Deutsche Bank refuses to return client's gold
This is how panics begin
on top of DB's recent disasters in the stock market too
bump for real news anything that isnt another fucking trump thread
Just another example of why paper gold a shit and how real gold will spike when people finally catch on to the entire scam.
I bet there are many poor souls who aren't aware that all their savings are about to be gone. I think it'll all go down this fall honestly
Paper gold is as worthless as toilet paper.
It's a financial instrument they have used to keep the market value of gold way below real value (which is great for goys stocking up on gold)
Always buy 1 troy ounce .9999% pure gold coins or ingots and take immediate physical delivery.
Never store it in a bank safety deposit box. Pay in cash if you can (don't leave traces, the government will come seize it one day)
that feel when no money in the bank huehuehue
This just goes to show you, ladies and gentlemen….
If the gold isn't PHYSICALLY in your possession, You don't own it, you never did, and never will.
More people need to watch The Money Masters
Damn straight, here it is.
The German government was not even allowed to see their holdings in New York several years ago when they tried to account for it.
They were shown a bar or two and told they could see the rest after some large number of years.
Someone on a computer should find and post it.
Gold gets used a lot in electronics you dumb fuck.
This. Any moron who's buying the ETF instead of physical deserves to get fucked. Gold is leveraged like 300x/available oz.
I guess those 299x are fucked, bank is keeping the 1x.
To anyone who hasn't seen it yet - DO IT.
Also consider:
Aren't there places where you could buy physical bullion?
When I first watched this video I finally realized the greatest problem in America is the Federal Reserve, why it happened, and how to stop it
If the gold isn't
PHYSICALLY in your possession
You don't own it
you never did
and never will
Germans gold is not in USA anymore, they sold it to chinese "communist".
It's finally happening, house of cards is crumbling.
No you're a dumb fuck, if currency is based on precious metals, it doesn't make it that much better, because he who controls the most of it, controls the currency.
Currency is a tool for universal exchange of goods, thus it should be based on labour and goods produced.
You see the word "paper" in front of gold there?
Like in clockwork, muh infalliable labour fiat currency meme shill. Even national socialist were not so stupid.
Would labor backed currency work in America as well as it did in Nazi Germany?
Yes, it would fail too.
Gold was used when trading with other countries alongside their barter system. You can't eat gold, just like you can't eat paper or do anything useful with paper. Those who control the most gold, will control the currency that's based on it. If the currency is based on labour and goods produced, those who produce goods and work control the currency.
I don't know what's the problem with you because it's not that hard to understand this.
No it will be controled by those who print such currency, and nothing will stop them from inflating base currency, try to stimulate economy by state spending and back it by forced labour and taking gold from invaded states.
Yes, just like with the gold, the one who controls the most of it will be able to control it as he sees fit. I stated this in 2 of my previous posts and you still didn't even touch on it, I wonder why.
In NatSoc Germany there was a National Bank tied to the state that regulated it based on labour and goods produced. You just need to have leaders that are actually working in the interest of the Nation, not some backstabbing kikes in control.
Ah yes, the 'ebil nazi war machine' meme. That's not what happened and only a retard would believe this would bring the stability for Germany to be able to do what it did in WW2, but I guess it's pretty pointless to argue with a bluepilled faggot like you.
gold and silver is shitty to back a currency with.
Because they never had the gold to begin with.
Our hwhite brothers in the USA graciously offered to store this gold during the Cold War, so it would be safe from Soviet invasions. So far, so good.
Then the gold war ended, and they not only refused to return the gold, they also lost track of where it was.
*Cold War, of course
To add to that, if they really would inflate that currency, it would go against their interests as well, because the whole currency was based on work and goods produced and they would not be able to do shit with it, where as if it's based on gold or debt, you will pretty much get to own people's property because they owe you debt/you have all the gold.
Gold is not intrinsically valuable, you moron.
But those dubs are.
Rhodium is low
but i would only buy it from kitco and only buy baird . never take it out of the case or you have to get it assayed
this is a long term investment so when rhodium spikes you can sell physical
rhodium does not react with Oxygen and has the highest melting point out of all the precious metals.
That's not what happened.
Yes, it's exacly what happened. They pumped economy with public spending.
Central bank fiat currency - not even once
the price of gold and silver doesn't actually change unless they either find more gold deposits to be mined and refined OR there is a an atomic explosion happening at a gold-reserve bank which would make the amount of gold lessen but the value sky-rocket. Paper money, unless backed BY gold is what you're thinking of.
Everyone is lying to every one about where the gold is.
Wow, it's like I'm there!
The greatest problem in America is our demographic destruction. Our second biggest problem is the federal reserve
Funnily enough, removing kikes should kill two birds with one stone.
this shit has been going on for years, this is not the first, nor will it be the last bank to sell people bonds for non existing gold
if you want to buy precious metals, over the counter transactions are the ONLY way to go
DB is in serious trouble, just recently I've been reading that they're trying to carry out mergers with other European banks, kvetching that they're not making enough profit and there's too much diversity (HAR!) in the european banking system.
I thought it was originally they wanted to check the vaults of other countries and make sure it wasn't a shell game of the gold being moved vault to vault.
Is it starting?
That's when the jews hand you calcified chocolate wrapped in gold foil
wow, i hate trump now
>you goys guys should use the totally non-existent alternatives to try to advance yourselves. subverting (((our))) control is a beneath you stupid worthless goys. you're much better than that ;^) subversion does nothing. (((we)) conquered the entire Western world and didn't have to resorting to manipulating (((our))) enemy's systems.
Yeah, but findint it is a problem.
I've seen some for 780/oz in Baird Assay package like you have pictured… but spot is like the mid $600's
If you can find a place to get some Rhodium, let me know… but I'm not paying $780/oz.
Sounds an awful lot like what happened to Romania's gold during WW1. Fucking Russians.
I'm a #CruzMissile now :^)
so was hitler, we all know how that turned out
No he wasn't, stop repeating that shit
that he was funded by da jews and shafted them later?
The only Nazis who were funded by the Jews were the Strasser brothers, who, surprise, planned to take party control away from Hitler
I don't really know how to even research that user so I'll take your word for it
Hitler shafting his jew backers sounds better tho
What are good amounts of gold and/or silver I could buy?
Doesn't really matter because most of the loans are mortgages. If Deutsche Bank fails, their assets (like Trump's loans) will go into receivership, and Trump will continue to pay them as per usual, he just prints a different name on the check and sends it to a different address. Eventually the assets of Deutsche Bank (including Trump's loans) will be sold to another, more stable bank, and Trump will continue to pay them on schedule.
The only real problem for Trump would be any revolving lines of credit or equity loans, which would be frozen. He'd have to pay back any balances to the receiver but he wouldn't be able to make any new charges on those loans. Having those balances on the books would make it a little harder for him to get new equityline/revolving credit loans from other banks, but hey, he's Donald Trump, somebody would be willing to take a chance on him. An ordinary householder and consumer? Not so lucky.
Don't forget that banks did close during the 2008 housing/banking crisis. We already know exactly what will happen with their assets. They were quickly bought up by other banks like Wells Fargo and Citibank. Of course, these remaining banks are now superbanks that are even bigger than the banks that were too big to fail back in 2008, but we won't talk about that right now.
The biggest issue Trump has is what you just said, he is only good for his name. If Deutsche Bank failing causes Trump to renegotiate these payments elsewhere things go poorly for him. Well so long as said things are in his personal name not his company.
Basically as an addition to teh user, Trump is fine so long as everything remains outside his own name, that is the mentioned household. This is part of why Deutsche Bank labeled him as being worth 270 mil, that is how much Trump actually owns, not how much is under the Trump brand name.
Trumps runs a LLC where he is the owner and his family is right under him, privately so that this is acceptable and not corruption.
As he runs it, he likes to claim it belongs under his networth in public, but things are quite different behind the scenes where he has to actually follow said rules.
The biggest issue that Trump LLC would have is the same as the government shutdowns did, a loss of confidence that causes people to reevaluate their standings with you. Given the major salespoint is its Trump this is a very bad point to get into.
Its also a major reason Trump isnot spending much on this election and using his own businesses so much, he doesn't actually have that much to play with. Trump LLC has limits that are in the single digit thousands it can lend to the campaign or donate, so the best Trump can do is recirculate his money back through the LLC into his pockets to keep going.
This is also the major reason no taxes have been filed beyond the FEC rulings, doing this scheme is easy to consider money laundering in some countries or corruption, which being that Trump LLC is international, has reprucussions. As well, Trump automatically loses his brand name hype, as he is now a known quantity and able to be based on that.
This is because as a private holding, he needs to release no documents and can just say mostly what he wants with out being fact checked.
This is also why the Trump University thing got pushed back to next year, as his financial ties are part of the civil suit and thus will come out regardless. Essentially, if Trump can't shove his company into the blind trust or onto his family by becoming president, there are big issues coming.
Previously he never got this far in presidential bids, so it was never an issue, now he is in the do or die phase.
use your shekels to buy 3 months wor thof food and water/water filtration equipment first. then basic medicinal supplies.arm yourself and get a reasonable about of ammuntion. that varies, but your going to need hundreds of rounds to train with and a few hundred more for when shit goes now.
now you need to train/practice. everything from shooting, hunting, medical care to preserving food, like pickling and canning, and sewing, start a garden in your backyard, or plant in your community garden. get to know people who use the community garden.
many are bound to be lefties, especially if you're in the city, but stick with it and you should meet people who you can learn valuable tradition skills from redpilled or not. skills like cooking over a fire, fishing, farming, and the like.
or you can hoard shekels. are you going to invest in yourself and your family's survival or "precious" metals and gems? items that may or may not retain their value beyond kikes and criminals scamming you out of them in the first few weeks because you don't have shit to live on.
I have some survival skills (I love nature and camping inna woods)
Also, I already have the iron and the lead, next step will be buying some silver (maybe gold too) and as you said, stock up even more food i know have for some weeks
What happens when you need cash and cannot find a person to buy your gold at an acceptable price?
Liquidity is an issue with physical precious metals.
Its the joke of it, precious metals only work near the start and in short term local disasters where people think they can flip it still, or know there are other buyers out there.
In most of these global fails, the best you hope for is that you can sell it later, after the shits has dried out and the NWO is in place.
Depending on how it goes, gold will be the currency, a commodity, or trying to cash it in gets you in trouble and you wasted all the money on it. The nice part is that if you are actually at this stage, it really wasn't a waste since you survived.
Basically its right back to any barter economy where you have a luxury item. You have to convince people of the worth. Compounded here because many people suspect that with the collapse there will be no law, so showing you have gold and being solo or significantly better off than your friends gets you shot pretty fast.
I keep a small amount of silver, in small denominations, just in case. I don't see it holding it's value beyond a disaster spreading, or going on for months/years. it can be useful if you're caught with your pants down when it starts, or you need something abnormal. maybe someone will still view it as some exotic andworthwhile.
my general advice is rather than trying to hoard shekels and supplies, get yourself a base amount. it seems like you've already begun to do that, so good job. simultaneously begin learning the skills you will need. eventually you will go beyond the 101 tier stuff. there you will meet people interested in the things you are interested in. some may even share some of your ideas about politics. cultivate those relationships. between them and redpilling your friends and family, you can create a community with the skills and resources necessary to survive a true happening.
It's almost like they don't have enough gold to cover their obligations or something :^)
Bong here: I keep a lot of old coins with some silver in them.
My reasoning is that IF there is a collapse, we're going to need something to facilitate barter on a small scale. Coins which are known to have, say 50% silver can be weighed and used to exchange.
If the SHTF don't think you'll be swapping your pig for three goats for very long. Even during a war, things quickly settle. Humans do not tolerate things being 'up in the air' for long.
Some sort of number system linked to goods will be put in place. This will be like something akin to pricing.
And if you have something in quantity which can be linked to the pricing you will be able to trade with that.
Don't believe the idea that metals will lose their value suddenly because some catastrophe. They have been considered to have value forever and only have had any real value until very recently.
OK and how long until society collapses? I mean, Holla Forums predicts a huge happening every year but it never comes true, not that I don't believe in a collapse coming sooner or later, I just wonder around what time
No user. I agree with you. Unless shells are dropping all around or people are dying from starvation in the streets then metals will quickly become the medium of exchange.
Runs are already happening, friend. I figured this sort of stuff would begin around the time Trump was inaugurated, with another year until the bottom falls out. But it looks like its a year from now. Be safe, by at least a couple of items a month so by then you can have something. Worst case scenario you can use what you bought if trump manages to mitigate the damage, but word on the street is that its another 1933.
Useless. Buy cigarettes, bullets, lighters, that kind of thing. Stuff that has value in a collapse situation.
yeah, like gold
Gold has value so long as someone transfers it into something useful, the longer the collapse and larger, the less that matters. If people are still pressing and using it, its not much of a collapse.
After about 2 weeks things will begin to calm. then gold will be a useful store of value.
all of society won't suddenly forget how to function and sit around waiting for death you mong.
I'll keep reposting this in every collapse thread I see, for your own good. The more Holla Forumsacks and newfags internalize advice from people who were in real SHTF situation, the better
Did a bank ever refuse to give back physical gold the owner stored in their vault?
Gold does have value in a collapse, but mostly because you can still sell it outside of the country. So fences would need to be reliable and be able to get it out of the country. So while Gold and Silver do have value I think I'd get more from stocking up food, cigarette lighters, alcohol and cigarettes.
No one can know for certain. The key word here is "acceleration". Some things, like Trump becoming president, accelerate things towards stability and prosperity, while other things, like the Europe's migrant crisis, accelerate the things towards the collapse.
But those two are not mutually exclussive: Things like Briexit accelerate things both towards a collapse and towards prosperity.
Truth be told, no one can pinpoint the collapse accurately, since there are an infinite number of variables to be taken into consideration.
You can only look at the trends and make a prediction. That's how Holla Forums works, and that's how human mind works.
Not necessary, though it remains to be seen. Trump himself is obviously the more stable choice than Hillary. But the Global Order's reaction to his move towards isolationism could lead to acceleration towards collapse, making all the NATO countries pay their fair share or taking out their bases. Whilst minorities like Dindus may take Trump's election as a reason to spark mass riots thus leading to more acceleration to collapse.
I don't think you understand, everything's already collapsing. Putin said there'd be nuclear war if Hillary wins. The kikes want people to die.
It will however either have plenty of places that make gold valuable and where you should get your ass to, or trade far more in lead before anything looks good.
Is that you, Jon?
I'm sorry but people who are that dumb deserve to be cheated. Low IQ people shall be drained from resources so they suffer and die faster.
you can't trust american nor german banks.
Only swiss banks are capable of paying back.
Irlmaier actually predicted this.
Also learn how to make candles and soap, shit's actually quite simple
The guy who wrote about his experiences in the bosnian war also said that these are very good banter items
I guess you don't realise that the Reichmark was a fiat currency.
Why? .9995% pure has the exact same buy-back value and is slightly cheaper most of the time.