SJW Anthem by Machine Head


"Now I stand as a father, to men with no honor
Ashamed of the racists I used to call brothers
Cause no flag can mean bravery,
when bloodied by slavery,
The rebel, a devil, disguised as a savior
And the sickening feeling in the air
Is the fear to speak that no one dares"

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What a faggot.

machine head was allways lefty fags

so is fear factory

Modern mainstream metal is filled with pozzed fags.

If the old was still around they would be having a field day with this.

Hip hop is the only redpilled music.


so no country can be brave if they've had slavery in their history
huh. seems a little racist if you ask me. hol up cracka u sayin i cant be proud of afraka?

this tbqh

If you're black, there's certainly some truth to this. But on the other hand, it promotes ignorance, low brow tastes and self-destructive behaviour. Rappers might take no shit from bitches, but they'll always remain classless ghetto dwellers that spend big money on designer clothers which they will put on backwards.

These guys always had a remarkable ability to come up with good riffs and still make a shit song by having absolutely no flow at all.

If SJWs had honor they wouldn't be doxing people who disagreed with them
Pretty honorable to call anyone you disagree with racists
White people are evil for doing something that was a norm at the same time and being the first people to end it.

LOL, like SJW shit isn't being forced down everyones throats by mainstream media, public school systems and backed in pretty much all western governments.

SJWs really have absolutely 0 self-awareness.

kill yourself you fucking subhuman trash

SJW killed real metal.
I said this just a few days ago in a thread and now I'm 150% sure.
RIP in pieces real metal.
At least I still have my cd's from the 90 to listen to till the day I die…

They're on

I didn't know Fear Factory was cucked. What have they done?

Wow, these guys were the first rock and roll I ever really got into.


how did they get so cucked

I am hurting… this feels. Please user, I need some consolation.

Lol. Faggot machine head can pander to sjws all they want. They'll never be as good or as popular as Pantera, and Flynn will never be a fraction of what Anselmo was.

Those lyrics are stupid as fuck, no one dare stand up for faggy lefty bullshit? What fucking world does this dumbass live in? You can't go anywhere without faggy lefty billshit being stood up for.

Thanks, brother

Rob "let freedom ring with a shotgun blast" Flynn sells out

Dumb as shit.

Machine Head are a bunch of faggots.

I hope Phil makes a video or something to call out Rob's faggotry.

God damn, what a fucking pussy. Phil should stomp his fucking ass out.

Mainstream anything is trash.

Is There Anybody Out There as PC as Me?

Another politically correct Californian faggot. Fuck him and his band.

You know that guy from Public Enemy is now in the band Prophets of Rage along with that guy from Rage Against the Machine and they're all raging against Donald Trump ?

My favorite was always Motorhead. It's hard to know what to feel about their behavior because even though Lemmy, who was the only consistent member of the band, was a degenerate, he didn't promote his lifestyle when asked about it. He hated war but only because he hated authority, and saw war as an abuse of that authority (like how World War 2 was for the Allies, largely). I feel like if a man like him could see a government that actually cared about its native citizens he might think differently. Plus he had a fuck load of cool SS swag. It could be that he secretly thought Nazi Germany was a decent state for caring about its citizens, but I guess we'll never know. He always struck me as one of the few people in entertainment that was genuinely more intelligent than he seemed. And by some interesting twist of fate, Motorhead was always extremely popular in Germany.

if you're sick of the rise of PC SJW metal, send a message to the cucked metal industry by 'disliking' the video:

No music is good.

Thanks, Achmed.

Music has always been in devotion to degeneracy. In the ancient and the pre-historic, it was a most dire abomination: it legitimized the weak man's existence, as the unwashed masses say today: "his voice sounds good, he's really good on the guitar!" as if such traits were beneficial to survival and his genetic makeup. Now, music is the voice of drug abusers, homophiles, and more than ever, the weak.

Dickson is pro Trump.
Metal has been fag invaded for a very long fucking time. Concert numbers are dying the fuck down, sales are going to shit and all ages shows are becoming MANDATORY for metal band shows/concerts. I just listen to old Metal, some Power Metal and Classical.

Also, just listen to German Power Metal and Classical music. No faggots there.

If you wouldn't want niggers living in your home or your neighborhood, why do you let them live in your head?


gayest shit I've ever heard in my life, horrible "music"

Machine Head was always a third-rate Pantera ripoff. The only reason they even existed in the first place was to leech off of the groove metal trend.

As soon as groove metal went out of style, Robbb Flynnn became the most embarrassing sellout in history. Just look at this shit.

The life of a cuck
Nigga I don't give a fuck
I'd sell my bitch to a nigga for a quick buck

The hippity and the hoppity.


Lemmy collected ss hats

Damn that's bad. That's even worse than Korn.

Holy flying fuck I knew Machine Head was garbage, but I didn't know this shit existed.

You just listen to mainstream shit, many underground metal bands are either not cucked or not political altogether. All the fag metalcore/nu-metal shit that kikes pushed as mainstream "metal" in the 00s is pure garbage.

Where the fuck are you living that metal bands do all-aged shows? Here, the place they play at is in seedy bars. Pretty much only the big mainstream sell-outs are invited to the rare open-air events in the big cities.

Yes, all music is devotion to degenerate lifestyles and nothing but technical skill of the performer.
What fucking planet do you live on? Have you listened to any piece of music not on the radio, or any music not made in the last 25 years?

This is now a redpilled metal thread.

Provocation undeclared, like cowards they advance, attacking the unarmed
Campaign of dishonor, calculated violence inflicted on civilians
Narrow-minded wrath, self-righteous anger, acting out intolerance
Damning themselves, accursed adversaries of God-given liberty

Terror, innocent life destroyed by
Cowards, committing crimes, injustice
Empty, nothing to hope for but death
Brainwashed, programmed from birth, to hate

==Idiot protests, from luxury of safety, ignorant of facts
Preaching dull inaction, as burning towers fall, shattering the peace
Stab us in the back, awaken our revenge, our appetite to kill
United in grief, we accept your invitation to erase you all==

They want to kill the free, the liberated "infidels"
They claim no fear of death, they'll see it soon enough
Suitable response, build a proper case, collect the evidence, discover what
they tried to hide
Necessary force, accurate assault, our justified revenge, we'll live to see
them die

One Shot, One Kill
Extremist factions, bear arms without honor, attacking our public
One Shot, One Kill
Covert involvement, outlaw callow leaders, ignoble denial
One Shot, One Kill
Our captured soldiers, tortured to death, defiled human corpses

Hundreds confirmed, not one ever saw me
Punishment, requited in blood
Enemies, threats, eliminate them
Reciprocity, I deliver

No escape, I'll find them
Their vain cause, they'll die for their crimes
Ponder judgment of this
Walking corpse with seconds left to live

With this weapon I damn the malignant
Forward the bolt slides into place
High-speed alloy, pierce the hearts of evil
Fucking rats, to rot in obstruction

Approach by stealth, in silence I strike, penetrate all their defenses
Enemy lines, dissected, besieged, annihilation to meet my objective
Sanctioned psy-ops, imminent targets, predatory infiltration
Lethal resolve, warfare command, precision of fire, I'll terminate your life

The distortions of history, barriers from original truth
Man-made distance, accounts of time fog

Fear and ignorance built a religion, exploit seasons of discontent
Relentless war, revenge set in motion

Turn back the clock, 8th century

Fear of losing control of morality
Too many problems, to get involved

Impatience with the changing times

Killing for religion, horror and shameful tyranny
Inquisitions and war crusades

Ignorance of the dusty regions, still have not found enlightenment
Occupied by belligerent jihad

Impetus of suicide, LIVING FOR A SUDDEN DEATH
Embellished reward, IMAGINARY THREAT
Irrational destruction, PREJUDICE SOLIDIFIED
Earthly hope abandoned, PRESUMED FOR GOD'S WILL
Emptiness consumes you, VACANT AND FRUSTRATED
Wondering why your world, OF SHIT NEVER CHANGES
Young, dumb, expendable, BRAINWASHED TO FOLLOW ORDERS
Seeing nothing, knowing nothing, fuck it all


Violence, secretarian conflict, obstinates fallacies, unredeemed by time
Fighting a war, that cannot be won, repression of the many by the few
Marridom, is an illusion, mass produced sacrifice, stripped of all nobility
Stubborn pride, in a losing situation, you are already, fucked for life

Throwing lives away, achieving nothing, driving up the death toll, glorified mass murder
Tiresome waste, for thousands of years, useless, impotent, stagnant

When we come to fuck you up, there is no persecution
Conquest and self-preservation, MIGHT IS RIGHT FOR SLAUGHTER

Unevolve society, fatal flaw eternal
Humankind does not obey, THE STENCH OF OPPRESSION

Nope. Dying Fetus are cucky anti-racists. Look at some of the lyrics on their newest albums.

Call to destruction!

Call to destruction of the symbols of paganism
Grand monuments of idolatry
We must tear down these blasphemous edifices of Heathenism
We must annihilate all that is pre-Islamic
We must complete what the Sahabi Amr Bin Al As could not

We must tear down these relics of infidelity
Great and mighty works of blasphemy
Mountains of ancient heresy
Sacrilege encased in stone
From thousands of years before the prophet

The pyramids must be torn down, demolished, erased
The ancient symbols of human civilization
Must be pummeled to the ground
Call to destruction!

We must become as the prophet himself
Who demolished the Kaba Temple to erect a Mosque
And Al As who laid waste to the Library of Alexandria
Burning a vast accumulation of ancient knowledge
Existing long before the Quran
Before the Quran
Before the Quran

The preservation of human heritage
And the enduring achievements of Mankind
Are secondary to the will of Allah
We must eradicate all that is not in accordance
With the writings of the Messenger
We shall abrogate these architectures of profane ideology
Engage the destruction machines

We shall unwrite all human histories of Heathen origin
We must become as like as unto the prophet himself
Who beheaded hundreds of apostate Qurayza
We must cut off the head of the Sphinx
Timeless guardian of the ancient Pharaohs
Whose mere existence is a blasphemy unto Allah

The pagan idols and statues which fill our lands
Must be removed, stuck down, dismantled, demolished, obliterated
Their priceless remains desecrated and violated
Everything of their ancient profanation must be wiped off from the face of the Earth

Call to destruction!
Call to destruction!
Call to destruction!

All pyramids must be torn down
The preservation of human civilization
And the enduring achievements of mankind
Are secondary to the will of Allah

Their old stuff is what matters.

Can't think of anything else now. Send help.

Machine head are pozzed lefties.

GO actually don't give a fuck about being called racist.

haven't you realize yet that musicians are dumb fuck who don't have a clue what they singing about ? Treasure silence because its rare and there are few thing worthy of disturbing it

Its like they took everything that is hateable about nu-metal, rap-rock, and metal in general and said "this is definitely a good idea"

Anselmo is retarded, but at least he is not a cuck and a faggot, I'll give him that.

His lyrics are degenerate, and he goes on long rants about how cool he is for being a drunkard and for having fucked his life up. Then he willingly becomes a strawman for the media so they can use it for a reference every time someone supports Trump, the right for white people to exist or whatever.

He has slightly jewish features, and they have become more prominent as he has aged.

But I'll give him one thing: he is not a bitch and a coward. That's more than what you can say about most "men" in metal today. Most of them are a bunch of girly faggot cucks.

Anselmo's band mate from Down is a kike (Kirk Windstein from Crowbar) and said he'd hope for Phil to """""""""better himself"""""". I liked both Crowbar and Down, kind of a bummer really.

You got it bruv.

In our face they spit
The working man is an invalid
Society nurtures the leech
No need to try for a better life
When you can sit on your ass
And just bleed your country dry
I'm working seven days a week
Breaking my back to make ends meet
We watch while future generations
Pave our way to extinction

Give them what they want
It fuels their greed
The parasite has a need to feed
Off you and me
So they can live for free
A drain on society

Neck deep in shit
It's our economy that takes the hit
The damage irreversible
A fuckin' free for all
Lining their pockets with the cash we earn
A parasitic nation let it burn
You've got no fuckin' right
You won't take what's mine
Without a fight
Stand up and be counted
And do what's right

Do you see it?
It's destroying our integrity
Hiding in plain sight
Ignorance is systematic
Politicians self help tactics
Serves no means

Pull out our tongues
Remove our sight
But we won't run
This time we've come to
Stand and fight

This is the music of a band with no sense of identity, so they just chase after whatever seems trendy at the moment.

Their guitarist Dino Cazares is a member of Brujeria, he lets his gay politics bleed into Fear Factory.

Metal has been Jew'd for years.
Music in general has been Jew'd for years.

Why is this news worthy? Some attention seeking screaming faggot attempting to earn validation through histrionics. What a fucking surprise.

I know you watch over me
Father of all the past
And all that will ever be
You are the first and the last

The watcher of all that lives
The guardian of all that died

The one-eyed God way up high
Who rules my world and the sky

Northern wind take my song up high
To the Hall of glory in the sky
So its gates shall greet me open wide
When my time has come to die

Out of the water
Cold, black Nordic sea
Risen towards the eternal sky
The land lays open and free

Up high the Mountains
Where the wind (catch its speed and chill)
Snowstorms are born
And rage loud through the valleys and the hills

Two Ravens, messengers
Of the wise one-eyed God
Who rules
This land
Of the strong and the great

And tall
Behold this thy land
Open and free
This thy home of the brave

Dark endless forest
Where at the day hides the shadows of the night
Snowcovered vast lands
As great as the eternal sky

Now in the midst
Of this wild and it's open and free
He placed my kind
To possess this their land to be

Two Ravens, messengers
Of the wise one-eyed God
Who rules this land
Of once strong and once great

But now
To behold this thy land
Once ours
Once free
This thy home of once brave

Machine Head has always been garbage but this is just cringe inducing.

Nile is good shit. They got a couple of anti-mudslime songs. Call to destruction is one of my favorites by them

Sabaton The Last Stand

In the heart of holy see
In the home of Christianity
The seat of power is in danger

There's a foe of a thousand swords
They've been abandoned by their lords
Their fall from grace will pave their path, to damnation

Then the 189
In the service of heaven
They're protecting the holy line
It was 1527
Gave their lives on the steps to heaven
Thy will be done!

For the grace, for the might of our lord
For the home of the holy
For the faith, for the way of the sword
Gave their lives so boldly

For the grace, for the might of our lord
In the name of his glory
For the faith, for the way of the sword
Come and tell their story again

Under guard of 42
Along a secret avenue
Castle saint Angelo is waiting

They're the guard of the holy see
They're the guards of Christianity
Their path to history is paved with salvation

Then the 189
In the service of heaven
They're protecting the holy line
It was 1527
Gave their lives on the steps to heaven
Thy will be done!

For the grace, for the might of our lord
For the home of the holy
For the faith, for the way of the sword
Gave their lives so boldly

For the grace, for the might of our lord
In the name of his glory
For the faith, for the way of the sword
Come and tell their story again

Dying for salvation with dedication
No capitulation, annihilation
Papal commendation, reincarnation
Heaven is your destination

In the name of god

For the grace, for the might of our lord
For the home of the holy
For the faith, for the way of the sword
Gave their lives so boldly

For the grace, for the might of our lord
In the name of his glory
For the faith, for the way of the sword
Come and tell their story
Gave their lives so boldly
Come and tell the Swiss Guards' story again

i wonder who's behind this post


The guy is the SJW king, pretty disturbing to be honest.

His other works also feature lyrics such as:

I'm a meth head and alkie
Dumb cunt been called a junkie
A retard and a pussy
And I embrace the names you call me

I'm a redneck and faggot
The asshole ignoramus
A wetback and a nigga
And I raise my middle fingers
So those that

Murder us, silence us
Divide and conquer us
As the lead, as we die
Let these three words decide

A refugees welcome advocate… who also voted for Bernie…


what a massive cuck.

bet this one will submit to the UN NWO.


Personal insult till multiple injury is in store for you not me
They simply had to be calling out, calling out to me
Blacked out, I blacked out with a hatred, I hate enough to see
Personal insult leads to multi-injury
Damn the eyes
The ultimate fix is in, crawling though diease and ruins
Enslavement of man begins, only the strong yet scared are
Spared an early death
Personal insult, till multiple injury
Personal insult, destroying
Personal insult to multiple injury
Personal insult, on your, crushing
Unholy war you will get, you can get, its just bullshit (sandnigger)
A holy war you will get, you can get, jihad is a joke
Fight us the American public
The most pissed off mother fuckers in the world

You scream by anarchy, do not know something that is, of arguments no trace, because you're too stupid. But you want something to fight with your dead ideology hole Phraßen, silly slogans are witnesses to your idiocy.

Hahaha Antifa mob on turns! we are back. Nationalism makes us free. For Germany to be your time is over. Hahaha Antifa nationalism is clear at your funeral we are. For Germany to be your time is over.

You say the government is your enemy, but begs him for help. If you ass kicked again, yes because it is then. Because ye protection against the evil fascists, disgusted, unabashedly, but your cowardly actions from ambush our reaction provoked.

Hahaha Antifa mob on turns! we are back. Nationalism makes us free. For Germany to be your time is over. Hahaha Antifa nationalism is clear at your funeral we are. For Germany to be your time is over.

The battle for the streets you have lost your sound kinky sayings always more: Marx, Engels, Red Front ahead - Same shit here pisses us. With the wild guys from Kolistan, for the same goals, arm in arm. But without you almost nothing done and now sit many in detention.

Hahaha Antifa mob on turns! we are back. Nationalism makes us free. For Germany to be your time is over. Hahaha Antifa nationalism is clear at your funeral we are. For Germany to be your time is over.

Some of it is still red pilled.

Never underestimate the ability of the jews to infiltrate media.

Leave, Ahmed.

I'll stick with motor head tbh.

Better yet, who could forget M.O.D.?

They run now.

The dipshit running it spams Nick Land's blog all the time with his comments.

THIS is redpilled rap

Payday Monsanto - Tel Aviv Steve

Metalinjection is the Gawker of metal news websites. The other one with a similar tone is Metalsucks.

you don't need to be that type of guy to shit on political correctness

(((Popular))) Stuff (aka shilled in mainstream media) is pozzed.

Film at eleven.