The media will target us now

It is no secret that the mainstream media has decided that the threat presented by a possible Donald Trump presidency is so grave that it has suspended even the illusion of objectivity. Writing in the New York Times, media columnist Jim Rutenberg granted permission to his fellow journalists “to throw out the textbook American journalism has been using for the better part of the past half-century, if not longer, and approach it in a way you’ve never approached anything in your career.”

The Observer and others have detailed the ways in which traditional media companies and even tech companies have colluded to maximize negative coverage of Trump and minimize negative coverage of his opponent, Hillary Clinton. But it doesn’t end there. As Rutenberg described, many journalists feel the need to “move closer than you’ve ever been to being oppositional.”

That opposition has extended into new and uncharted territory. In the coordinated effort to stop a dangerous candidate from obtaining, to use Rutenberg’s breathless description of the stakes, “control of the United States nuclear codes,” the mainstream media has taken not just to bashing Trump but to extracting a price even from those who support him.

Other urls found in this thread:


It's 2016

(((The Media))) has been targeting us for the past 100yrs.

Which is pretty much useless, anyone who already supports Trump is pretty much immune to the media's bullshit by now. If anything it solidifies the point why people are voting for Trump to begin with.

They've been doing this for some time now. Hell, the alt-right thing was supposed to be a way to lump us altogether and then bash us but that bit of laziness and stupidity on their part backfired.

classic leftism

(((The Media))) are as weak as they have ever been.
They are grasping at straws on a ship sinking in a volcano

You are seeing the death throws of the MSM

Many Trump supporters can see through the media's bullshit, and most usually get their info off the net or independant journalists.

Their shekels will suffer when he gets in.


Slide it.


The more the (((media))) disparages Trump, the more they call attention to their agenda.


When I see normalfags spreading the alt right are evil white supremacist maymay I degrade them and tell them it's just republicans that hate the establishment hack.
I'll spout bullshit about bernouts bring the alt left kek.
People thumb up that shit like crazy and it puts the OP shill out of commission.


They are calling Donal Trump an Amateur.

What doesn't matter is what the media thinks.

every talking head on CNN is a so called expert and we are just dirt to them.



check em !! NOW

Praise be to him

Oh dear lord who art in heaven thank you for this blessing.

We will Try to be good and wholesome in our lives.

We will vote Trump .may god bless this nation, Trump and our lives.

Power armor for all of us.

open season for redpilling goys

are you a bad enough goy to expose hillary to one person a day?

You know, I thought a little bit, what would happen if our narrative became the dominant one? What would happen if we tried to shame, criticize and attack leftists in the way that they attack us?

What if we manage to create the same fear of being ostracized that they do with their buzzwords like

and a bunch of other crap. What if instead of just defending ourselves we become aggressive and start calling them things like racially ignorant people? Cuck, nu male, beta etc. are all good starts. But we need counter words for their most potent attacks, against the less intelligent of us.

Because the way I see it, people, even old people just cannot imagine a world where actual racism is alive, justified and even defended.

Because imagine you being the boss, and there is no silent hand of government hovering over you, courts that do not threaten you, but support you. You could do whatever the fuck you want with your right way of thinking? What if you made a paygrade, and rules separate for different races? Niggers being rightfully subjected to on the work searches. Poo in loo's being lawfully inspected upon their poo in loo ness (hygiene)

If we see a liberal who has these crazy egalitarianism idea's, we could call him up and recommend him to a shrink if he wants to continue to keep on working.

I am asking you all, instead of being reactionary, you should slowly start preparing to be the dominant, aggressive attacking force who is willing to defend his turf and sometimes even cross it. We should slowly be mentally preparing to push aside leftists. To even become criminals and to illegally hurt them (as the jews do to us), use bully tactics even. Just get them the fuck out of society, make them poor and unwanted.

Its nearly time to finally stand up. This little movement in between sitting and standing up that we are doing should be done soon.

Do they even have a chance to win ?

Violence is not the way. I don't want to be them or do the things they do. I don't want them fired or harmed. I think alot of people are with me on that.

I do think they are ignorant of reality - but becoming them is not the way.

Sorry. I will not be joining you in violence and breaking the law.

good bye FBI and please..get fucked.

Hillary made that tweet about whites listening to blacks to understand why they burn down their own communities, well commies and jews better start listening to whites or they'll be wondering why the fuck they're being lined up in front of mass graves.

Sometimes violence is necessary you scared bitch. GTFO if you aren't willing to lay down your fucking life for your people and ideals.

Thats not going to happen. There>>7329140

No Fed..really you GTFO. Our Political peaceful movement will no be co-opted by some feds with an agenda.

I'm a Republican and I believe if the Republic.


Why not though? The K selected way is that of the aggressive, and sometimes violent way. Why should we have high esteem for those who didnt respect freedom of speech, for those who took away children from right wing families, those who shamed and mocked them so that they lost their jobs?

There is enough suffering to justify malice directed back to them. Not only that but the percentage of r selected should be severely reduced.

We dont necessarily need to kill them, but we can strongarm ourselves around them. We can bully them. We can deprive them of mates for children. We can lock them out of the circle of life. And it must be done so if we wish to secure a future for our children.

Because as it is now, we only narrowly escaped a horrible faith, thanks to a nearly random piece of technology we call the internet.

Without the internet, the jews would still control our minds. The r selected would most likely still be dominant.

The jews and the r selected are too much of a risk to allow them to exist. They have to be driven out of our genetic pool.

Fuck cuckold.

Get the hell out of here, Trudeau

A thread about the topic has evolved into a heatsink for alphabet posters.

Mission complete.

Not everyone who thinks violence may be the solution required is a fed faggot. Many of us are patriotic Americans who were raised to question authority and know the real reason for the 2nd amendment. You fight or die faggot, you sound like you've already given up so kill yourself. Violence is our last option, but it is still a fucking option. Guess what, it also works.

You need to fucking stop. The National Socialists had gangs who went around beating up commies. So do modern leftists. There's no reason we shouldn't fight back.

is a blatant call to do violence.

You are obviously a FED because you are seemingly ignoring the tech tree like logic of why you don't say what you said. there for YOU=fed IS TRUE

If you feel discouraged, it does not matter. The taking up of high positions, and being bigoted towards leftists is what we are striving for, and we are almost halfway there. All I am saying is that you should mentally prepare yourself to be in such a position. Some of you already are.

It is nearly time to go from the defensive, into an offensive, main status quo.

quit sperging out you fucking moron. Taking the fight to leftists is exactly what needs to happen.

Fucking kill yourself and go back to whatever cuckservative site you came from.

surely this won't result in radicalizing them even more

my post was specifically made to trigger leftists like you. I was hoping to reel in some tards like you. It is not a call for violence however, if you read between the lines. It is a call for bullying, for strongarming…and eventually perhaps a bit of violence, but it is an afterthought.

The main message was that of moderate and non lethal aggression. But it is nice to see you getting so butthurt about it that you only focus on one thing.

Can you feel it coming? Soon one of us may be a boss who may judge you in the same way I do. If I see you liking a different race too much, I would call you up to my office and tell you to find a shrink. A right wing shrink who will put you on meds.

yes give in to your hate…let it flow through you.

Have fun in prison faggots!

He doesn't even know how to link posts, this is the worst thing about all these fucking articles on us. We're inundated with stupid little newfags that try to make their weak positions the dominant one.


It really is fucking disgusting. I guarantee he's a transplant from /r/thedonald

The only shill for any org here is you Chaim. Self defense is violence and is always justified. Yes that means putting your enemies into mass graves can be a form of self defense. So shut the fuck up you silly faggot and kill your self. You're no good for the world.

lurk more newfag

hahaha yes you will all do nicely


eventually it all comes down to violence, and who holds it. You yourself even tried to use it by calling upon violence (lol you will get arrested)

The thing is, this coveted violence monopoly is slowly also coming into our hands, and with it, our judge-full eyes will turn towards you

Nah brah…you will post moar on the internets.

here have some hot pockets

Don't they remember what happened last time they attacked us?

Gawker just shut down, in no small part due to the last time they made that decision.

Kek will consume them all.

It'll be the final word for those on the fence about their bullshit. they will lose so much support.

as it looks now, there doesnt seem to be any force capable of stopping the whole thing. Unless someone new enters this arena, our future is most likely secure. We are aware of all the players, got a nice feeling on most of their capabilities, most in this movement have proven their capabilities to trump the leftists/jews as well.

The best bet of the jews is to create somekind of machine learning thing that may brute force them around our collective strength.

Demoralization did not work, diversions did not work, fracture points did not work, useless venues of thought (artificial ones) did not work.

Our collective mind is sharp, it hovers above the leftist mind, and its still learning and growing, while the leftist mind has grown stale.


Would you like a plane ride?

Well do they have a choice when they're up against a wall?


Attacking the voters instead of the candidate. Sounds like a real winning recipe!

Non-ameriboo here, I have a friend whose sole argument for trump not getting elected is "But he will start nuclear war against North Korea by making fun of the chinese dude just like he did to the wheelchair guy"

keep up the good work Holla Forums

with friends like you
trump doesn't need any enemies

ecks dee

Yeah, I'm not American either actually - Canadistani reporting in. I've seen some of those similar comments up here and I just say that if Trump is smart, he'll build a northern wall just to Murica from having to look at all of the super cucks we have.


If that were true, the world would have nuked itself many times by now. Worse has happened and it never came to that. He says that and yet is uninformed of Hillary's past handling of foreign affairs. Boy, if he's receptive and learned about that, that would really scare the shit out of him.

don't friend with mental patients

People who advocate for violence before we have state power are fucking shills.

I think that it's the latest shill tactic to fuck with us.

I think that this is the new shilling tactic. Advocate violence and then respond in a cucky and foreign manner to get us the side advocating violence.

They want to turn us into just another worthless skinhead movement.

Jesus Christ faggot, the only reason States even work is because of the monopoly on violence. It's almost as if you're the shill spreading uneducated pseudo intellectual nonsense like "hurr peaceful revolution"

The emperors check squad reporting in


So how exactly do you expect to realistically overthrow the government with a bunch of uncoordinated anons on an anime imageboard?

Fuck off FBI-kun

Yeah this was not a winning strategy for Remain during the leadup to Brexit. And it won't win now.




You'd think they would have learned that by now.

Don't you think for a second that I'm letting these double dubs go unchecked.

Correct: they DO have a monopoly on violence.

Not only that, but the violence advocates are basically telling us to become like the mudslimes: aggressive, oppressive, and violent.

The true merit of e.g. NatSoc is that it is NOT coercive or oppressive: all it does is removes the ability of the traitor and the subversive to do his work, and it removes the underlying incentives to live a degenerate life. That is it: nothing else.

On the whole, Holla Forums believes man is a worthy animal who will do right if given the means to do so: most of us, if we are not family and career men, aspire to these things, for the simple reason that it has been demonstrated both by the (((modern opposition))) thereunto and by the simple logical arguments that a civilization who raises well its children flourishes.

Ultimately, Holla Forums is populated by idealists. Cynics wouldn't bother trying to improve the world, even through magic frog memes and smug anime girls: MGTOWs and violence advocates are both the tool of our (((enemies))) who wish to see us burn the world white men built, rather than fight to preserve it.

The proper term for most Holla Forums people is "conservative", but not in the modern political sense. "Conservative" shares a root with "conserve", or to keep and protect–specifically, to keep and protect a way of life that has brought civilization to the world, that has freed women from the drudgery of hand-washing clothing and sewing by hand, that gave modern medicine, rule of law, logic, mathematics, and machines to the darkies and the huns and the niggers and the indians and the yellow slant-eyed hordes.

Look what marvels we wrought upon the world: everything goes back to white men, ultimately. The computer you're using, the desk you sit at, the chair your fat ass is struggling to contain…. even the food that lets you be a fat-ass was produced by techniques and technologies largely pioneered by white men.

"Conservative" means to preserve and protect this way of life, and to restore the parts of it which have been lost. Unto our keeping has been given the final links in the broken chain of civilization, because outside of the hardline traditionalists and NatSoc frog worshippers, these values have already been lost.

One thing that the conservatives have and the liberals envy is tolerance and freedom of expression. I've lived in some of the most liberal areas in the world, and some of the most conservative, and I'll tell you from first hand knowledge that the conservatives are almost always open to new ideas, while the liberals quell even the appearance of dissent. Conservatives may not agree with you, but they are capable of listening.

By telling us to become like (((them))), you are saying to abandon the thing that defines us: the same thing that is epitomized by being anonymous faggots on a random basketweaving image board: freedom of speech, and freedom of choice.

Violence MUST be defensive, or we have already become our enemies.


good. let them come.

do they really think that putting the spotlight on a place like this would help their cause?

if anything .some normies are in for the redpill of their lives.

also this

Why would I or anyone coordinate with a faggot like you? If you aren't already networked with like minded folk you're just one of the plebs who will be standing on the side lines cheering on whichever side you think is going to win.

Dub 5s always lies.

Hey Chaim your blogpost gives you away.

Friendly reminder that propagandists are first in line to be punished for destroying the West.

And by insulting us they give us the right of reply. And through right of reply we have our mainstream soapbox to speak from.

Well played media, you fucking idiots.




A simple post, a direct message. The name of the all-mighty in red letters fully deserves those Hitler quads.

Thanks to everyone who made this possible.

Why do they persecute us so?

we own nothing, most of our stuff is in their hands, how do you suppose you will get it back?

After we have state power.


Although, for almost a decade I have been doing things when I can.

Havent you?

user, not to be mean, but I have been fighting the race war in more ways than one.

Also: when we DO gain state power we are going to be executing children and women as well as kike men.

Are you mentally prepared for that?

Be glad Kek has deemed you worthy of suffering for him.


Worst part is that they control the taxes, decide who to give them to and to what program it must be fed, including israel. They also make the money.

They decide foreign policy

They decide what to teach to the kids and adults

they decide so much stuff…

All of these things have to be taken back.



Wew, (((CNN))) is really fucking desperate aren't they? Also what happened to the OP, didn't it only contain an link?

disregard me im a retard

Guy above I think is on the right track. Use their (and shillary's) own raysis hypocrisy against'em.
http:[email protected]/* */[email protected]/* */ees-to-send-message-to-warlords-ba5a11b8f937
(also don't use arcs on normies because they tend to skate over them, pick off sites that have urls that are partial headlines to clickbait'em)
Be sure to point out how shillary's biggest supporters were previously her biggest haters until the Berninating.
I don't quite think "Alt-centrist" works, sounds a bit flakey because how can you be an 'alternative pandering sissy,' but I think Ted Rall is on the right track.
Alt-left works for Berners because they happily also reject establishment, and it fucks'em by pointing out they're now supporting the establishment, but we need something not-so-overtly-dismissive for the klintoons.

as to the second part, remember they take naughty words as "equivalent to physical violence." Just keep chalking'em into the insanity ward.

Who could have guessed?

Because that has worked so well before.

We are the imperial guardsmen. They can attack us, but they wont win the war.

These retards never learn.


You have to fish where the fish are, that means leaving pol.


weak sauce son

you're not thinking BIG enough

You sure this guy isn't on our side?

Doing thing is just going to make another GamerGate… with more than half the fucking country instead of a bunch of basement dwellers and Holla Forumsacks.

Remember people get fucking pissed when you accuse them of being what they are not. Those "Gamers are dead" articles launch GamerGate, can you imagine what articles aimed at Trump supporters would do?

Hell is forever!

Sophisticated measures and rhetoric to get people to vote for a old woman that wants to be president. I wonder how fucking retarded these retards can get. "hey look at my old woman i want to be president because reasons."

If you take this perspective you will realize how fucking stupid people are. You will realize the scale of indoctrination. No instinct, no intelligence, only the signaling of those abilities. Modern day leftists, no real culture, only superficial concepts with superficial ideals and the president you want to vote for is who you are. Idenitiy politics is all that is left, and if you go by that standard, the numales and the other feminized objects that vote for clinton are merely expressing their cuckedness. Not that trump is an idea president but at least in this metagame of idenity politics he has some realness to his name. Unlike the other "option" means "i vote for a fucking old cunt because i think that an old cunt has more say than i do."

I never followed GaymerGayte.

What are you suggesting could happen?

ANd if you take a closer look, all those writerlings rely on is the little box they and their peers are in, it is like a common denominater. We agree that clinton has to be president because she is a democrat and a woman and this other guy is a sexist, other buzzwords follow idiot. So our swarm agrees on this action, we vote for clinton just as pol votes for trump. But to make it really simple the other swarm is voting for a fucking cunt and the other group is voting for a playboy. So the other group idenitfies with a cunt and the other group doesnt. Just like slaves and masters, the intellectual slaves vote for a vessel that represents a slave and the others want to vote for a master. And that is why those people never win, it is a lose lose situation for them. If she gets elected they will be a nation of slaves, and if she doesnt they will remain slaves in any which way. Because they decided to be slaves in the first place.

What are they gonna do, call a spade a spade again?

Hitler was violent around the beginning but then he got arrested so he had to rise to power in a legal way.

Its been cool watching them burn away their credibility like this. Funny they imagine it will return once this is all over.

but I thought he was cahoots with Putin :^)

To a normie Holla Forums would qualify as hell. yet we wallow in it and revel in our glory.

slaves want to be with their demon semitic volcano god. free men want to be like us. Are you implying that what you think hell is, is somehow a threat to us?

They wont directly target us
They'll just bitch to people about us.

They should rather ask why a bunch of fucking internet frogs can stir up so much shit and have such an impact.

But… we are not black.

I would parade a lightskinned nigress with huge tits in front of a pack of niggers and numales and then feast on their fear and jealousy while i punish her tits later on.


I prefer "tadpoles" myself.

That would means that tadpoles are already stirring shit up, i wonder what you do if you go full grown up frog. But i already know the answer.
All those frogs quaking, quaking, hopping around.
Like a new universe with the background radiation of sound from fucking frogs. Fucking internet frogs.
granted, this was the most retarded of foes next to the zoo queen herself.
Vox is still going strong, and they accidentally into a massive CON-spiracy (har har) with regards to Vice.
Vice basically lives up to its name. It was never a real paper. It's yet another dyehair laundering operation.
worth just about as much as Fucking Trump even!
>Vice Media is currently valued between 4–4.5 billion. More than the NY Times (2.2B), more than Buzzfeed (1.5B). But when I mention Vice to people outside the media, I get a lot of blank stares.
tl;dr Vice was not against GG because of muh soggy knees but because of muh ethiks. Or rather what potential diggers would have found when looking for advertisers to contact. Vox might have large reach due to connections to propaganda organs like MSNBC, but overall they are way poorer than even Gawker. True ideologues that don't care about being paid for their work, they only work off VC funding and only raise about $60m a year, far below fawker's $200m ad contracts.
Vice is straight up betacuck mafia. Fawker were basically battle thralls, Vox the ideological corruption angle, and Vice the monetary.
Also (in)Shane Smith is not above swatting rival reporters.
Also I've read the guy's book, 4.5 bil split amongst only 22 people. Most of vice's writing staff are le unpaid interns or one-shot freelancers, the rest are literal alts. Imagine if Joshua Goldberg used his 'tism in trolling for mercenary gain rather than plain ol' shitposting. Everyone has at least 6 other 'identities.' The majority of their markov-chain-tier content comes from within and is in such volume because they like to claim to investors they post 7000 articles a day.
The only legit journo they have is that poor schmuck they keep sending to ass-end-of-planet countries for their mockumentaries, whose stuff airs on HBO all the time.

Violence is a perfectly useful tool, but it has to be used expeditiously, or it becomes a liability. Faggots like you, who seem to think that going out and shooting random people will somehow help us, are the worst kind of scum, since you are advocating actions that will:

1. Get you thrown in jail if you're caught (depending on where you live), which means you've traded the lives of a few cockroaches for subtracting the all-too-few voices in our favour by one.
2. Give the liberals in power political ammunition to do fun shit like ban ammunition, expand background checks, heavily tax or ban guns and weapons, or enact ever-more-draconian laws to monitor "hate speech" and "incitement to violence" online. Every manufactured "incident" weakens us, even the ones by our enemies, since ALL of them, ours or theirs, create the public impression of danger–and people do stupid cowardly things when they feel endangered.
3. Scare away anyone who isn't an autist sociopath, since most people want to live a decent life, and do NOT enjoy bathing in blood.

tl;dr: gargle molten lead, you ignorant shilling FBI fucks.

We're going to be seeing a lot more of this in the coming weeks.

Stay vigilant. They're getting desperate and things are going to get weird, very weird.

You are a funny guy.

We have to keep getting the message out even after the election that NYT's (and, in general, MSM's) journalistic credibility was explicitly compromised.

Go back to reddit, goymergate.

It's the strawman. PR faggotry gone wild. Some want alternative media to mainstream media, propagandist determine on the alt-right bias, it's all bullshit. Political correctness attempting to reassert itself in the aftermath of the Trump effect.

You wanna insult leftards?

You call them zealots
You call them lunatics
You call them traitors
You call them ignorant


You shame and ridicule them.
Because that's what they deserve


Easy there CNN


Now let the (((media))) target the praised one.

This is why I think the recent jewtube "ToS changes" are more than meets the eye.

Calling it now; they'll initially be applied to all sorts of shit. Soon after things die down, you'll find that the "correct" ideological channels are re-monetized, as well as the "big" news channels, such as Fox, MSNBC, CNN etc.

Meanwhile, independent news channels that aren't ideologically sound or a part of the "big media" groups will feel the full force of the new ToS, effectively shutting down any sort of news coming from any channel that isn't ideologically "pure" or controlled by the MSM pardon me for repeating myself there

I REALLY like this Pepe.

Punish her tits how?

I have made huge ground with my mates and other beta cucks in my associate circles by taking the leftist narrative and blowing it way the fuck out of proportion, leaving people wondering whether I'm serious or not and doubting themselves.
Over small things. People have started to see how bloody stupid it is and have left some of that behind, all the while being really straight forward with my power level.
Easy shit.
Give it a try.


I thought it opened the door to normies that find alternative stuff cool.


You can't attack trolls. The media will only fall in their asses in the attempt, while giving us and our ideas and messages a spotlight.