Holy fuck this board is dead, a thread I made like a week ago is still in the catalog

holy fuck this board is dead, a thread I made like a week ago is still in the catalog.



explain to me user, explain.

That's because pedos keep ravaging this board unopposed.

You wanted a secret club, now you lie in it.

This. And the mods didn't help!

too bad

All boards have dead.

Holla Forums isn't dead, Holla Forums is.

Dysnomia and his mods are cunts and their censorship will be the end of this board. When they starting nuking and pruning threads that have legal content in them i.e. doesn't break DOST it pisses a lot of people off because our 'culture' is all about pedophilia, hebephilia, ephebophilia and general teenphilia. Don't believe me? Then tell me when the board is at its most active. The answer is when there's a pedoshitstorm or pedo discussion. Look at the 'Legal Content Only thread,' look at how many replies it got in that 'short' period of time then tell me I'm incorrect.

nice id

never thought i'd say that