness apart from
Sinead believing in Flat Earth nonsense, but she's pretty much boring and not really a member that stands out in any way in comparison to other members.
I don't know about Renegade as a whole, but Kyle Hunt does amazing work exposing the holohoax.
One of thems a coalburner
the neo feminism doesn't come from flat earth, it comes from her acting like a feminist, seriously I need to find that webm, it was reposted no so long ago like a day or two.
Yeah, I didn't form my post correctly, English isn't my native language. Listen, I don't really care what you mean by her being a feminist, I didn't notice her being one. If you don't like them, that's fine. I'm just saying that from what concluded, they're not controlled opposition or fbi agents or a bunch of crazy fucks or whatever you think they are.
In fact, I think Renegade Broadcasting is one of the most legit groups out there if compared to TRS, AmRen, Millenial Woes, Ramzcuck and the rest of these alt-right faggots.
Sinead just has a horrible attitude and won't let go of her crypto-feminist views. Besides that, they make pretty good videos.
I agree with you on that, but don't get your hopes up they disappointed me a while back. Ecelebs are cancer, never forget.
They dissapointed you because you were probaly a fanboy (no offense meant), if you're redpilled, you won't choose sides with some people that voice their opinions and write articles on the internet to begin with.
I wasn't a fan or anything, I just wanted to check it out and in the beginning it wasn't bad but then the crazy came out.
In the early days of TDS they worked together for the live shows. Then the crazy shit happend.
Renegay is a fucking Shillary front probably set up by the KKK.
I like the remix better:
Sinead kept trying to D&N by attacking anyone in what's become known as the alt-right that wasn't full on 1488 GTKRWN HDNR.
Also she takes flat earth shit way too seriously.
holy shit hahahahah
Renegade may have been an attempt to infiltrate these lands. But they went off the deep end.
My only awareness of it is from posts like this and after being aware of it/them/her, I don't go there.
I think you mean Asset. Hal Turner was an [/spoiler]FBI[/spoiler] asset after he was caught and convicted of a few felonies, i don't recall what precisely. Yet he advocated violence and uprisings all the while feeding info to the alphabets. Sinead in a broadcast made mention that we shouldn't use encryption because "the feds can just unencrypt it" or some bullshit and instead opted for "snail mail". She's obviously up to no good, possibly has a few felonies under her belt like our dear old Hal and is trying to get a reprieve? by being a tool like Turner is. That and the fact that photos of her were leaked being friendly with black people, so you tell me, shill or no shill?
Again, probably a psyop to make the "alt-right" look unstable and easily defeated in the American political system.
Typical shill thread.
Fuck off and die.
This. She went a lot further in the same video though. Disclosed a plan to take over the Holla Forums protests that were ongoing at the time, urged to quit encryption as you said, said it should be replaced with using normal postal mail and IRL groups where discussions would be done about forming militias and killing leftists.
Here's audio of her revealing her plan to take over the Holla Forums silent demonstrations.
With her own added twists, instead of being anonymous and silent, participants would carry signs with personal information and - get this - wear duct tape over their mouths like cuckolds.
I wasn't aware of Sinead's possible treachery until a few months ago. Not every thread requesting infomation/discussion is a shill thread, ya dunce. Holla Forums is a political discussion board, not a fucking hugbox and it sure as shit isn't /x/ in terms of paranoia for this board being raided all the time.
countersage. there's no reason for you to sage, because it's not a downvote mr redditor and secondly, there are people, like me, who were unaware of the possibility of Sinead AND Evalion's now apparent deceit.
Interesting ejaculation of buzzwords there.
It's not "paranoia" when the format of your thread exactly matches the technique commonly used to start discussion about an e-celeb under cover of "just wondering."
Of course,
Why are you even asking for a "general consensus" when your attitude is:
Decide for yourself.
"Not that bad", what an endorsement, who cares if the bits that are "not that bad" are mixed in with batshit lunacy like "Mesas are tree stumps of ancient giant forests" and "the earth is flat."
3 posts is all it took for you to blow your cover.
OP is clearly not from here and thinks that sage is a downvote that can be cancelled by bumping, lol.
I see the purpose of your thread now. Intel gathering.
You want to know what Holla Forums hates about Renegade, so that you can address it and regain our favour.
Just gas yourself.
Bonus video: Sinead freaking the fuck out about her non-existent child.
I must have missed that happening. Holla Forums had silent demonstrations? Elaborate. Anyway, that video is pretty suspicious. Organization is fine, but calls for random acts of violence are not.
Anyway, OP: I do like certain things that they've been involved with. This video, for example, was really good work. Sinead's a good narrator. Hellstorm was also good. Maybe they're not shills, feds, or anything of the sort, but I would still be a bit wary. I wouldn't go to any meetups they organize if I were you.
Instead of argueing over renegade people why dont you guys get off your asses and strive to make content even better than what they put out there. Take evalion for example, she was a painfully average 18 year old. Redpilled but not too smart (seemed like she hasnt read many books) yet by making simple youtube videos she gained a HUGE following and put many normies on the right path to becoming redpilled. You guys can probably do better than both Evalion and renegade combined if you used your time and intellect to make quality propaganda. We shouldnt be relying on little girls like Evalion and Sinead from renegade to do all the propaganda work for our movement. It makes us look weak and incompetent. Step it up people before its too late.
Evalion looks like the most stereotypical kikess if I ever saw one.
Literally looks like Anne Frank for fuck's sake.
I don't follow e-celeb shit, but wasn't Evalion just a cam whore that someone gave a script to?
Go away Sinead
Her name is Veronica (((Rothman)))
Hope you'll at least try to change the text a bit when you post this again tomorrow and the day after.
She speaks openly about white genocide, denies the holocaust and narrated one of the best world war 2 revision docs on the internet so naturally the full time shills hate her, know exactly what kind of disinfo bullshit is ITT without even having to look. Of course you never see that in Molyneux threads - an admitted jew who thinks the holohoax is a great thing regardless of the truth - oh no, threads about that square headed, bluepill dispensing shitbag milking some high school drop out single mom for keks will never get shilled or anchored by mods. Funny how that works.
top fucking wew
top fucking jew
what is co-opting a movement?
You were the one attacking Moly
I mostly dislike them for pushing wacky conspiracy theories & pseudoscience, like mass shootings as false flags, flat earth theory, chemtrails, etc. Associating these sorts of things with white nationalism will only serve to discredit the movement.
A bunch of homophobic 1488ers who deserve helicopter rides.
But snail mail (if done right) is more secure than any digital communication?
Oh so she wasn't getting shilled against here before that? All the accusations of coalburning and being a crypto-jew are actually only because she dared to question kike pseudo-science? Okay.
Does she? Well then, you as a Mollyjew fan must have an argument for why that can't be the case, right? Not to mention why the earth is absolutely no doubt a spinning ball. Please proceed, I love reading logic based rebuttals from intellectually honest anons such as yourself. Debate and discussion is highly preferable IMHO to just blindly believing in something because you assume everyone else does.
tsk tsk, what would your boy say user
Expect heavy shilling of Renegade's latest "talent" - "Crusader Girl", Evalion's replacement who naturally goes through a list of every dream quality a WN man would want to find in a woman and reels them off.
Troublemakers and loons. Don't pay them any mind, OP. There are better content and media creators out there by miles.
I don't give a fuck about them and I'm tired of seeing discussions about them.
There is something weird about the fact that any girl who becomes redpilled is viciously attacked by the Jews and shills
Still better than 99% of the Aut-Right, though not that that's saying much at all
The 80s did it better.
Right after the first exodus there was a lot of "it's not the kikes, it's the cunts" shilling with those retarded infographics. They just switched tactics.
I'm starting to see the pattern too. No girls allowed on Holla Forums because the Jews will do everything in their power to shut it down
She's a flath-earth lunatic, which already disqualifies her for having a relevant opinion on anything else.
I want Joe Owens to do a video on them
No cancerous attention whores who are clearly mental allowed
But why does she get attacked by the Aut-Right more-so than say Greg Johnson, who claims the Holocaust happened and thinks men's assholes are vaginas - both of which are worse than having a retarded belief about the shape of the earth.
Because he doesn't spend all of his time attacking other people on the right
Her, Milo, and all these other e-celebs. Holla Forums is done. Why you faggots worship these people is beyond me.
Renegade defended Spencer and TRS after the NPI fagfest, they only started attacking them after they were attacked because Sinead said she didn't consider herself "Alt-Right" when she was on Between 2 Lampshades.
they spit roast her.
Does Sinead have nudes? My friend wants to know.
At what point do we consider a Jew white? It's blatantly obvious that in the higher-ups Jews sweep up successful and rich whites, producing children that are deemed Jewish. This takes good genetics out of our genepool. At what point do we say "fuck their religion" and bring these people back into our fold? We can't keep losing so many intelligent or highly motivated whites to Jews and just write them off, while we're left with low-class filth who never accomplish or own anything.
Better than Counter-Currents, The Right Stuff, RADIX, Social Matter, AmRen, etc.? Don't kid yourself. Her special brand of nonsense doesn't even come close to the majority of the stuff being published, recorded, conversed about or shared in the Alt. Right proper.
Top kek lad. He's already mentioned Renegade a few times when he babbles about intellectual playpens and stuff. It's a waste of time to fuel these fires, anyways – attention is what Sinead and her ilk desire.
As a "content creator" (as pretentious as it sounds), I'm aware of various behind-the-scenes events, and I can promise you, user; Sinead and Renegade generally are not nice people. They're mean-spirited, hysterical and generally all kinds of unpleasant.
No women at all though
Well I don't consider Christians white either so I don't know. They're just traitors
Absolutely. The only one of those that's even decent is TRS, but I'm not really a fan of AnCaps and lolbergs LARPing as fascists. AmRen is 100% kosher, not sure why you even mentioned them.
Who cares? I have no desire to be friends with them.
Hellstorm is one of the best pieces of propaganda our side currently has at its disposal, and they do some good work. Just last week Kyle confronted Oliver Stone's son about Hitler, jews, and White Genocide.
Holy hell these people are nuts.
I didn't even know who that is.
Sinead and Kyle are genuine low class white trash. They're degenerates of the highest order. I have no doubt whatsoever they're controlled opposition.
Everyone involved with them is highly questionable. Even David Duke.
You shouldn't make your .webms so similar if you're going to change your IP to astroturf.
Who is the one that fucks crossdressers?
Evalion was actually pretty smart (if she actually did her own videos), though I agree she probably hadn't read too many books.
throw yourself off an helicopter
Kyle definitely fits that description. Sinead does have an above-average Verbal IQ, but she is batshit insane, or more likely, a plant.
I agree with this post, fellow chosen one.
She's also Canadian, there is no way our government would let her say what she says without arresting her. People have already been arrested for saying waay less.
Women don't belong in any of our movements, doesn't matter if it's Holla Forums or white nationalism or the alt-right.
Just like women don't belong in the army.
wut, vid related
They promote flat earth and they attack absolutely everyone because "muh controlled opposition" or "shill" even though there are no indications of such.
There are shills and controlled opposition, yes, but these people will have you believe they are the only legit ones and that everybody else are jews or working for them.
Greg Johnson claims she calls the Alt-Right gay because she's a feminist who's jealous of the "boys club".
I guess there's no other rational explanation as to how someone could come to such a conclusion about the Alt-Right.
TRS isnt AnCaps or Libertarians. Where do you get that shit from?
raging feminist bitch
possible coal burner
freaks out when people disagree with her, goes into cursing fits
kind of a dumbass, doesn't really understand anything, just shills whatever Sinead says
I listen to Sinead's rantings just to laugh at her meltdowns, pure comedy, she's a lolcow at this point
she's be better if
1) she wasn't viciously hostile to all comers
2) wasn't an unhinged, hormonally chaotic mess
3) didn't go into cursing fits every time someone disagreed with her
4) stop doing nothing but fucking infighting
I'm bumping this thread because of you
she put up some new vids addressing the apes who hate her
there are a handful of valid complaints like that one music video where she shits on people fighting for the same cause.
this was a chink in our armor and shills love to jump in it and agitate
most of her music is good stuff
she is also a white woman having white babies
she is our ally
This is what they don't seem to understand. It doesn't matter if they're discussing nuclear physics or south park… these renegaids are the shittest-tier of the "movement" and like attracts like.
That's not how it works kike.
Burden of proof is on you.
Whoever said David Duke is affiliated with Renegade is a moron.
Holy fuck, yeah, that really sums it up.
You really aren't good at samekiking, huh?
I've always gotten bad vibes from them. My gut says to stay away so that's what I do. The people that associate with Renegade are shit tier too. I also dislike media people and publishers. Spreading awareness is a waste of time, publishing intellectual and philosophical or publishing the 6 millionth rehash of some sort of ethnopolitics are all wastes of time. Publishing one more book among thousands isn't going to be the trick to accomplishing anything. You don't have to crawl around in some obscure archive in library to find the information. There's the internet and the information is out there for anyone that can be fucked to find it. Nobody cares to bother.
Subversion is a better use of time why read some faggot's book or spread some faggot's propaganda when you can go cause some BLM rally to chimp out and riot with very little effort or numerous other efforts.
They literally ran TGSNT on a television station in Ohio. BASED AS FUCK
The Russians switched back to typewriters?
Nigger you're the one who brought up the subject, also made the unsubstantiated claim that Sinead believes in the tree theory which I find hard to believe since the proFE mainstrean are unanimous in the jury still being well out. For user who likes to throw the word kike around you sure come off like a greasy lawyer. Here you go though, re FE: the horizon always rises to eye level of the observer as altitude is gained, which is impossible on a ball.
Now hurry and go google so you can defend black science man and a century+ of jewish relativism, "goy".
I doubt that she's a plant. She's just crazy. Mentally unstable.
Here's my theory why:
If someone is talented and intelligent enough to be a double agent like that, why would that same person also be so incompetent and purse such ineffective strategies?
Why would they make such obvious mistakes — like pushing Flat Earth & having all these meltdowns — which drive people most people away?
Those recorded calls with her show a person with no control over their emotions. You could never do the job of being an inside man/woman without that skill.
Unless that was just acting, in which case, why? What good does that accomplish?
Personally, I think a legitimate double agent would someone charming and successful and relatively new to the scene, and they'd being doing something productive like maneuvering themselves into close relationships with high-value marks and meeting them in person, not doing piddly shit like ranting on youtube for a few hundred views and fleecing people out of a few $5 fees or donations, or whatever they have I don't even know.
That just seems like a total waste of what would have to be a very talented (and committed) agent to pull this off. Especially if it's like a 5+ year operation.
Can you imagine her progress reports to a CIA handler? Progress this month: Got 12 more subscribers on youtube and some messages from some new idiots who want to talk about Flat Earth Theory!
So yeah, my bet is she's just what happens when mentally unstable meets redpill knowledge and a sort of crusader fantasy delusion.
Fuck off, faggot.
jesus christ, she's a woman, what are you hoping for exactly?
There are videos of her promoting the Flat Earth theory and the Giant Trees theory and other ridiculous mystical new age conspiratorial bullshit. You can see some of those videos in this thread:
This isn't the kind of stuff you can ignore because she supposedly does a few good things.
Go kill yourself retard. I'm not even sure if your comments are a joke or not because only the most stupid people follow Sinead and Renegayde and Ropeculture and all those neo-LARPers
David Duke promoted Sinead more than once on his radio show:
and Anglin promoted her too:
Anyone who promotes that crazy cunt should be considered suspicious.
Flat Earth and that retarded tree shit are two of the most popular conspiracy theories right now, having someone who's jew-wise in that movement is a good thing., Conspiracy theorists have always been the most fertile ground for conversion.