Friendly reminder to the massive amount of newfag in the recent months, that we are not Alt-right, and we should not associate to anyone labeling themselves as such, we are just Holla Forums, a place that looks for the best answer to manage current events and situations, resulting in whatever conclusion is possibly generated by us.
Holla Forums is not simple left or right, pol is looking for truth and responding accordingly to it, just by ((chanse)) in this period of time right leaning actions are required to fix the system.
Reminder that ==ALT RIGHT== is a term that was created here, but was as immediatly hi-jacked by the kike media, to label anyone that isn't part of their cuckservative controlled opposition, in such manner they control what that label actually means and what the public opinion (normies) think of anyone identifying themselves as such.
That's the very strenght of chans, we don't have a name, none can recognize us or form a clear thought of us, we can be temporary destroyed by shills (4chan) but we will form again somewhere else, we can't be labeled, we can't be controlled.
Those coming here proclaiming themselves as "Alt-righters" are either newfags coming from cuckchan or shills pushing their master's "alt right" meme onto us to identify as.
Guys don't give up our greatest strenght for some miserable moments of pride
Holla Forums's strength is its diversity of right-leaning thinkers who can come to the same conclusions together. Trying to categorize Holla Forums into one group is trying to categorize apples, oranges, and bananas. That being said, free thought should be encouraged as long as it isn't blatant shilling or sliding.
Easton White
I generally agree but I'm going to be a stickler on facts, as a lover of truth you shouldn't object.
No, the alt-right is a very old term spinning off of the european new-right and goes back to the early to mid 2,000's, gaining popularity among the neo-reactionaries, the nouvelle droite precedes the internet going back to the 60's and is the primary source documentation of anything calling itself the alt-right today. We were calling ourselves alt-right on Holla Forums long before it was hijacked, it was not immediate as you seem to think it was.
Those coming here proclaiming themselves as "Alt-righters" are either newfags coming from cuckchan or shills pushing their master's "alt right" meme onto us to identify as.
Or, some of us, have been calling ourselves that for literally years now and refuse to abandon a perfectly serviceable term because our political enemies use it as an epithet or faggots who have no clue what the term means or where it comes from misappropriate it.
Nigger, those are all fruit, they are easily and readily categorized together.
Daniel Bell
That's false. There were a couple Radix/Counter-Currents fags who would use the term here, and almost always get shot down. Shilling for it only started in the weeks leading up to last year's NPI fagfest.
Charles Cruz
This alt-right bullshit again? SJW's love the meme now, don't they?
Michael Hughes
Also, obligatory.
Joshua Wright
Holla Forums is alt-right. Not everybody is a snownigger.
Carson Davis
Holla Forums's campaigning with the Alt Right is the new Chanology. "First as tragedy, then as farce," as the man said.
Jack Hughes
wait, was your comment ironic or redpilled?
Dominic Wright
This thread is not for oldfags
Go back to /r/eddit…
Colton Lopez
Thanks for clearing things out with your trips.
Adrian Phillips
Sage negated.
Grayson Sullivan
People who confuse "Alt-right" as some kind of coherent movement are clearly misunderstanding it.
Alt-Right is a broad umbrella, it doesn't mean that we have to love faggots like Milo.
We can, and do call these degenerates out for what they are and that's fine.
If anything this current phenomenon will only be a good thing for us as it will shift the Overton window.
I have no doubt in my mind that Holla Forums will continue to be Holla Forums.
We don't abandon the term "Fascism" because faggots use it as a catch all bogeyman word, we shouldn't react too hard at being put under the umbrella of Alt-Right.
A fair amount of the lolbergs pool party pass holders that love Milo know they aren't welcome here and they won't get anything from spending time here either.
TL:DR This is a non issue, it'll work out for us in the end and it's exploded in the face of Hillary's campaign like a live grenade.
Michael Reed
Or redditfaggots from the_donald.
You care so much to write that teenager word salad but are too lazy to make a Webm. The altright was doomed to be shit from the start, never go big tent.
Adam Ortiz
Holla Forums is National Socialist…get out of here you greasy liberal.
Dylan Williams
The alt-right is just an assemblage of right-wing movements which are linked by the common foundational principle of anti-Semitism.
The media is trying to coopt it, but they are likely to fail.
In any case, Holla Forums has influenced the alt-right, significantly in fact; but to say Holla Forums is alt-right would be a falsehood, bearing little truth relative to suggestion that the alt-right emerged on several fronts as the offspring of Holla Forums's maelstrom, amongst others.
Holla Forums is like one of many storms in a hellish (to sleeping normies and the awoken cursed; celestial to those who know the grace of Kek) plane, and the alt-right is a swarm of vicious demons - or avenging angels - borne forth to tread amongst the wasted landscape that is the modern dialogue.
Holla Forums threw some action into that manifestation, surely, but it is not Holla Forums.
A beam of Sunlight is not, itself, the Sun - but it can still burn down a poorly kept forest.
Josiah Howard
I was thinking about this very topic today, and I wanted to provide a metaphor for any newfriends who might assume that Holla Forums is part of the alt right.
Holla Forums is a mountain stream. It collects the rain of facts and flows along cutting channels of logical political positions as it flows. Holla Forums is always moving, generating a current of memes with the weather of happenings. The Alt Right is an artificial pond that has been dug at the bottom of the mountain. The Alt Right exists to capture the flow of Holla Forums, and receives water from many different tributaries. The Alt Right is flavored by the current of memes streaming down from Holla Forums, but it is also polluted by various other sources to try and make the pond undrinkable. Whenever shills try to climb the mountain and poison Holla Forums their subversion is washed out with the quick running stream, and they ultimately fail to change the nature of the stream, despite their many attempts. As the Alt Right is not the stream of Holla Forums, but connected to it, Holla Forums influences the Alt Right, but the Alt Right does not influence Holla Forums. Please keep it that way.
Adrian King
"Alternative"-Right is painfully bad memetics. It is a phrase that works against us on a basic propaganda level. If something is the "alternative", then it is by definition not mainstream.
Why would we want to limit the scope of our movement with it's very name? That's nothing but sabotage.
Maybe the person who came up with it was stupid rather than malicious, but it doesn't matter. The name should be rejected.
Tyler Rogers
I'm center left tbh
Justin Powell
Stick around kid.
Dylan Hall
been here since the purge how long does natsoc indoctrination take?
Jose Gomez
It's different for everyone. I'd say it took me about 5 years. I first went to /n/ to argue about the Holocaust happening.
Jose Hall
You have it all backwards. Instead of using your energy dictating to us (that agree with the rest of Holla Forums on race realism, the JQ, etc) that we aren't alt-right, you should direct that energy to people like Milo, kikebart and their followers, making it clear *they* aren't alt-right.
By saying all alt-righters are the latter, you are legitimising their voice and playing into their hands.
We have the opportunity to bring our knowledge to the mainstream through the alt-right and you special snowflake edgelords are spoiling it for all of us yet again.
James Myers
Nathan Cooper
I rest my case
Jayden Richardson
Josiah Morgan
But it's such a good fracture point, goy. We gotta have a little diversity in our tactics, we can't exclusively shill on the Christian/Pagan/Atheist issue or the goyim might catch on.
Easton Lopez
The Alt-Right is undergoing a GamerGate scenario. Prior to this media blitz, the term was used to describe the netizens at places like /r/The_Donald, a forum which (to my knowledge) bans racist posts. Now, they're trying to tie Alt-Right to us in the hopes of undermining Trump's bid for the Presidency.
Whether you are an Alt-Righter, full NatSoc, or just a regular Trump supporter doesn't matter. The key here for everyone is to not overreact to the charges that the MSM and progressives spew against you. Don't let those charges become the only thing that is discussed.
Crooked Hillary is still Crooked, and they're trying to draw attention away from that.
Jaxson White
Thats right, diversity is strength. Holla Forums is fruit, end of discussion.
Brayden Sullivan
Not an argument.
Adopting a label and hoping more from the mainstream join us is the polar opposite of special snowflake. Distancing yourselves from labels is special snowflake because like a snowflake you want to be unique (despite many of you sharing the majority of your views with the alt-right).
Julian Sullivan
Calling yourself "alt" is about as special snowflake as it gets, regardless how you try to rationalize it.
William Bailey
The alt-right believes in:
The "troo" right/NEETsoc adds:
Holla Forums is a broken American belief system no one but retarded, brainwashed Americunts can understand.
I've been thinking about this for a few days and what keeps coming to mind is Hitler's quote that it's not enough merely to try and disrupt an existing system: you have to have something to offer as a replacement.
National Socialism was effective precisely because they weren't just a bunch of rabble-rousers with a list of grivences: they had a "brand," a label if you like, and an organized program with clear, well-articulated points about how they would fill fhe gaps left when they finished sweeping away Weimar degeneracy.
Probably at this late date, "alt-right" is too corrupted by the ((mainsteam media)) to do much good, but part of me can't help but feel we missed a golden opportunity to take things to the next level with an organized platform recognized (and feared) by the ((mainstream)). We should have been more on the ball and defined alt-right ourselves rather than knee-jerk rejecting it and thus letting the bad guys define it and then pin it on us.
Camden Butler
I've been a Holla Forumsack since Zim Zam, and I'm a "figure" in the alt-right. I honestly think most of you are losing a major opportunity for influencing people by denouncing the movement. You're being like nazi hipsters.
Sure entryism sucks at first, but we need the numbers. Now the alt-right is a battlefield for the old Holla Forums-consensus vs. the bluepill newcomers, and you should really be involved in that fight.
Don't just let the kikes take over everything we've worked years to build.
Ethan Gomez
please kill all these faggots
Xavier Richardson
Ive been here since habbo. The kikes are not our friends.
Easton Sanchez
Women are literally inferior that is an objective fact Faggots are a public health crisis that is an objective fact
Lincoln Butler
National Socialism wasn't "Right" or "Left", a primitive simplification of competing ideas which succeeds today to keep authoritarianism in lock step each step the pendulum swings "left" to "right", but rather NatSoc was "third position." Either extreme ignorance in religious christcuck funadementalist prudishness coupled with free-market capitalism with free speech and free gun ownership, or extreme negation of personal and workers' rights funneled into a Marxist utopia of cultural relativism and state totalitarianism.
Either way, USA was given a choice between further totalitarianism and further totalitarianism. They can say what they want and have guns as much as they want, but like cuckstianity, these rights are given to all peoples as long as they're "Americans" and eventually the mass-breeding population will overrun the K-selected population. Thus Americans gave voting, gun-ownership, property-ownership, etc rights to niggers. And gave them welfare, and gave those with welfare voting rights.
Basically, America is a cespool. They have some serious shit to fix.
Aiden Jones
if those numbers we "need" are at the expense of the truth then we might as well all an hero. Not to mention the alt right is filled with fags and kikes
have you seen the delousing chamber we've built to deal with the influx of newfags?
we dont need anyone. we have those who seek the truth and thats all we need. The truth is so powerful that a handful of socially rejected autists worshiping a fucking frog are being touted as the enemies of the world by mainstream media publications.
In short, please kill yourself
Adam Lopez
Well said.
Angel Flores
we're a loose collection of multi-faith whites, half-casts and sympathetic non-white nationalists although americans make up the majority of users the posters on Holla Forums come from an international background at least half of us are between the 18-35 age bracket and possess a college education or at the least a trade or skill with a small minority of NEETs we're the thinking nationalists, the bane of the liberal is the man with a differing opinion who can justify his opinions with intelligent debate and rationale
Kevin Turner
Kill yourself.
Jack Reed
I don't think so.
Connor Cruz
You need to re-post in English, I don't understand your snark language enough to say one way or another.
we're officially a mystery school now with a focus on the esoteric in our search for truth, our power grows with the blessings of old
praise kek
Ryan Rogers
Don't worry, those with balls are already organising and yeah, if we succeed in getting the label alt-right mainstream WITH the correct racial and antisemitic meaning, it will mean the end of Holla Forums.
Nathan Wilson
lol "alt-right" we're more like the actual right moreso than the GOP or neonazis
Landon Sullivan
William Rogers
This user has got a point. We should make sure that the alt-right remains anti-semite beyond that it is a broad term. Don`t let the kikes create a 'THE altright' which can be co opted and turned.
Being hostile towards those who can be considered alt-right and are counter semite is doing the kikes work.
Jack Adams
Owen Lopez
The establishment is using this term to group all of us together so that it can get rid of everybody that oppose it in one go.
Say no to (((alt-right)))
Brody Butler
Holla Forums isn't an identity, it's just a board where people are free to have politically incorrect discussions. That's all. The common denominator is probably 99% of people here are politically incorrect white nationalists.
And I never referred to myself as 'right-wing' or 'left-wing' because these are simplistic and stupid categories. The truth doesn't wear a label or a costume.
Ayden White
There's no indoctrination unless you let yourself be indoctrinated. That's the general rule, no matter what the doctrine is.
Christopher Jackson
This. The truth doesn't need to hide behind a brand or a label. Nor will it ever so long as we shall breathe.
Basically, watch out for clowns who proclaim themselves leaders of this or that.
Ayden Kelly
Sup chaim, how's that d&c shilling working out for you?
Wyatt Butler
We are anons. Nothing more, nothing less. To hell with this (((alt-right))) meme.
Parker Carter
You know the tea party was cool when it first started. It was small there was no centralized leadership, they basically wanted to MAGA, they knew that it was impossible in the current situation. It was immediately realized that they could be a very dangerous organization so they got a little help. I knew the demise of the tea party was imminent when I started to see big greyhound buses all decked out in tea party logo. My first thought was hmmmm where did all the money to pay for that come from?
Charles Kelly
Fuck off, homosexual.
Christopher Nelson
Expect Us
Jackson Lewis
What's important to remember about Holla Forums is anyone can come here and shill so there's no defining ideology here except struggling for truth and lulz.
"Alt-right" was originally coined by Richard Spencer though many disagree with him on a number of core issues.
Jackson Baker
alt-right mean alternative right, and alternative right mean jack shit, because it mean the alternative version of what YOU think is the real/current right.
in other word, "alt-right" is subjective, Hillary calls us alt-right, normies call trump supporter alt-right, and we call Milo & co. alt right.
Nathan Lee
ah, and the image to go with OP
Robert Roberts
homosexuals dont breed or have a considerable population in the USA. They dont do jack shit to everyone, if your gonna defend your fag buddies, you better do it in a place like reddit.
James Gomez
Luke Brooks
the image merely was to reflect how there is no consensus on what is the alt right, to that effect your image reflect the same argument.
you just validated my point, even better ur tinfoil and paranoid greentext was not even remotely part of my argument.
Lincoln Morris
So you agree with my statement that some of us were in fact using the term alt-right before it exploded in popularity?
How then is my statement false? I'll admit when I said "we" it implied I was talking about Holla Forums at large which I did not actually mean, so I will clarify I did mean that a group of us did exist who used the term.
Connor Morris
this is, huh, ;_;
Christian Stewart
This 100%
Blake Thompson
This is one of the few meaningful criticisms of the term, and somebody who does for this reason, I will not object against them.
You have to rememebr the context in which the term arose, 2006-2009, just before or just at the start of the Obama presidency at the height of Tea Party fervor when serious anti-liberalism was beginning to re-enter the public conscience after 50 years of dormancy. We were far from mainstream and we were using the term, not to project ourselves to the world but to self-identify and be able to mark ourselves apart, to each other, from what we today would call Cuckservatives, the mainstream Republican "right". We were a much more loose and diverse group of ideas that hadn't had time to coalesce into a coherent worldview, you had the PUA's and the "manosphere" shifting into anti-feminism topics, the HBD crowd gaining limited popularity and exposure as anti-feminism highlighted the inherent differences between the sexes, paving the way for a recognition for the inherent differences between the races, the neoreactionaries and dark-enlightenment were coming on to the scene at the time too blasting the trumpet of anti-democracy and anti-illuminism.
The alt-right describes a developing process that has resulted in a very cohesive worldview unto itself.
Memetic propaganda wasn't even on anyones radar when the term first started popping up, it's anachronistic to judge it now that we have more clarity now than we did in the past.
This is a problem Holla Forums generally has, the inability to understand that the past has it's own context and that it's unfair to judge it by what we might know and understand now.
Jayden Ward
this, I am not an alt right member. I am a conservative but I still love being here. We are constantly evolving and will adapt to change and we don't let the media put us in a box
Bentley Foster
Civic nationalists, e-celebs, kike-right youtubers, 20 something ironic MGTOWs, summerfags, homos, dykes and young people all disgust me and should all shut the fuck up.
Angel Russell
The media is creating an alt right strawman and attacking it in hopes you'll leap to defend it and turn into controlled oposition in a movement led by Jews like "based mom" and Milo with censored discourse and PR. You'll be steered away from the real problems and be turned into an ineffectual degenerate mess like was done to gamergate. Don't fall for it again.
Henry Edwards
Hudson Turner
They were bought out by the Koch brother kikes. The same time they brought in all the fancy buses was the same time there ((guest speakers)) started talking about how alternative energy is bullshit because those two faggots have all there money invested in oil.
Hunter Rivera
Even the first Tea Party (not counting the Ron Paul one) was all cuckservatives and neo-cohens. Glenn fucking Beck was the main organizer.
Cameron Morgan
Thanks for saying it. Usually the masses follow once it is too late. They are trend followers so to say. They have no idea why they follow the trend in the case of liberals they just do it because they hope it makes them intelligent by association. Holla Forums actually thinks about these things and try's to become a trend setter so to say.
Camden Bennett
Fuck off alt-kike
Joshua Cox
Jordan Johnson
Holla Forums is not alt-right. Holla Forums is always right
Nathan Turner
Samuel Sanchez
where did all these varg kids come from all of a sudden ?
Grayson White
pol probably won't fall for it, but normies are falling in droves for this new 'movement'
another successfull kike hijacking of the brewing opposition
Luke Peterson
Republicans are quick to protect their money, Rockwell knew, and it's still relevant today. They'll rationalize it anyway they need.
Connor Thomas
Adopting the vocabulary of your enemy is just stupid. The media can whine about the 'alt-right' all they want but it's just a vague meaningless label we should all ignore.
Grayson Phillips
In general, you're right.
Holla Forums isn't alt-right, but at the moment, the truth has an alt-right bias.
Maybe in a future in which the alt-right takes over, Holla Forums - or whatever future form dissident thinking takes - will lean far-left.
Holla Forums goes against the wind. The "Holla Forumss" from the Middle Ages until the 1700s were almost universally liberal in outlook, and the moment we (as in, the right-wing) win is the moment places like this become hives of defiance that we will be trying to stifle.
Isaac Jones
"alt-right" just means "white nationalists with day jobs".
If you're 1488 and you can't afford to wear a swastika on your sleeve, the alt-right is really the only political movement doing anything to further your interests.
If you can name a pro-white political movement that has more influence, better intellectual underpinnings, and wider support, please post it.
p.s. Holla Forums Holla Forums isn't a political movement. it's a small subculture.
Adam Foster
Holla Forums is just a board where anonymous people can have politically incorrect discussions.
Mason Sanders
Ask me how I know you don't belong here.
Evan Jackson
(checked) I'm more of a pissed off Paleocon instead of an alt-righter. Sure, some beliefs overlap, but I don't wanna be lumped in with Milo.