Spacex rocket just blew up.
Zuckerberg btfo.
Spacex rocket just blew up.
Zuckerberg btfo.
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free market absolutely btfo
This satellite was to bring Africa online, right?
He knows better than to let this jew have a satellite.
I hope that keeps happening.
What are you sliding?
This is the best combination of three images combined with brief text I have ever seen.
The hearty kek that ensued felt like a warm bowl of soup in my tummy.
Now if the same would happen to kikebook I would be more please.
Fuck you cuckberg.
spacex facebook satellite?
I bet you the facebook sattelite actually interfered with the normal operation of the SpaceX rocket.
Zuckerburgs bullshit sattelite destroyed SpaceX's rocket on the launchpad.
were they using tesla autopilot function?
SpaceX is a bunch of government techno-gibmedats from Musk and other shabbos goys.
If you want to make space travel great again, then we need to implement air breathing rocket engines and nuclear rockets. Project Pluto and Skylon, bitches. Give me a specific impulse of over 450 seconds. Chemical rockets BTFO.
Learn physics newfags. No re-usable chemical rocket has anything to add to reducing the costs of lifting mass to low earth orbit. Gravity well fucks your marketing bullshit.
Assholes that consume our printing press money for idiot projects prevent true space nazis from developing the technology that allows white man to colonize space and generate large numbers of space polygamy babies. 14/88 Science war now!
I want to like SpaceX, but they've had so many fuck-ups.
NASA may be full of left-wing fucks, but at least they know how to do their fucking job.
He didn't fly so good.
NASA's way of doing their jobs is asking Russians to do it.
8/10 shitpost needs more nazi anime girls
You're a big satellite
Getting JAXA, Роскосмос and CNSA to do everything then taking credit for it in the public eye is hardly "doing their job".
At least SpaceX actually do their own shit instead of relying on others.
For (You)
So, here's my Idea of what happened.
Zuckerberg made a sattelite out of used pinball parts, and sabotaged SpaceX's rocket to try to collect insurance money, or whatever….
Zuckerberg is a fucking billionaire, what would he need a couple of million for? He could make just as easily with some investments.
Holy fuck, this must have been a massive explosion.
Trying to buy out SpaceX
Or, hostile takeover or whatever.
I see that the rocket blew up, but not that the satellite was loaded onboard at the time. It wasn't supposed to launch for two more days.
Did the satellite buy it, or is it just going to have to wait for another vehicle to get to orbit?
SpaceX a shit
Rocket Labs is the company with the right idea
Was my first thought was how much was the thing insured for?
Rocket Contractors have "Launch Windows" that they are contracted to launch during, it is part of the contract they sell to sattelite manufacturers.
If they can't launch during the window, there might be some contractual turmoil.
I think zuckerburg sabotaged it to try a hostile takeover.
The facebook satellite was made in the jewish state("Israel")
So a triple win for humanity
Probably 6 gorillion dollars.
The AMOS 6, wonder if it burned with the rocket…
I see the jew company was being sold to the chinese too.
Reports coming out of twitter indicate it may have been a Hydrazine explosion. Hydrazine being the fuel the satellite uses. Falcon 9 doesn't use any hydrazine. Just Liquid Oxygen and Kerosene. Falcon uses compressed helium for their pneumatic and attitude control systems.
So far it seems quite likely the Falcon 9 rocket had little to do with the initial explosion, that may have originated from the payload. Once the satellite exploded the 30 story tall tank full of kerosene went up quick.
At least that's how things appear now. Lots of confusion. But, It seems the Falcon had little to do with this explosion.
Holy fuck. I would pay my own money to see Musk take Kikerberg to court for damages.
Yeah, the RCS propellant for orbital manuvering and orbit changes.
It's a hypergolic if I'm not mistaken…. very volatile stuff.
Yeah Hydrazine is fucking nasty. Carcinogenic, Toxic, and ignites by itself in Air. Wew lads.
Zuckerberg is that slimy. He would do just this, not because he cared about the damn satellite, but because he wants to destroy Musk.
Shitty satellite didn't even have proper containment.
I guess being atomised in a massive explosion is a kind of leap…
Seem's like zuckerkike wont be footing the bill on this one…
IAI looks like the loser here
For referance, here is the PPE needed to fuel up and deal with MMH, which is a blend of Hydrazine and some other nasty shit.
Same feeling, user.
NASA is full of literal Nazis, shitlord.
I'll be honest. And I say this as somebody who used to be an ancap.
Until we find a way to get off this rock with something a little more stable than a container of highly explosive chemicals, maybe it shouldn't be a free market thing.
By definition, it isn't capitalism if you have to ask permission to do it. Quite frankly I don't like the idea of my neighbor assembling a huge container of explosive gases right next to me.
Also, nincompoop Musk isn't some batman like person who is so successful that he has the money to throw away on ventures that lose money. He is a subsidy baby, who has the political sway to have us pay for his fancy projects that simply take old technology and add in some bells and whistles that account to nothing more than the obvious upgrades that modern computing can accomplish.
If I recall, he had something legitimate to do with PayPal, which may well be an honest achievement. Almost everything else has been a cancerous tumor of government waste.
At some point we will have to evaluate whether it was all worth it or not. It's not simply about what we accomplish, but also at what cost. Give me 5 Trillion dollars in tax payer money, and I could potentially build you a fully functional sci-fi phaser laser pistol. The kicker is, somebody probably would have invented it X years down the line anyway, at a much lower cost, and probably not at taxpayer expense.
"Engineer, future now. Damn tomorrow, future now."
How much is it worth to have this shit now, as opposed to later? And again, nothing he is inventing is even groundbreaking. It's not like he's discovered new natural phenomenon, and has led to a paradigm shift. The value of a paradigm shift is much more subjective assessment that you could plausibly make an argument for millions or billions of dollars of subsidy.
Oh, here is an electric car. Yeah, electric cars were invented before cars with internal combustion engines. Yeah, all I've done is put a sexy fame over new battery systems (that I didn't invent) and use new better computer systems (that I didn't invent) and use brushless DC motors (that I didn't invent, and that every modern EV utilizes) But I'm going to brand it as the EV to finally beat ICVs because my customers have already paid for 20% of the car through taxes, and get special tax write offs for purchasing an EV. But I'm a genius for developing this vehicle, oh wait I didn't do that either, my engineers did that. I guess I'm not all the much different than other CEOs, I wonder why I get all of this publicity? Oh that's right, I make outlandish claims to get into the media cycle, because I need to be seen as the next fucking Nickola Tesla in order to get my subsidies to pay for all of my nonsense.
We're essentially subsidizing this guy to put a fresh coat of a paint on our houses, and then tell us that he rebuilt them.
Here's a new rocket stage. Well it's not really new, it's the same old rocket stage but with COMPUTERS. Yeah this mother fucker can land itself on a barge swaying in the ocean. Well at least sometimes it can. Yeah it's kind of expensive. Yeah, it's obviously prone to error. It's FUCKING SEXY though. I could have spent far less money building a specialize landing pool of non-corrosive fluid and utilized parachutes, but that's no fun. Fuck spending that money on actual new technology. The last thing I want is for the plebs to have access to a far superior way to reach orbit. The new method might be cheap enough for even smaller companies to invested in space. No, let's keep doing it the extremely dangerous and expensive way and call it progress so that I can look good and keep my subsidies rolling.
God damn the cult behind this man pisses me off. I'm glad he and cuckerberg had their shit rekt.
So I'm glad Facebook's satellite launch failed. What the fuck do they need a satellite for anyway?
But why does everyone hate SpaceX so much? Nobody else is working on capitalizing on resources in space. NASA is doing great research, but I haven't seen anything to suggest they intend to launch another manned mission anytime soon, aside from standard operations at the ISS.
It's not that unusual for SpaceX's shit to blow up and they know it. They're experimenting on rocket designs, that's the whole deal. They learn from shit falling over and blowing up. They recently had a string of successes with LANDING their rockets which is fucking awesome, reusable rockets will make getting things to space so much cheaper. That's never been done before, and they were landing these things on floating barges in the ocean. That is fucking sweet and incredibly useful in advancing human space ambitions.
idk, man….
It looks like SpaceX's rockets work pretty damn well.
Any excuse to post this old classic- the antares explosion..
Even if it isn't true it would be fun to get people believing that Zuckerberg paid for a sabotage because he wants to buy musk out. Devalue him first obviously. Then facebook would drive your car and deliver your power and launch your satellite and recolonize Mars; but only if you have been a good goy
Put on these occulus rift thought programmers goy it's fun.
Was that nigga crying?
The moon landing never happened. Read a book.
Only National Socialism can conqueror space. Make NASA more NSDAP.
The free market is incapable of performing missions in space that NASA was doing more than half a century ago.
Yes I would if and only if NASA was depozzed
SpaceX is a huge maymay for Musk to soak up government money and I've never understood why Holla Forums loves him, might be a remnant from the libertarian era
The problem is that Space really isn't all that profitable beyond satellite launches, hence the need to for government to pioneer and push outwards in this field
This user is right, Musk just repaints old NASA or Russian developed stuff and calls it brand new
yet, you think this will stop him?
One really valuable use of their active landing technology (no parachutes) is that it would also work on planets without atmospheres.
It's funny because commies were first into space even though Murrica got all the Nazi rocket scientists and documentation.
Even if that was true there is no denying that post war USSR was just national corporatism with corporatism leveraging though state apparatus instead of private. Therefore, pseudo-fascism.
Extremely loud sounds can disorient people severely.
It's not uncommon to see people crying around explosions even if they themselves are not hurt.
Do tell me how this is in any way an effective measure to recapture the rocket stage. Are you really going to try to BS me into believing that paying for the R&D and installing a bunch of smaller jets to properly descend, along with all of it's assorted sensors, hardware, software, redundancy systems, and maintenance is more cost effective than a controlled decent and capture? Bullshit. This system is overly complex, and has so many failure points it's ridiculous.
I think what you mean to say, is that it is better than just letting the rocket stage sink to the bottom of the ocean and build a new one. But that's not really the assessment going on here.
Moreover, this is fairly useless for anything besides what it is being used for. It's not like the situation is, "Well it's cheaper to do it here on Earth in other more simple ways… but we might need this in the future on Mars!"
No mother fucker. If we ever get to the point of actually colonizing Mars, we better not be using chemical based systems.
Any financially sustainable Mars colonization is gonna need paradigm shifts in multiple fields. Propulsion being one of those shifts that is necessary.
If you think we are gonna do anything with Saturn V rockets or whatever equivalent the Russians are using, and dropping supplies down that way you have been sorely misled.
That is never going to work. I don't care if you use an inflatable ball bouncing decent, or a parachute decent, or a gliding decent, or a rocket assisted decent.
We could use pre-existing technology to get there in an exploratory sense. I have no doubt that we could send some guys there for a few days. But that's an exploratory national investment, much like the moon landing.
Musk isn't getting his colony that way. I don't care about whatever savings he gets from re-capturing stages. That's pennies compared to this shit he would have to spend doing it the current way.
I believe the soviets got a decent amount of documents and even nazi technicians.
True enough the yanks grabbed all the top men like von braun.
Still the soviet ICBM/Space program was held back by politics, sergi korolov was sent to the siberian gulags for over a year.
If not of that the soviets would have accomplished so much more and sooner.
It's still wasn't nationalist.
All they got was one Fau-2 missile with no documentation.
What the fuck are you talking about? There are asteroids out there mostly made of rare metals, in amounts that dwarf anything available on Earth. There is HUGE amounts of money in space.
Again, what are you talking about? SpaceX has done more to advance manned exploration of our solar system in the past 2 years than NASA has in 10 years.
Because you don't have to build a new rocket every single time, you dense motherfucker. Why do you hate space so much? Are you a space hipster who doesn't like all the positive attention Musk gets?
Stop with this bullshit namedropping rocket systems like you know more about rocketry than Musk and his team. You don't.
I'll say it again since you missed it last time, this system will work on bodies that don't have atmospheres. You need an atmosphere for parachutes to work dumbass.
sage for doublepost
Braun, Strughold, Debus and of course Rudolph had a real care for nature, they didn't seek to destroy it or change it but live through it, the inner core of the National Socialist philosophy. My father worked on the Space Shuttle at Area 3 with them, they would hold meetings on "getting into mindset", don't know if it was the same for the Apollo missions. he still says hail Hitler once or twice a day, you couldn't believe how actually correct that statement was
I'd say they did equal amount, i.e. absolutely fucking nothing.
Yeah, you just need to spend same amount of money to repair old one. Metal fatigue, bitches.
Jews and Muslims don't count.
Sounds like it was hit by jewish lightning.
It very easily could be. Asteroids like Ryugu have near $100,000,000,000.00 worth of metals on them.
I'll never understand why so many people on Holla Forums hate the idea of space exploration and colonization, and hate everyone involved with it.
Space is the final frontier you fucks. If we don't explore and colonize the stars, all it'll take is one stroke of bad luck to destroy our planet and then it's over forever.
The only reason the US government made the space program because the Russian were doing it. Kennedy is on tape stating that he'd scrape it tomorrow if the Russian would give it up. We had everything but didn't use it because of the (((International Clique of Capitalists))).
Oh wow, you actually sat and typed all that shit?
I don't care for your unscientific flabbermouthing.
Shut the fuck up, stop talking about things you don't understand and just use a lot less words in general.
I don't hate space exploration. I hate Americans ruining the whole thing for everyone.
Yeah, sure, you had everything. Whatever helps you sleep at night.
In better news, the payload was an israeli satellite worth 85 million
Americans are ruining space exploration? What the fuck is your country doing to get humans colonizing other planets? NASA and SpaceX have done more in this regard in the past 10 years than the rest of the world combined. Nobody is stopping your country from competing, space is fair game.
I'm glad this satellite didn't make it up, but of course they'll have another soon enough. I just don't understand why so many people hate SpaceX. And they can never explain why, either.
I don't hate spacex.
I just think that the shilling for space colonization should stop. That will further trigger 'one race, the human race' garbage.
Also more satellites also means more surveillance. Space exploration is different than just launching satellites.
Wait a second that was Zuckerbergs satellite?
Elon did it on purpose, iv'e always said that we was secretly redpilled. I mean he's a boar for fucks sake.
Pretty sure it was Kennedy that started the 'space race'. (eisenhower saw that sputnik meant fuck all, was the (((media))) that turned it into a shitstorm)
Sure the soviets got sputnik into orbit, but it was the yanks that turned it into a dick waving contest. All both sides had wanted was a way to nuke the shit out of each other.
They did absolutely fucking nothing. Granted, Russian space program right now mostly consists of application of holy water to Soviet rockets, but don't pretend that NASA is doing anything good and that SpaceX is anything but a con to milk taxpayers money.
We've had that for decades. That's how we landed on the moon. Again, in that regard it's just old tired technology with computer control.
I'd assume NASA had already perfected computer controlled rocket assisted landings well before Musk anyway. Some of these bodies have such a lengthy signal delay that it wouldn't be possible to try to manually land the thing.
I think all he did was put that technology on a rocket stage, and use modern computers that can adjust for Earth's numerous other factors.
My point with Musk isn't that he isn't accomplishing things, it's that all of his "inventions" aren't his. It's all ripped off shit with good on board CPUs. I mean, that's cool. It's just not new, it's not exciting, and it certainly isn't impressive.
Musk's inventions are basically the equivalent to fuel injectors. The car isn't much different. Carburetors work just fine. The car simply gets a little bit more efficient, and gets help from computer control.
The main differences being of course, that the fuel injector wasn't funded by hundreds of millions of tax dollars. And that they actually are a popular product that makes money in the free market.
Also, people don't blindly worship whoever the inventor of the fuel injector was. Because while obviously intelligent, he isn't recognized as a game changer. Much the same as Musk, yet he has these weird groupies.
you numbknucks realize the space research when applied to weapons technology will create weapons to destroy entire nations.
Isn't tesla funded by Trump though?
Motherfucker, do you even asparagus stage?
Boo de fucking hoo, we already have thermonuclear bomb, as well as chemical and bacteriological weapons, we don't need any more than that.
Yes, but they need to make money to fund their advancements somehow.
Do you know what shilling means? Do you think I'm a shill for wanting humans to have more than one planet to call home, ensuring the future and survival of our species? Yes there are important matters to deal with on Earth right now. But some fuckhuge asteroid isn't gonna care if we're preoccupied when it swings by and breaks our planet into little pieces. There are programs monitoring for these worldbusters, but they can't monitor all of space and even if they could, we don't have the technology yet to stop it.
You have no idea what you're talking about. SpaceX is finally getting us closer to the stars. There's been hardly any advancement in that area since we went to the moon. NASA is doing a lot of good, but they're mostly focused on the science. Plus they have to deal with government politics, unfortunately. Again, SpaceX and NASA have done more for the long-term welfare of humans in the past 10 years than everything else combined;
So it's settled, you don't know what you're talking about and just don't like Musk. You don't have to like him. But denying the technological advances made by his companies is just lying.
And he is a nigger.
Yeah, sure, this snake oil will totally get us to the stars. Apply directly to the forehead.
Yes, that's exactly why we need to be at the forefront. Would you rather have commie China get those weapons first?
But bigger is always better.
Show me who's doing a better job of getting humans to the stars and I'll support them. Until then, SpaceX is the best we've got.
Eh, we can just keep making thermonuclear bombs bigger, IIRC, there is no limit for their yield.
Pic related is why we need space.
Russians do better job. At least they aren't launching ineffective unreliable rockets.
Truth. Elon Musk is a white South African, which means he was born redpilled.
Goy plz. Try artificial anti-gravity instead.
Born is ZA makes him a nigger. The same way Jared Taylor is Japanse.
Did`t you go to college?
What the fuck is a "Facebook satellite" used for anyway?
But what about delivery?
Those ICBMS are fuckhuge, something like matter/antimatter bombs could be very small, image a single cruise missile more powerful than tsar bomab, a hand grenade sized device able to obliterate new york, etc.
Besides all that development money for our good friends the MIC
NASA could be like whatever the hell Putin replaced Roscosmos with if it wasn't so pozzed. SpaceX is fucking up because they lack the 70 years of experience of real space agencies. They have teh knowledge and research, but almost no practical experience. They're also trying to innovate tech and launch rocket rather than git gud at launching rockets and then innovate. Experimenting with multiple variables in something as complicated as getting into space isn't the greatest idea.
Pretty sure he's said self-hating/pozzed shit before.
Who the fuck knows. They're just a front like every globalist organization anymore. kikepedia for instance has more than enough money to fund the site, but they beg for shekels so they can fun all their other (((programs))).
Russians DID a better job. They haven't done much recently.
Dumbass, learn to read.
We've had this technology for decades, if you are referring a capsules landing. His technology is an adaptation that applies this to rocket stages. You don't need that technology on Mars or any other planetoid that has little to no atmosphere because:
1. Most of the time, especially in the case of Mars colonization, you aren't sending rockets up. The obvious exception is crews returning to Earth. This is a mild expense concerning the price of such a mission, and on a price basis recovering the used stage is much less essential in such a scenario.
2. For scenarios regarding other bodies, such as asteroid mining, such stages aren't even needed. There is no considerable gravitational field to overcome. No stages, mean no stage recovery required.
Look at your own picrelated. You don't need a delivery when you can just blow up an entire planet.
What do you mean - they are fucking up? They are doing great, getting NASA hand them money for nothing. Oh, wait, you actually thought SpaceX is about space and not about making Muskrat richer?
They would've done something if not for financial crisis that was instigated by USA.
If humanity will go extinct before we reach the stars, you should thank Amurica for that.
So you're saying that you don't think SpaceX's contributions are worthwhile, and therefore worthless. how does that make any sense? Despite what the TV told you science rarely has breakthrough moments, it's almost always a slow steady progression of trial and error. You've said yourself that they have contributed to rocket technology. But it's just not enough for you because you really hate Musk for some reason. He's got nothing to do with this, it's the technology his companies produce that matters.
Again, why are you so against space? Nobody else is doing what SpaceX is doing.
You're right. I was trying to put it in perspective of what Musk says he trying to do and what normalfags think he's doing. Same shit with Tesla. Especially their home battery system. It's the fucking apple of residential battery systems.
Yes, because blaming Americans for the openly corrupt US gov is gonna get us to the stars sooner, Ivan. The globalists have been fucking your country for not stepping in line like the West has. Be proud of that fact but don't think it's just America doing this to you, they're just the most powerful country under globalist control.
Like it or not, fair or not, right now NASA and SpaceX are doing more for space tech than the rest of the world combined.
damn thats somes nuts ppe
I'm feeling too smug right now.
Jews cannot into Vril.
Not to mention the one from our greatest ally.
I knew he was a billionaire but I didn't think he was that filthy rich
Don't normies have better things to invest their money into?
I'm looking at this and it is very primitive compared to Haunebu I even, nevermind the cold fusion engines. Is this seriously the best the USA has come up with?
Maybe back when Apple was pushing new technology and not just making pre-existing shit prettier. The Tesla batteries are much more efficient and higher capacity than anything that existed before.
I swear you guys just hate Musk's cult of personality, even though he's actually a shy beta, and have to hate all the advancements his companies put out to justify it. You don't have to like the guy, he is irrelevant to the value of the technology his companies produce.
Nice rebuttal nigger. Keep pretending that using computers to do fancy tricks with a chemical rocket is going to get us to the stars.
It's still the same old shit we've been using for decades. His technological developments amount to fucking nothing.
I would rather have funneled the millions of fucking dollars he has stolen to do jack shit with to the guy who built that EM propulsion system.
You know the propulsion system that has physicists spinning their heads because it seemingly has the potential to allow us to move around the vacuum of space with microwaves and without expending fuel.
THAT would solve some problems. And the investigations of that phenomenon could potentially open up new fields, and lead to numerous new technologies. That man deserves some credit, and I'm ashamed I know Elon Musksteins name and can't think of his.
Sauce nigger.
Not rumors.
it's all marketing faggotry like apple. you fucking capitalized apple in your greentext.
Don't feel too bad. It's almost all tied up in Facebook stock, which means he will lose most of it in the coming bubble burst.
And normies haven't driven that price rise. It's the Fed and the banks.
Zuckerberg wants to take SpaceX.
SpaceX isn't a public company how the fuck is he supposed to do that?
I fucking hope it was the swastika ayy lmaos.
So SpaceX dindunuffin?
The best case scenario for this is for the Satellite to be proven to to the cause of the explosion and Musk takes ZuckerKike to Court and Jews him to death.
If the alien-human hybrids the Grays make are blonde and blue-eyed, are we allowed to mate with them, or is that race-mixing?
It's just step 1 of the electric eye the jews will setup.
The satellite got holocausted!
Oy vey its anodda shoah!
Think of the 85 million!
Von Braun smirks from the grave.
Wait did Elon just fuck over the Jews?
Sorry to dissapoint you anons, but if it was anything, it's the National Socialists who survived on Antarctica.
But that just means that when they successfully reconquer the world we will all get qt aryan waifus.
praise Kek
Praise kek indeed
Facebook satellite lost in SpaceX explosion at Cape Canaveral (VIDEO)
It is a video and collection of tweets so can't archive.
Also it had an israeli satellite.
Add zuckerberg to the list of people who got on the wrong side of Trump
Zuckerkike only has/had a contract to use the satellite ISI(juden space industry) was responsible for building it, launching it and maintaining its gateways.
No launch and zucker is out of the contract cost free, the US taxpayer took all the losses on this one.
The facebook satellite probably had SJW programming on board that shut down the rocket for being a white cismale phallic symbol.
India already told Facebook to fuck off with their facebook basics satellite offer. Maybe they were just torching the satellite for the insurance money.
Green is the rarer mutation, as is RH negative blood. You're looking in the wrong places for alien hybrids.
Gee, how much is it going to cost to build another fake rocket Mr. Musk? Couple hundred million tax dollars?
Facebook literally BTFO, crashed and burned.
>Facebook satellite
Have I been blessed by Kek since birth?
Why the fuck does Facebook need a fucking satellite? Is that Judas Priest song coming true?
Cheaper to get everything on earth before you even think about space mining
Anyone under the impression there's something much more representative going on here? It's not just Zuckerkike v Privacy.
It feels like a tug of metaphysicals. I would not be surprised if, ultimately, the juden, in their spite for their god, sold themselves to demonic forces two thousand years ago after the fall of the second temple. This coincides with a major uptick in jewish blood rituals that strangely mirror old Baalist rituals. This was the demon's main vector into this world, and Jews have paid the price for it since massive amounts of psychosis and disease in Jewish genetics. Skip to the 1700s, these jews have wormed their ways into the financial centers of power and managed to hide many of their identities as jews. It was at this point where the world was lost to them.
The french revolution, then the attempted US civilwar-revolution (which ultimately failed because Russia kept other Euros from invading us), the russian revolution, the chinese revolution, marxism, degenerate art, women's suffrage, desegregation, open borders globalism.. They all came from the same wellspring. Other horrors throughout history can be mostly attributed to the Jews or those working in their favour.
Science, academia, philosophy, finance.. All aspects of the modern world, all controlled by the same people who have these same tendencies for demonic rituals.
Now, these Jews have control over everything, they send satellites into space on their own volition. I don't like this. Who the fuck knows what's ultimately in these satellites? how do we know these aren't rigged for NSA-tier penetration and listening? How do we know it's not just a big fucking mass driver full of trash to be activated at any point and launch a meganuke. How do we know they won't just put some of these things in the air, then let them start dropping like flies on the most inconvenient areas, decimating swaths of the world.
And that's only the "worst possible scenario" options. let's say it's benign, and facebook does control your internet access via satellite now. Let's say you say something zuckerkike disagrees with. Do you think you'll still get your free internet?
The stars are aligning. I see bad things in the future.
The jews are going to destroy this world for their demonic overlord to spite god, and god will not have it. We see righteousness in men like Trump, but will it be enough? Will he be our Hitler?
Yes. Now find out if you have RH Neg blood or are Ginger.
I'm fine with it, the primary problem with racemixing is that it worsens our genetic line. If mixing with ayys gives us more intelligent offspring then it'd be a positive instead of a negative.
We'd be the niggers in this scenario, so ayys might want to gas us for doing it though.
He is a cosmopolitan anglokike, not a Boer.
No nigger 3rd world internetz, only kike tears!
These describe me quite well. user, am I an Angel?
shit niggah, wez need moah spaze playnes yo know wut i biz sayin!!!!
No, but you get a 1 way ticket to hell if you unironically believe that.
I don't mind a jew losing out and his israeli sattelite blowing up either.
Well I certainly don't want that. This thread just got spoopy for me.
its an all seeing eye type of satellite that messes with your pc and internets, but yes their tears are salty and delicious
that scenario blew up in their faces as described in the OP, but it won't be the last, that i can assure you
Stay vigilant and throw a wrench in their diabolical plans if you're/anyone is capable.
People will need to wake up more. those who already are better start early to put an end to this madness.
Imagine ourselves to be some primordial sentient slime that corrodes any and everything it touches, weakening them.
People who are awake (and with talent and wit if there's one) can do that to their evil work, corrode them, make them brittle and weak, or if you are capable, dissolve their dark work into nothing, so men like Trump and other likeminded people can truly finish the rest off, along with their neo-heathen jew mystics and their heretical traitor white slaves who do these dark rituals, mind tricks and lies of the worst possible kind in the shadows
Wouldn't put it past them that it was an orbital Facebook node with actual functionality of a U.S military spy satellite that the CIA had control over. No need to even register anymore if you're not, the Facebook satellite does it all for you.
If I recall didn't Facebook want to expand into the ISP market of third world nations? If so the satellite could have been a connecting node for those regions.
It hasn't been done before because its not economical. You pay to lift the landing gear, and then have to run 240 launches with the current vehicle to break even. 240 fucking launches with no scratches to break even. On something that will also need maintenance and probably has a lifecycle of 120 launches.
Its not done because its easier to fish them up and build something from the scraps than try and keep it around intact so long. Especially as the only reason the primary stage is so important is SPace X makes them stackable as opposed to the proper A10 design of being a single massive bell and pump to launch from.
Is it cool? Yes, because NASA did this already with the Orion Project setups (the NPS tests, not the manned capsule program) and recently the fucking science tank on Mars, years before Elron Cuck got his stuff near it.
Fuck he can't even get the specific impulse and lift ratios of the RD180 and tried suing over the fact his stuff failed to meet the requirement specifications that were set out by a significant margin.
You kike enough to give your first-born to Me, goy?
They describe me as well.
You're not an angel, you're a Nephalim.
I like you
I tip my fedora to you, apostate.
Know god hasn't come to you because your soul is forfeit.
If there's a webm of it exploding, I think one should be made, followed by the fade in for "made possible by common core learning for the future"
While you're mainly just sticking to christian deities and shit, the picture should be clear for you and for anyone else with what's been happening.
Jews and their god Moloch have beaten and banished many gods throughout history, as well as doing shit like desecrating sacred artifacts. It would be no surprise now that after all these years, Kek, Sobek, and many other gods through that have been beaten down are rising up and grouping together to claim their revenge. Nationalism is just the natural course of progression to match when societies meddled with by jews continue on a train wreck journey to degeneracy and self destruction.
Year of the Fire Monkey, Year of the Fire Cock, and many more will be magical years, as Trump and those that stand against those international hyenas are met with divine support.
People are becoming redpilled bit by bit. Hell even break throughs with e-celebs like pewdiepie now revealing their power level openly will be nice introductions for the common person. They're now scrambling together to try and control the internet at large because they know and sense they've massively fucked up. The rise of the internet and shit with it allows information to be archived and looked into, and the jews' antics are left out in the open, preserved in all its triteness. This is now their last ditch effort to try and stop the oncoming tide that will begin the cleansing from their plague.
This is desperation looking at you right in the face. Don't forget the article where Obongo is going to be giving the internet over to internationals starting october 1st, one month prior to election month. With this news as well, it should be obvious just how panicked they are.
No sauce but I've read that RH negative blood has something to do with havimg descendants from Atlantis.
Is that bad?
At least you're honest. Most anti-american faggots on here hide behind "intellectual" arguments.
So where are we at on the whole "Space_Dildo_Go_Boom.webm" thing?
I have no idea if it's bad. Or good. Just different.
We mandate of heaven now?
Was the satellite placed on board yet? If not, then they will simply arrange to put it up on a later launch and laugh in his sleeve as Elon Musk eats the cost of the rocket loss.
what is wrong with these people?
If an entity demands as 'test of faith' the sacrifice of my first born, I'd be a tad suspicious. But hey, that's just me. Enjoy your kike God.
WWII and the 60's ended decades ago Gramps. NASA is literally leading the POZ charge in the US federal bureaucracy.
Technically that's a different company developing that tech than tesla motors. They just lease it for their vehicles. Spacex on the other hand has had nothing but problems.
Go to your containment site.
Wasn't one of their most recent tasks "Muslim Outreach" or some such shit?
Oh yeah here is something to think of, the sat was going to go up over sub saharan Africa, right where all the wonderful freedom fighters are.
Bets the idea was to bypass the local govs cutting the internet to them and enabling them to be more effective?
Since thinking of it, the sat isn't over India for more pajeets, or China for freedome bucks and getting that slick CCP reminbi.
This. The freemarket is useful for producing tools and infrastructure that NASA needs, but when it comes to large scale projects, you need national control. The free market is good if the profit incentive can be realized in a short period relative to a capitalists lifetime.
haha holy sheeit
Those rockets have had tons of problems. Are they still hiring tons of poo-in-loos with top marks?
They actually thought this would work. The fools.
If it's anyone it's going to be Reaction Engines.
He has diagnosed Aspergers, puts tape over his laptop camera and microphone and probably has hundreds of terabytes of CP just laying around on encrypted servers. He's not a normie, he's a hyperjew who hobnobs with billionaires. The normie agenda is only his agenda because it makes him rich as fuck.
Faceberg btfo
The Curse is real.
Can someone explain to me why we're still funding NASA with billions each year when we haven't even explored our own planet in its entirety yet?
Also when are we getting a real photo of Earth?
You do realize you can easily build a sounding rocket with a camera on it and take your own photos right?
I'm not saying it was the drugs..
Depends on which camera you use, pal. As for using tax dollars, NASA is a federal bureau. If you don't want it to be funded, talk to your congressman.
Please don't NASA keeps losing funding as is.
Tell them to cut off subsidies for L&M instead.
sorry jewfags. #boom
that post of yours can be used as an opening for those faggy ((((flat earth kikery)))) nutjobs Holla Forums is often subjected to as of late
There is no other way to cut NASA funding except by an act of Congress. So, if you want funding cut, you have to speak to your Congressman.
Better the money goes to NASA than to niggers.
>[email protected]/* */
elon musk has a way better record than nasa's failures.
it's/they are on every board giving bad advice on purpose.
on all boards they tell everyone to "take your meds" to which everyone replies "bake your breads" or "we already took the red pill"
anyone who disagrees with them or calls them out on their bullshit gets a bunch of scripted SJW type replies like "oh you are just intolerant/uneducated/too young/too old/too stupid/ too this/ too that/ not good enough/"
anyone else notice this trend?
That pic is a special kind of stupid.
I know, the thing is that as long as the US Gov't is under control of the lobbyists and their kike lords nothing is going to happen to them
Clean up the whole Gov't first before telling congress to pull the plug on NASA, but that's just one way of getting them off of taxpayers money If you get the idea.
Looks more like the upper stage. O2/H leak maybe?
I dunno what they use for fuel.
It is cheaper and safer to work in a domain that has already been explored. Low earth orbit on up to geosynchronous has pretty much been sorted at this point.
SpaceX has the advantage of building on their work.
NASA is better at pushing the boundaries than private enterprise can be (try explaining the value a mars mission to investors).
Private enterprise is better at pushing costs down once there is a viable market for it.
We all know the earth is flat and Jews are just taking all the space money.
No argument from me on that one.
Though I do like the NASA plan to grab a rock and hurl it into orbit around the moon. Any way you slice it, that is the most bad ass thing I've heard in a long time.
It was discussed higher in the thread. Apparently orbital maneuvering is done with something called Hydrazine, and it's basically hell's fury in liquid form. Explodes on contact with air, etc.
I wish I could spray people with a garden hose over the internet.
Year of the fire cock next my friend.
literal rape
Only when shitty intellectuals (redundant) are in charge. Proper science is merely a tool used to establish patterns, and it doesn't have confidence in anything that can't be replicated.
all ancient records religions or otherwise all remember the great flood, but doesn't even matter because we were always under water anyway.
all kinds of very closely related pyramids and structures all over the entire world that defy explanation come from the same group of people.
God sent the flood to destroy the previous Globalist society, and God promised with the rainbow that God would never send a flood again.
the whole world was the tower of babel, and now CERN is the new tower of babel. they want to/ claim to have found the "godparticle"/higgs boson. they want to believe they can control God, and they worship the false idol "destroyer" statue at CERN.
Globalism/ the goal of the global elite cult is "the tower of babel"
links to other people talking about similar things
this is why they are "happy" at CERN
because they think they are winning by making the bernstein/berenstain effect
and that's it.
You do remember that the canopy and firmament rained down upon the Earth in the Flood, for the first and only time rain was experienced preflood?
Anything up there is now down here.
And I have never seen a bubble stay at the bottom of a glass of water, it always goes tot he top.
Well except for the time I was in space, then I could just put it wherever I wanted. Fuck it following the straw though, pressure packs are nice.
I guess your right, science can explain the double slit experiment. oh wait
This is the fruits of those faggots that made Holla Forums pages on Facebook, double-digit IQ mongoloids posting dumb shit like this.
Never mind. I didn't realize the person I was replying to was also the nutcase I filtered trying to use a non-physical science book to prove physical science.
cool kike myths, my schizo friend
You do know we can?
You'd have done better to post the new causality violating events involving quantum supposition.
Double slit works for the same reason you can make a converging diverging valve.
You focus the light, then it expands on the other side. Note the effect ceases when the light source is smaller than the aperture.
holy fuck I genuinely can't tell if you're just shitposting or you have an IQ of 82.
This shit feels like it was actually written by a 6 year old that doesn't know a single thing about physics.
It's fine and humanity can gain a lot from space mining after all the 'domestic' problems on the surface are solved
Just don't let it slam on the Moon or on Planet Earth, accident or otherwise
right on schedule
my bad
when did this board become populated with actual honest to god retards?
Look at the upper right of the image, watch for the moving black object
Although I must say the flat earth stuff is complete inane bullshit mean to discredit us, the rest of it is 100% viable.
It's a shill campaign meant to derail threads and more importantly, steer intellectuals off Holla Forums and NatSoc. Ignore kike shills or don't respond more than one line if you absolutely have to. Then there is /fringe/ shit like CERN is hellgate. It's the same shit. Filter them as soon as you see them, it improves thread quality.
Checkmate, physics.
what aspect of flat earth is even remotely viable?
thread is alive man, sometimes the page moves where typos happen right where and when you don't want it to happen
Where the fuck are you even inferring this shit from my post? And do you not know this board has IDs? Take your fucking schizo meds, faggot.
the CERN shit was beyond retarded, you'd think the kikes would put their super dangerous and all powerful hell portal somewhere that isn't in the middle of the public fucking view with thousands of people walking around and picking it apart.
Honestly, if I had the means to make a fucking doomsday portal i'd probably have area 51 security at the least.
Are you retarded? A bot? Or are you just pretending to be an idiot thinking I will not notice and try to argue for flat earth instead?
I know about IDs I'm merely expanding upon my original argument.
Projecting a bunch of shit that I never said onto me is not an argument, cockgobbler.
the rest of what the other guy said? What you mean the shit about firmament.
How about you actually enumerate instead of making vague statements then calling me a retard when I can't read your mind.
Most of the CERN faacility is underground or inside a fenced facility locked to the general public.
Yup. Shillbot confirmed.
Let me quote your argument, letter for letter.
This is what you said at
Meanwhile I did not try to argue for flat earth in any way shape for form and instead stated that I disagree with the theory.
I meant the biblical stuff about the elites trying to summon the Anti-Christ and opening gates into hell. Because, after all, that's what they are, literal satanists.
Can you fucking read IDs? I am not 87797f. Again, take your schizo meds, or at least learn how to read a thread.
Sounds like something a blue-pilled redditor who fell the the (((official story))) would say.
It can't though. There's nothing to explain.
Like saying biology can't explain how an apple can be an orange, well it can't, it's one or the other.
looks like a drone to me
A.P. — The SpaceX rocket explosion has temporarily halted plans for the African Social Media site, 'JUNGLEBOOK'. Spokesman, Chaim Roseburgoldenfelt, of the Israeli scientific conglomerate WeBeJewin' said, "This is a sad day for everyone involved in the efforts to raise the African continent beyond the Stick Age. Communications are a fundamental necessity when rapin… utilizing the natural resources of an undeveloped area."
Chief ground systems engineer, Jamal Shaleequious Ebeneezer, who was near the rocket gantry when it exploded and took shelter in a nearby dumpster, had this to say, "Sheeeeiiit! We gon needs mo money fo dem pogwams."
An unnamed Insurance Claims Investigator Had "No comment," when asked about, Jewish Lightning.
First post jew, we meet again.
Elon Musk is one of us and he fights the Jew as well.
I'm calling foul play right now. The jews do not want us to go to space until their plans for White genocide are complete. SpaceX's reusability will cut the cost per weight into LEO by a massive amount. Zuckerberg rigged together an intentionally poorly constructed satellite loaded with hydrazine so that he could blame the ensuing critical malfunction on the Falcon 9 rocket. Look at his facebook post. He's already pushing the narrative, the little kike. It honestly reminds me of the many attempted psyops the media has attempted on Trump.
These are some examples of shills attempting to bolster the psyop online. (((They))) absolutely DO NOT want the goyim to escape this planet. Otherwise things are going to play out like that screencap story where we come back and the protagonist smashes the kike's face in with his boot.
NASA itself says that there is no existing photo of the entire Earth from space. Every single one you see is a composite. Doesn't mean the Earth isn't round. Just means we don't have a real picture of it.
That's a funny thing I though they took pictures on their way to the moon
Except for the fact that PayPal is a jewish scam.
flat earthers are implants from the other side so that 'conspiracy theorists' can be made fun of since they include flat earthers.
hahaha what is this.
A composite picture is a "real" picture.
Why would you be any more satisfied with a photo that captured the whole globe in one frame, when every image from a digital sensor is in effect a composite of several million small pictures (called pixels)?
If you don't trust NASA to stitch the pictures together correctly, why would you trust a wide-angle shot? The people who doubt composites would just call the shot fake.
Enron Musk threads really help draw the line between people who know what they are talking about, and retards who read Scientific American and buy into marketing hype. Jesus.
China's Chang'e 5 test vehicle captured this in a single frame. It is glorious.
Don't cheer on the successes of rocketry firms when they currently don't have any competition. I mean its good that Kike Zuckerberg got BTFO but unfortunate that Musks rocket failed.
amen. Musk is a good guy.
The average American nuclear submarine already has enough firepower to destroy the entire fucking planet. American surface warships could literally shoot down the moon. Trust me, we already have more than enough weapons capable of destroying entire nations with or without space travel.
user the propellant for the moon landers was so corrosive that they could only use them once, they couldn't even test the part because of how corrosive the propellant was
The moon's mass = 7.348*10^22kg
The moon's velocity = 1022ms^-1
This means the moon's kinetic energy = 3.837*10^28J
Tsar bomba yield = 50megatons = 2.092*10^17J
The energy of 183400000000 tsar bombas would be needed in order to cancel out the moon's orbit. Does this sound like what a single nuclear submarine or nuclear-armed warship could do, faggot?
Yes, but they have not contributed enough to rocket technology to justify the cost.
You have paid this man god knows how many millions of dollars in subsidy, and what you have received is an overly complex solution to a simple problem.
The reason that rocket stages were not recovered in the past were two fold.
1. It's easier to just let them fall in the ocean, unfortunately doing so physically damages the rocket and the salt water leads to conditions that make it unsafe to reuse, even if repaired.
2. NASA never gave a shit, because they didn't care how much money they spent.
So now, the supposed (*see "not") free market entity of SpaceX comes along and says, "Shit we can recover these things and save money."
The only real added benefit I can think of that applies to Musk's solution is if you could ignore the safety of the human beings that may live around where the rocket could potentially fall. In such a scenario, you could basically have a launch base in every city.
It's gonna be a LONG time before people are comfortable enough with the performance of such a system before they say, "Oh yes please, go ahead and let your giant rocket booster fall down directly over my house and the local elementary school. I'm sure the thrusters will work flawlessly."
… spotted the Liberal Arts major.
Upper stage oxygen tank ruptured and exploded during loading of propellant.
Wait what.
I thought the moon was smaller than the earth.
It has been growing. Soon it will eat us all.
Did you know that the tower of Pisa is just about 1.5 meter tall?
Fucking retard
Just to drive my point home further, the world's total energy consumption in 2013 was 3.89*10^20J.
(3.837*10^28J)/(3.89*10^20J) = 98600000
In other words, you would have to dedicate the entire combined energy output of the world to this project for 98600000 years in order for it to be successful, and that's assuming you can convert and deliver the energy perfectly into a mechanism for changing the moon's momentum with 100% efficiency while also somehow building a spacecraft large enough to launch this device, send it into a lunar intercept trajectory, and possibly pull off a soft landing if the device were delicate enough.
Either you're a shitposter who needs to be thrown over the wall back to cuckchan or you're retarded and need to be thrown over the wall back to /fringe/. Holla Forums is a board of intellect.
you sure m8? or u just another murrica moonlickerlanding StarWars fangay?
ypu can't destroy the firmament. get a fucking PX900 camera and go stargazing your planets and 'red dwarves' ((lmao)). surprise! those arent planets but "actual" celestial bodies covered by the waters above. hint: go to southpole. protip no one is allowed to go south and see the icewall/dome themselves
Is it some kind of taboo to take a whole picture of it?
all these moon shills. tell me why the engineer surveyor got killed by criticizing the project (incl his daughter and wife dead) and why many resigned after your beloved moon landing (incl astronauts)
Here you can see a retard arguing with another retard in an attempt to shut out the intellectuals on this board who know better than to think that the orbits of celestial bodies can be appreciably altered by human activity at our current level of technology, or that red dwarves are planets and not a type of star. While a4bba4 demonstrates enough grammatical prowess for me to think he's merely a misguided liberal arts major, 34c05f indicates with his lack of even the most basic level of education in astronomy that he is actually a highschool dropout, if not middle school dropout, with a sub-100 IQ. Fortune will not shine brightly on him when we take control and institute sensible eugenics programs.
Because NASA's budget was gutted so they could use it all for gibs. It may have been saved if traitors to the ultimate ambitions of the White race such as yourself had stuck up for the program.
Pic very related. Nothing triggers jews, envious europeans, globalists, and below-average IQ individuals quite like this image.
They're suspecting foul play maybe involved. A man was spotted fleeing the scene of the launch pad, before the rocket blew up.
However, he dropped his drivers license in the process.
But it has become the french flag by now.
How convinient, another ID card dropped.
How the fuck do they keep dropping these? Wallets, IDs, passports, why are they even carrying them and not leaving them in the escape vehicle?
How do they launch out of the pockets?
I mean I get that its dropped on purpose, but seriously, why does nobody call this shit out?
He's memeing on you.
I didn't realise Sam was already 31.
Imodium is your friend.
that photo's been floating around for a while, champ
Proxima Centauri is 4.243 light years away.
Proxima Centauri is the closest star to us.
If it were possible to travel at c, It would take you 4.243 years.
c is 299 792 458 m / s.
If we got to 1/10 c, which would still burn up resources like one of them famed nazi crematoria apparently burned Jews, we'd be travelling 42,43 years until we reached the thing, and then you'd still have to slow down to non lethal speeds. And that's without the possibility of micrometeorids, which will just fuck your shit up if you happen to hit one if you're going too fast.
The Moon doesn't have much of interest, Venus is Hell, Mercury is way too fucking close to the Sun to be of any use and Mars has no magnetic field, so you'd have to live underground to protect yourself from solar radiation.
I think you do not understand the scale of things here, both financially and spatial.
Or you build very large, non-complex, and easily assemblage rockets which can carry a couple of hundred tonnes to Mars per launch.
Pic related; depicts one.
Does it?
The dust and even that thin atmosphere means that at the avg surface height only 40% of the solar radiation penetrates the ground level, and at the bottom of Hellas or the Mariner valleys that drops by half as well. True, Martians will be trapped indoors all their lives, but they can have windows and relatively thin walled structures without worrying too much about getting cancer and dying substantially more than a normal human.
Biggest prob I see for living on Mars (aside from building and maintaining habitats and building a Martian economy which is self-sufficient) is the gravity of Mars. We don't know how bad it fucks you up (or if it will fuck you up at all, since it's not like 0g where your bones and muscles die from not being worked by gravity at all), but people are designed for 1g so Mars will be interesting to see.
Are they?
The dust.
You just mentioned another problem on Mars.
The endless, jagged dust, which will wear your equipment and get through airlocks.
Anti-space exploration is an anti-White demoralization tactic. The jews want us to stay on this planet so we can eventually fizzle out and reach a state where we are no more advanced than the niggers.
You should look into the Chinese space program. SpaceX is really good at blowing up on the launch pad.
China's got my money when it comes to actual space exploration. As for "getting to the stars", you clearly do not understand just how far away "the stars" are. Go take a remedial physics class and then we can talk.
One of the main reasons airlocks are not practical on mars. Direct vehicle-facility docking adapters would work best, along with suitports for suits to facilities and vehicles. Airlocks probably are only practical for cargo loading in large quantities on Mars, not much more, so for the most part until a sufficiently robust civilisation on Mars exists they won't be needed.
Attrition rate of dust on Mars is a problem. But it isn't exactly going to cut through shit - wind speeds on Mars are so slow that the stuff moves with so little kinetic energy that a sheet of glass would hardly have any scratches against the stuff. Biggest problem is it accumulating in anything which has to be exposed to the Martian atmosphere, so vehicles or unprotected machinery. Which can be easily mitigated through regular maintenance/good design.
No, it's just not really possible. There's always some part of the Earth that will be covered in shadow unless you time it right during a "Full Earth". Otherwise, looking at the Earth from space is much like looking at the moon from Earth.
Venus is rather easily habitable right now, just have to drop some rheostats. Its not the surface you want, you're living up in the clouds at one atmosphere and enjoying the fact it ain't a deathtrap. Rad shielding is quite easy at this point, and if you really want, look up nuclear thermal ramjet, you could just sit there and not even worry about moving.
Instead of hoping for some miracle of engineering to happen and calling everyone a Jew who doesn't share your daydreaming you should focus on what is now.
Do we have the technology to reach Proxima Centauri? Fuck no. Don't count on it happening to save you, your family or your nation.
Look forward, but don't look so far ahead that you trip over that rock right in front of you.
I like the tech they're building to take advantage of solar radiation in the form of sails. We still wouldn't see results for 100s of years, but it's always fun to play the long game.
Imagine living in a ship with its own ecosystem, teaching new generations of astronauts what to do when we actually reach a distant stellar system. It'd be kinda cool, but it's not going to happen anytime soon.
NASA stopped being full of actual NAZIs the same time they stopped doing anything cool. The one saving grace they have left is they haven't yet been dumb enough to try to harpoon a fucking comet.
I'm not counting on proxima centauri in my lifetime. I'm counting on developing orbital infrastructure in LEO via SpaceX's reusability technology. We can work out the kinks on how to deal with Mars' low gravity and dust problems as we move along. In the meantime, there's nothing unreasonable about sending some centrifuge-based space stations into orbit in order to jumpstart the LEO economy.
SpaceX is the last group you want doing that, their payload to weight ratio is too small, you want the BDB design that NASA had to go along with the space shuttle before the Air Force started butting in and militarising it.
Orbital infrastructure needs metric decatons if not hectatons going up in single loads to start, and repeated such launches. Its one of the reason people want to just sling a carbasceousnec into orbit and use that as the base.
Rocket fuel can't melt steel beams…
I just saw this on the news. Made me lmao.
Given the fact Proxima Centauri has been confirmed to have an Earth-like planet on it:
And the Russians were already planning to send probes to the nearest star at approximately 20% the speed of light:
They decided to redirect the effort to Proxima Centauri B.
They are very well funded and intend to spend the next 10-20 years testing the viability of the technology before actually starting the mission. This means that in approximately 45-55 years we will have video streaming back from probes flying by a star system with an Earth-like planet to see just how "Earth-like" it is. If it proves to be habitable or even remotely close to habitable you can bet your ass there will be a huge effort to build a colony ship to get people there.
Of course, this assumes a happening doesn't happen beforehand which wrecks the economy and infrastructure needed to get there.
What about the BFR design? It's going to be unveiled this month, and a cursory look at its jewpedia page says that it's speculated to launch somewhere around 100 tons into LEO.
Let's sum up the facts
Comes down to cost ratios, so we shall see.
By the same token, BDB doesn't exist yet, so SPaceX can win this by having no competitors.
And of course.
Daily remind that cuckerberg lost no money from this. Pointless fucking thread
The globalist anti-humanist global warming advocate is one of us?
What the fuck are you smoking?
Actually it is not covered by insurance because it exploded before the launch.
I would've called this the most hilarious day in the American space program, but then I remembered about Space Shuttle everything.
It was probably written in the feminist programming language.
what space program?
As much as economy of communism broke the Soviet economies bad, I can't fathom how at the same time they managed to pull so much production power and beautiful designs. Soviet designs were relatively simple and cheap to mass produce while doing their job for a long time. It went with anything. Guns - you have AKMs, transportation - you have immortal trucks KAMAZ and its derivatives like STAR that still traverse Siberia and post-soviet lands, you have Soviet Soyuz modules that are basically the only launch modules used today.
Is this what happens when you stop letting (((private companies))) make money off your design specifications like F35?
Man, just spend 5 seconds on fucking google before you embarrass yourself next time Ivan
Pretty much, the Soviet school of thought was build to last, then shut it down and move onto something else.
Essentially, fixed number of people in work, move them around as they work.
Great for employment, shit for cash value amounts.
Its part of why the fact they opened up a refrigerator plant two years ago was so big, it meant they actually used up all the old ones, and imports weren't cutting it.
list your Russian "scientists" vlad
shill more and take your false pride with you alone.
the anti-moon landing shit was spread by kikes and russians but tbh fam that shit was almost 50 years ago, it's kind of embarrassing now that we did nothing similar since then with human exploration.
At least read your own links
fuck off christcuck
You first fedorafaggot
Because it's not carried by NASA, the satellite is insured by Zuckerberg.
So he just lost a few hundred mil.
No. Kill yourself, kike.
In all seriousness though, this is 110% an act of corporate sabotage isn't it? SpaceX have not only had a great run of launches but have recently landed 7 or 8 of their reusable test models in a row.
Blame people like who were too stupid to see the potential of space exploration but were more than stupid enough to believe the kike disinfo propaganda against the moon landings. We'd have likely already landed on Mars by now if NASA's funding had stayed at Apollo levels of 4.5% of the federal budget instead of being gutted for the sake of niggers.
off topic but reminds me of this gem
it all checks out
There was some serious (((OY VEYYING))) in the hacker news thread when some goy suggested the possibility that Mossad might of sabotaged the launch to prevent some chinese corp from acquiring it.
How could you be this delusional?
I see.
USA is literally a Jewish nation, so that flag is Jewish.
I'm sorry, I cant hear you over the N-1 causing the world's largest man made non-nuclear explosion every single time it flew.
Oh, because slavic subhumans are totally known for HONESTY.
Wew lads.
Are amerikikes literally this retarded?
For fuck's sake. this thread was empty when I go to work, now it's too full of diarrhea to sift through.
the dude IS a kike, noodledick
what the fuck am I doing with my life on a board with shit like this being posted
By your logic, Germany is a jewish nation because of the Weimar Period.
We'll see who is the most proudly White nation when we have Trump in office while whichever country you live in is adopting sharia law.
His penis doesn't work though
That look of despair, holy shit lol.
Did they ever show the whole reentry? When I watched, it showed the whole launch to orbit, then a bit of reentry at first, then a few seconds of landing that practically looks like a launch in reverse
I've thoroughly enjoyed watching Cuckerberg's satellite go crashing to the ground at 1:23.
Someone should put that shit on a loop.
Not really into "Aryan" (in Hitler's nordicist sense) godesses, more of fiery headed Celtic Fairy Queen type, but I have to admit that's probably the most beautiful recorded woman in human history except maybe her ears that are kinda weird, but who am I to judge? I'd fuck Irish daggerear lepprechauns if I had the chance
DnC kike filtered.
Flat Earthers are not welcome.
Bump and reported.
This is probably just a tabloid, but they’re saying that it may have been attacked.
If the film about him is any indicator, it does. That part of the nervous system is separate from his muscles.
Fuck the facebook satellite.
I'll be honest. You were stupid then. You are more stupid now.
You went from anarchy straight to communism.
He's not your "neighbor", you retard. This happened at Cape Canaveral. Not between you and the crack house down the street from you.
Where is Nasa's cheap reusable rocket? Where is yours?
Nasa doesn't even have a rocket anymore. If it wasn't for Space X, Russia would be the only country with a space program.
Wrong. It's much cheaper than anyone else's.
You want him to invent fucking warp drive. Even if he did, then you would still bitch and complain about something. You nag like a SJW.
No you couldn't. You are a loser nobody. The sure sign of success is the crying of the malcontents and ne'er-do-wells.
Actually that was his original stance on it, but he later changed his opinion as he realized that if the government didn't fund NASA almost no one else would.
every chump who saw The Social Network and thought Zuckerburg was cool is armed at the keyboards
Not at all what happened.
Watch that, it is interesting and will educate you.
The engines they developed for that rocket are some of the most powerful and efficient ever. When they offered to sell the US derivatives after the cold war, we thought they were lying on the specs until we tested them.
Power and efficiency means nothing when their failure rate was so high that it could never get past the first stage without exploding.
sage for off topic
its not about getting to the stars yet directly, its about commercializing space so those technologies get funded
you keep whining about musk not accomplishing anything, yet he has made launching satellites like a third of the price it used to be
and this is even before re-using the first stage
the problem with nasa has been that they try to come up with some "paradigm shifts" as you keep saying, but that is a really shitty way to engineer something
if you fail, you lose everything
however, if you take something that works and keep iterating it you have much smaller risks and still improve
can you explain why the planet needs to be thoroughly explored before exploring the solar system?
Just God telling the Jews no
what the fuck, the point of the shuttle program was to have a reusable space plane
engineering multiple untested systems simultanously that absolutely have to work on the first try is extremely expensive compared to taking a known working system and bit by bit improve and possibly replace one system with a completely new one
this way if you fail, its not so bad and you use that failure to just learn and move on
they already land on land and ocean, the point of ocean landings is that when launching geostationary satellites they have much less propellant to work with
its much easier and economical to just move a raft under where the rocket would land compared to flying the thing around because of horizontal speed for instance
the day can not come soon enough
probably HR?
According to Zuckerkike it's because they want to bring Internet to Africa.
The truth will probably be worse.
Worse than filling the internet with niggers? What could be worse???
Tesla is the same. The funny thing is that ancaps and oldschool libertarians hate him for being a gov't whore, Holla Forums is almost as bad as reddit in their haste to get on their knees for elon meme
Why not just use a fucking PARACHUTE???
I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!
The N-1's failure can be attributed to the sheer number of engines it had. The Saturn V had only 5 engines and even then it was not uncommon for one to shut down in flight.
The N-1 had 30 of them. Getting all of them to synchronize was simply not possible back then and probably not now either.
It was overly ambitious, they should have just flown multiple R-7 rockets and assembled the modules in space.
Firstly, the event of an engine shut down on a Saturn 5 rocket only happened once in its entire career, and it did not effect the mission.
Second off, the Russians did not know how to make large rocket engines so they jury rigged 30 of them together and still failed to get the same payload to LEO capacity as the Saturn 5.
The N-1 was inferior to the Saturn 5 in all ways even if it didn't fucking explode literally every time it flew.
To the anons who worship Elon Musk, I'll leave this here.
Because it would still be coming down too fast, and you can't really control the landing, it is up to the whims of the wind, and you can only really splash it down in the ocean.
Platform was visibly swaying in the waves. Shit is ridiculous to even attempt. I mean, maybe you can design a rocket to land on a moving platform, but the money would be better spent to make the platform stable in the sea
Shit doesn't make any sense at all and even if the video showed the entire reentry and landing I would be suspicious that it was fake, so feel free to disregard me. Frankly I think the whole thing is stupid
So, instead of making the rocket able to land on a platform at sea…
You are saying they should have just made a platform that didn't sway, and not bother making a rocket capable of landing on it?
At least none of them have SJW hair
they have already landed multiple times on a raft
another reason they want to have retro propulsive landings is mars, the atmosphere is too thin for parachutes (not to mention imprecise as fuck)
Most shills are really fucking obvious though.
I have my own chickens. Their meat is way better than store-bought GMO whatever
Oy vey.