Rev up those screenshot programs, let's catalog the mega salt liberals are exuding from their every pore.
Other urls found in this thread:
Rick Wilson needs to stop lurking on Holla Forums. He gets more sad and pathetic every time he does.
Looking for tumblr salt, but there's a lot of pure shit you have to wade through.
for CNN salt
more delicious salt
holy fuck what did i miss i just got home
Possibly the highest energy rally ever.
Today's a fine day to be a salt miner
Every Fucking Time
That fuck doesn't even know about the communists that he probably claims to be.
You missed the biggest speech of the entire campaign. Watch it now.
CNN is beside themselves right now.
Only beaner window
Because SHE keeps making it about TRUMP you dumb bitch.
At least he stopped himself.
sauce? not that I would be surprised at all
CNN is kvetching all over the fucking place right now, it's the toppest of kek.
unless barron fulfills the prophecy and becomes muad'dib
You missed History fam.
Check the two rally thread to have an idea of how it was
literally search YT for CNN and filter to Live
That's some of the finest salt you can mine user, good job.
don fuck ass lemon is gonna cry
every year the number of holocaust survivors increases somehow
The tide seems to be turning though, which is nice.
I always laugh at how many 'survivors' there were from all these 'death camps'.
Did you guys just hear CNN?
Gets better lol
maybe it's a jewish right of passage to have a religiously induced holohoax vision?
Which nigger said that? Lemon?
How can these people STILL not understand the difference between an immigrant and an illegal?
you know damn well why carl you faggot cuck.
Take all of it bitch
no the nigger next to Lemon
rgr copy
someone should update her on israel's immigration policy. do any anons have twatters?
Best speech since JFK
Fuck you it's your country.
#TrumpAZ tag for salt mining
I don't know how to handle a Jew being honest about this.
CNN pushing the Whitey beez afraid of brown people, it's too late, there's too many, give up, raycism.
kek fat bitch will hopefully die of clogged artery b4 the election
jfk was a fag who is the reason why we have non-white immigration.
He deserved the bullet.
I like David Irving's view if Kristanllnacht is refering to the night of long knives that Goebbels was actually responsible for it. He incited the violence against Hitler's orders and Hitler put a stop to it in the morning. Goebbel's fell out of Hitler's favor a little bit after that and had to work on getting it back.
Not sure what the commie angle would be.
Yeah guys, I can't believe we're 20 years behind!
Now they're fumbling around talking about poll numbers and how Congress will stop all this nonsense.
The lefties always think the right is a minority.
Tonight, Arizona proves them wrong.
No man, we are stuck in 2064.
You're just mad that he was about to crash your plane over bay of pig, you CIA spook.
Tha chants were great.
I couldn't stop laughing and saying yess
Yeah that one was sure to get the blood boiling
He did a few good things, but still is the reason why whites are about to be a minority in the US.
That's one fine ass meme
One day some beat cop is going to find Rick Wilson strung out on K2 and eating the face off some tourist in San Francisco.
Fucking hand yourself nigger.
3rd pic, fucking cunt wouldnt willingly live in her county if we gave her the same amount she steals here
Is this guy literally retarded?
Enough is enough, user.
People are waking up.
Dumping salt
Fuck yes.
The Media meltdown is great, they just can't BELIEVE he said every single thing he said.
How can they even react?
Those CNN cunts "my neighbors are all college educated and it won't play well with them" kek at your gated community fucks
So much for being on the right side of history, leftists.
The memes have overpowered him. He just doesn't know it yet.
Leftists like him don't understand the context that a meme implies. They're meme-inert for all reasons and purposes.
wait, so JFK didn't open the flood gates?
How many Illegals will be deported? I'm looking for a number.
Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 is the argument he's making, user.
Why would this speech get leftist so salty? I don't get it, isn'tshillary ahead in the polls?
CNN niggers still yapping about how Donald Trump doesn't realize how the nation has changed.
All of them.
Dont think today is what he had in mind
Go watch it you faggot
The polls could be 99 Hillary 1 Trump and they would still have a conniption over a Trump speech.
It's to be determined. As many as possible is a good metric.
They hate competition as a whole, they're commies, user.
They STILL don't get it. Trump has mobilized MILLIONS of "non-voters."
a billion
any that are known. also it's a moving variable, so good luck getting a specific number like 18,578,349
They were sold on the lie of "it won't change the United States' demographics goy!" They believed it.
"We will bring immigration populations back to historical norms."
I'll take "Israel policies" for $60000000, Alex
I watched the ending, tbh. I should watch the beginning.
A NUMBER. "How many million illegals are in the U.S." is what I should have asked.
yea and it's clearly a loaded question since there is no known number, fuck off
CNN have nothing substantial to say so they just keep trying to (((speculate))) demographic reactions. Its just openly trying to inject group think psychology and emotive reactions into their audience.
top lel
The greatest and most important speech of this century.
All of them
That Smerconish kike looks like he punched took a bottle full of caffeine pills. Fucking love when that salty nigger gets triggered. Don Lemon also looks on the verge of tears. Corey is smugging all over the place.
Rick, you fucking cuck.
Why would we want to import people who refuse to integrate?
We moved more people then that in WWII in addition to everything else
If you studied history you would know the holocaust is fake and even though America 'won' the war, the people lost control of the country'.
but I thought the left was pro-minority?
As few as 11 million
As many as 55 million
they are pro non-white
Because we're supposed to just accept our genocide.
That can't be right. Does that include non mexicans? Do we have many illegals coming in from Canada?
Israel literally does the exact opposite of all these things. Fucking kikes.
Rick Wilson when will you learn?
If I remember correctly, there's also a fuckload coming from China.
send her this
The fucking NERVE of these kikes
He said nothing about deporting anchor babies.
That nigga fully deserves that smug shit-eating grin. Fucking ace catch right there.
that looks incredibly ineffective.
Well, we wouldn't need to do that if we could rest assured that our government was actually removing the criminals elements instead of letting them walk free.
Don't forget about pajeet too.
I already have
Do what they do, not what they say. And all goyim, liberal or conservative, LOVE Israel so lets forget the shit Israel does.
They must be removed as well, before our streets turn into rivers of shit.
I think I heard about that. aren't they buying out all the realestate in California or something?
SF liberals are already ahead of schedule on that.
what do you expect from the (((chosen craftsmen)))
good work, user.
They're buying up real-estate and farms all over the fucking place.
beat me to it fucker
Jesus, she can't even put sound in a fucking 5 second mp4 like an alarm or anything.
White women: Destroying white men since 3000 BC
CNN got a fake trump supporter on. He didnt say shit about reparations
Who is this guy preaching to? Fellow (((Democrats)))?
Preaching to his three nazi frog followers.
Ok dude this is the longest ive watched CNN for 5 mins and this shit needs to be banned from Talmudvision
But we need all those highly skilled engineers!
This book is fairly short and really well researched. There is at least 20 million here but that was years ago.
at least she knows? even though it also smashes the door down for east asians and indians.
didn't based iron ann put the number at 30 million?
What does he say afterwards though? I can't figure it out.
Such a racist saying that only whites are capable of success. :^)
Yeah. but that;s only because from the last serious study that was done (where it was determined that there were at least 20 million) the spout hasn't closed. It's her estimate.
thats just a tranny who had his ghost writers write what they saw on righty sites.
It's hilarious how the tranny Ann meme is being pushed like the Faggot kike Milo is. You are either most stupid nigger shills or legitimately no where near as intelligent your Autism displays
The salt from this one is fucking amazing I love this dumbass website holy shit
Why are you attacking the author instead of the text within. That is actually nigger behavior.
I like how she herself infers that niggers are failures.
anons we're about to see a liberal shit storm prepare for "LITERALLY HITLER".
He isnt saying anything that hasnt been said a million times here. He just decided to use you faggots just like Milo is because most of you are fake as hell
It's kind of weird. About 25% of people I fight with on twitter about Trump were GamerGate or related somehow.
I guess we can tell who the actual co-opting shills were now.
I'm surprised she even responded.
He even said it would be merit-based. TFW even the dindu knows mud peoples are shit-tier and only drag the USA down into the mire like the one they came from.
Fucking try me nigger, faggot as tranny lover.
I bet you were one of the faggots who convinced that tranny to get on Alex Jones.
All that shit is pathetic and you cock lovers encourage it
Fucking liberals if only it were that great but maybe soon
I haven't seen anything here nearly as well researched on how many are actually here. The message is the same sure, but it's a good read. You're still only attacking the author instead of the message. This is indicative of a low level of intelligence.
Do these people not know what fascism actually means? We're pretty much living in fascism already. Companies like Monsanto do whatever the fuck they want, Google can manipulate elections, we almost got laws that destroyed fair use rights for everyone, and Tencent is slowly but surely consuming everything.
GG always had liberals in the fight. That was fine for what it was, people banding together to kick the shit out of retarded gaming "journalists."
We were always going to go our separate ways when the dust settled. I had to unfollow Sommers because she was filling my feed with Listen and Believe tier garbage about the election.
You are a sodomite. You don't give in to that gay shit even for a sec. I've gone by just fine without entertaining trannies, now kill yourself you nasty faggot.
Its strange when i get messages from people that were followers i had during gamergate trying to shame me for saying things against clinton or for trump. It makes me realize just how riddled with shills the whole thing was.
Really? Most of the GG people I followed either turned into Trump supporters or remained politically apathetic (although I did unfollow a tranny or two).
So we love Trump again??? I didn't see the speech.
Now you are calling me a sodomite even though I'm not and calling a woman a tranny with no proof. You're not making any rational sense.
No liberals have no idea about anything really, they just repeat the lies they're told. To them fascism means Hitler, and since Trump is LITERALLY HITLER Trump means Fascism.
Why? Did cops kill a black kid?
you don't know a single fucking thing about Fasicsm. Kill your self kike
this isn't cuckchan, but you might want to go back
You haven't been here long enough if you cant spot a tranny immediately.
Go watch some Pastor Steven Anderson then kill yourself afterwards
It just occurred to me that the Obama campaign used a slogan from a kid's TV show.
Vancouver, too.
Something like 10-20% of all houses were foreign owned. It's so bad that the government had to slap a 15% property tax on all houses not owned by actual residents of the country.
Personally, I think that it's the Commie party officials buying houses so that they'll have somewhere to flee before they're kicked out of power by the next government.
Yes, it was amazing. Even talked about how deporting visa overstayers and illegals who are on welfare was a "top priority".
This high amount of aggression, conspiratorial thinking and lack any coherent argument or intelligence is making me think you're a negroid, user.
Grummz went pro-Trump early on because he's the anti-PC candidate. Oliver seems rather neutral/uninterested but he asked recently why there were a bunch of "Trump people" following him (including Scott Adams, interestingly).
What were you one the demoralization faggots who bought in to the lügenpresse lies?
Do yourself a favor and watch it for yourself
wtf I hate Trump now
You're half right on the party, they're laundering their shit money for kinda less shit money.
But seriously, it must have sucked to be all the way in the back during that rally.
You gave yourself away too soon give it up already
Nigger or kike probably
To me, should have a aesoteric and a DNA test to make sure that everybody coming is unless 60% caucasian.
And a I.Q. test.
Oh this is good
The only comedian I ever loved was George Carlin.
If I could have one wish right now it would be an hour long skit of George Carlin making fun of all the current year bullshit. Then I could die happy.
you're trying to hard to fit in and making it obvious 2/10 shit shill
I hope Trump "accidentally" deports this bitch too.
Too bad Mercedes Carrera doesn't support him though, I really expected different from her.
Thanks for not being a dick. I got blackpilled a bit from some of Holla Forums…I've never even been to cuck chan tbh.
Might have already been posted but here's the speech transcript from the LA Times.
Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that an (((evangelical))) heretical pastor?
Regardless of ones feelings on chirstianity, (((evangelicals))) are jew loving heretics, responsible for most of the damage done to its reputation.
lefty fascism is bad
NO Amnesty… at fucking all.
The salt is glorious!
I think he'll be fine
I remember she joked about "going full Holla Forums one of these days"
Well, she is a wench.
You'll have to settle for replaying some of his audio recordings instead.
Also you remind me that I saw some clickbait ad (that I didn't click) talking about Carlin "predicting the rise of Trump and Hillary." Wonder what they thought he said that was it.
I keep seeing hate group being applied to the moms, why? Is it because they want justice against the illegals who killed their family?
Ok faggot
you're fucking retarded if you don;t realize 99% of the shills here arent just kikes but tranny kikes.>>7325454
It's because they're white user.
Same reason White lives matter is a hate group.
I don't care if you're a terrible shill, an assblasted communist, or just a legitimate retard, your posting here in this thread gave me a hearty belly laugh. Thanks for that, whatever type of scum you are.
Go find out if he likes jews
Tell her we want Israels policies on expanding border walls with settlement subsidies
Most of the people during gamergate's full swing were leftists.
What do you argue with them about?
He seems fine to me
Then I see this is our hell if we go down the hillary path.
No he is not (((Evangelical)))
Underrated salt.
He's also part jewish
I miss him.
Pastor Steven Anderson is a Baptist
I cannot dispute if that is true or not. Can you provide evidence to me like im a jew too
You know what with this fucking speech even if we lose just like Goldwater we will fucking take over and thoroughly uncuck the GOP.
At least at this point we can take comfort in the fact that western civilization will not be destroyed without a fucking fight.
He did a DNA test on the Marching To Zion Documentary (very anti-Jew) that came back with Jew, not something he expected but Not a big deal tbh fam
Anyone have a .webm of
from the AZ rally today?
Priceless. That was the first salvo Rania.
I wonder where the CommissarofGG is at right now.
These are the highlights of his speech.
In his movie, Marching To Zion, he has one of those DNA ancestry tests done and it comes back that one of his grandmothers (I believe) was part jew. Most of his movie is him shitting on jews citing their books and the bible. Wasn't too bad really.
There's no such thing as lefty fascism.
Election Nov 9th, if… IF Trump doesn't win, all Hell breaks loose
So 93-97% White with a handful of nogs and injuns that we aren't sure what to do with?
(((Evangelicals))) don't have to like jews - though a significant amount of them do - their movement as a whole is a distorted mess of christian ideals, and they exist purely to mar Christianity's reputation. Every claim that Christians are dumb, useless, etc, tends to stem from what they do. They, and the really militant atheists, are two sides of the same shekel, designed to demolish culture and prevent actual dialogue over the answer to the god question. Not that I personally care. Save the white race, kill the jews, stop the nigger hoards, etc., then worry about whether or not it was done with the blessing of God.
Now I'm confused as fuck.
Still it bears investigation.
I doubt that.
That reminds me of the KKK member on Maury who did a DNA test and they said he was part nigger when there wasnt a chance in hell he was.
Fucking history.
I'm seriously mad
I'm sure the (((SPLC))) will get right on that.
someone post shots of his bit about proportional immigration, it sounded like he came right out and said pre 1965 immigration, i.e. mostly white
lol and they held up that kinkylick muslim guy with the ties to sharia law advocacy as a hero.
they can't even remember their own positions.
I don't quite remember but there was some king of cucks that was touted as 'the new george carlin'
He only found out he was a jew after a DNA test in his Doc "Marching to Zion" While he does do things that aren't for the best he is a lot better than most Pastors out there
But user, muslims takes top priority for a liberal, no matter the muslim's stance they must be defended.
I just remembered. Louis C.K was touted as the new George Carlin. And it infuriated me.
Kill yourself. Wasted dubs
he condones race mixing. he's an enemy of normalfags, but no friend of Holla Forums's.
I'm just surprised they're outright admitting it.
No one can say all politicians are the same anymore.
Still I dont disagree. I still say push anything that supports a shift to the right, but to each his own
He was heavily inspired by Carlin, but he's too much of a cuck beta pussy to meet the standard.
He's done some good stuff but man he's hardcore bluepill.
not showing an edited Blood splat
every comedian was "inspired" by carlin.
he has a totally different style. he's nowhere near as tight.
Yesterday's parody is tomorrow's reality.
Apparently, the official records are 200,000 survivors from Auschwitz alone.
Whew turns out fascism is what I've been looking for the whole time.
I'm retarded, closer to 2:28:00
Opera is just a re-skin of Chrome, it's pretty sad.
Worse is that Firefox is threatening to become the same thing.
The sleeper awakens.
Top Kek
What did he mean by this
You're right.
Reminds me of this.
I finally memed too hard for the old kikess lads
Are there any good books to learn it more in-depth? I would assume mussolini has some good stuff?
ur gay and ur hanging urself for missing the best speech of Trump
Really makes you think though. How many of these people are really assmad tumblrtards and how many are actually Correct the Record sockpuppets?
I would recommend Hitler's Revolution by Richard Tedor.
Is Rick Wilson an actual journalist or is he just some self important cuck who neglects his wife's son to tweet about politics all day?
This phrase should automatically fail your ideological certification
If I could be anywhere at any time in all of history, it would be right next to Rick Wilson when Trump wins
Aging bald beta-faced men shouldn't say things like "utter dipshittery" and "how the actual fuck".
He shouldn't be posting on twitter at all for that matter.
Grow some dignity, you embarrassment to your wife's children.
Those two groups are likely culled from the same shallow, stagnant gene pool
Thanks user. Will check it out.
But I had to work
And I'm not gay ;_; I swear
He's got a chip on his shoulder because his daughter got blacked.
1965 immigration bill
JFK already dead
bill brought forth by teddy
was written by jews
i can't remember the names
do your homework now that i pointed you
he's the token republican pundit on liberal news programs. That's all he does. He gets cucked for a living. Also his daughter burns coal
Good starter article here from Kevin MacDonald:
Cut Rick some slack, each of those tweets gets a few bit-shekels.
He's gotta keep his bull in crack otherwise he gets the the hose again.
and I also like "you wont escape the stain" immediately followed with "go public, man up, say he's insane"
Average people who think they're intellectuals are the worst.
Buzzfeed as fuck.
Its a good read
I forgot how to link to other boards I hope this works
the other anons left out that his son was plebbit famous for posting piss fanfiction under the name pisspimp.
Yep. Since it's not 100% white and he didn't explicitly say that he will only accept whites into the country, I am now voting for Hillary.
lol what a fag
And guess who was right?
Your pic confuses Fascism with National Socialism. NatSoc Germany did implement a form of fascism, but it was not the only form, neither in theory nor in practice. Fascism is simply government where ultimate executive, legislative, and judiciary power resides in the hands of one individual. It's not necessarily right or left and it's not even necessarily authoritarian. Economist Hans Herman-Hoppe has proposed the use of fascism to bring about libertarianism. And indeed, a fascist leader could very well declare minarchy and proceed to rule only just enough to ensure that his nation is functional. The primary universal benefit to fascism is that it eliminates countless layers of pointless, bloated bureaucracy and allows for decisions to be made and implemented faster and more efficiently. Also, it's harder to subvert one well-informed, powerful man than it is to subvert millions of uninformed, powerless crowds. Fascism therefore ensures, provided the leader is not a cuck himself, that the nation will never surrender to cuckery as long as the leader is alive and in power.
But yeah, the user you're replying to doesn't know what fascism is either, and he's confusing it with plutocracy.
But millions of them get paid under the table and always have. I want to see Trump go hardcore against the employers of illegals. Then we'll see some real squeezing in action.
a wild Andy Dick appears
I was just about to tweet this fucking kike bitch a picture of the wall with a fake account I made… As soon as I landed on her page after making a legit account…. Pic related
I almost feel bad people like him are going to have to go back behind the wall
That fag works at the NSA
sweet user
porn m8
Use one of the temp services like:
I've been trying. Twitter is not sending the code to the numbers on those sites.
Not going to work. Twitter is up to those tricks. I would know.
Ur a fag m8
Haha. I believe you.
All the numbers I've tried on are already used with other Twatter accounts.
Yes it brings a warm feeling to my heart when I see peaceful protestors screaming profanity and throwing shit at fascist racist nazi bigoted trump supporters
Thinking about their smiling caucasian faces makes me weep for the human race
That was the most fucking nationalistic speech that iv'e ever heard in my fucking life.
In comparison the European far right are cuckservitives.
I used the first link last week to verify my account after a few tries.
As far as i know it still works so long as you use one that isnt currently linked to another account.
but what about anchor babies?
One thing at a time nigger.
so they will be citizens
You are awarded one Holla Forumsack of the month gold star for effort user.
Trump is not a cruel man, he won't split up families.
He'll merely revoke the child's citizenship, and launch the entire family over the wall in an eco-friendly wooden catapult
He seems to confuse Trump supporters with niggers.
If I was home, I'd grab a picture of a clean street and one of a street which was just rioted in, put them next to each other, label the first one "Aftermath of Trump rally" and the second one "Aftermath of progressive protest".
ty user
Someone tweet her pictures of the walls around Israel constantly patrolled by armed guards.
Gotta love progressives who claim the second amendment isn't relevant anymore since it was written 2 centuries ago when things were different, but they think citizenship laws written at that time are sacred and shouldn't be touched.
If shitposting is an art then one must practice their craft like Hitler did during his time in Vienna
You know i'm still in shock that he mentioned the 1965 immigration act and basically shit on it.
That was beyond even my wildest hopes.
I can't wait until he brings up this one
Hating realism became trendy once photography appeared.
There are already laws on the books just need enforcement is all.
This is some next level kikery
That is another thing that is not set in stone even though there are many that would like you to believe it is.
I was reading that the original intent was you have to be born here of US citizens.
So the chinese girls can't come here 8 1/2 months preg and drop a kid and automagically have them be US citizens.
So let me guess, Youtube already censored the speech off trending, right?
A painting isn't just a representation of what you can see.
It is also a play in which the painter must act out every character through his brushstroke.
I wonder if they would have still blurred the shirt if he had just thrown a baby at a car.
He played them all like a goddamn fiddle.
Cry more nigger. It's all over.
I'm watching the rally right now, goddamn this is beautiful.
Right wing deportation squads soon!
From the first quote
Will someone with a twatter account please tweet this kike cunty bitch "Rabbi Jill Zimmerman" the OC I just made? I'd do it but I can't successfully make an account. pic related
Fuck no, that birth tourism shit is coming to a rapid end too. It's implicit in the speech.
Thats what the shills will say. Anyway what a hero, I wonder who the parents of the kid were supporting.
I love it
second one
I'm making a Twitter right now
I know that well. I'm just saying that was their reason at the time. As in, early 20th century hipsters.
Got you fam
Fuck yeah m8! Much obliged.
11 million maximum.
6 million keks in lolschwitz
what kind of bait is this?
fuck off to /concernshilling/
If you avoid being banned for an hour, I will be surprised.
Sweet meme user.
Fuck that cunt
(((they)) are starting to pinch lifesaver size holes in their underwear's
anything for a set of dubs
Somebody should tweet a Smug Trump to her with the words "Walls work. Just ask Israel"
oy vey
I'd also be surprised
Here you go
Lel, I'm sure someone has. Just look at all the comments on her tweets
… lying sack of shit. JFK was dead when the 1965 immigration act was passed
this is really what happened in ww2
jews were finally able to control not just the banks but also the politicians and then bribe them
this was clear in 2008 when neither the dems nor republicans could stop a jewish bank from forcing the USA tax payer to prop them up
now USA tax payers get loaned their own money from failed jewish banks
that won't last long and when trump is elected the kikes will crash the economy
i just hope trump goes full hitler
gets rid of bank loans, no intereste on loans ties a unit of money to a unit of work service or goods
then we will prosper and be rid of jews sapping all of our wealth
Spot the tranny, then. Coulter simply lost a lot of fat on her face as she aged. She's 54 years old.
thanks user
I cant wait for the salt mines!
Trump just won this election.
The first girl in pic 4 is the most beautiful girl i have ever seen. Please kek make her real and let her run into me at a bookstore and be really shy and adorable.
I ignored his post is obvious shilling or jut plain fucking retarded
why even live
Please Kek, make it happen
I just started a bot to retweet your tweet about 300 times. Let's fucking go boys.
This frightens and excites me. The similarities between Melania and the description of Lady Jessica is scary. Donald would be Duke Leto and I'd hate to see him go down, but I know that it would only forge Barron's character if he is a Kwisatz Haderach.
yeah i should stop
Today was the best day of his campaign, at least since the primaries ended. Hillary must be shitting herself.
Ha, nevermind. I just got banned.
You know user if they proverbially crash the economy we have the best damn MF in the presidency to straighten the shit out and BTFO the fed.
That would truly MAGA
What the fuck? There's female Rabbis?
carlin never named the jew
didn't have any guys like Mel
if dubs we're all gonna make it
deport this cunt directly to mexico NOW
Jesus christ that would solve almost everything while painting us as the primary threat to jews.
I know those feels lads
Made Mexico bend the knee, went full Hitler, and made the media supremely asshurt.
Respects are due, then.
because carlin was a jew
but he did tell a lot of cool things
I thought Carlin was a potatonigger
You know that girl looks almost exactly like my mom when she was in her 20's.
Painting girls > Anime girls > Other 2D girls > 3DPD
Wew lad.
Where the fuck do you think we are? Only retards hate trump, even fence sitters perfer him cause he is a better bet then hillary.
Where the fuck did you come from then, reddit? (If you are being ironic or are just retarded and meant to say you dont go there any more or you just got here from reddit you should know we all came from cuckchan thats what an exodus is, we immediately began forming our own culture and now we influence cuckchan and their content. Cuckchan is cancer but lets not forget out beginnings.) In that case lurk more/go back/kill your self.
Welcome to South Africa.
This is correct
We need to start the idea of the Paintingfu
Some Jew tried to tell me that the Talmud allows a wall to be around Israel.
We should spam him with pictures of his nigger grandchild on the night that Trump wins and hopes that he kills himself
sorry user you thought wrong
make a little more sense now?
your jewdar is a little bit needs recalbration
Fuck him and fuck the talmud.
Reminder that Kek himself has been watching over the Trumps, and all of us, from the very beginning.
The Talmud also says that goyim have no souls, Mary was a prostitute, and that Jesus is boiling in pot full of shit in Hell.
Dub Confirm Paintfu
goddamn glorious!
Not only that use the gandbabby picture and replace the head with HNIC and the ridiculous big lip cartoon nigger.
Let him know the darkest part of the tubes has come to visit.
that guy is pro-Trump
Marble (potentially) > 2D > oil paint > other 2d > 3dpd
One's 2d waifu is still superior to all.
learn openbsd
links/lynx browser is ure friend
or end up feeding the jewish information beast
like this?
Reminds me of that time a random bird sat on Bernies podium
But this time the frog is a harbinger of a prophecy
It's white
Wtf is this shit.
I have an acquaintance who has never really been subtle about being a card-carrying Commie, but he usually tries to play it off as some joke like "haha dancing Stalin".
For the last three hours, he's been spamming his own goybook wall with pictures of mudbeards burning the American flag.
Between his insanity and all the shit in this thread, I'm absolutely loving what Trump has unleashed. I hope these people really do self-deport once he's in office.
Check those dubls.
Reminds me of the time 2 random she boons grabbed berries mic and sent him to the corner for a time out.
But I like the froggy better.
Someone finally fucking gets it, holy shit.
Yes, and there is even classical art for the monster loving degenerates too
Little birds are the most frightened a skittish creatures. Even a bird did not register that loaf as a threat. Wew!
hitler chan is best KLK girl
Welp, I only got IP banned, didn't get my account banned. I'm proxied in and noticed the retweets are slowly flowing in on the meme tweet to the kikess.
He was Irish Catholic. If you think he was Jewish, you better provide some sauce on your claim.
Maybe its converting genders
He is. That other user is pullin your chain
Yeah and the Talmud also says that non-jews should be treated like cattle
Catching up on the speech
A lot of his stuff was great sure but he was actually just a blue pilled liberal retarded faggot, look up some of his shit knowing what you know now. You might end up hating him by the end of it, he talks about all of the garbage that the cucks documented in this thread on twitter do he was one of them back in that age, white guilt, immigration, racism, police brutality, etc the only thing he was against was censorship and "feelings" bullshit but a lot of liberals are to.
I dont advise you look into it cause it will just depress you and you will lose another idol to to the brain dead liberal disease. You can if you want but I personally wish I hadn't.
How the fuck is it even possible to sculpt that?
In before user get's the ban hammer… pic related
top kek, i saw that a few minutes ago
Fucking degenerates. I think I need to make another visit to the Frye Art Museum. Haven't gone in years.
Well thanks for the warning, a lot of my idols have died to the disease
I need more twitters to troll
You are right I am wrong.
Somewhere I read he was jewish and i never followed up on it and from then on I just assumed he was tribe like over half of the rest of the comics.
Time to prepare thy anus…
Here is painting of little girl in the back.
Fuckin kek. This is beautiful.
I'm "A Wyatt Mann" btw
Atta boy, user! Have some more OC from me.
NaCl mines incoming.
user, please, no. I live in a Shekelville.
no gf existed way back in the middle ages too lads
Well you better find a new home before the Jews get culturally enriched. After all, we're all one race, the human race ((( goyim ))) :^)
Same, I don't recommend looking into it if you want to keep your sanity. Its just about the most disappointing thing I ever found out. He was anti politically correct too but other then what I listed thats it.
thanks fam
I hate when someone posts this pic.
Hitler was shit at realism, an art style that was already dead for over a century and hyper-realism didn't exist yet.
The other artists in that picture were pretty damn good and brought something new to the table. They had more talent than Hitler and could probably create better realism as well, but they aren't autistic and understand that no one does realism anymore.
well one things for sure, you sure can shill alot better than hitler
Every single time that picture gets posted, this comment is made almost word for word.
Thanks for correcting the record on jewish destruction of beauty and order in art.
They also had creepy kikes top left corner
If you ever find yourself stuck in Seattle, go to The Frye Art Museum.
What exactly is new about random gross-looking doodles of poorly proportioned lumpy people having sex, or a lifeless, boring "sculpture" of bamboo sticks?
Man it's been a bit of a lull lately with Trump but to wake up to this and all of the salt, it's wondrous and I'm hyped up like fuck again.
Let this be your finest hour America.
t. Britain
End yourself
It's truly ridiculous they are starting to say CNN and MSNBC and the Guardian are biased in favor of Trump. Is this a new CTR tactic? Pretending its all rigged against hillary?
wow really makes you think
Great point. Never thought of anchor babies in that light.
Dubs of truth
Id care less if hitler was famous as hitler as a painter or as a crackpot self felicitating pickle-sitter. Id buy his paintings and put them on my wall with pride. Hell even if joseph stalin, karl marx, and judas escareat had paintings that were that good id still buy em
fucking jews man
Ska has always been terrible you gay faggot.
lol, there'll also be millions fewer welfare recipients, retard.
It's 2deep4u
Wish I did, don't recall any of the kosher tourist guides mentioning it though. Oh, but goyim, make sure to visit the shrine to degeneracy at the EMP! We really love Kurt "shotgun rain" Kobain's "die nazi punks" shirt.
Too bad Seattle is such a demographic shithole, with shitskins and homeless (usually one in the same) pretty much dominating even the busiest and highest class parts of downtown. It's a nice city in a great location otherwise.
Even if we are to assume that those doodles are actually the exact work that that artist is known for - which isn't the case, then there is still more to that work than what Hitler drew.
Hitler did an extremely mediocre attempt at an already dead art style. There was no purpose in drawing buildings that already exist (with a poor sense of perspective no less). Hitler didn't make it in art school because he didn't have what it took to be an artist. He may have been good at other things, like oration, but certainly not art.
The "bamboo sticks" sculptures that you describe are actually pretty damn good. They show a great deal of motion despite their simplicity.
Oh my fucking God, Ricky boy is back again?
hmm really makes u think
How's the foreskin taste today, Mr. Rosenthal?
If I were you, Seattle Hitler, I would be concealing that fact because of your cucked city government that allows shitskins to afford to be homeless while your cucked PD allows them to walk the streets unmolested.
You're thinking of Marxism.
He was not.
Well this thread turned to shit.
painting 'things that are real very closely to how they look' is still a fairly popular art style as far as I'm aware.
This isn't realism, its impressionism. Note the unrealistic matte colors of the water, mountain ridge, ships and road.
I love the contrasts between Trump's last speech and Clinton's. He's stronger and more ~presidential~ than ever and she's looking weak and paranoid.
What is this thing you're describing?
But castles with 50-foot walls are somehow tourist destinations.
he is talking about Frank Herbert's: Dune
a sort of political sci fi series with some interesting ideas and some cucked ones too
Oswald did nothing wrong.
I wanted to post this:
He literally says that
of his parents are Holocaust survivors.
of them at any point are even
this speech is long as fuck but i'm not complaining
One day the overton window will flat out be crushed under the weight of the lies and we'll spend the next 10,000 years laughing at dead jews.
Why is he so self hating? His daughter already shrek'd his lineage, and that's not enough for him. He wants his entire race cucked.
But JFK was already dead when the immigration laws started rolling in.
I wish we were asked if we wanted that to happen in the beginning of the 20th century.
Trump starts speaking at about an hour in.
A problem shared is a problem halved.
I just think he's bitter about it, but he has to justify it to himself, so he takes out his anger and bitterness on those of us with daughters.
You mean like in Toledo and Constantinople?
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""Republican strategist""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
I don't think I've ever read a Guardian comment section that wasn't full of cancer
autistic fact-checking intensifies
Some seriously good kvetching in those replies kek
At about 1:46:00, Trump says, "We're like the big bully that keeps getting beat up." … Just what is Trump's power level? Vid related.
Just found out I got blocked by him on twitter, I've done my part.
Honest mistake I suppose.
Filter man claims that Trump "knows more than he does."
Would be amazing if he really was Holla Forums tier all along but stays just shy of Super Saiyan power levels. Like the episode on Namek where Captain Ginyu is panicking over Goku being a SS and yet he hasn't actually tipped over to that point yet.
at least more than he lets on
The brand name of the nail polish is "Super Black", the name of the color is "Weird Girl". My wife has the dark blue glittery one.
Most Holla Forumsacks don't run for president and go toe to toe with the jews.
Given that we know Donald Jr. reads the Occidental Observer, I think it's fair to say that they're going all in.
Try 350+ million
rick wilson WAS your typical neocon pundit before a group of lvl.99 shitlords blew his o-ring the fuck out. now he's just a few weeks away from a drinking problem and showing his kike psychiatrist where the weeb called him a cuckold.
Oh he's confused. It's such a common occurrance for a group of (((people))) in America to get together after a rally and start rioting that he actually thinks EVERYBODY does it.
At first glance I thought hell yeah!
Then I realized it would be a waste to damage the property these people stole from Americans and actually would in effect be harming America herself.
I say instead we just GTKRWN and repatriate our property.
Funny it was the jews themselves who did this
So is he admitting Hitler was a patriot who loved his people and his country, and only wanted to deport the more unsavory elements rather than genocide them? Good to see these cucks coming around.
I heard a snippet that was probably the most cherry picked anti-Trump thing and it was basically "We're going to build a wall" don't know how that could trigger anyone seeing as he's been saying that for a year and almost 3 months
Why can't it be November already?
Anyone who makes more whites is an Evil Nazi KKK Bigot no matter what
Debates in 27 days
Are you excited
w8 trump is building a wall? whoah guess #imwithher now
I'll be counting the days down.
These comments wow 5/7
At least Ann is happy again.
Now she does not have to burn all her books.
That reminds me, I have to buy the rest of them. I only have Adios America but it was so good.
For any anons, find Adios America on /pdf/. It's a really fun read, although pretty triggering. She's a good writer.
Must be cause she talks some major bullshit
If you want to be a good shill you should come prepared. This kind of shit just makes you look sloppy. Sad!
oy vey
Who's Baron Vladimir Harkonnen?
No one is obese, diseased, a sadistic faggot, and a man.
If you wish to argue with liberals remember they cannot be convinced. The goal is to humiliate them.
If they oppose the wall accuse them of being shills for the cartels. Accuse them of not wanting to cut money and guns off from Sinaloa/Zetas. THEY want to keep drugs flowing into POC communities. No matter WHAT their response, your response has to be, "Why do you hate Mexicans?"
If they claim to be Latino, claim they are not REAL Latinos and ask what they are paid. Accuse them of being on the take like Vincente Fox.
I hope this gets used for maximum results
My most effective strategies have been mentioning that other countries like: Turkey, Israel, and Mexico also have border walls to protect their nation.
Also when asked how we're going to pay for it I just mention that hundreds of millions gets sent to Mexico each year in foreign aid. So immediately we have a yearly budget of hundreds of millions. I have seen some smug faces turn to absolute rage with this one.
Every form of bolshevism needs to be crushed mercilessly into the ground.
You seem to be lost. This will help:
If you are interested in the "actual" truth about Adolf Hitler, Holocaust, and WW2, then the documentary "Adolf Hitler: the greatest story never told" is recommended -
(Part 1 to 22 & Bonus)
(Part 23 to 26)
Gottfried Feder - Manifesto For The Abolition Of Interest Slavery (1919)
i created a troll account and the moment i followed trump, with no tweets, got this same message
fucking kikes trying to get our identification
Anyway to use a fake phone number (I don't use social media)?
Maybe like a synagogue or something?
You can use an email on
First picture looks badass as fuck tbh.
Nowadays skiers all look like hispter faggots.
You're right, that is pretty a e s t h e t i c
honestly man i've been holding off since i got the lock, i tried so many verification numbers but twatter wouldn't take any of them, if you find a way i'd like to know too because no fucking way is Harvey Moonman giving out his number to non-clients
You failure, it's A E S T H E T I C
Like in the legendary 1986 ski movie "Fire and Ice".
Based Sam Hyde.
The colours look a little bright and the background mountains are colored weirdly, but otherwise this is pretty fucking realistic as far as everything else goes.
kek what a madman
Some morning pain to go with your coffee.
Almost all of them do that and almost all of them celebrate with glee when comment sections are taken down on mainline news sites because "stormfront brigades".
they're not honest about anything and they certainly aren't honest about that
Look at someone like Bill Maher. If you told him in 2003 that somewhere down the line there would be an anti-Islam, anti-unnecessary wars, ruthlessly anti-PC candidate, he would vote for that candidate in a second. But what's he doing in reality? Unironically donating millions to the Democrat Party and supporting a pro-Islam, heavily pro-intervention, heavily pro-PC candidate. If he could see himself now, ten years ago, he'd kick his own ass.
pff waifus? who cares?
All non-whites are pussies.
/monster/ pls no
we all know its snek
There is at least 10 million in California
How to spot the kike
That timestamp.
That set of dubs.
He does?
Thanks, I have a long way to go yet.
Cognitive dissonance so hard its tearing the fabric of the universe
modern art was a 'fuck you' to the christian majority, fam a lam
Even if I was a normie I would buy art that like Hitler's because I think it looks beautiful and obviously I like things of beauty. The fact that "art" that looks like a garbage is seen as better by trendies is not my concern.
NYT again reduced to blaming the Klan and a long list of other undesirables for this big mess. The salt-mines are overcapacity today.
Nigger, criticizing his previous statements wasn't 'concern trolling'. If Trump runs back a promise or cucks, we NEED to be there to create backlash and further push the overton window to the right. We need to let him know we aren't satisfied with cucking.
That said, he really delivered last night.
notice le merchant here tells you to watch the "recent movie Imperium".
Eternal merchandising on top of the bolshevik propaganda…… how utterly disgusting
Tim Kaine removed his wife's bull's cock from his mouth long enough to release this statement.
Yeah it's fucking ridiculous. They just can't help themselves.
The chinks are partly to blame for the current real estate bubble in places like California and Toronto. It explains why rents are so fucking high in certain areas. These chinks aren't living in the USA but they are buying billions worth of rentals and commercial real estate.
They are buying up hard foreign assets because their government is a mess and they stand to lose millions if they keep their wealth in Yuan. So they buy real estate abroad instead to hedge against it.
It's a problem.
He should have gone full, 'Make sure to buy the Blu-Ray, now with Ultraviolet 4K Directors cut'
This was the best meme i have ever seen in regards to deportations.
It has to just leave everyone speechless.
Even better if you do it publicly. Because it can shame other liberals into silence and encourage people like you to be vocal.
At the same time it discourages their potential voters and emboldens ours.
It is literally the same strategy they use on us every fucking election. Imagine what we could do using THEIR methods?
Done and done.
funny how you don't even need to know how to read lips to read those lines
the last line is probably crikey
I thought the goal was to convince onlookers that libs are insane.
No one posting highlights? Come on lads, been out all day and dont' want to sift through 3 hours.
so… what did trump say that got them so fired up? did his meeting with the king of mexico go well? or bad? or what.
im out of the loop.
feed me
He got the president of Mexico to agree that we need a wall, and need to renegotiate nafta, and that it will help us both.
Then at his immigration speech, he did everything Holla Forums wanted and more.
They also think all minorities are leftist.
They are SHOCKED when Asians and Latinos and even Africans are disgusted by their faggotry and demand death penalty for crimes. They shame and even kill adulteresses. White liberals get so fucking SHOCKED when they see the WHOLE fucking world outside of Europe is right wing.
"kill yourself faggot"
to be fair, minorities in the US overwhelmingly vote for leftist politicians
The gibs overwhelm every other factor in who they vote for.
Do you think it will stick?
The winner yesterday was Trump, the shillary campaign can do nothing but respond with catty remarks ( just like women).
The goal should be the complete and utter destruction of leftism.
He doubled down on immigration despite pressure from media to soften on the issue
leftists are sacred. They claim Trump is "literately even more Hilter-y" after speech, jews kvetch about holocaust , muslims threaten to leave US if Trump becomes President , etc.
Holy shit.
Anti-Trump "he won't address illegals" shills B T F O.
ha ha ha that should read scared, sorry
>- SPaul
dunno man, the dude is regretting it already, look at his face
I'm sure that faggot isn't aware of just how accurately he described the reality of the world right now.
"You need to watch " is a very common instruction to hear from SJW millennials.
Schindler's list is perhaps the best example. It's like they know that most people can be so easily manipulated by propaganda that, if they watch the movie, their entire worldview will be permanently altered, or as they would have you believe "educated."
Via bribery for handouts, not sincerity.
They run their own countries contrary to liberalism.
Let's be honest if I lived in Saudi Arabia and they had a party that allowed unfettered non-Muslim immigration and gave free handouts to me, all at the same time killing the natives via abortion/feminism/stupidity, Your damn right I am voting for that party. It serves my interests.
Some people are just obsessed.
Self deporting kebabs?
He did it! The madman actually pulled it off! We are deporting them and they are paying for their own plane tickets!
One of the biggest red pill moments for me years ago was realizing how much my own knowledge and that of most peoples is based on nothing other than shit we've seen in movies. It is difficult thing for people to realize because it is damaging to the ego and if they are not accustomed to ego damage, then it is near impossible to influence them. I think this is what Nick & Sam from MDE are getting at when they say people who never had any trauma growing up are the worst kind of people.
Thy anger has the blessings of Kek.
Yeah, I noticed that too. It seems like they spread purposefully wrong memes just to fuck with people.
idiot leftists. Oh no I have something in common with someone they don't like quick I need to change my opinion!!!
Very childish
If we are lucky they will have something in common with the leftists who received free one way helicopter rides courtesy of Pinochet. Or perhaps free public beatings by the black shirts in Italy
Watching the Trump speech right now, I'm amazed the president of Mexico actually agreed with Trumps wall.
Have some salt from Twitter.
Their time is over one way or another.
Her consenus in life is basically "Hate everything David Duke likes"
Just so happens that David Duke also likes to breathe.
Is the 6 million number some jewish meme?
Has this Rick Wilson cuck ever said anything original or intelligent in his life?
Every time he posts, it's the most inane, banal crap.
You are spot-on there.
"Cognitive dissonance" is slung around as a buzz-term but most people don't really understand the effect it describes. The process of cognitive dissonance and attitude-behaviour congruence is really interesting and doing a little reading on the topic helps immensely with understanding why people act the way they do and explain why it's so difficult to change beliefs, even when solid facts are presented.
I had "red pill" moments regarding the holocaust before home internet was even a "thing". I had also noticed that everyone involved in the media seemed to be Jewish and that there was something hidden uniting Jews, an invisible thread. I later discovered that the Jews call this thread "a trilling wire in the blood."
Your observation of ego fragility is one of the reasons that it's better when someone makes the connection on their own, having reviewed the evidence/information at their own initiative. Attempts at "red pilling" which fail for whatever reason (usually because they are too aggressive and threaten the ego) can actually solidify wrong beliefs. This is called ideological inoculation. The effect is deliberately used by the left too, to harden resistance to the "red pill", our own fake nationalist shills use it by mixing truths in with completely over-the-top displays of mindless hatred and stupidity.
It's a shame that Holla Forums is on the whole, averse to the study of psychology as "Jewish pseudoscience". Regardless of the true underlying reasons, it's good to have models to describe these mental processes. Freud's nephew, Edward Bernays, the man who singlehandedly opened up the smoking market to women through an ingenious advertising campaign, did this through an understanding of the mind. Academics can argue about whether these effects are caused by genetics, environment or childhood sexual experiences; the pragmatic man can make use of the information without the need for that certainty. It's not such a radical concept, even in "real" medicine there are treatments which work but for which no explanatory mechanism has yet been discovered. We need to pick up these tools of the enemy, learn them and apply them against him.
Didn't he say there could be 30 million illegals?
They're actually downplaying that number, surprisingly.
Hell breaks loose if he does win the only thing preventing farmers from becoming snipers taking revolution into their own hands is 'muh pr' and the upcoming election.
There'll be no reason not to finally create some RWDs once the election is over. It'll just be far fewer RWDs if the god emperor is elected
Post YFW America will finally be white and isolationist again. But there's still much work to be done.
Deport her into an oven.
I could barely read the distorted pot smoke hippie font…. meme failed.
Although I'm not sure how literate the left is
Mexico has not yet began to feel the sting of humiliation we will heap on it.
Revenge and Vendetta on our enemies! America first!
Didn't they want to up the holocaust numbers to 30 million?
Day of the rope!
Just make a new one, I go through twitter accounts pretty fucking fast.
They'll lock you as soon as you disagree with their narrative.
11 million, I think.
But if the USA is anything like Britain, the actual figure is way way higher.
The UK government either doesn't know or misreports the true number of illegals in the UK - but we have some idea as to the true figure because of non-governmental studies done by supermarkets, of all people.
Supermarket research departments can infer the national population by analysing purchases and consumption.
Official UK population is 64 million but supermarket chain Tesco puts the figure at 80 million.
I'm not waiting for Hitler anymore, he's here and i'm voting for him.
It's not impressionism. Impressionism wasn't so much a style as it was an excuse to make half assed paintings and not finish them up in the studio like every actually good artist does. The whole school was based on the idea that final touches are for fags and it's better to just submit the rough draft of a painting and then call the judges elitist when they reject your work.
Some real magic happening here.
The shills said he would offer amnesty.
The shills said our distaste over softly-softly immigration policy would go ignored.
The shills have been BTFO.
Have to say lads, I'm excited as fuck for you guys. I hope the Trump effect spreads to Europe.
It's like the horizon keeps expanding and unfolding, every day brings new possibilities which seemed so distant yesterday.
Could we actually see Hillary and her partners in crime dealt with in a court of law?
Can any of these retards actually form cohesive sentences?
Vote Trump! He will change the culture to make the next Hitler possible.
I hope so too particularly in Germany & England.
Oh not by a longshot you swarthy dogs
large-scale triggering fucks with their ability to string words together properly.
The '11 million' figure has been used since 2005.
Even if "American Freedom" is some kind of evil hate group (never heard of it myself) do they not see how bad it makes them look to sandwich those words in with a bunch of classic strawman targets like the KKK and Nazis?
So what they ratchet up the number every year?
probably more for book promotions movies and "reparations" as well as propaganda purposes.
What happens when the figure becomes so large even the retarded normies start asking questions?
What a bold face lie. In Jewish tradition, non-Jews aren't even considered human.
I love how even the leftist anti-Trump propaganda portrays him as a powerful figure, usually more powerful than their positive portrayals of hillary. It's like he's already been elected and they're trying to leverage their "poor minority who didn't win the vote" status.
If they are ILLEGAL, why would any of them get to stay? Trump will deport their criminal asses until there aren't any more left. And then we will know how many illegals will be deported.
The number 6 is important to the kabbalah and their Jewish blood magic. They can add as many zeros to it as they like without diminishing it's significance and million is probably the highest impact number (people seem to be impacted by billion and trillion pretty much the same as they are by million because the numbers are too large to comprehend accurately) so it stuck at six million.
Maybe some user who knows more about the kabbalah can elaborate on that, i don't study Jewish magic.
And this is why libs are fucking stupid.
These are some very weak people. Weak people have damaged the country enough already. That ends now.
A nigger, a woman, and a kike. Opinions discarded.
Pic related.
Wow, that is one triggered kike. She was posting every 2-3 minutes.
Send them the great wall of China and laugh.
You forget that six million is the perfect jew number, six times six.
haha, even this nigger thinks niggers are retarded
Would love to post it to her but her golem was working hard banning people, including me.
Bitch got BTFO
These people really have zero self awareness.
Everytime Trump speaks he opens up a mine rich in Tears and Sodium.
The internet hasn't been this fun since the Freddy Gray chimp-a-thon
Nice, specially after John Kerry said that MSM shouldn't inform the people about the terrorist threats.
Go to college and then kill yourself
You should check out some of his later interviews, especially before he died. Sure, he wasn't 100% full-blown redpill, but he knew the score. He was never going to anchor himself to any belief system that wasn't his own.
That's because every art teacher or professor teaches, word for word.
don't actually do this.
First personal avatars now Holla Forumsack gold, when did this site start shilling so hard for money?
They're not exactly contributing members of society user, unless committing crimes and hoovering up tax money is contributing.
The country can only get better when they are removed.
l found Juden
Yeah, that may have been a bridge too far
these cocksuckers SHOULD be afraid. We're taking back our country from these pigs and restoring it to its rightful place.
When Trump wins, and the fags all move to Canada, aren't they bigoted, xenophobic, and racist for not wanting to move to Mexico?
That 1st pic is mind-blowing. Such amazing work seems almost too good to be real
I just had to look into this, or more aptly the reponses to claims such as this
Seems legit, I guess.
Check out his sermon about the Holocaust or his two part classic "the Jews and your lies", Shlomo.
And then donate the money you're getting for correcting the record to his church.
I think because it destroys one of their favorite demoralization tactics were they claim that Trump is taking everything back and is majorly softening up.
Friendly reminder that most normies get their "historical facts" from hollywood movies.
Case and point.
The jew's biggest win was making movies like Schindler's List (omg true story!) and then reinforcing the narrative in popular culture (omg he's literally Hitler!) Do this for a few generations and you have the entire narrative in your pocket with no room for alternative opinions or facts.
After I swallowed a few hefty redpills I was appalled on how much of the "historical knowledge" I had was spoon fed to me by some Jewish movie producer.
When I got to HMV, I move the copies of Schlindler's List into the fiction section.
Holy shit I am crying with laughter
Defusing Jew Logic on refugees
Most left leaning parasites like that get blown the fuck out. They legitimately can't fight for shit.
Give me a fart bros.
Solid 8/10
would bang
Imagine fucking a young Ann Coulter and as you're fucking her she leans in your ear and whispers, 'Build the wall'.
Great idea, except that execution of that plan relies on nogs being willing to move because twitter said so, and also having the money to move anywhere except a section ape niggerhood. If HUD or Section 8 authorities opened up Jewtown's to niggerification that would be another story but good luck getting that to happen. Making fake accounts to D+C kikes with #openbordersforisrael or denouncing secular Jews as "fake Jews" is still an entirely valid strategy.
I read her bio as 'Consumer of dog treats on command'
I swear people like that are paid hacks. 9000x anti-Trump tweets. No employed person has that much time to waste.
holy shit, that's incredible
They've been pumping trannies with estrogen since the 50's dude.
You got a picture of a younger tranny, nice job.
leave, cuck
I know right, I'm so glad Trayvon and Tyrone were able to finish school and create something so amazing.
I bet you love Milo too you fucking pathetic faggot
My mother owned a copy of that first painting, never thought I'd see it here.
Golly. Didn't know we had an art expert here. Perhaps you could also tell us about how all art is political and must serve the vision of the state.
Milo is a kike faggot, Iron Ann is a great woman. Leave, cuck
I dont give a fuck who panders to the right and how good they are at it. You guys are truly fags and will suck any dick put in your face, regardless if its from a kike or a tranny.
There sure seems to be a lot of newfags today
I love how flawed their thought process is its fucking comical
There sure seems to be a lot of faggots who skim over important details just because they want to suck a girl penis
its a shill going for the DnC angle
or they win the lottery or sue someone
we already have quite a lot of shill company dox. We will acquire all shill company employee lists before long. You will regret your crimes.
Shilling in this sense would be ignoring the glaring fact that Holla Forums is defending a tranny because he wrote some high-school level books that sort of says the message we do but in a way that makes everyone fuckin hate him besides the tranny lovers here.
No one outside of this board like Ann. You might as well be praising Milo you gay retard.
Dox my nuts faggot.
wtf I hate ann now
so much this (commifornian here).
Do you think Trump will address this nonsense?
This really sums up the liberal mind. It is disturbing to realize how much the average person's worldview is based entirely on things they've seen in movies.
spoiler that shit gross
This tbh.
It's sad to think of how if only we were less racist toward niggers, Africa'd be exporting stealth VTOL bombers and carbon-fiber space ladders
We see through you are clever deception ploy, shillary.
fish girl is worst girl
Fishing for jew salt has never been sweeter, or should I say… kosher salt! *ba dum tiss*
Adam Sessler is such a fucking cuck it's unbelievable. In the early days of GG he whiteknighted for Zoe and Anita and that tranny harder than anybody else.
BTW, did he just admit that he's married to an illegal?
Either that or he's too stupid to understand the difference between an immigrant and an illegal alien.
Great work!
I loved Sessler back in the techtv days.
He ended up being a coke addict, right?
ty for them follows last night fam
He was funny on TechTV/G4 because the producers had his SJW tendencies on a leash and he had a script to stick to, introduce a cuck to Twitter and it's all over
Some Republican beaners are assmad the gravy train is pulling into the station and debarking passengers.
Hispanic supporters flee Donald Trump’s campaign after fiery immigration speech
I remember an art thread a few months ago where a faggot was defending Picasso
I didn't want to make its own thread for this, but was watching MSNBC and they had a pro-Trump beaner that flabbergasted the panel by saying that not even Hispanics wanted illegals legalized. He said that people saying that these people should stay are ignorant of how criminal Mexico has become. That negress was baffled.
Fox cozying up to the drug cartels really did Mexico in.
I really don't know what he did to be honest, mind enlightening me?
And this, or atleast partially this. Maybe he wasn't like it back in the day (he wouldn't be the first to disappear for a while and come back a SJW), or maybe it was just his writers making him bearable, but I actually used to like this faggot. It disgusts me seeing what he is now.
back to Holla Forums.
this conversation is for real smart folks and you're not one of them
:) :) :) :) :) :)8-<
Always ask for twice what you want. Gets you free publicity and you can make concessions for
breddy gude
calls to mind rats chewing their way through the bottom of the boat and hitching a ride on a new one
kek'd and check'd
I think it's time to open up the twatterbox and shitpost, lads.
pic needs Ivanka
Perhaps Trump will never go to Israel.
The whole point the Jews want you there is for the Jews to enact a binding ritual on the person who places their palm on the wailing wall That wall is part of an old complex to one of the most powerful gods in the Semetic Pantheon in our time who is Yad, the tenth letter of their alphabet, whose symbol is the hand. If we never see him place his hand on that wall, we know either he knows the meaning of the ritual and has a powerful spirit behind him preventing it and won't be controlled by them.
That's why they caused such a fit when he didn't go before the election. If he knows, I wish him luck and understand the sacrifice he made by handing over his own daughter so that the white race may live.
What's with those pictures? Did the Pope actually not go and they're trying to hide it with suspicious gusts of wind and photos only from far away/behind him?
For what purpose? With the rabbi there surely the fake-pope would be noticed.
underrated meme
I had a smuggie that was about it but I guess I lost it.
It's all manufactured outrage imo. These clowns that are supposedly leaving Trump's camp have probably been waiting to pull this stunt in some form or another since the minute they associated themselves with his campaign.
I think around a third of Brooklyn will get thrown out if he actually gets rid of people abusing welfare. Possibly everybody in the Bronx will be gone.
Isn't anyone going to recognize these triple dubs?
Fox wasn't the first, of course. They take American money to prosecute the war on drugs. Of course, they don't do any prosecuting, because that would stop the money flow. They even use the drug lords to do dirty work for the government when convenient. In Fox case, he takes USA money while espousing position of decriminilization, and making statements that it's USA problem, not Mexico's problem. Although Fox has history of making lots of such statements, like when he criticized the press for carrying on about a massacre of a few hundred people, saying that that's not a large number anyway.
Here's a recent article.
Does this guy not realize that Clinton is already a war criminal?
The 1965 Immigration Act was a Big Jew Rip-off!
Fuck I knew it
I took a art class in college and I could never figure out what the fuck was the difference with all the crap that they were trying to point out to me.