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Straya is going full retard
hey at least that one guy burned those faggots with acid tho
Sadly the only surprising part of this is that it's in NSW and not VIC.
People ask why I fucking hate my country
You guys make some good music, but you need to lay the fuck off of the Kool-Aid.
I thought Sydney and Melbourne were about the same in degeneracy? I've lived in Perth my whole life, though, so I'm only hearing second hand info.
Left wing epistemology: Four year olds can know that they are a different gender, but you cannot possibly achieve scientific knowledge.
Melbourne is so much worse, in Sydney it's contained to the universities and a few suburbs in particular.
Duly noted. I've been to Brisbane once and that was bretty gud. Only other place I want to really go is Tasmania.
I lived in perth ~15 odd years ago, not sure how it has changed over there though.
Used to commute from Thornlie to Kelmscott for school.
I must say WA had the best run public transport system I have ever experienced (again, ~15 years ago)
I can confirm through much first hand experience on company trips that Melb is a million times worse.
In Syd it's bad but fuck my face right off my face, melb is degenerate as fuck.
South melb in particular is fucked, trannies everywhere, every 4th shop is a rub and tug joint or a brothel, roaming gangs of various breeds of nigger and mud, every second person is a chink of some variety.
I hate using this word, but you are literally playing spot the white guy when you go into the CBD.
it crushes a little bit of my soul whenever I have to go to either of these places.
sadly I find the coons in Alice a whole lot easier to get along with, let that sink in.
USA: Trump
AUS: Cori Bernardi
UK: Farage
Dream team when?
>A four-year old can't consent to sex
>A four-year old can consent to a sex change
I fail to understand why CPS do not kick downt he door and save this obviously abused child.
I love my country but fuck it's getting hard when it's full of this kind of faggotry
obviously eagles bombarding people with poisonous snakes killed off all decent people in straya
Sydney's main issue is the Chinks/Lebs really. Some suburbs are like 60% foreign born.
It's just driven them all out of the CBD areas.
If you go to a country town, anywhere over 45 mins from any CBD even, you start finding the white people again.
The more remote the less trash, apart from abbos but they're our trash, like the clown version of niggers.
From experience the big problem there are the nigerians and sudonese, black cunts are fucked no matter where you put them around the globe.
The last time I was in Sydney for an extended period of time was like 10 or 15 years ago, I assume the niggers are new. I've seen them in other capital cities as well.
Oh my fuck, if WA has it good I dread to think what the other cities are like
Nuke Melbourne and guarantee that no one will miss the ashes
heard it on the radio to work this morning and the rhetoric they're using to justify this is mind boggling
some high profile child behavioural specialist said that wanting a sex change was a lot different to being a tomboy
now the gubberment wants to send extra funding to the school the kid goes to
www reddit.com/r/australia/comments/50mag9/fouryearold_child_the_youngest_to_transition/
Shame if this reached the front page of /r/Australia…
Fucking Baird
This one is one Sydney mate
Bernardi/Hanson Senate Coalition when?
Isn't Bernardi a cuckservative?
Also, daily *Australian* reminder that Islam is not the enemy - importing vermin is the problem and associating withso-called patriot groups who fail to address race/the JQ is a big, big waste of time
Bernardi is basically the only good guy in the Liberal Party, I know the Libs want him gone but if they Disendorce him then he can just make his own Party bringing a few along with him, including possibly Abbott, so in fear of annudah Hanson and also because they want to pretend dogwhistel to the conservative base so they have him in even though Turnbull himself is more left wing than every Labour Leader before Beazley other than Whitlam
Also Islam is a problem but it's a part of a much larger problem and if we can remove Kebab maybe we can remove the other Semite
George Christensen is pretty decent as well, probably Abetz and a couple of other are leaning towards our way.
If One Nation was led by someone who was a better political operator than Hanson (like a Farage) they could be a genuine force on the right, even taking in people like Bob Day, Leyonhjelm and the aformentioned Liberals.
Child abuse of this kind is sickening. I can't think of anything more upsetting than this.
A person rapes a child and they're locked away, possibly murdered in prison. But when a single mother cripples a child's mind and encourages physical mutilation, she's met with applause.
I don't want to pay taxes when they enable child abuse.
I know it's in Sydney
I still stand by the idea of nuking Melbourne though
Well Turnbull is 'of the tribe.. '
I see what you're trying to say, but the west and the mideast mutually destroying each other is exactly what *they* want
Furthermore it creates a dialectic where the 'good-guys' are secular/atheistic while the 'barbaric, death cultist' Muslims are traditional/fundamentalist. It's setting ourselves up for a public-sanctioned destruction of faith
Islam is without a doubt the most redeeming aspect of middle eastern culture. Unfortunately middle easterners can not and will not integrate or in any way equalize with Europeans and Asians in Australia or anywhere else. Its a racial problem, not a religious one, although the latter will predictably be twisted and used to further instigate the former
→ The problem is that when you reframe demographic issues as cultural issues, you are in no way whatsoever different from any other cultural marxist. More than that, you distract from and obscure the true nature of the problem, which is a racial one, and not by any means the most important of the 'racial problems' (which by the way, arabs are far more acutely aware of than your typical westerner)
In any case, how anyone could say that a culture which produced pic related is irredeemable or not in any way connected to God… it astounds me.
like I said, this was around 15 years ago.
busses every half an hour, trains every 15 mins, shit was cash as a teen train hopping around the city.
Even got accused by a drunk coon of being his cell mate from lockup
I was 14 at the time
how very un-progressive of you
Yet you completley miss that all this shit is coming from the religious.
Show me where an atheist blew up a building to please the no gods
or where they dropped gays off a building for favour of the no gods
or where they enslaved half of humanity through usury for the no gods
or where they con people out of money every week, tithe as they call it, to appease the no gods.
there are 2 things linking pretty much any geopolitical unrest in the last forever
1- kikes
2- religion
and guess what, #1 & 2 are a package deal.
theeeeeere it is
here's the real motive
These people need to go to jail for child abuse.
I suggest you avoid Perth CBD.
It's gone full degenerate.
I would rather remember the CBD draped in half drunk/half stoned coons
those were the days
You're a materialist and you fail to see its connection to both degeneracy and to the jewish mindset. I wish I had the chops to try and bring you into the fold but it took a few 'experiences' to convince me of the existence of something greater. All I'll say is that everything flows backwards towards a healthy whole and to leave our old traditions out of that clear trend is to me, clear lunacy.
no actually, i'm more of a naturalist.
nice try though.
another swing and miss
sorry, i don't buy into bullshit, unless your god is a bogan dude with a sick mullet, wearing a Bathurst shirt with a XXXX in one hand and a sausage wrapped in a napkin that was cooked on a dirty bbq in the other, he ain’t shit.
so baby gets confused and attributes it to god
what a shocker
obviously because you are talking shit
you still cling to the notion that traditionalism and your religion are implicitly linked and that link is unbreakable.
fun drunks are the best drunks, nothing worse than faggots who get pissed and start looking for fights.
I see you guard your beliefs pretty closely. I won't try to change your mind
give the parents sex changes as well.
Everyday I lose a little bit more of the ability to see the left as actual human beings.
I'm sorry but how the fuck can you accept anything less than a fucking lynching.
and you run on assertions so we are all pretty fucked up hey but I know which one I would rather be in this situation.
you can't change a persons mindset when you have nothing to offer to it than demonstrably bad thinking.
only took mild shitposting shut you down, really mild
Oi you faggots, it's GAOL
the fuck outa here with that seppo spelling
yeah lynching even seems a bit light for these sick fucks.
four year old kids can't even comprehend sex at all, not to mention forcing him to take drug that fuck his body then fuck with his brain with lgbtqfam talk
I haven't been there in a year or so since I've never liked being there, what is happening there now?
I always thought most of that marxist stuff was very fringe in Perth since most of the soft cunts hated Perth and tended to fuck off over to Melbourne.
It's catchy, but it's still liberal garbage.
Post more rare aussie-dingoes
if i saw that IRL i would like that whole fucking thing on fire
We need to be real about this shit for a minute. We cannot allow Marxist faggots to continue to promote this Transgender cancer on the world. If this plague on humanity continues the only option will be open season on all the faggots that promote this shit. Glorifying brainwashing and mental illness needs to stop.
I love how these fucktarded "journalists" think the statements of "transgender advocates" have any validity at all.
It's like CNN asking Hillary about her health problems.
Same reason nobody did anything to help the children being gang raped in Rotherdam.
It's basically getting to that point where we need to do something. I think I might actually join One Nation and try to fix some of this mess.
There are Syrian refugees in Perth now.
user, maybe we should just gas everyone!
garbage tier boop a doop music
I had to endure that shitty hit song of his for months when it was getting steamrolled on the radio.
I came close to jumping out a 7th story window on more than one occasion
I would look at the United Patriots Front if I were you.
They are one of the few that name the jew and openly call out the other bullshit brigades for what they are. The seem the closest to the Holla Forums political party in Aus
just fuck my childhood up fam
Seems legit.
It's like you forgot that they were committing gang rapes until everyone started rioting in 2005.
Literally the only reason they stopped is that their numbers are too small to avoid getting completely eradicated if they pissed everyone off.
even though you're just being a cunt
be nice if they had more regular events and more than just a facebook page.
Please don't
They have fundamentally different minds. That's why their conclusions and policies are insane - they cannot see cause and effect in the way any human who is redpilled sees cause and effect. The "true" left can't really be redpilled at all. They do that thing attributed to Jews in arguments, where tomorrow they act like they've always been right.
It's like their minds aren't worth the flesh they're etched into.
Not excusing anything, but to be clear:
Read up on medical protocols for dealing with gender Dysphoria in children; the worst they do is give them (fully reversable) puberty blockers until the kid is old enough to decide if they really want hormones.
It's not like they're cutting off the 4 year old's dick.
Honestly at this point if I had a button that did nothing and a button that instantly killed every single person on Earth I would press the latter.
Sydney is WAY worse. I moved to Sydney a couple months ago from Melbourne.
Sydney is like 35% white, absolute maximum. It's fucking horrifying. Not to mention being the gay capital of the country.
Only reason I'm here is I need work, and there are fuck all jobs anywhere else.
This is the most confusing
So that is how warped the Melbournian mind is.
Based Queensland here, keep your degeneracy away from my beautiful state.
liberal logic
I don't understand anymore
It is nice to see another Queenslander.
hell it's even worse than that
get the fuck out of here
Banning OPs for not archiving should be mandatory imo.