Online Predators


Um you underage faggot, you got it all wrong. if an underage girl seduced me, I'd use my rich, talented and powerful mind to say no and improve her kife


But what if she clearly wants the D, user?

She obviously can't seduce me.

This post is a perfect example of how the pedos are the true victims, not the children.

So pedos are victims because they're weak-minded enough to fall for a trap? Only a particularly idiotic pedo would think an underage girl is attracted to them in any way


Michael Jackson, dude.


Get out underage faggot

Dont you know that children are mindless meat sacks without feelings and incapable of thought until they magically transform into humans at midnight on their 18th birthday?

That means they don't understand and therefore cannot concent!

I'm not underage I said
I am underage though

What if she doesn't want her kife improved? Leave young girls' kife alone you faggot.

Don't you need to wait until their official time of birth, user? If you jump the gun at midnight you are going to get ass-raped by Tyrone for 15 years!

There is literally nothing wrong with helping a young girl improve her knife. We live in a dangerous world and they need to be able to protect themselves.


But Chef Daddy's a niggers name.

Who's talking about knives you prancing homo, this thread is about kife.

Okay pretty boy. Theres this thing called typos. I meant to say knife instead of kife. Keep rockin that pink shirt, dude!

End your kife.

A war party will be by around 5pm to collect your land and riches.

show me your harem, then, big boy

They're not a harem, they're a warband. Have some respect feggit.

vid or didnt happen

What are you, a pedo?

Legally sanctioned predator. Yes.


Little girls are adorable but if you fuck em you ruin their life. God damn how many times do we have to put it in your heads



And adults and minors alike are oppressed because they don't get to fuck each other like they are biologically programmed to want to do because Uncle Sam is literally plotting against them.

well, it didnt happen

You have to set a line somewhere nigger. What is the alternative? No age of consent? You fuck her and then she fills out a form explaining wheather or not she was molested, then mails it to the local PD?

Hell, if you can fuck kids because muh magic sudden number, I can get pissed and drive.

You should get arrested for anything higher than 0% blood alcohol content. Drinking is for fags.

Lynch urself

Didn't actually contradict my points though. So whatever. The magic number idea is dumb, including in your example of drinking and driving.

You really don't.
Seems rather unnecessary tbh
That's your call to make. Oh right, I forgot. Muh goberrnmennt HAS to draw the line somewhere. M'cucklord.

Society ain't a free-for-all anymore buddy. Learn the rules of the law.. and follow the government, prick.

This is some top tier shitposting


You are a good little sheep, aren't u user?

It's like putting a cake in a table outside with a sign "free cake, come and get it, but be careful because this cake can make you fat -te-he-he-", and when a starving homeless dude shows up you arrest him for theft.

Even the idea of offering someone sex to promote the message that they shouldn't have sex, sounds contradictory to me. Even if it that wasn't the case, it's like people draw pleasure from seeing someone being burned at the stake for acting on impulse over something they're biologically wired to do. I really don't get how anyone, who isn't a complete psychopath, could take this "show" seriously, if that is its entire premise.

You're literally watching someone being tortured, and having his life completely destroyed, just for the sake of your entertainment.

When I first heard people defending the need for the current hysterical laws against pedophilia, I didn't know that torturing single and unfuckable men on national TV for the entertainment of self-righteous assholes, was also part of the deal. If you're going to entrap and mislead single losers with the promise of free, safe, and secret sex with a hot teenager at a luxurious location, only to meet them at the location with the police and a fucking arrest warrant, you really shouldn't be able to hide behind this vague and abstract notion that what you're doing has ANYTHING to do with "protecting" kids.

Kek, I got a 15 year old Asian loli to spread her asshole for me on Skype after meeting her on omegle. I'm a 27 year old white guy.

Stay mad faggots

That's the opposite of what I said. You shouldn't be allowed any blood alcohol content if you're driving. Period. No magic number, because none at all.

15 yos cant be lolis

i know what u r saying

15yo are pretty much adult women biologically speaking.

Sure thing faggot

just off yourself until you see an actual white loli spread her asscheeks on the internet to niggers, sandniggers, designated shitters and spics.


If you look as fine as Michael Jackson that's one thing. But most people here are ugly.

Loli is 5-12

You sure? I myself am a very handsome, intelligent, strong man. Who here is ACTUALLY a fat neckbeard? Bald? Nah. Everyone here is ugly except for me anyway

I mean on 8ch in general. Obviously Holla Forums has the most shitposters and all good shitposters are beautiful men tbh.

No shit Sherlock!

Please cease and desist


this is possible CP

Where is hex at when you need him???????

Fuck off with this garbage. Kill yourself you fucking piece of shit.


well i can certainly masturbate to it

it clearly violates dost then.
it has no artistic merit, it should be removed

wasn't he gay pedo

gay hebe/ephe

Gay pedo, nothing fancy bout it.

michale jackson was anti jew so he was cool tbh



MJ was alright nigga