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I doubt these numbers include all the shit that happened today.
it's killing him to publish these. He's gotta be fully bald now.
I'm getting pretty excited. Probably won't be able to sleep now.
No, they don't. Can't wait to see them skyrocket even further! Make Mexico Great Again Also!
mein gott
You haven't seen anything. He was only using a tiny fraction of his true power.
Go to hell, degenerates
That conference with the Mexican president must have boost the opinion of Latinos who would love to return to a fixed mexico.
Trump is the platform of the sane and the fixing of our hemisphere of nations
He's winning the crooked polls. That spells landslide.
He's winning the crooked polls. That spells landslide.
Top kek.
I dont know man, they got to me and I hated weebs before
I really hope he makes a swing back in my home that is Minnesota
It's pretty Somalian and mexican this far North
Fuck off back to cuckchan, no one wants you crap weebshit spam here.
Fucking newfags.
Minnesota is basically Canada: The State.
It's better than Canada, thankfully both my families, one of which is very numerous, are all republican. Minus my liberal parents.
Not blogposting but I assure you that even here there is still hope
das it maine
Poaching a chunk of New England and landing one or two of the Northern Midwest states would be a huge get and go a long way to buffering any kind of hiccups elsewhere.
I had not seen that video before. Excellent stuff.
Now he just needs to tie it up in Florida or Ohio and hes got it
I honestly think he's going to win CT. (((Polls))) have been getting better, and as a resident I don't know a single Hillary supporter.Leftists I know are either disillusioned, going 3rd party, and I've been able to convert a few myself to Trump
I find the fact that I know no Hillary supporters disturbing
Why is that girl wearing the American flag?
To bring freedom to the moon.
Is Hillary support a massive hoax? The polls show Hillary and Trump relatively close, but how large is the magnitude of their fraud? Could Hillary be at single-digit support levels?
I've only met one Hillary supporter. I was at a BBQ shop run by blacks, so you know it's quality BBQ in this region. Scandinavians can't do BBQ talking with a middle-aged Asian woman who supported Hillary. She said that Nostradamus predicted Trump, so she was voting against him. I said that if Nostradamus predicted Trump, then voting against him must be futile. That confused her.
The BBQ shop owner is for Trump.
I heard you the first time newfaggot. Does this mean we get an end to all of the fucking crooked poll slide threads? You can't have both.
Go back to the_donald.
fuck off pissnose
You need to go read about how poll rigging actually works. They don't completely fabricate new numbers every day. They rig polls by changing methodology to fit the results they want to get. Changing methodology doesn't happen constantly, it happens periodically, as the needs of the pollster changes.
Trump rising in the polls now means that they will soon change the methodology again. They only rig the polls when Trump is too high in the polls. One doesn't exist without the other.
Just look at any online poll with a significant amount of votes. Trump gets 60 or 70 percent, and some have Shillary below 3rd party losers. And don't forget how he won every online poll regarding the debates, a fact Trump often cites.
You should come to California. I know plenty.
California will go blue, however, I believe we will have the largest republican turnout in a long time, it may be very close.
While I haven't seen supporters I've seen plenty of people mention something to the effect of "yeah, she's stupid/corrupt/ect but she's just the best choice now"
Non-burger here. What happened today?
What're the odds of washington state going red?
No clue. I have one friend in WA, I did get him on the Trump train but I have no idea if he's voting. Kinda doubt it, a lot of young people don't vote.
Trump went to Mexico and chatted with the Mexican President. The Mexican President agreed that border security is important and that there should be a wall, but still hasn't agreed to pay for it.
Then Trump flew to Phoenix AZ and held a massive rally where he detailed his immigration policy. He's calling for a repeal of the 1965 immigration act, ideological screening for Muslims who support honor killing and sharia, an extremely high-tech border wall, and mass deportations. Basically explicitly promised us everything Holla Forums could ever dream of, with the sole exception of deporting the kikes to Madagascar.
It was an amazing day. Watch his speech when you get a chance, it's his best yet by miles.
Yes, my comment was a rational response. A rational response to your angry one.
Actually you can. Trump is winning despite the polls being rigged against him. If you weren't so mad you'd understand that.
I think what you have is democrats that will always vote democrat and hardcore feminists and their beta males.
There isnt a lot of passion for Hillary, the only passion comes from their hate of Trump.
The voter turn out on the democrat side this upcoming election is going to be at an all time low. The Sanders people have opted out, switched 3rd party or gone to Trump. Hillary had a speech today at a Cincinnati VA and it was barren, no one gives a fuck about the crusty old sea hag.
that gave me a kek
Pay attention to this type of post. This is CTR adapting to Holla Forums culture and attempting to fit in.
Using our language and parroting Holla Forums memes, while putting forth doubt in Trump and ridiculing dissenting voices.
Be aware and be vigilant of these turbo-shill cunts.
There's a hundred million people that live off of welfare and a hundred million non whites most of which the former applies to. There's also shitlibs. Hillary has a large coalition of support but you just never see it because many don't speak English and many only leave their house on the first of the month when welfare benefits come in.
Try watching day time television during working hours to get a feel for these people. They're a huge demographic that television markets to and they're at home watching it while everyone else is working.
See this is the type of turbo-shilling faggots I'm talking about.
Nigger provide evidence or die in a fire. Hearsay means nothing in the world of logic.
I often wonder if we can get some of these people to stay home on election day.
I don't know man, have you seen the ratings television gets these days? It's all shit. Fucking brietbart gets as many eyeballs as Fox.
they could fit in over on cuckchan pretty well, went there for the first time in several months and someone told me "illegal immigration hurts minorities the worst!"
the civic faggotry and pandering is insane there
Suggesting that people dependent on welfare are automatic Democrat voters doesn't exactly need evidence. Unless you're fucking blind
It's funny how quick they disengage when someone calls them out with any degree of competency.
k thx
Fucking amazing don't forget to register to vote ladown the deadlines coming up fast
That exact same account also said Clinton will probably win.
The Japs are slightly autistic and love personifying the US.
Meant for
We will be seeing more and more likely voter polls instead of registered voters. By end of Sept almost all LV polls.
I firmly believe the LV polls will drastically under represent Trumps support. First time voters and people who stayed home in2012 2014 depending on the polls filtering will not be in those polls.
If they have Trump down by 5 at the end of October, he will win easily. Today he locked in the base and the base will turn out.
1v1 me
lol kys
she wears it to piss off the rabbits that live on the moon after AMERICA kick their shit in during the Apollo missions
They could've removed the colon ffs
ausfag here
I wanted to move to Minnesota, due to the high concentration of northern Europeans.
But I guess given that ethnic background it also makes sense that there's browns there too. What is wrong with nordic genes that fuck up their brains so badly??
She's a fairy from a different realm of existence. She crossed over into ours and ended up on the moon to see the American flag waving and became captivated with the stars and stripes so much that she dressed in them.
America is number one.
Greetings, Rick Wilson!
hello rick
Are you fucking retarded?
I can't find the poll, anyone have it or a link to it?
those eyes dont tell lies
This thread is being slid hard by ass-blasted CTR cucks.
Yeah I know, great that we're going to see them rise more
bong bumping for truth
you're making us proud burger cousins!
Not in her defense, but anybody can do the sanpaku eyes. It's an angling thing. If you look at eyes at a certain angle they are going to look like that. anyone can have sanpaku eyes just tilt your head back when you spaz out.
what do normal eyes look like according to this?
Oy vey we gotta adjust the polling methods AGAIN.
They give Hillary a several point crutch.
I really don't trust any polls at this point, whether they are pro-Trump or anti-Trump.
I can see the (((media))) pumping out a bunch of polls that show Trump way ahead, hoping that we get complacent.
Nah, with the previous history of polls this year, polls that have Trump ahead would give the impression of a close race, not an easy Trump win. It further legitimizes Trump, as opposed to the kosher narrative that Trump has absolutely no chance.
Those are the guys that get paid. I wish i could get paid to shitpost for trump
top fucking kek
what the fuck is going on, we haven't gone red since '88. This really is going to be a landslide isn't it?
You've got it I think.
The idea that Trump is close doesn't need to reflect any numbers, they're there to give the impression that anyone who hates them both needs to vote, because they've been coding lesser evil as Hillary.
As the dates close in they'll report a dead heat, weather or not Hillary's propaganda works or if everyone can see through her stupid bullshit. Because as is the biggest threats to Hillary are people who've been burned going to Johnson or Stein if possible because she bleeds voters to third party to a bigger degree than Trump. They tried to prop those two up because they hoped that would bleed Trump supporters but the right has been sticking and to their guns more than the left is.
Ultimately I think it's an irrelevant situation. Even if by some miracle Clinton WINS her victory will be short lived. She's got more heat than can be reliably bribed off and more eyes on her than Bill ever did. Her cronies like Debbie Schultz are about to lose office to re-election and even CNN is throwing them under the buss to try keeping the ball rolling. "Madame President" would be a big target with all her shields gone and wouldn't have the vitality to fight all that off and conduct presidential duties. If there isn't another Clinton preidential hearing it'd be because she already died of a stroke.
considering the libshit media filter muffling the numbers, yes…yes it will be.
I live in New Hampshire. I assure you, people are enthusiastic about Trump. Pic related. This fucking art piece is in Bedford, New Hampshire. It's about 5 minutes away from my house
love it
He means they will go higher with the mexico trip it was fucking great
I'm living on a college campus right now, and I can say that there's literally no support for hillary clinton. everypne I've heard talk about it was either vocally pro-jill-stein/gary-johnson or pro-trump but afraid to voice their opinions
we fucking DnC'd the democratic party
I drive past this often. Goffstown resident here.
Was going to post a pic, but looks like you beat me to it.
I drove up to the Funspot Video game museum a while ago and the sheer volume of Trump signs I saw in New Hampshire compared to Massachusetts was staggering.
Jews are happy now.
He's winning the crooked polls. That spells landslide.
C-R-O-O-K-E-D P-O-L-L-S. That spells landslide!
What you doing on Holla Forums, Rick?
Alright. Here's your (you), now, tell me how anime is jewish?
posting sage in a cuckchan thread
piss off to 4cuck
I'm staying Moishe and you can't do anything about it
whoops. sorry. wrong thread hehe
too many tabs, brother. and too few naps. you know how it is.
school starts SO SOON KIDDO
girl or faggot? no one cares about your excuses, hambone
CT here. I see a lot of Hillary support in the libshit suburbs of Hartford (West Hartford, Avon, Glastonbury, etc)
post WW2 occupation, dumbass.
if imperial japs & hitler won, your fap material wouldn't even exist.
So fucking sick of these obvious infiltrator weebs who will justify any god damn thing the japs do. We need to start having some objective standards.
Wait, are you fucking serious? I missed the speech. Did he really?
Checked. Michigan will go to Trump.
With skills like these, they should be making a lot more money.
When did everything go so right?
Hitler loved Disney cartoons so good chance they still would as that's what anime was adapted from.
Kek, where is that? I'm in Bedford as well. Also did you see the billboard in Manchester that just said "Donald Trump is unhinged – Jeb Bush" in white letters on a red background?
During the primaries I'm pretty sure the guacstapo were ripping up Trump signs, they would disappear within a few hours of going up and yet there were literally thousands of signs for guac boy around every corner.
Yes. And he said that he only wants the best people coming into the country, only people who want to contribute.
That is because most of 4/pol/ isn't even white. its like 70% non whites
Don't that insinuates that he does not lead anywhere else? considering that the last one is by 1%
Reminder that anti-anime is codeword for anti-white,
Heck even the core art-style comes from Disney films, Astroboy, one of the founding anime took great inspiration from Disney films, the most notable being the large expressive eyes it took directly from Bambi.
Disney, something Hitler loved and was before jews took over very pro-white is what inspired anime.
I'm pretty sure the eyes of a relaxed person should basically look like the left eye of #1 (left from our perspective, I mean)
Jesus Christ, he's going to fucking slaughter her.
Post yfw Trump is going to make America great again and Hillary will only provide even better entertainment as November comes closer.
Cute waifu, but shave or at least trim that fucking beard.
Already have user. Just an old picture and I didn't feel like taking a new one.
Part of me misses it but it was annoying as fuck
Thanks nigga. Didn't get rid of it completely. Got that nice trimmed look to it now.