With liberals beginning to censor everything, which works of fiction can we expect banned in the near future?
With liberals beginning to censor everything, which works of fiction can we expect banned in the near future?
Our years of accumulated copypasta because imageboards are probably next.
You faggots really need to relax. We're not on our way to outlawing "hate speech", nor are we anywhere close to banning works of fiction.
Amending the 1st amendment would require congressional support and supreme court approval–not gonna happen.
1984. They don't want people to know what they're planning to do.
Nigger, corporations have so much fucking power in America they're pretty much able to bypass the government completely. The 1st Amendment isn't going to mean jack shit when every major corporation can blacklist you for wrongthink
I think this nigga has it.
Probably correct, sadly.
Multinationals become so large and employ so many that they're on the verge of becoming nation-state analogues. Lolbertarians defend anything a corporation does because lol-private-property so quaint ideas like 1st amendment are entirely sidestepped because wrongthink is against TOS.
Pretty soon, neighborhoods will "outlaw" things like, say, firearm ownership. "Sure, you can legally own firearms all you want but you can't 'do it while living in THIS neighborhood because that's against the license you signed when moving in."
"Sure, you can say whatever you want. Just not in THIS neighborhood because assuming people's gender makes them feel unsafe and is against the TOS."
And the Ben Shapiros of the world will applaud and defend this.
starship troopers probs
this though actually, our days on the normieweb are numbered
What makes you think that?
Dave Chappelle
it essentially glorifies national socialism, and in an americanised context.
Only the movie. The original book was designed to glorify patriotism.
you are called a nazi for having your countries flag these days in the west… shit is bad
Obviously nothing will happen in America, dipshit. Nobody is claiming that, whenever anybody talks about this shit they're talking about Europe.
According to you burgers, apparently europe consists of France, Germany, Sweden, Greece, the UK and some shithole slavscum hideouts.
Meanwhile you're shitting yourselves whenever some antifacucks throw a few bricks or whenever there's a chimpout that burns down half a city.
This is how cyberpunk works.
Antiutopian reign of corporations.
"Waaaaah, big mean society is cracking down on our moronic, misinformation-filled bullshit, I DECLARE CENSORSHIP!!!"
Grow the fuck up and rejoin reality.
Stop leftists with your dick
fuck of degenerate
I want to facefuck an antifa qt, right wing cum all over hrt face
Why the fuck would you want something like that?
Look at her smug fuckable face. Don't tell me you wouldn't hatefuck her so hard until she passes out.