Sweden could see a return to compulsory military service, this time for men and women, less than a decade after the policy was scrapped, Swedish media report.
Sweden could see a return to compulsory military service, this time for men and women, less than a decade after the policy was scrapped, Swedish media report.
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It's mostly because even conscription is a cheaper system. However I can't feel but disgust thinking about having another (((European war))) when Mehmed and Abdullah fuck our women behind the lines. We can't let it happen. If it's a war, it will be a race war.
Fuck me, moving browns into the countries wasn't enough? Destroying their childrens minds with leftist faggotry wasn't enough?
Now they're going to conscript all the breeding-age white people in northern Europe. I can't even get mad about this anymore, it feels like a big joke.
serious question, who the fuck will join the swedish military? you have to be dumb as fuck.
pick 1
I guess they gave up with the feministis defense policy of surrendering after the traitor politicians managed to flee the country.
Which ancestry will be allowed?
Absolutely nothing wrong with conscription. The problem is how you use it; in the Jewish controlled EU it can be used against the revolting nation too.
If it wasn't to fight for israel then it would be a good thing
It would teach them life skills and how to be a worthwhile human
But it probably is to fight for israel
Only natives, can't let the higher class citizens die in a pointless dick waving contest.
If this is meant to intimidate Russia, they've still got quite a ways to go.
If they did attack Russia, without EU or NATO support, it would be another Carolean death march, this time with more faggots and women.
They should be. Trump will make alpha males great again.
The nerds have been horrible stewards of the world, its time to take back our destiny from them.
Russia is not white nor nationalist state.
How does the left feel about this?
I don't get it.
The plan is to recruit all white men as either eu army or NATO to attack russia while the immigrants ficki ficki their women. Its instant genocide and they dont have to wait plus they can kill the goyim in russia. Meanwhile they can use the army to usurp more power in nations that are like hungary.
Im sure once the war is declared and all whites having trained before that as mandatory recruits will have to go die to the fronts. Muslims will be in millions at that time and will also get called to take over once the whites are out.
Its a perfect plan but first they need to take more millions of migrants and also they need to make every country totally dependent on the eu economy so they wouldnt have a choice but to go die in a war.
I would imagine that censoring internet will help to advance their goals more further.
So use the fog of war to take out the jews.
Sadly this is exactly my thought, too.
And they dont need to take away all natives. Just the small part of population that is already too small by all this shitty propaganda and laws that are being enforced in decades. So just recruit all the healthy 15-40 or smth yo men that dont hold important jobs like doctors or are not elites and send them to die.
It would be the end and there wont be any chance of any nationalistic uprising anymore because all the men are either in tiny minority in services like science or are too old or too young to do anything.
Such country will inevitably become either wasteland by bombardments or islamic state because no welfare will make the young sandniggers to take over everything and restore sharia. Its a win win in any way for the global jew.
The countries like hungary whose population is redpilled enough will be the wasteland ones. The east will be sacrificed and will be a battlefield against russians.
The west will just use the islamists to take over once their men are hundreds of kilometers away.
I guess the jews want a flawless win with this so they try to do it all at once because they dont want to redpill some rebels country in the west or central of europe.
Kek, there's less tolerance for degeneracy than in the West, but it's still a multiculti consumerist society. Russia has one of the toughest holohoax denial and "hate group" laws in Europe.
This, Russia is almost as pozzed as the west, plus they are also ruled by Jewish oligarchs, and Putin is a "regionalist" globalist that drools over UN and other supra-national structures.
Shill harder, JIDF.
Russia funds WN/NatSoc/Fash groups across Europe and they have the world's only openly pro-White/anti-NWO president.
no, hillary, we're not starting wwiii with russia now matter how badly you want to
West is funding "nazis" in Ukraine, does that make Obama and Merkel white nationalists?
I would rather kill americans
Oh really? Can you tell me which ones? Can you refute my claims as well? Russia wanted to make every country to implement holohoax denial laws a few years ago in the UN.
Fuck off burger, I'm from Eastern Europe and actually talked to Russian Nationalists.
nobody cares, hillary. please have your long overdue middle age crisis over on cuckchan
don't worry my faggot cousin to the west, you'll always have Finland in the way to soften the blow
Russians - bros
Russian ZOG - not bros
As simple as that.
That's why trumpcucks like you are cancer. You call yourself Nationalists, but are just dumb faggots, not having a clue what's happening in Nationalist scene here in Europe.
Eastern Europe and Russia is not this hwhite utopia you're portraying it to be. No wonder every Nationalist looks at your country as the highest antithesis to our cause, you're completely out of touch from reality.
That's like saying that USA is WN because not all Americans are brainwashed ZOG minions. Russia as a country is not Nationalist. Just like US is not.
This is to force more women, faggots and mudskins into the army and nothing else
Scrapping the armed forces down to a 40th of its previous size has allowed it to be purged of most of the backwards patriot officers. Even thought it is now filled with more progressive officers the problem is that as even with affirmative action the forces are still 95% white male as they are 99% of the applicants.
Conscription would allow them force the women, faggots and mudskins to apply where they can then be affirmatived into the armed forces and white straight men kept out.
have another drink, hillary. this is not your nday
How does this conscription target white swedes more than shitskin swedes? Surely the conscription is mandatory for all swedish citizens and thus couldn't disproportionately affect racial demographics?
citizens, not nigger roomies who don't pay their share of the rent
Whatever amerifat, you're already filtered for stupidity.
dawww how cute
Vector assessment approaches tanget to fact
But Soros is a good man, what you are suggesting is villainous
Swedes will always fight the Russians down to the last finn
It's not a bad thing, military training can only improve a person. It's good that they're applying it equally to men and women too.
The only potential problem is that they will most likely not limit it to white Swedes, they would be legally unable to. This means the Swedish state will pay for muds to learn military training. Sure as fuck isn't going to teach them responsibility and love of country, the way it would native Swedes.
When we had conscription in the Netherlands (untill the 90s) the Turks and Moroccans wouldn't pass the (((medical))) tests. Mostly natvie white boys had to waste 18 months of their life cleaning and marching. My father served in 84-85 and he only got to shoot three times. Cleaning and marching, that's all they did during the day.
Where did you crawl from? Women are physically and psychologically much weaker than men. They are very emotional and can't handle the pressure that well.
Then there's the problem of other men wanting to fuck that woman, which results in soldiers being less focused and teamwork suffers.
The other problem is that men can impregnate women as many times as they want, while women have very limited time of being fertile and need to wait for almost a year to have another child.
There's a reason why militaries always used to be comprised with men almost exclusively.
they spend years cucking and effiminating the population, how do they think they can conscript them to do anything
nowadays in europe if they tried this the kids thanks to the internet know too much about the game
one part will go will sjw route demand safe places and inclusion etc that will make any training impossible
another route will just call all screaming and physical punishments systematic bullying thus undermining all potential discipline
and another group after having past through the modern education system knows its a paper tiger uncapable of enforcing its own rules and will just disobey most orders
national conscription was the entire time merely possible due to peerpressure of the recruits, if entire swaths of new recruits fuck the rules the system cannot be maintained
and then i am not even talking about the wierdos or more our kind of crazy people who will start to have fun with grenades and the drill sergeants
just remember at the end of the vietnam war, grenades were not even distributed to grunts as they were used more to kill their own officers than the enemy
tl;dr any government that woudl try to reinstate conscription would get more than they can handle
The training will be good for them anyway. Besides, women have always served, if not in a fighting capacity than in a supporting capacity, as drivers, nurses, and so on. They have nothing to lose by being met with the hard reality of military training except feminist ideas.
any multicultural or leftism government
War is main tool of jews, avoid war at all costs except for defending yourself
Russia has a fascinating military strategy that I like. Most of their military is poor Muslims who would otherwise breed more poor Muslims who would one day be a threat to the ruling White Orthodoxy.
As we all know Russian military strategy is not " No man left behind." It is, "Throw wave after wave of peasants at the enemy until they run out of bullets." It is very Zapp Brannigan school of military thought. The end result? Not only do you WIN, you also purge undesirables.
So I say send the fags, the lesbos, the trannies yearning to prove themselves Real Men™. The end result is the same. Also if couples go they can colonize easier.
Why? There's nothing useful to learn for their gender role.
That's not true.
Well that's the problem, based on the OP, there will be no difference between genders regarding the service. Having women even just as support is bad because of the reasons I explained above.
Women should have nothing to do with the military and should stay at home to provide life to the nation. Nurses are probably the only thing that's ok, but should be resorted to only when there is shortage of men, same goes for the rest of 'supporting capacity' you mentioned.
I would totally agree but this is not the case.Those trannies are Sweden's mainline of defense against terrorism.Swedes are fucked if they keep enlisting faggots and women in since civilians can't own guns to defend themselves.
Just like America?
Not really, the reason for it is that people in Eastern Europe and Scandinavia don't want to join the military. In the Baltic Lithuania recently got conscription reintroduced, Estonia has had it for long so they don't count and Latvia might get it too.
I like how you think.
Everyone in sweden is swedish silly goy
Name one nerd who was a "Steward" of the world.
Go ahead, i'll wait.
Let them come. I'm tired of peaceful life here in Russia. It's about time to fucking die for my country
To be fair if I lived in Rashka I would want to die too.
Fuck off Ivan
Added to the "Swedecuckery" 8mb notepad file
My dick.