1S Venezuelan protest

Today marks the day for another protest organized by the opposition against the government and to demand the recall referendum goes through as that's the last constitutional and peaceful way to remove the president from his position.

The government is scared, they know that if a recall referendum gets called they are going to lose, so they've taken over public broadcast all week with their propaganda and images of the "coup" from 2002, and when it is not that it is a call for violence to try to deter people. They've also been trying to block roads so that people can't even reach the capital to protest.

Even though there have been dozens of protests, some spontaneous by a community because lack of resources(like being without running water for months) and some have been called by the opposition, this one will be one of the biggest ones in a while, as it was called with anticipation so the government is in its toetips.

Other urls found in this thread:


At least they have gas for all these vehicles. And i'm sure protests will raise the "market" price of oil.

except oil prices didn't cause this, oil is supposed to be EXTRA money. When chavez came the barrel was 7$ and venezuela wasn't anywhere near the state it is currently on. Venezuela during a post chavez has become a kelptocracy where the government's most important mission has been finding ways to ransack and plunder the country in every way possible

This is what Killary's America will look like, minus the mushroom cloud.

First post, every time.

so begins the first country to have a violent revolution in these uncertain times

some more photos

why is why chavez tightened gun control laws years ago, now only thugs and uniformed thugs have guns, they used violence to try to get in power and now they are using violence to try to stay

when things get this bad police and military start to bug out for greener pastures or start revolutions themselves and revolutions become inevitable

interesting. a venezuela thread after a long time of hearing nothing. I tried to follow the events but the western media nearly blacks it out. did something happen in the meantime? more pictures and perhaps sources would be nice OP!

which is why they've made sure to keep the military oiled up with more food privileges and bringing cars specifically for military men of a certain range when it is impossible for 95% of venezuelan to buy a car by saving their money even for years due to the double digit inflation. the police is fucked because they don't have guns as powerful, but they still can basically freely take bribes and extort money out of people.

A taste of venezuela caracaschronicles.com/2016/08/21/cops-vs-cops-guayana/

just more of the same, although recently yon goicochea was taken by the SEBIN(think of the cia) for being "trained" by usa and "having bombs" in his car, but government jailing political opponents isn't anything "new". Have a link talking about the protest efectococuyo.com/politica/oposicion-madrugo-en-la-francisco-de-miranda-este-1s

No, it's all about the price of oil, were you living under a rock for the last few years?. It's a plan do destroy Russian (and others) fuel export dependent economies.

Even if it's new, it's because they weren't used back then to all the profits from it. Now they are, oil plummeted, and it's a "collapse".

no, you retard, this government set up "fair prices", expropiated a lot of industries, created a lot of ministeries, set up a fixed exchange rate(several, actually) and made sure to destroy the national production so they could import more things because of the arbitrarity of the foreign trade they got obscene profit for themselves out of the country. This without even touching the point that we raised to be one of the most dangerous places of the world, just this year I've been robbed twice, and there's a reason lynchings are occurring more and more often, due to the quasi total impunity we have now.


Maybe you're the retard. Instead of fighting to keep them out you just want to sell next country to globalists. Don't worry, you're just a shill, they will dump you in a second.

and they say you can't judge a book by its cover…


Well, I'll be getting off my butt too, should be back in about 7 hours

I got back much earlier than expected, the city is dead and so is university. I was able to see 5 police checkpoint to and from uni, and I don't even live in the capital

For information who aren't from here, a lot of governmental workers are forced to coming to whatever rally they are "required" to go.

I don't know if I'm going crazy, but at the government's concentration there are people chanting "Si va a caer, si va caer, este gobierno va a caer" which translates to "(yes,) it will fall, (yes,)it will fall, this government will fall"

I am amazed by the opposition's naivety. They show force yet they are unable to obtain any gain, they only scare the schizophrenic and paranoid government that cannot yield power because of its criminal activities.

Before the end of the year Maduro is going to dissolve the National Assembly and he is going jail every politician of the opposition.

There won't be any referendum.

Power is taken, not given.

socialism central

nuke it from orbit

forgot to upload the relevant file


Any livestreams?

it'd be useless at this point,it was scheduled to end at 2pm, there are always people lingering around for a bit longer but it is pretty much dead now, also afaik none of the national tv stations were broadcasting this, and a handful were broadcasting the government's concentration

Besides, it's not likely that anything will change unless blood will be spilled.


He must feel like a pretty big guy with that call of duty-tier getup.

Communists have to ban guns for the same reason they ban religion, both are a mortal threat to the authority of the central government.
(aka look at whats happening in the USA right now)

Why does their riot armor look like airsoft shit?