Where the fuck do you go to stream/download anime these days? Have the kikes shoahed every last venue...

Where the fuck do you go to stream/download anime these days? Have the kikes shoahed every last venue? YT is copyright hell; CR wants a subscription fee and NF only has garbage. Anyone have the inside scoop? Preferably free- since I'm a broke ass NEET. Looking in particular for old 90s titles like Slayers, Lain, Record of Lodoss War, Evangelion, Sailor Moon etc. Been searching for like an hour with no success.

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Funimation app

I don't have a cell phone nor money to spend on apps. I have an 11 year old laptop running XP. There's got to be better options- I tried funimation.com and it was just one big commercial/trailer.

post results


Those are the only ones I use + the occasional TorrentProject.se and I find almost everything I am looking for.

install loonix minty. learn to torrent retard.

I haven't watched an anime cartoon since that one dumb one with the lesbians in that band.

That was a good one.

I'm about as tech-savvy as a retarded manchild can be. Not an autistic savant, just a retard.

I've got a USB drive still in the box, quite frustrated because it says only supports vista and up and not sure whether to try it in my XP machine or just return it.

Are you making fun of me

I just wanted to share my OC but since you didn't venomously attack me I'm actually flustered atm.

Seems like good OC, user. Keep at it!

I wish anime was still good though