How soon until Angela Merkel outlaws whites from having white kids?
German schools : Raising a black baby as a single mother is cool & progressive
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I'm in the process of learning German to preserve (a small part) of my heritage and it's getting hard to want to effectively communicate with them seeing how far they've willingly fallen. I've considered Norway but Varg makes it sound pretty pozzed, Sweden is comically fucked, and Finland seems to have nothing going on.
just write cuckoldry cadets and brand em, branding needs to come back
They look like typical haggard coalburners.
Finns are based. Don't fall for the hype there are 80 million germans and they have been having massive backlash to the migrants
"The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals. …"
Why do germans always fall to extremes? Either full nazi or full cuck.
Kek. Should write the full thing and get TRS to record it tbh
Cuck my life into pieces
This is my wife's black son,
Humiliation, no breeding
Don't give a fuck my wife's Nubian seeding
This is my wife's black son,
Cuck my life into pieces
I've raised my wife's black son,
Humiliation, no breeding
Don't give a fuck my wife's Nubian seeding
Why should I care if my wife's seeding?
Would it be wrong, would it be right?
If I took my life tonight,
Chances are that I might
Mutilation out of sight
And I'm contemplating suicide
'Cause I'm losing my might, losing my pride
Wish somebody would tell me I'm not white
Losing my might, losing my pride
Wish somebody would tell me I'm not white
This shithole is lost.
The Jews really know no limits, they just keep on pushing further and further, remember when the time comes torture every Jewish man woman and child.
What about Switzerland? And Austria might work for you if the far-right party takes hold. Denmark borders you, and they've gotta be a lot better than Sweden.
It's only lost if the men manage to get rid of the Africans and arabs and German women all go to Africa anyway.
honestly at this point I think I am about ready to just fuck off to mongolia or siberia and become a hermit and be a slave worker of some siberian tribe until they accept me or kill me
I'm sorry germanbro hey at least you got dubs.
Come over here to Ireland, I know one qt from Bavaria who came here to escape the enrichment, and one fella from Berlin with a seething rage against Turkroaches.
If you go to Siberia, remember Putin will give you land and cash.
im a yank tbh
I honestly looked into it but I don't think they want americans, even though I can provide blood proving my lack of any genes past calais tbh
Morrakiu already did it, no full version yet.
Last I checked there were no real careers in Finland other than working in a university, every moves to Sweden or deeper into the islamic cesspool that is Europa.
What about them you thick-lipped nigger? Do you think moving to such a place is easy without sufficient capitol due to the disparity between the exchange rates and cost of living with any other country?
Not holding my breath, though Austria/Romania/Estonia would be decent if they can ensure that they will maintain their sovereignty.
I've never heard anything good about Denmark, though I suppose it's worth looking into.
German here. There are a few based people I know but the media is pushing poz 24/7 and even forces you to pay 20 bux for that a month.
Germany is lost and only a total war can restore it to it's former short 3rd reich glory.
They look like the German version of white trash, so not much lost.
What worries me more is high IQ women looking like butch lesbians all over the place now with their short hair n sheeet.
How does one even get brainwashed into this? Can people not into logistics? Ahh what the fuck am I saying of course they can't…
there is only 60 million ethnic Germans in germany and like 20 million other Europeans then the rest of poz
Germans have done it. They've made me absolutely despise them as a people, and my grandparents came from that nation. I have no love whatsoever for the people or heritage any longer. Fuck them. I hope they rot in their new multicultural haven. At least in the US we're openly against immigration. They riot to keep immigrants flowing in.
Pick one
Yea being forced to pay for your ZOG brainwashing seems to be a thing for most of Europe. What is the German sentiment regarding leaving the EU?
The 3rd Reich fell because Hitler wanted peace more than war. The 4th Reich will not be so foolish to believe the lesser races may co-exist.
The jews have been pulling this same kind of shit for thousands of years, they are experts and NOTHING should surprise you any more.
This is how they defeat enemies when outnumbered by 50-1.
We all have a duty to spread our ideology with every white girl (and guy, but less urgent) that we meet, no matter how many times we get called names or ostracised.
Keep spreading the redpills and we will turn this groundswell into an Aryan eruption
The butthurt polish subhumans cant accept that Germany is rejecting the kikes again, and spew typical liberal shit to demoralize.
Another (1)
What is it, Olag? Are you sweating because Germans are rejecting the Holohoax?
You subhumans will become slaves again.
Look at this subhuman Pole, people. So desperate.
Too bad german men don't care enough to stab the people issuing these orders and coordinating this subversion.
Too bad they don't care enugh to do simple research into who these people are and where their families live.
Too bad germans are too stupid to know that you don't need a gun to stab a traitor in the throat.
You're gonna need more than this d&c well poisoner.
Too bad you fail as a demoralizing shill, Olag.
You and your "people" have and will always be subhumans.
Oh, how about this?
Where is the Holohoax debunking in pooland?
Why is pooland begging Merkel to build an EU army?
Nice try FBI
Nice d&c moishe.
Just stay home. Watch them rape you and your family.
know real men are organizing and you'll hang next to your pets.
Sure thing, Janunsz.
You need a new playbook.
You will hang first.
You'd be surprised to find there's people all over the world who will rise and end your subversion permanently. This is why you so desperately sew false divisions.
Im sure national socialist Germans or Germans in general appreciate a race of nigger like welfare and car thieves.
I dont know, if you arent a larper, come here and ask what people think of migrants who undercut wages?
what a bunch of cucks.
people used to go into open revolt over lesser insults.
women start pretending to be men when all the ones they know are cucks.
Signs are in French. It is Paris or Marseilles.
Jews seem to spend an inordinate amount of time (((shaking))).
Does the ride ever end?
Where are the deranged murderous neets? Merkel needs to go down
No ones seems to have put this together -
They gave White baby dolls to teens around the world thinking it would reduce pregnancies, when it didn't work and increased the maternal instinct they replaced them with nig babies
Well, at least is better than cuckhold, As long as I can aford my sedolls is ok, what is not ok is taxing the hell out of LITTLE WHITE men to fund this garbage women.
Normal lurker.
Germany and Japan are both considered hostile, occupied nations by the (((USA)))
The actual Americans don't know it is "them" inflicting this upon Germany, but atleast one candidate does.
I'm surprised none of you, despite some of the smartest things I've read being on here.
When Trump has said "Countries will have to pull their own weight" he wants an end to the occupation of Japan, with its economy being dissected and experimented upon, South Korea with its Frankenstein propaganda which makes the Norks look sane, and Germany with its ethnic experimentation.
Germany is under attack because a few nations are, at their core, absolutely enormous threats.
Sweden, for example, could overpower Israel with 6 months of remilitarisation.
The USA, with what, 100 million spics, niggers, jews and the rest holding them back, can manage about what Russia is - a country with less than half the population.
Rather than create a powerful military, (((they))) are simply trying to make the American military the most powerful by default.
Not by training or weapons - because they don't want well trained goyim running around.
This is targeted, using the American system which has been hijacked, to take down any competition through demilitarisation and cuckening.
WOW first trips. Kek is happy lmao
I'm surprised none of you *have mentioned this
heh, call me when you get quints, newfag
Also it's why I'm sure (((they))) are not pumping diversity into SK and Japan, despite having the pure opportunity - the "race" of the future won't be some Arab hybrid, these people have turned the Japanese and SKs into literal slaves. These fuckers work 4 hours of overtime a day, for free, just out of shame.
The plan is to make the revolting brownies angry. Trump wasn't planned for and since people forget how grossly incompetent the Heebies are, this will fail. Because Krauts are smarter than Jews despite what IQ tests may say - there are a hundred genius Krauts for every genius Jew, and it's straight up impossible to take down Krauts once the ball starts rolling.
Alright, I think I pass by your basement door every other week.
nah, except "Bureau de Change", which is poorly written, nothing is in French. And France does not have that British store called Londis.
This is the work of millionaire kike ALAN SHATTER, a very powerful zionist who organized massive citizenship ceremonies of almost fully non-white, majority muslim foreigners.
He was behind the jus soli law of 2005, he put pressure on TV to silence dissent, and, when minister, for want fellow jews to create a thought police, he created a jurisdiction of "equality" to fine heavily the dissenters and create examples. This "equality" joke also included feminism and faggotry, which was key to the 2015 victory of the GRID referendum.
The Irish could tell you more.
Since when do the demographics of a fucking capital city stand for the rest of the country? Name one Western capital that isn't filled to the brim with gimmegrants?
Outside of Dublin, (where the vast majority of the population live) is incredibly white, almost Poland-tier (speaking of them, THEY make up the vast majority of our immigrants thankfully, we don't recieve as many shitskins as other western Nations)
so what? decline is decline, no matter the degree of the slope
down the slope, you'll find the late France, where it's not just the capitals, but every city of 100,000+ you'll find nigga mamas walking with their double stroller and the regular headscarf… and some are moving to the countryside!
Please fuck off and never come here you american piece of shit
looking at these groups of girls. The negros can have em
Good attitude, goy. Best to let the nogs and browns have their way with them. You're too good for them. In fact, you're too good for any Western white woman. You should give up on them all.
I hope all those traitor leftist women die surrounded by cats (their kid is probably going to end up in prison so he won't get to visit often).
>meanwhile, whites in US are
How is this even relevant to what he posted
A few months ago when all the Sweden Yes stories were circulating everywhere and we weren't hearing too much about what was happening in Germany, I honestly thought there was salvation for that country. Although now they seem to be as lost as the Swedes, such a shame.
Net migration is from Sweden to Finland. No one in northern Europe has been moving to Sweden for jobs since the 1970s ended, these days young Swedes are moving to Norway in masses to chase higher wages and a better job market.
The Finnish economy has been very badly defunct since the fall of Nokia and the imposition of Russia sanctions though so that part is true, future on the job market looks horrible here.
Its their future after all. White men are villified and poisoned betas now. There are some few left but that wont save the white race so it doesnt matter.
Its a psychological tactic of normalization. It has effect on human psyche and unconscious. These women will be more open to black relationships and may even stop dating whites because of muh racism.
Who knew you could play the Irish National Lottery in a Londis store in Paris.
What a time to be alive.
Reminds me of the school that forced all their children to go to a mosque and kneel in reverence to Allah… In Germany. What a cucked place.
If you guys ever got out of the house once in a while
this has been happening since the 90's
I was in the dominican in 1992. I was 22 and saw a fuck ton of german girls 16 to 24. (hot ones too) all hanging around the black guys. So I asked a white australian dude who was working there. "Whats up with that?"
He straight out said. Oh, these girls buy em food and give them money and shit. And the black guys fuck em.
what the fuck
how did they get to fucking ireland
someone explain to me
how does a nigerian get entry into fucking ireland out of all places?
like what
they just buy a plane ticke and that's it?
its difficult for non europeans to get staying permits
yet this does not apply to niggers and chinks?
So are the niggers getting their Vitamin D from artificial sources? Because I thought they can't live long at high latitudes due to the decreased sunlight not being adequate to give them enough Vitamin D through their skin's heavy melanin content.
dr shlomo shekelberg is going to handle that
because he wants the nigs to be happy so they can rape at 100% efficiency
But… why? Why do they buy stuff for men? Are they desperate for cock?
Interracial exotic fetish. Remember that he's talking about the Dominican so they probably took a special trip just for that, I bet a lot don't even tell what they got up to on their vacation when they get back. Also shit's probably really cheap there compared to prices they're used to and they obviously have disposable money to be there to start with. Probably from parents if they're that young.
Have you heard of Laura?
You don't want to hear about Laura.
lol kek
These threads all seem to have several of this kind of poster. The foreign German descendent who is now "so ASHAMED of his heritage". You can see them on halfchan too, the descend on the thread like a swarm of (1)s. I'm not sure what they're trying to achieve.
Norway is changing. Possibly getting uncucked one day.
but like said… we probably need a war.
those eyes
What a surprise, they're all either ugly, fat, or both.
Kill the men
Enslave the women
Eat the children
t. beware of angry germans
Then sterilize them and use them as fuck sleeves?
Do whatever you want with them, i no longer care.
Dibs on Kat Dennings then. Fucking kike bitch is gonna be my maid.
the judgemental gaze of the dog is what gets me. that and the red face he has.
she'll poison your tea.
Fuck, I messed up. Maid's make tea. I should say she'll just be there for fucking.
Dog is like:
I still love you, but you're such a fucking cuck! god damn!
Papa ROach!
Very Nice!
that's hilarious.
This ranks among the best posts I've seen all day.
Thanks user, you deserve some solid gold internets
they are from a thread long ago.
we had fun.
more fun than his wife has ever given him