inb4 hurr durr, watch this

So, open and honest white libertarian/white nationalist brotherhood when?

reminder: these people are also labelled "alt-right". How long before they get so fed up with being called racist nazis that they just say "fuck it, I don't even care what they think any more"?

RWDS when, FFS!?

Other urls found in this thread:

Gary Johnson is not an actual libertarian

pick both

you can have open boarders if everyone crossing them is white.
that's the problem with libertarians.
they just can't swallow the biological element of human behavior. aka race

Pick both

I've heard that. Is that true?

Libertarian here…

Open borders can only work if you remove all incentive for people to come into the country to take advantage of your systems. If you aren't a citizen, you don't get welfare. If you commit a crime, you get put into jail, and then deported once you have served your sentence. Vetting for convicted criminals at the border does reasonably make sense.

That said, with increased cases of criminals abusing open borders these days, I can easily understand the argument that borders should be restricted for a period of time until circumstances improve (i.e. ISIS is completely destroyed).

You gonna substantiate that with an argument, or are you just going to throw that out there and hope no one disagrees with you?

i dont have the argument but i was convinced by someone elses. I just don't remember it. Something about wanting climate change regulations on business.

she's not, according to her

yes. it's not just some insult, she is legitimately Lauren (((Southern)))

This actually makes me happier. If average libertarians move towards anti open-border policies and they don't like Gary Johnson, then they'll vote Trump instead

She still an anti-White whore working for a kike.

Oh looks it's Lauren Southern, the smug little whore that thought White Genocide was something to laugh at and that it was inevitable.

Fuck her.

These people are only ever good for helping shift the Overton window.

It's good that some of these Libertarians are moving rightward but I can't stand that e-celeb bitch after what she said.

Would still bang her though tbh

can't = won't

but that's just denial.

so, race realism pill when?

Some people take the pill when it's too late, like that "British" chink knifed to death by the "French" gentleman.

I imagine the CogDis going on during her final breaths was intense.

Lolbergs are only holding us back.

Ever notice how every time somebody's defending kikes it's an alt-right lolberg? Sometimes a "fashy" alt-right lolberg.

To be fair, some Danes fled the Nazi's for reasons other than being Juden.
I don't see that as proof she's a Jew.
Maybe we can get her to submit to a DNA test?

iirc, she was a legit politician, but then she got jew'd?

stepping stones for normies…

Going to shill for Libertarian Race Realist

Pretty much the gold standard for Libertarians. Can't remember how he is on the JQ.

Yeah I mean even if they don't want to attack the kikes they should know that they aren't there friends.

You don't defend others from outwith your race if it undermines your race.

They should just learn to keep their mouths shout.

Just look at these tweets

It's that smug condescending attitude that she's better than those "stupid racists"

As for getting Jewed out of her political career? I've never heard about that but she doesn't really interest me that much.

Don't get me wrong I'm not going to spend my time attacking this woman online, I'd prefer to ignore her if i'm honest.

She even claims she's a Jew in those tweets so that's bad news from the start.

*their friends

wew lads, tired.

I'd Bang her, and Redpill her cute ass on race before, during and afterwards.

She's just another fag that jumped on the anti-SJW hype train right after GamerGate went through GamerGate+ PR revival.

Non explicitly leftist white people are waking up to their own racial identity and interest. This is happening all over western nations, and all otherwise conflicting ideological factions are being transformed by this revelation. This includes libertarians, who are A) mostly of the american fundamentalist variety anyways and B) around 95% white by lowest estimates.

lol, the funny thing is Dublin being a capital city it's not surprising it's filled with immigrants, but the rest of the country is incredibly white, and when shtf we'll be quite well off, because deportation will be no problem due to this, just round up the thousands in the city and capture the remaining few in the countryside. We are lucky to have avoided France/Germany/Sweden/UK-tier immigration levels, and it's gettting far too late now for them to increase them. People are rising up and becoming Nationalist more and more each day.
Feels Good Man.

I'm glad i'm in Scotland but our population is low and fairly socialist.

Just need that sweet sweet nationalism.

Africans will have incentive to come here simply because they won't have to be surrounded by other Africans.

It was only a matter of time

Libertarians, you'll realize how wrong you were once you get out of high school

If I want to run a boarding house that is my business. Why is it that libertarians are suddenly wanting to shut down free enterprise?

Boarding houses, and boarders have been a tradition for a long time. It provides a valuable service for those just starting out to have a roof over their heads and a hot meal.

Now I can see putting a stop to boarders that force themselves onto ships without the captain's permission. So long of the ship isn't violating any laws. Maritime law should be respected.

Maybe they should concern themselves with the open border with Mexico.


No gun control faggot can be considered a libertarian.

He also threw away a man's gun. He'll throw away our guns too.

Australian Libertarian here

We're almost all alt-right and alt-lite now
This is especially true for the ancaps

Keep an eye on Australian politics over the next decade, shits about to get memetic

stopped reading there

stopped reading there

Noice virtue signaling m8

suck my cock and check my dubs lolberg

Good. They can be our useful idiots until we implement national socialism.

He definitely sold the fuck out when the Neo-Cohen's came in with their money

Wrong. It can never work

No man who makes it his cause to erect a state on the foundation of liberty over duty is ally of mine.

The you have no rights - you have your people, and duty unto them, unto yourself, and unto whatever Gods you choose.
Liberty? Its an illusion.
You are rife with obligation, lest you are alone - and we who seek to stand together have little use for autistic progressives attempting to convince us that what is best is to focus on an illusion of liberty that leads to degeneration by default.

No thank you.

Change, and we might be allies… Or don't, and we won't.

Yeah, if they were communists. Either way, her grandparents were subhuman and so is she.

Have fun becoming a Chinese colony, retard.

Dude, how new are you?

Libertarianism can only work in a highly homogenous white American society. If you aren't pro-white how can you even claim to be a Libertarian?

It is not favourable for immigration to work.

Libertarian Nationalist checking, just wanted to say I TOLD YOU FAGGOTS it would catch on soon enough. Libertarianism is a fucked ideology, Libertarian Nationalism corrects it.

So for all the shit I've had to put up with for being the resident LN, SUCK IT.

Libertarian nationalism doesn't exist, you fucking nigger-loving cuck. Get the hell out of here. I don't feel like BTFOing you for the 'nth time.

Doesn't have to be homogeneous, but it will naturally segregate in homogeneous areas.

I'm not going anywhere you limp-wristed faggot, I told you that before. My conviction is over 9000. You're not even on my level.

Nice. As an Anarcho-Fascist I'm glad to see contradictory ideologies that could never exist rising in popularity.

this is just a meme, there's no evidence that she is jewish. If you have some, feel free to share it. :^)

And just like always, you can do nothing but meme-spout like the idiotic nigger-loving Redditor you are.

Every time you've opened up your moronic mouth to spew that "Libertarian nationalist" stream of verbal Diarrhea I've deconstructed and BTFO your shitty "arguments" thoroughly. You act exactly like Hitler described Jews arguing.

The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day.

Your government just allowed sharia police.

I have no need to debate you, time will prove me victorious. Your cognitive dissonance blinds you because your idealistic dream is a fantasy. NatSoc has a snowball's chance in hell of ever being adopted.

Just drop Liberalism already, it's a Freemason universalist ideology. Note: Liberalism != liberty.

They've allowed headscarves to be worn.

All it needs is for Muslim brood sows to get off their arse and actually be able to join the police.

It's like a qualification for a Muslim pig farmer. It simply won't happen.

economic policy can be discussed once a country is 100% white
any other division before that serves to disunite the right

Learn a new phrase on Holla Forums today that you wanted to try out and make yourself sound clever by using? You don't even seem to understand what cognitive dissonance even means.
Oh? But your idiotic special snowflake abortion of an worldview based on splicing together two fundamentally contradictory ideologies isn't? Spare me the keks, faggot. I need them for later.
What makes you think I'm a Natsoc? Also, this is no argument against the virtues or truthfulness of NatSoc in principle, merely a worthless subjective statement that it might not be adopted. This is also not an argument in favor of your own godawful ideology, since you have no proof whatsoever that "libertarian nationalism", if such a thing ever existed, would even catch on in the first place.

So fuck off and splatter your brains on the goddamn wall for being such a worthless kike.

Drown me in those sweet, delicious tears.

Actual libertarian thinkers (both ancap and minarchist) have had strong arguments against open borders for decades. Try reading Nozick or Hoppe sometime (I don't agree with them on everything, but both have very good reasoning showing how restrictions on entry into communities are completely compatible with libertarian principles).
You don't get to call yourself a libertarian after saying shit like that.

Yeah, after that fat sack of shit running around naked on stage I want the lolbergturdians about as close to me as the pozzed alt-right.

Her grandparents were apparently Communists, which is a pattern we see in public "right-wing" activism and among politicians.

Mysteriously all of these kosher "right-wingers" are red diaper babies. Even the gentiles.

He doesn't. As has been shown many, many times in the past he is simply a libertarian and not a nationalist at all. His "closed borders" stance is that there theoretically should be room in the market for closing a border, but that there can be no mandate on the part of individuals put forward by the State to actually enforce a collective standard of behavior regarding their relationships with foreigners, including any prohibition on importing them.

If under "Libertarian Nationalism" the country is flooded with foreigners then the free market has decided. He is not a "Nationalist" in any sense.

It's a joke to call Hoppe a libertarian. Libertarians disavow him very strongly. There has always been a current to AnCap thinking that is conceptually just Bolshevism and that hordes of violent thugs will implacably enforce the morality of Anarchy and that this is freedom of some kind. That isn't a "border" and Hoppe's notion that these violent Anarchists will remove the subversive dross instead of the "Kulaks" as was the case in every other instance of Leftist mobs enforcing their morality is obviously demonstrably wrong.

You can't motivate people to violently enforce their Leftist morality which is invested in the protection and promotion of perversity and arrive at results that are contrary to perversity. Bolsheviks don't kill Kulaks out of some quirk of policy. It is their sine non qua.

Hoppe puts forward a moral system that is perverse and degenerate and enforcing it on the public will look like the Soviet Union (which is what an AnCap society will necessarily look like).

It always seems weird that you guys invent a way that discerns the world and maintains patterns then go out of your way to justify it rather than using truth to show what you think.

Communists have the same problem, belief is irrelevant when working to create a society that works. Trying to impose yourself on reality seems foolish. Economics is a study of means, not ends.

Sorry, I'm kind of new to this board so I might be misunderstanding some things.

Restriction on entrance into a community is not the same as restriction on entrance into a nation. And in libertarian thought both would rely on perfect unanimous voluntary agreement. These libertarians describe more of a gated community within a larger multicultural hell hole. This is not what we want. We want global Aryan imperium, and we don't give a shit about "human rights" and other libertarian fantasies.

For one, this is false. "Economics" as an academic discipline assumes a particular moral philosophy and political economy put forward by Classical Liberals (Adam Smith in particular). Anything that doesn't cleave to this standards is not "Economics". It's not part of the field.

So it is in fact a study of producing a particular end. It's just such a culturally pervasive sentiment that this particular end is just assumed to be a part of reality in western cultures. This reality of everyone unknowingly adhering to a faith stronger than any religion is the work of "economists" who wish this to be the case as "economics" is actually a field of political activism, so any questioning of the assumptions produced by their moral philosophy is not permitted within the field ("not a part of the field of economics").

Which is why most other cultures do not produce academics that are recognized as "economists" by economists at large. You almost necessarily have to have been born and raised in a Liberal country to not immediately jump to questioning the philosophy that underpins the prescriptions of the field. Even the phrase "good for the economy" doesn't parse as being sensible without a lot of assumptions which are certainly not value neutral and merely descriptive. But even something like the philosophy of language is "not a part of the field" which of course by design is not subject to critique.

Lauren Southern creates OC. She's far from deserving the level of hate you see from shills.

Use all the tools at your disposal

I understand what you're saying and that's a very succinct analysis. It seems like we need to retake the idea of 'good for the people' from the commies.

Good for the economy just relates to numbers that can be inflated or deflated artificially.

She works for a Zionist jew, she's the enemy. It's that simple.

Fuck off and die, Jew.

Fucking newfags

National socialism does not exist cause I say so.

Pic related is Lauren Southern with her natural hair color

So why not let our enemies do our work for us?


I thought she was a jew?

Shes religiously a Jew, questionable if shes genetically Jewish, see

I'd really rather people vote for (((Johnson))) than Shillary. It's not a vote for Trump but it's not one for Hillary either.

Stick a cute blonde girl on a wheat field and I lose all ability to think critically.

I've been a Nationalist Libertarian for awhile.

Do you take medication for your schizophrenia, then?

True. Only problem with Libertarianism if you get ride of the open borders shit is that you need moralist CEOs..

Instead of doubling down like morons you people would be well advised to push your ideals into movements like Libertarianism, because if we stay small, eventually they'll undermine our movement and we'll be done.

You faggots need to quit being so soft, hard-line facism, hard-line nationalism and a strong monarch to smash the Jew globalists. The problem with libertarianism, is like communism, it plays into the Jews' hands. Any Ideology which does not recognize the Jew, will fall to the Jew and it's globalist banks.

I don't believe in the NFP any more or any Libertarian ideology primarily because it's too fucking soft. We need a monarch or king or authority figure and from there stemming individual liberties for checks and balances, namely local militias and the ability to carry arms.

Stick a pretty white face that says she's against feminism and you faggots will be tripping over yourselves to appease this bitch.

You ever fucking think why women are against feminism? When it primarily benefits them? Because they don't want full feminism, they don't want to serve in the front lines, they don't want half the work.

They want the traditional roles of caretaker, woman and cook to seal power and yet the ability to vote and go out in the world and work so she is not dependent.

How about we change domestic abuse laws?

How about we disallow women to vote?

How about we remove the ability for women to earn doctorates?

You faggots ever think the anti-feminism female crowd is all for show?

Wanna learn, read this book, AFP.

Me too

I don't care for Southern, she's a cosplay slut and probably a coalburner. Yet, I get the feeling your a female as well. Something in your tone…

Yep, it's nicer so they'll invade.

Well unless you magically take away their rights and abilities to vote, they're a demographic you're going to have to pay attention to.

Gas yourself you ugly Jew bitch.

Forgot to sage and report

"Civil rights" = right to access to white people


She's making arguments and content that other people aren't so she's proving to be useful in the meantime.

Who cares if she has enough personality to go on camera to make a few shekels?

Stop being such a whining bitch you turbo-shill


Wrong fucking file.

Click here to watch the clip without rebelmedia junk.

Enjoy your STDs cuck.

they get triggered by women because it reminds them they're a bunch of virgin losers than will never have a cute white girl

She obviously had a nose job ugly Jew bitch.

that's why you're still a virgin?



Gas yourself you fucking fagget.



Oh look, a libertarian posting degenerate tranny shit.

Who could've seen that coming

HAHA Fuck off you disgusting hook nosed rat.

that's just a normal gook, they all look like trannies

Kikes all look like subhuman rat people.

Nice coordinated shitposting.

You're going to destroy this thread in no time.

This thread was a shill thread to begin. Stop trying to shill your controlled opposition Jewish e-celebs.

But so were most of us, at one point or another.
Then we wised up.
apparently I'm jewish sounds more like she was accused of it, and didn't see a problem with it (i.e. blue pill)
I understand her more as being of Danish decent, gran-gran fleeing peninculaland and having some hurpdurp about being able to identify with them because of it.

sounds good, tbh.

too late, son. too late.


ok. will stop posting

The video in the OP is perfectly reasonable and easily expects over 200k views.

Shills are extremely blasted by these numbers.

she's not even a jew, she'd dutch.

besides, I'm getting kinda desperate for a family at 28 years old.

they don't care if she's jewish or not, there are a bunch of cucks that just get triggered when they see women. reminds them of their virginity.

no, it was a political thread about changing politics.
go be a whiny little bitch in some other thread.

fellow LN here.

Post-Ron Paul US libertarianism is Liberal-Socialist controlled opposition.

Gary Cuckson 4 rope 2016

It's quite funny how lolbergs realise their ideology doesnt hold in the real world so they change ideology while still claiming they are lolbergs.

please link to the posts praising cuck johnson.

otherwise I'm just going to assume you are only projecting in the worst way.

Libertarianism isn't rightwing.


old school libertarianism in the US limited immigration to WASP's.
They, like every one else, was fucked over by jews.
Now they are reverting to form.
How is this bad, exactly?


Also Ron Paul era libertarianism was the kikes' last chance. It was our last offering of peace, after all we just want to be left alone.

Now we have a solution, one might call it a final solution.

The US has been fucked ever since it was founded.


The founders knew the deal, but the public dropped their guard, manipulated by the media.
read the protocols, son.

The US is nothing but a colony that went rogue. You are a failed nation. You always have been and you always will be.

ITT: a bunch of assblasted faggots try to convince people that Lauren Southern is a jew without providing any evidence

spoiler: she's not a jew

I know right? I've never had the "muh dik" reaction to pretty much anything except that…

libertarianism is a fantasy ideology for stunted nerds and socially malcontent weirdos

the normal people who get seduced by it quickly realize how unworkable it is and how much of it relies on clever-silly logic and rationalizing to the complete ignorance of reality before your very own eyes. Like a communist insisting communism has never actually been tried because it fails every time.

It is not surprising that you find libertarian attraction among the very high IQ - it is precisely these people that embody the concept of clever-silly.

Of the more sensible group, I that it helps to cut through the bullshit by asking the person directly, what bothers you about society the way it is right now? Usually their issues with government and the like isn't an objection to the very notion of being governed or others having a say in what you do, but more the incompetence and corruption that is present at every level.

As others have said, being around civilized people (aka white people) is already a massive incentive so your proposal fails right from the start.

Secondly, why this fixation on open borders? Why not simply have strong borders and be done with it once and for all?

Libertarianism could work efficiently only inside a Nationalist country and on a reduced level (like: having only one state with libertarian principles)

lol this is true

This. regardless of content or jewish Ness if the subject involves a woman at least one guy will be buttmad and go on a pseudo intellectual rant about wyominz

I guess with the influx of newfags we have to kill libertarianism again. Every fucking year.



Nationalism you faggot. Go sperg about lolbergs on >>>/liberty/

Yes, and these two ideologies are fundamentally contradictory. It would be if I claimed to be an anarcho-fascist. "Libertarianism" is not just some loose word to describe market capitalism and morph and isn't something that can just warp definitions to fit the needs of an argument. Libertarianism is a very specific ideology based on multitudes of self-described libertarian intellectuals with a particular set of tenets, one of which including open borders.

Another reason they are both contradictory, is that at its core, nationalism is based on a concept of duty and responsibility to the nation - that every person in the nation and belonging to the race has an obligation to act in a way that benefits his people and the state should be involved to facilitate this. Libertarianism, on the other hand, disregards such ideas of duty or responsibility to the collective in favor of ideas of hyper-individuality and "liberty". It is impossible to create a country that is "nationalist" while simultaneously rejecting a core tenet and prerequisite for nationalism.

Then this is a self-destructive and idiotic system bound to fail, and it most definitely is not nationalism. Individuals have no limits on who to import? So any sod could import some shitskins into the nation, disregarding his duty to both his people and their collective success simply because your foolish ideas of hyper-liberty mustn't be infringed?

Then this is not nationalism in any way, you massive idiot. You don't even understand the philosophical basis for nationalism, nor do you seem to understand what it entails. Like a typical libertarian, you place no greater value in your nation or people, and only view them as a means of generating abstract profit in your abstract system of universal resource distribution. You are placing the nation as a whole at the behests of the "free market", thus enabling its own destruction. You put the cart before the horse. The market is nothing but a tool to benefit your people. Once your people become a tool to benefit the market, you have perverted the entire concept of nationhood and what it means

So stop sullying the name of Nationalism with your degenerate hyper-individualist market-worship. We don't want to associate with you, nor do we want your perverting what it means to be a nationalist.

Libertarianism would be an easier route to National Socialism rather than the direct method.
Under a libertarian society, you could purchase a large chunk of land (a city or larger size) as your private property and then enforce your own laws on that land. This includes kicking out/killing all non-Caucasians present on that land, and being able to enforce your own anti-degeneracy laws.
This would be completely legal under a libertarian society, so long as you don't invade private property in which you don't own or enforce your own laws on public property.

Are you retarded?

That sounds more like anarcho-capitalism, which is even more idiotic than libertarianism.

good joke, friend. i get it

those images are the surgery of my mind, nothing wrong with those ideas


Also that sounds like a fucking crazy place to live. Much more interesting than nazi germany 2 electric niggerjew. I'd be in for memeing that into reality.

Nope. What I described is completely compatible with a libertarian society. It would be the state preventing people from invading others' private property/breaking the NAP, not the the society's people like in anarcho-capitalism. So as long as you don't invade the neighborhood Communist private property society for example, the state wouldn't care.
Let's face it, unless the dynamics completely change, it will be decades or even centuries before the majority people will start voting for full blown National Socialism in the USA. Libertarianism stands as the only probable way of concealing it to the point in which it becomes a reality.


Listen lad, we can tell you're new but nothing your posting is novel or interesting. We have already debunked lolbergtarianism as impractical, ignorant of causality, and naive. Like I said, if you want to compare lolberg dicks with your willingness/unwillingness to sell heroin to child prostitutes, you have >>>/liberty/

but wouldn't killing all shitskins be considered a violation of the NAP?

They'll still come just because of the better living standard.



I just went on /liberty/ and this was their banner. Yes yes, let's unite with the h'white nationalist Karl Marx and Glenn Beck.

Not an argument.
Also I'm not new to Holla Forums, I just mainly lurk.

Nope, you have to right to enforce your own laws on your private property, so if you have a rule saying "Being a shitskin = death.", then you could kick out/kill any shitskin who comes onto your private property. This applies to other people's private property however, so if the local BlackLivesMatter private property land has a law saying "Being a Caucasian = death." and you were to walk onto their land, then they would have the right to kick out/kill you.

So you essentially admit that Libertarianism is a self-destructive system with no ability to maintain itself, and will naturally be subsumed by more militant, authoritarian regimes with the means to take power by force.

there are libertarians and there are cuckbertarians

Nope, because unlike Anarcho-Capitalism, there exists a central government. The central government would prevent any mass-scale invasion by powerful regimes.
Also, depending on what type of libertarianism society is in place, the case may be the police being the ones to remove the shitskins for violating the NAP rather than you unless you are in immediate danger.

you can't be a nationalist and a lolberg

It is because there have been previous examples of women who started to piggy back ride on the "le jew" meme in order to get e-celeb bucks coming from thirsty "white pride world wide" groups. They have proven to be frauds with serious backround issues, thus the lack of trust towards females e-celebs.

Also, Lauren Southern made fun of people concerned about white genocide right before that tweet was made (I think), so yeah. All the reasons to dislike her.

It gets even worse.

without any power. Taxation of any kind violates the NAP, thus the government would have no funds for a military or police force.
How? It can't even keep National Socialists from killing all niggers as long as it's on their property :^))))))

That beautifully captures the essence of lolberturdians and anarkiddies.

I get some Marxists like to pretend there totally won't be state in their version of True Communism™, but Lenin/Stalin must be a joke.

How autistic are these retards?
All they ramble about how the lolberg SUPERSTATE will prevent complete takeover, while being "small" at the same time.
Literally debunked for the millionth time. Fuck off retard.

It IS a joke, you fucking autists.





That alone is more than 99% of the "alt right" has done over the last month. Funny too how anytime young females put out redpills aimed at other young females suddenly there's a dozen anons here accusing them of shit without any evidence. Really makes you think.

Some of you guys are such faggots, I swear. I can't tell whether they're shills or just that bitter.

I'm going to pretend to take you seriously.

Pre-emptively countersignalling mikey.

You do know we have a Stalin .gif as our banner?


Ancap here. Most libertarians are onboard already. It's Holla Forums Stasserists that insist on kicking us out.

So. The black people there arent causing any issues. Are black people bad for just existing.

Funny how the main theme of these butthurt Holla Forums shootoffs is how Holla Forums have attracted retards by pretending to be retarded.
But then you dont expect hedonists to understand contradiction.



This is the single flaw of libertarianism, as what most libertarians propose is contradictory, and it isn't consistent within the libertarian community.
What is proposed is one of the three:
1. Voluntary taxes, through services such as lotteries (idealistic and retarded proposals).
2. A small tax upon the population (slightly contradictory and more practical stance, the most popular).
3. Georgist-style rent tax on private property (arguably compatible with the NAP, my belief).
Tax money to fund a military.

Small as in control, not small as in size.
Also this same argument could apply to almost every system of government in existence. Usually if majority of the population rise up, they are able to overthrow the government.

Pick both.

reminder that anyone that is against libertarianism on Holla Forums is a d&c shill from Holla Forums

Europe had open borders from the beginning of time until the 1860's. Until the 1910's in some parts. Generally you couldn't get into a town without a passport (basically a letter of recommendation) signed by someone known and trusted within said town.

The US had open borders for a very long time as well. When a group of people became a problem, either the people themselves took care of it, or the military did, depending on the severity of the threat.

And open borders within the US works alright. I cringe every time I see a New Mexico or California license plate, though.

This is exactly what happens now.
Without tax money, how is the government supposed to protect the population from nukes?

Lolberg "argument", folks. Just like Marxism. Completely unfounded in reality.

I've been in favor of closed borders the whole time you numb fucks. free and open civil society with a strong defense force to stop outsiders from fucking up our freedom utopia.

Did I short circuited your little brain, kid? Why are you still here if Holla Forums is so shit?

This will happen with every single nation with a state.
The only option against this is complete anarchy.

All successful instances of libertarian nationalist nations. National SOCIALISM is always and 100% doomed to fail, because they don't embrace free enterprise for the white man.

Daily reminder that lolbergs are newfags

What the fuck is this?

What do you think it is?

Are you retarded?
/new/ and the early days of Holla Forums were dominated by libertarians.

It isn't. Communists aren't people. They are just extremely intelligent and extremely dangerous animals. I'd sooner turn my back on a silverback than a Commie.

Plz disregard. I thought you were replying to my other post. My bad.

d&c implies that lolbergs had an alliance with natsocs

Learn the definition of terms before you begin to spout such idiocy. See

you are new

Yes, in our own younger years. We have grown up since then. Our lolberg phase was much influenced by having only Ron Paul as a potential meme candidate. We have found success, strength, and morale in nationalism because it's not an autistic purity check like lolbergtarianism. We are passed our lolberg phase, so anybody coming on here to post pro-lolberg shit is a newfag.


That Evalion girl from a while ago hitting herself after getting out of a shower while crying at someone?

Context is all I need, because this is in no way normal behavior and I know fuck all about her videos, meltdown, or whatever.

They were countries with free enterprise that also valued white people over others.

This is the definition of libertarian nationalist. Just because you don't like the idea of free enterprise doesn't mean you get to pretend it can't exist.

The Queen of Holla Forums




Funny though, you are throwing away your shitty little NAP at your convenience. And somehow your kind still spread the Hitler gun control myth everywhere.
If anything, Hitler only deported commies and kikes and disarmed. You violate your own selling point and just kill them.
Lolberturdianism, folks.


foolish for obvious reasons. No reason people would give a shit about paying. No guarantee of regular tax income, thus budgets would be impossible. No way of ensuring enough money is acquired for a full military and police force along with every other facet of a modern complex industrialised state.
Taxation is theft
taxation is theft.
taxation is theft

*have them disarmed

Hahahaha. You're a funny guy.


these cucks in 4 years from now will say Trumpists are new when it will be some Civic Nationalism vs National Socialism thread

valuing free enterprise =/= lolbergtardianism. Nazi Germany valued free enterprise.

Learn your defenitions before spouting such idiocy.

Typical dishonest argumentation of a lolberg. See where I completely deconstruct Libertarian "nationalism"

I fucking missed this, again.
Another example of lolbertudianism and its distance from reality.

fyi, less than 100k views for obvious clickbait isn't very good, especially when the video thumbnails consistently feature an avatar of a supposedly attractive woman

gavin shits out obvious joke videos that get more attention than anything she does

"Libertarian Nationalist" Almost as delusional as people calling themselves Fascist-Capitalists.


It makes me sad how lolbergs get it so wrong. Liberty isn't the end, it's the means to an end. If liberty taken to its most extreme would be detrimental to your own people then it wouldn't be beneficial. Who benefits from the liberty to dump waste in rivers?

Ron Paul attracted a fuckton of antiwar, kebab-loving leftie faggots. He pandered to kebab big time. That's why he blew his chances at the primaries. Deservedly so.

Another dumpster fire, then. Cheers

Ron Paul was also weak, but everyone else was a cuck globalist so we were happy posting our sad doom paul memes over and over.



This. Liberty is simply an abstract concept. It has no purpose if it is put into use with the express purpose of benefiting your race and nation. Liberty should be encouraged just as far as it is beneficial the nation, but if it gets to a point where it is self-destructive, then liberty should be curtailed.

Liberty should be viewed as no more than a tool better ones race, and not the end in and of itself

ayy lmao

Seems like you and the previous poster are from Holla Forums trying to D&C, but I will give you the benefit of the doubt.
The most extreme use of the state against communists proposed by any notable libertarian is removing them from the society, so this is complete bullshit.


/new/ was libertarian before Ron Paul was selected as a favored candidate.
Possible within a libertarian society.
Despite what you may think, Holla Forums isn't a hivemind which has to follow a specific ideology, an example being the divide being Fascists and National Socialists on here.

Taxation being theft isn't the case with this system, as it presents that all property is either public or public private property.

They propose using incentives to get people to pay for taxes, like lotteries.

If your concept of liberty involves damaging other people's health and ruining common spaces, you need to revise it.

Defunding Israel and the Saudis and stopping fighting their wars is not pandering to kebab.

That said, even libertarians need to wise up and realize the necessity of

They had free enterprise, which is far more important to libertarianism than not having taxes. Stop conflating libertarianism with fucking anarchocapitalism.

Huh? Libertarian nationalists don't believe in the NAP. They believe in a state that exists to serve the people, who are free to do as they like so long as they don't violate the rights of others AND that niggers and several other groups don't count as fully human so they are granted fewer rights accordingly.

Wow, did it hurt when you pulled that whopper out of your ass?

He should have killed them. Commies are subhuman and too dangerous to be allowed to live. Same with kikes.

NAP makes things hard for normies. The point here isn't to have a perfect utopia that is ideologically pure. It is to create an environment conducive to human advancement. Libertarian nationalism provides a framework that has been proven on multiple occasions to do just that, no perfect implementation required. Just a few basic principles that you at least try to adhere to.

Let that be a lesson to you: don't self identify as a holocaust denier, don't say positive things about Hitler and don't get hundreds of thousands of views telling people to watch TGSNT or else (((anons))) here will spread anything negative about you they can find and/or just make shit up. Just post your cartoon frogs and keep the oven maymay coming, goys.

I'm not talking about that. Hear him speak about Iran and Osama Bin Laden.

Yeah, right, whatever, but that's not how you win a GOP primary.

I'm failing to see where the distinction is drawn. Anarcho Capitalism is the only logical end conclusion of someone assumes the "NAP" to be a valid concept.

and we grew out of it.
Wrong. These things require a foundation of duty and responsibility, which libertarianism rejects.
Yes, faggot, we know Holla Forums isn't a "hivemind", but there's an undeniable fact that our politics has shifted into hard-right nationalism and away from your pacifist libertarian nonsense.
I don't understand. If the state is taxing a legal transaction between two private citizens, then that must be considered "theft" in the eyes of a libertarian. All taxation is theft.

None of this would have been considered libertarian in the slightest
Hell, the US was huge on state protected and promoted industries until they eclipsed European powers

free enterprise =/= libertarianism, you fucking mouth-breather.
Stop conflating protectionist racialist republics that value free enterprise with lolbergtardianism.
This is not libertarianism
This I agree with, which should say something, considering I am not a libertarian by any definition. Maybe your ideology isn't as libertarian as you think it is. What's so wrong about embracing a different label that better suits your ideals?

Evalion was a terrible, non-intellectual 'figurehead' spreading shit tier national socialist memes. Like other women, she only latched onto something she thought would garner her fame and/or wealth. She fell into the same category that Ernst Zundel defames whenever he derides edgy teens looking to validate themselves by posting the hankenkreuz. No sir, I didn't cheer for her banning but her inability to be an intellectual nazi instead of the edgy youtuber she made herself out to be made me not give a shit either way.

Just fucking learn to read, you fucking nigger!

No they didn't, you fucking moron. All businesses had to be reviewed by the state to ensure they were in compliance with the advancement of the German nation. IE they were busybodies.

Full retard. Libertarian is a blanket word describing anyone who favors free markets and social freedoms over government control of those things. It's like saying "Conservative", which is also a huge blanket term that means people who value free enterprise and government control over social practices.

Basically, you are a faggot who speaks only in absolutes. I'm talking about the real world. There is no such thing as a government or a nation that adheres perfectly to a given ideology. That is utopian thinking. Only the absolute most extreme libertarians, ie the ancaps, believe what you claim that all libertarians believe.

Daily reminder that evalion is a sociopathic camwhore. She is a degenerate slut

Why would anyone not want this, if it's not good for the nation then it shouldn't be happening

The crux of the argument that you're not grasping is this:

Nationalism might predispose the state to impose sanctions upon businesses if they were engaged in or about to engage in practices that would harm the people and/or nation. A lolberg would say that the market should be the correcting force, usually ex-post facto.

Please stop projecting.

both are shit, except 1 was founded by kikes
pretty ironic of you using an a wyatt mann jew kek

As stated earlier, the userbase of Holla Forums doesn't have to and isn't tied to a single ideology. Semi-nationalism is easily done within a libertarian society. They simply believe in different methods to the same result.
In the scope of the nation, yes. However individuals of the society could create gated communities which would enforce these principles.
It's a confusing system from a nearly-dead movement.
Simply the way it works is that all land is owned by the government as private property. Private property purchased is considered public private property, as the government places a small fee on all of the land. You won't have to pay tax so long as you don't own public private property. The method proposed to stop the government from legally enforcing their own desired laws through the NAP is to have them pledge to a document which only contains libertarian ideals, similar to the constitution. If they break this pledge, then they committing fraud, therefore they are breaking the NAP, which gives citizens the legal right to overthrow the government.


How awful. Whatever will lecherous kikes and degenerate goys do if they can't freely produce smut like pornography and other types of degeneracy.


What a shame you couldn't open a dildo factory or produce hardcore scat porn. Sad, isn't it?

You advocate an ideology that would allow nationally destructive things to be produced.

No it fucking isn't, you massive bottom-feeding moron. If valuing free enterprise was all that mattered to be called libertarian, then distinct worldviews like "paleoconservatism" would also be lumped into the umbrella. Libertarianism is an ideology that has open borders and the NAP as two of its central ideals. It is an ideology fundamentally opposed to a nationalist state.
No, I'm a "faggot" who abides by the very definition of the ideology you promote yet seem to not understand.
There's a lot of sweet fucking irony in that statement.
But libertarianism is the one that does it right? Let me guess, "real libertarianism has never been tried."

As I stated earlier,
Let's face it, unless the dynamics completely change, it will be decades or even centuries before the majority people will start voting for full blown National Socialism in the USA. Libertarianism stands as the only probable way of concealing it to the point in which it becomes a reality.


You have no depth perception. The state existed, so it had to be funded somehow. Take your utopian ancap argument from definition crap and shove it up your ass.

The US had free enterprise and a small government (they only spent ~2% of GDP! vs 40+% today) that didn't tax white people who lived in the US. That is extremely libertarian. Just because it isn't ideologically pure doesn't mean that you can discard the ideology that best fits what they practiced. That is literally the same thing as saying that Communism has never been tried.

No shit. If I was claiming it was libertarianism, I would call it libertarianism, not libertarian nationalism.

That is because we agree on the nationalist portion of our ideologies. The problem is that you are also a socialist, or you just hate the word "libertarian", and automatically blindly hate anything to do with the word. Like SJWs hate all conservatives, and all groups they associate with conservatives in their mind because conservative=evil. Again, in their head.

kill yourself my dude


updated version, because fuck cuck johnson.

Which I didn't claim. Holla Forums is tied to an ideological school of thought that has shifted to hard-right nationalism.
semi-nationalism is trash. We need full nationalism or else we will succumb to the same self-destructive liberalism we experience today.
No we don't. Libertarian "nationalists" believe in "muh free market" above all else and adhere to an idiotic absolute idea of "liberty", which is an abstract concept in and of itself. Libertarianism is opposed to nationalism on a fundamental ideological level.
So it literally isn't fucking nationalism, lmao.
What a retard.
But this is contradictory to libertarian ideas of private property. "public-private" does not exist in libertarianism at all.

Fair enough, just don't tell me what happened here and on cuckchan had anything to do with her being immature. She's a teenage girl FFS and is supposed to be ditzy, I seriously doubt Zundel would have a problem with her or anyone else making pro Hitler content for other teenagers let alone shutting down her channel or spreading fake porn pics of her.

Why not post the proof that was spread everywhere? Here I'll do it for you. I'll also include the link to the girl from the pic that is obviously not her
Gee, who would make up lies to try and discredit a holohoax denier? Hmmm, really makes you think.

Who the fuck cares what goes on over there? Why are you still there?

oh boy…


You do know libertarian back then meant anarchist right? And i don't mean Ancap


CTR shilling, dude.

It did not.

small state =/= no state

Been going on since the first day I got here after first exodus m8

Because it is a massive waste of resources. If you have ever tried to start a business, you would know that compliance with government regulations is the hardest part of it. Adding something nebulous like "It's gotta be good for the nation," just makes people not want to take the risk. This is doubly worse when your competitor happens to be chairman of the board that makes those decisions, as was the case in Nazi Germany.

The difference is that one side tries to prevent such harm before it happens, while the other uses the law to punish it afterwards, creating an incentive for them not to do such harm but continue operating in a helpful or at least neutral way.

It's like making everyone that wants to own a gun go through an extensive training course that due to its extensiveness costs a bunch of money. You get fewer gun owners, more illegal gun owners who are completely outside your grasp, and lots of people who can't defend themselves because of your dumb regulation. Less gun owners in this case is a metaphor for fewer businesses in the other. Do you see why this is a problem?

Clearly someone wanting to open a machine shop is a jewish peddler of pornography. People who throw the baby out with the bathwater shouldn't be parents, and people who impose anti-kike regulations on white people shouldn't be in charge of national economies.

You only focus on the good done by such measures, while ignoring the fact that a guy wanting to start a rabbit farm or a tool and die shop has to pay thousands of dollars for a pointless government review, and might just get shut down if he happens to have competitor or personal enemy on his review board.

libertarian nationalism is the synthesis of libertarianism and nationalism - two entirely contradictory ideologies. It does not exist.
This reminds me of those margarine commercials; "I can't believe it's not fascism!"
You have no idea what I want. Stop making assumptions about me, bitch.
Yes, I hate it because it entails a degenerate ideology based around market-worship and a rejection of duty and responsibility.
slit your wrists, my dude. Pic related
way to rationalise your opposition as irrational and fearful just like libshits do. It's much easier to do that than argue with them on the merits of their points.

you literally can't be a nationalist and a libertarian.

So your entire opposition to such a system is based on some idiotic little false scenario which you have conveniently concocted up.

Thanks for confirming your absolute stupidity.

Before Evalion there was no reason to, if nothing else she exposed the fact this board is just as vulnerable to mod faggotry.

It literally is, you idiot. Ron Paul is the arch paleoconservative, and he ran as a fucking Libertarian.

And the world will die while you choke it for not being fully adherent to the ideology you ascribe to it. Luckily, you aren't in charge.

That is the absolute fucking opposite of my argument you idiot. Unlike socialism/communism, libertarianism works BETTER the closer you get to a perfect implementation. The US was never a perfectly libertarian country, but they got closer than any nation in history before or since, and as a result they went from agrarian backwater to industrial superpower within a few decades. With our industrial base, we could go even further with an even less perfect implementation.

You are screaming about the meaning of words rather than my actual argument, ie we need a system like that of the US prior to 1913, or like Rhodesia, or like Apartheid South Africa. Not like Nazi Germany.

Wow, you are really living in fantasy land. Go try to open a business that requires a permit from the government, and after you have gone bankrupt waiting for their approval for a very simple form, get back to me.

There's a billion reasons to hate the mods here but that's a rather weak one.

No point if rapefugees will just come in 4/8 years time anyway.

Good luck with that.

Fair enough. But in any community there will be outliers, it doesn't mean that they are new.
Liberals won't have the right to walk on your private property, so I don't see how this would happen.
You can be a nationalist without it nationalism being in the law, hence why this place even exists.
It can exist through a loophole of the NAP. Simply put, in a libertarian society the government has the right to claim private property, which is a result of them needing land to build military bases, prisons, etc. The government can therefore also claim the entire nation as their private property. When one owns private property in a libertarian society, they are able to enforce any laws that they want over the people who reside within in that area. This would obviously be a problem in a libertarian society, however it can be resolved with a simple method. Committing fraud overrides your private property rights in a libertarian society, due to the NAP. So the solution to the problem is to have the government sign a pledge to only enforce libertarian values. This therefore creates a pseudo-libertarian society contained sand-boxed within a libertarian society.

You're conflating owning a machinery business with owning a pornography business? Way to stretch the argument in order to try to make a point (You didn't)



They are both businesses, and you want ALL businesses to go through this process.

Your problem is that you have no real world experience, so you don't know what a burden government regulation is. It does far more harm than good. Just have laws, and punish people who violate them. Trying to force someone to get a permit to do something because they might do something bad is an idea that destroys every economy where it takes root.

see .
No matter how hard you kvetch and squeal, your abortion of an ideology won't suddenly become a reality nor will it stop being self-contradictory. The very fact you called South Africa and Rhodesia "libertarian" simply showcases your own retardation.
What a fucking idiot. Libertarianism works better at what? It definitely does not work better and promoting unity, strength, or the long-term well-being of my race or nation. All "pure libertarianism" does is reduce all people regardless of origin down to mere units of production in an enormous global market, all of which serving no purpose other than generating wealth and submitting themselves to the abstract idea of "liberty" and "free market capitalism". Libertarianism is a completely degenerate ideology. The only way you've made it anything but is by completely gutting it of everything that defined it as libertarian.

your "argument" is based on faulty assumptions of what those words mean. Whatever you could possibly say is made void based on the fact that you cannot even get your base definitions correct.
Now this is an argument we could have, but it's completely irrelevant to the current discussion. You are shifting the goal post from defining these nations as "libertarian nationalist" to admitting they aren't libertarian in any way, but that these are your ideal systems. At least we're making some progress here.
Yes, because our modern government is a perfect example of a racialist nationalist government based on looking out for the people's best interests.


Lets see. One clearly promotes degeneracy so it is automatically gone, you fucking degenerate.

The other is innocuous in and of itself, so as long as the owner is being fair to his workers i can't even begin to see where you'd think i'd have a problem.

Okay Rand, nice projection.

No, it means they are misguided.
I don't give a shit about your idiotic and naive ideas of not allowing libshits to walk on "muh private property". You miss the whole goddamn point entirely. Are you being deliberately disingenuous or are you really this dense? What people say about libertarians really is true - you are just autistic liberals. The fact is, I and everyone else belongs to a raceial and national community to which we are duty-bound. You are operating in an idiotic framework of hyper-individualism which entirely rejects the reality that a nation needs to function as a cohesive organism in order to achieve anything. You really have no idea what you're talking about, do you?
And that is ultimately irrelevant. Being a nationalist, and living in a nationalist state are two entirely different things. The former is an opinion that is ultimately irrelevant, and the latter is a rule enforced by the state. "Muh voluntary nationalism" is one of the most foolish, moronic ideas to come out of libertards, and tells volumes about the sheer autistic level of rationalisation you people engage in to protect your faulty worldview.

Borders are delimitations of property and if they can't see that they don't understand the shit they say.
By jews.

Correct, and the equivalent word in Spanish, for instance ("libertario"), retains this meaning.

In a modern American context, ancaps are a particular kind of libertarian. I don't know why many minarchists insist on disavowing ancaps, but then again, many ancaps lump minarchists together with all the other "statists".

Free Trade = Open Borders

Fuck libertardians.

Yep to anyone who watched any of her vids it's obvious they were scripted by a semi-literate anonymous goon with zero proof who has never come forward. I'm sure it's real in your mind though (((user))).

go away, spamming kike

Isn't he half Mexican?

I seriously Hoppe you guys didn't do that.

What is it about Aryan women in wheat fields?

Gex is controlled opposite, goy :^)

You don't know which end is up do you schlomo? Keep swinging though little fella, sure there are lots of learning disabled MGTOWs that are totally buying it.

You can work together to achieve massive amounts of great things within private property semi-nations. If your ideology is stronger than others through hardship and strength, then eventually you will build up enough money to purchase others' land spaces. If your community is significant enough, then it will grow to point in which you own most of the country anyway, so you get nationalism (technically semi-nationalism due to the small pockets of extremely stubborn people who will not sell off their private property under any circumstances).
Enforcing ideals through voluntarism is still very powerful though. It isn't illegal to be a pedophile in the USA, but if you come out as one, then you can say goodbye to your employment, friends and even contact with your family members.
Also I would predict that a certain community would easily come to dominate power within a few decades.

Here's a picture that I made in collaboration for the last bit.

He isn't jewish or a nigger. That matters more to me.

No, it's not.

Into the trash it goes.

Not an argument

Read the text directly above.

What that we should legalize pedophilia and expect that the family members of pedos to be the correcting force?

You lolbergs are so deluded it's unreal. Be honest, how old are you?

You were one of the kikes who spammed evalion
Still got those copy-paste responses I see. No originality.

Why don't you go spam your whore some more? You act like such a kike with your "why do they persecute me so" nonsense.

Pedophilia is already legal, perhaps you are confusing pedophilia with child molestation?
Partially. I am proposing the society on a whole can serve that as the correcting force, which already happens now.
22. Interesting comment from someone who uses line spacing like that however.

Primordial memory.

So pedos nowadays risk social ostracism AND 20 years of jail and they still do it, but removing the jail time will totally control pedos? How stupid are you? A lolberg at 22 is a saddening thing.

Just blow your brains out, lolberg. I don't care about your idiotic, self-destructive ideas of a "semi-nation". There's no such thing. A nation is not some dirty patch of mud. it is defined by ones common race and struggle. If you weren't such a worthless materialist market-worshiper, you would realise this.
Is this really what you idiots believe?
No really, is this what you idiots believe?
I'm legitimately having a tough time believing this is actually what you idiots believe.

It really is astounding. It's as though all reality and common sense is thrown out the window in order to conform to your autistic brand of liberalism.
pick one.

A nation without enforced laws and a set of standards for all people to follow is ultimately worthless. "voluntarism" is a self-defeating idea.

she redpills normalfags and that's all that matters.
I don't care for youtubers beyond them doing that


I think you are misinterpreting my stance.
I think that pedophiles should go to prison, as the lower age minor can not legally consent to sexual contact.
However, punishing those for having the mere desire to have sex with children but also never act on those urges is simply thought policing.

I'm going to ignore the non-arguments.
As I explained earlier, social standards exist, which are all on a voluntary basis.
If you express certain extreme views publicly, it will be almost impossible to have a job, friends or a wife. This keeps degeneracy in check if you manage to convince the general population.

Literally no one ever argued for that. When people say pedophilia, they mean kiddy diddling not just thinking about it. Pretty much everyone has kiddy diddling thoughts at one point or another, but it's when you push for pizza that it becomes a problem.

Studies have demonstrated that child pornography consumption actually lowers the amount of child molestation. It is also a product of freedom of speech. Chances are you don't agree with me and that you will strawman me as a pedophile, but I believe that it should be legal.

Borders violate the NAP. As soon as the word borders comes out of someone's mouth they are not a libertarian.


Not an argument.

Without public property, all invaders are trespassers.


capped, thank you so much for actually being dumb enough to say it while actually thinking it's some admirable, principled stance

public property is an oxymoron

It's because your retarded statements were not worthy of any proper rebuttal. They are based in a fantasy land and rely on a framework so meticulously and autistically rationalised in your head that even trying to put it on paper reveals its sheer absurdity. It baffles me that you can say in honesty that such a system would exist where "semi-nations" as you put it, would compete with each other on a free market against each other while remaining within a larger "libertarian society". It's completely ridiculous in every possible way imaginable. What's stopping one of these "semi-nations" from declaring itself independent form the rest and conquering them? The "libertarian army" that exists in a vacuum and entirely separate, and which defends a state that controls less territory than the "semi-nation"? How are these soldiers getting paid? With what? They have to live somewhere? What's to say they will have any loyalty to your idiotic lolberg pseudo-state and not the nationalist "semi-nation" based on tangible factors of unity like race and culture? Your entire autistic worldview has more holes than swiss cheese, but you run with it anyway because you cannot bear to accept your ideology is fundamentally flawed. You talk about nationalism but don't even understand the philosophical foundations for it.

Now stop posting

And just what do you have to do in order to make child porn? Yeah. Die in a fucking fire.

capped. Thanks for converting the lurkers against your retarded ideals


It's another name for government-owned land, autist.

You keep using that word as if it nobody will notice you're the one spreading lies about a WW2 revisionist. Let's see
So what do you have next?
Not pasta just exposing you for the lie spreading shill you are. Reminds me of a quote actually
First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters

More than you'll ever do, worthless alt kike faggot.

Can you explain why it is dumb?

Most of your argument could either be applied to either regular countries or with how all global countries operate.

What's your point? Videos of people getting their heads cut off aren't illegal, so why should child pornography be any different?

So do you want higher child abuse rates?

fuck off

Pick one.

No they couldn't, you fucking idiot. How about you refute me or conceded defeat. Your bullshit has been so thoroughly refuted it's not even funny
How do you think child porn is made, dumbfuck? Abuse of children.

I don't want higher child abuse rates, I want pedophiles to be executed.

So you want to legalize the act of beheading people? Those videos exist because someone committed one of the most brutal and illegal acts possible you know.. like fucking a little kid.

Mods can we seriously ban this sort of ancap faggotry? pls be trollin

I already have done thinking for myself, I simply have chosen a different viewpoint, hence why I ask you to explain yours.

A similar system like this is forming already with the UN.
The government already controls less territory than civilians. Society seems to at least functioning to me.
Already explained earlier.
They have to live somewhere?
Either there own private property or government-owned private property.
Exact same thing can happen with any system of government. Who's to say that the US army won't just kill the president and follow a Communist doctrine tomorrow?

So you want to punish people for thought crimes?

So? The video is a separate entity to the action itself. I believe for example that the beheader should be imprisoned, but I don't see why the video made as a result of the beheading should be illegal, as it opposes freedom of speech.
I'm not an ancap.

Ah yes, Forbes, the forefront of white nationalist thought. Surely this non-Jewish organization wouldn't have ulterior motives for pushing pedophilic tendencies.

Shit man, just jerk it to loli like the rest of humanity.

Forbes wasn't the one who conducted the study.
I fap to 2D exclusively when it comes to all forms of pornography.
It's fairly ridiculous how this double standard works. According to popular belief, if you support child pornography being legal, then you must be a watcher of it too. That's like saying that if I believe that women shouldn't be raped, that I must also be a woman too.

The UN is horrible anti-white kike filth that needs to be abolished.
False equivalence. The government still controls this land for all intents and purposes. All private property in the US is under the jurisdiction of the US government and subject to her laws. American citizens need to pay taxes on their land, and they cannot set up their own "semi-nations" with their own laws and regulations. I'm getting really tired of your dishonest argumentation, you little weasel.
no you didn't.
But if one of your fabled "semi-nations" grows enough to incorporate these people into itself and offers them a better deal than your idiotic "libertarian society" then why would they care about defending it?
I want to punish people for engaging in Child Porn. The production of child porn requires pedophilia and child abuse to take place, you clueless fucking mong

I recognise that. I was rebutting the statement that a system like that cannot exist.
The exact same government land ownership and taxes also occurs in a libertarian society. Also, replace the word "semi-nations" with states and you have the modern day USA.
I explained the methods of taxation earlier.
Same could occur with a country's states which have separate standards and laws. Also a state or country can easily leave a group under current systems as well. Brexit happened after all once people were dissatisfied with the EU.
What's your point? Should we remove the sections from books detailing any historical events if they contain violence in them, like the Roman gladiators?
Also this is also a bit admittedly pedantic, but some forms of child pornography are completely voluntary, such as sexting.



Seriously though I can't believe I outed a pedo lolberg. There's always something scummy with these lolberg types. Either they want to dump arsenic in the water table or diddle kids or shoot up heroin.

Hope you're learning, newfag lurkers.

But you have provided no arguments against my viewpoint, so if anything you are teaching the newfag lurkers nothing.
Also you are lowering the chances further more by using Reddit spacing between each line that you type.

You clearly have a complete lack of understanding of what the UN is, how it operates, and how it is completely different to your naive concept of a "libertarian society with semi-nations competing with each other on muh free market". I'm questioning whether you are deliberately being dishonest to muddy the waters at this point.
taxation is theft. If one of those "semi-nations" became large enough it could simply declare itself independent and your weak libtard state couldn't do anything to stop them.
This is a bullshit comparison and you fucking know it, you dishonest little rat.
This is a bullshit comparison and you fucking know it, you dishonest little rat.

But you want to know what really gets me laughing? The fact that you are so desperate to prove the validity of your argument, you use modern modern examples of where you think your ideas are being practiced every day (even if this is blatantly false). If everything you want is being practiced already in some form or another, then what are you advocating exactly? I suppose we're already living in your libertarian fantasy land after all.

Fuck off with your false-equivalencies, you deceptive nigger.

I don't adhere to your moral standars of "freedom or bust!". Therefore I know an easy way to stop pedophilia which doesn't involve fucking children, like you suggest.

Kill. The. Pedophiles.

they love having these utterly insane arguments so they can signal how nuanced and sophisticated they are, but they are usually wise enough not to unironically advocate for cp

this type of shit is cut from the same cloth as "third world illiterates will literally pay our pensions"

That's because the entire lolberturdian thing is completely braindead and only braindead people would ever support it. Like "nihilists".

My god you're an idiot. The states of individual countries are not private property owned by individuals who enforce their own will while still remaining part of some greater, amorphous "libertarian society" and expand by purchasing private property from other private citizens. You libertarians are all the same autistic morons living in perfectly crafted, infallible fantasy-lands that have no basis in reality.

Fuck off back to >>>Holla Forums

You like to jerk it to little kids and don't even have the decency to keep your vice private. You want to normalize your fetish rather than just deal with it, much like the fags and their sodomy. You are the modern day sodomite, a tool of the kikes. Congratulations lolberg, you have redpilled a ton of people on your autistic, self-serving ways.

Cry more lolberg



did a lolberturdian just tell people to go to Holla Forums where lolberturdianism belongs?

But how do you think you're going to detect them? If it's after they've done something you're not stopping much.
I would be fine with hanging them if I believed it stopped that behavior. They'll often rape a kid and kill themselves afterwards.

I can see a lot of hate towards libertarians but I just can't agree to hate them because there's a libertarian party in Croatia called Living Wall (Živi Zid) that is:


So yeah, I guess not all libertarians?

Pic related

You are ignoring the process. You think determining whether something is good for the country is cheap or quick? What you are talking about here is requiring studies to be done, and that is expensive and time consuming. Try completing an environmental impact survey, and then tell me that we should have a similar process for not just new construction, but for any and all businesses from hot dog vendors (do hot dogs make people fat? Is access to quick and easy food good for production?) to car manufacturers (are cars a net good for the volk? Should we instead force the economy to adapt to public transportation? What kinds of cars are net negatives to the country?).

This sort of thing isn't a can of worms, it's a fucking galaxy made entirely out of worms.

And that doesn't even posit the possibility of corruption.

How interesting.

Don't need to read the rest to tell you that they're not lolberturdians.

Who are you quoting?

Actually I wasn't going to bring this up since it slightly disagrees with my point, but if anything the world itself is under an anarcho-capitalist system, which is close to the complete opposite of what you believe in.
I agree, this is the single argument against libertarianism. Plenty more for every ideology though, hence why this is where I stand.
Not at all. Hong Kong has proposed splitting away from China entirely.
Replace the word "individual" with "state government" and you have our current situation. You for some reason seem to think that there is a difference, but there is not, hence why states have broken away completely from countries before.
Nope, because the central government is enforcing laws past libertarian ideals.
Also there are different forms of libertarianism, for example there are ones which give far less rights to property owners (for example not allowing murder for trespassing if it is excessive).
Here's a better equivalent. Should the JFK assassination video be illegal?

I don't jerk it to little kids though, so you have no argument.

Golly gee, could it be? Is it just a misleading label


*every other

>>>Holla Forums890105

In context to pornography yes, it is. It is non-negotiable. It is gone. In regards to other certain business practices which i have already explained to you are innocuous, there wouldn't be need for that kind of government intervention that you're so fucking paranoid about unless it absolutely required it.

You act like Hitler or every fascist thinker/leader wants to nationalize everything (they don't and you're dumb for thinking so)

I hate you both.

There goes that argument.


lolberturdians cannot be for borders or strengthening them, that is the antithesis of their ideology.

Since most political parties are outright communist yet tries to call themselves otherwise, it should be no surprise that those who label themselves lolberturdians wouldn't be lolberturdians either.

How do you detect a terrorist? How do you detect a rapist? How do you detect a faggot?

Online surveillance.



They sound pretty natsoc to me

Ayy lmao

I agree

Yes they can, all the citizens have to do is buy up all of the border region and to not allow rapefugees to cross once that occurs.

You're so fucking retarded.

God, this year, I love it

As your hero would say: Not an argument.

Facts don't need arguments.

Karl Marx was a filthy kike who didn't know what he was doing.

Not an argument

I hope you are aware of how retarded that is as an argument.

What does Karl Marx have to do with the posts that you were responding to?
Even if they were from Holla Forums, not all of the userbase are communists.

Too slow dumbass

And so was Rothbard and Mises and Rand and Friedman

What part of "i hate you both" did you not understand, cupcake?

Why are you so concrete on wanting to insult me?
Did I trigger you?

It's always fun to state facts about how communism has been tried dozens of times, exactly to the word of Marx and they all failed because Marx was wrong about everything.

Yeah, because proposing "I'm going to keep out all of the niggers, spics, kikes, gooks and faggots!" is really going to be the better path to National Socialism.
It's clear that most posters in this thread don't understand the point behind libertarianism and anarcho-capitalism. summed it up nicely.

Sup, Holla Forums?

Sup, /liberty/?


How the fuck do you even see a path to a nation when you are promoting a nation-wrecking ideology? You are fucked in the head if you think lolberturdianism is any better in that regard.
The image just looks stupid and basically requires anyone who is in a lolberturdian society to also be a Holla Forums user.

You just make yourself sound like an autistic liberal.

Autism? Or in your case, autism+ and by + i mean pedophilia.

Libertarians/Anarcho-Capitalists are the most valuable allies to National Socialists/Fascists if you are not already aware. The two are considered right-wing ideologies and are constantly assaulted by MSM for a reason.

Cuck a doodle doo

Oh, okay, thanks for enlightening me. Here i thought the MSM called right-wing people fascists or nazis but i now that what they're really calling them are ancaps and lolbergs, thanks, seriously.

No, only on the decision of the property owner. Renters who don't like it can shut up or leave.
Hoppe doesn't (Nozick arguably does, but the size and scope of the communities he describes isn't really specified, at least in ASU). Hoppe specifically says that if nation-states are going to exist, they should restrict immigration, because that's much closer to how things would work in a world of real property rights.

Even if this were true (which it's not) you do know what that would inevitably mean, right?

Oy vey goyim we are your greatest ally


I remember that

good story

To rebuild a nation under a true Holla Forums-like regime it would be necessary to build it up from scratch. Libertarianism would be the best route to that, as there is a large base of libertarians already existing in the US, unlike heavy authoritarians.
The hard line ideology behind Holla Forums values would theoretically crush most competition, hence why we are getting massive MSM publicity right now due to our actions.

Both are getting hit hard. Check out:

That Fascism or National Socialism will ultimately prevail under their system. When people would walk outside seeing niggers acting like subhumans with fucked up race-mixed children, people injecting heroine and people downloading child pornography, they will naturally be inclined to join highly authoritarian groups which oppose such elements.
If it weren't for Islamic terrorist threats and the European refugee crisis, then Donald Trump probably wouldn't be getting close to as many supporters as he is getting now.

Lauren is based, she just doesn't give a fuck about the (((alt right))) and white genocide NEETs who are all talk. I've spoke to her before snd she isn't anti-White like everyone here says she is

I'm really not seeing that rapists are stopped before the rape happens. At least, commonly. But I'll give you that honeypots may work.

So you're saying this would result in you getting a bullet to the head? Hmm, you might have something there after all.

Stop importing them

Nation wreckers are pretty good at nation wrecking I agree. You however have somehow falsely equivocated that to "only natsoc can rise from the ashes" which is fucking retarded beyond belief.
I could pick this apart, but more importantly: Theory is not practice.

Also: Not relevant. Your image either does not properly explain anything or it assumes that everyone in the world agrees with Holla Forums automatically. Which is autistic as shit.

Leland Yee would beg to differ on your terms of criminality being completely eliminated by getting rid of illegal immigrants solely.


I wasn't bothered to go searching for an article, so I used a video I had already opened in a different tab, but I assure you that there are plenty.
Kind of. Under the NAP, if you purchase the land off another, you get full rights over that land.
For example, all you would have to do is purchase land off a nigger which has other niggers living in it, and then you would have the right to shoot them all for disobeying your laws.
Also most niggers would starve to death after the concept of state welfare and food stamps would disappear. Most gun owners are white so if niggers try to steal off them then they could be easily stopped.

I'm not saying that everyone agrees with Holla Forums's common values, but within the mist of extreme degeneracy, people (think conservatives and maybe teenage liberals) are far more likely to side with them than any other ideology. What I was originally saying is that you would be surprised about how many libertarians/anarcho-capitalists have underlying heavy authoritarian ideals, hence why this thread even exists.

This argument doesn't apply, since libertarianism has never legitimately been tried before, not even in a close form.

She's a kike parasite.

You really do have autism, don't you?

Yes it is.

Okay then, keep waiting for the resurrection of Hitler, while a semi-libertarian candidate has already more voting power than any other independent candidate has had for ages.

I'm going to assume that your post means "yes".

Again, okay then.

Again, I will assume that means yes.

I got tested, and it came back negative.
I didn't answer originally because it has nothing to do with my argument.





That's not what I meant.

I'm voting for Donald Trump.
I made that statement because it goes to show that libertarianism is on the rise in the USA.

My brother and my sister has Asperger's, so my mother decided that it was natural for me to get tested too. She doesn't know of my ideals.

Maybe she should've. It would have saved her the expense of getting you tested

Is that why I came back with the diagnosis of not having autism?


Liberal socialism =/= libertarianism

just another controlled opposition party.
Cuck Johnson is a kike sell-out and has nothing to do with libertarianism.

You're right, Gary Johnson is an actual libertarian because he's a pro-open borders, pro-free trade, pro-degeneracy, pro-tpp, pro-BLM piece of shit. He also spit in all your stoner faces when he said he was quitting marijuana for his 2016 run because be needed his mind to be sharp and clear implying marijuana makes you a lazy, foggy-brained piece of shit. Not that I disagree with that, but im sure it enrages you stoner pseudo-libertarians

first day on Holla Forums?


I see nothing wrong with Croat libertarian party
absolutely nothing.

so original and insightful

Stay retarded.

(winchester check)
true that.

Just for the hell of it. Have the entire thread because they tried to delete it.

meme worthy…

Did he forget that he wasn't meant to be sexist just because the topic was guns?

He's a big creep.

would still bang though, I'd make her children aryan… if you know what I mean…

Oy vey! Karen, you can't say that!

he was patronising her because of her age, and since he is a liberal, and she is neither a liberal nor a feminist, he had carte blanc to say and do and act however he wanted, as stipulated in the liberal hypocrisy manifesto of 1968.

here is the whole thing.

we should totally write down the liberal hypocrisy manifesto of 1968

Wow, color me fucking shocked.

Don't get them wrong, they are only doing this because everyone jumped ship. They don't actually believe in borders. Remember that Gary Johnson is actually running on an even more open southern border than what we currently have.


Gary Johnson isn't even a libertarian; he's just a meme candidate designed to steal votes from Hillary and soft Trumpsiders.

Fine by me; it'll just help Trump get into office, as will Jill Stein.

stop posting shitskins

well, I don't know how shocked you are, or what coloured you are, but those are some pretty colours. art-user.

Johnson is there to stop burnouts from voting Trump, nothing more.

had to, her hideous goblin face was just too much.





Successful? All of them are dead today, moron, which is what liberalism does. It kills nations.


They should be encouraged to not vote.

I thought all you faggots got BTFO months ago.

Never, your utopic dreams of almost unlimited freedom and Individualism are anti-nature and not possible to realise, much less to maintain.
Collectivism will always prevail over Individualism. Nature ordains it so.
These so called "Nationalist" Libertarians are just lolbergs who finally realised that they will not be able to implement their dumb ideology without the collective force to destroy ZOG and purge the scum. That's why we're seeing
the phenomenon of lolbergs getting a stiffy over Pinochet's helicopter rides. It's basically "we need a Fascist purge to clear the board for our lolberg utopia", which again shows their inability to grasp the basic law of nature which
states that rights can only be obtained and maintained through struggle. So if/when the Fascists take over, they will fall under their authority and get the rights that the Fascists struggled for.

So I'm really sorry for all the lolbergs here, but you'll have to work for your Nation and Fatherland or be sent to the work camps.

Pure fertility


So what the fuck was with this video then?

Was pretty pro white if my memory serves correctly.


is a complete fucking cuckold

Fuck, here's a shitty webm then

What kind of response is that?

He's doing the "You dirty goyim" thing

I really hate these fucking newfags showing up. It's like the idea of staying silent and taking time to adjust to your new surroundings just doesn't compute with these cunts

I don't know how he managed to hide his faggotry for SO LONG. I also don't know how this motherfucker got to be the representative of the party instead of someone far more, oh I don't know, LIBERTARIAN.

Libertarian Nationalism is a fucking oxymoron.

@second pic.

Nice double negative there, john.

Didn't she say she was dutch and they were fleeing the war? Europe wasn't exactly safe.

They were either Jews, communists, or simple cowards. Whatever the case, they were subhuman.

There should have been some cowards fleeing Dresden…

Left-libertarians aren't libertarians.

However they make up the majority of self-identified "libertarians".

You have ancaps like Stefan Molyneux and some very pro-white libertarians like the paleolibertarians. Hans Herman Hoppe too.

Those are a minority who have been swamped since ron paul.

Left-libertarians are just leftists who focus more on legalizing weed and maybe don't have a neocon foreign policy.

2016? Now nevertrump fags (cuckservatives who don't give a shit about social conservatism and/or neocohens) and bernouts (outright socialists) are now becoming "Libertarian"

That's why it's pozzed. Anything sufficiently mainstream is pozzed, so trying to drive out pro-white libertarians is retarded D&C.

Autistic liberals are in fact autistic liberals

Gary Johnson isn't a true libertarian.

The true libertarian (Ron Paul) wanted stricter border control.

Libertarianism and white nationalism can live together in harmony…it's how america should be.

The libertarian hatred on this board is stupid.

I'm more NatSoc myself, but libertarianism checks out economically…it just has to have an emphasis on white nationalism and freedom from jewish banking. The principles of individual liberties are very important and essential to burgerland. Libertarian nationalism is very real, very viable.

People don't understand the difference before open free markets and (((Crony capitalism)))


anyone against libertarians is a Holla Forums d&c shill

most tryhard stormfags on this site will hate libertarians simply because they are libertarians. Not because of what they believe in but because of their brand.

Welcome to the uneducated board.

If you weren't autistic I'd suggest you read the thread.

No such thing

Sure you are, heebiekikeburger

I read the thread and still think the same thing. What to do!?

Kill yourself

I know you still think the same thing, because you're autistic. That's why I said IF YOU WEREN'T AUTISTIC.


I still think the same because the question wasn't answered.


fairly certain this isn't all that new to libertarians.
It's just a matter of realizing you can not have any for of tolerance for shitskins.

This was his campaign video in -12.

I hate how a pretentious faggot comes a day late and a dollar short to a thread, just to reply to old as fuck posts, pretending that this board is their special club house.
It's like the idea of reading the posts that has already been made and moving down the thread just don't compute with these cunts.

Gentlemen, I completely agree with you.

for most libertarians, individual rights and civil liberties is far more important than "the right to pour mercury all over fertile land because MUH LAND"
(seriously, some user's actually make the point that these kinds of highly destructive actions are what libertarians want.)

again, thanks for (((CORRECTING THE RECORD)))

Autist leave.
Austist. Seriously. Leave.

Look, I understand that you aren't used to being called out for it.

But you must understand that your hedonistic nastard child of an ideology which puts freedom as a goal rather than a byproduct of other goals is simply retarded, and has utterly failed the white man. Even your supposed Libertarian hero, Hoppe, wasn't stupid enough to actually be Libertarian in his thinking.


non of you CTR shills have managed to give a coherent reason for why a libertarian society with clearly defined and protected borders is a "no such thing", aside from "MUH GLOBAL COMMUNITY, MUH INTERNATIONALISM", which has nothing to do with libertarianism, but is a globalist/communist concept.

seriously, how new are you for not knowing this?
last question for those who actually believe that shit, rather than getting paid by shilling for Soros

A vote for anyone but Trump is a vote for death. No mercy.

Why aren't you a Nazi yet? Don't you know where you are?

Sure I do.
But I like the idea of strong and solid civil rights.
And I don't mean in a "the state grants us rights" way, but in the "we are born with these rights and God have mercy on the poor bastard that tries to take them away" kind of way.

The right to free speech, no exceptions and limitations.
The right to keep and bear arms, in order to guarantee the one above.
The right to own a property (either earned or inherited) that the state can not take away from me on a whim.
The right to brew my own beer, and grow my own pot, JUST BECAUSE I FUCKING FEEL LIKE DOING SO and nobody having a damn thing to say about it.

As for taxes?
If it goes to basic (IE life and death) health care or a fire-department, no problem.
But to feed Israel or as aid to some failed shitskin nation or to build up a military that send young white men off to die in a foreign nation in order to make some (((banker))) rich?
fuck you, and your gubmint.

that's why.

and only the reading impaired is incapable of understanding that Cuck Johnson is a liberal socialist promoting globalism, and libertarian in name only

If they'd get it, they wouldn't be Libertarian in the first place. There simply can't be Individualist "society" where everyone is equal in freedom, it exists nowhere.
This inability to get it is why those of them who now finally understand that they won't be able to realise their utopia by its own ideals (freedom, individualism) are now cheering for authoritarian, collectivist ideology and think
that after this authoritarian ideology triumphs, all conditions for their utopia will be handed to them on a silver platter.

I think that's just a final stage for these people before realising that Libertarianism is bullshit that can't exist in practice.

She's DANISH, not Jewish.

I can't get over the fact that this bitch is supposed to be only 21. She looks like she's 30.

same tbh famalam

I'd maker her a good nazi wife, think I can do it Holla Forums?

No, she'd make your children Jewish. Literally.

Someone's in denial.


MGTOW faggot virgin gtfo.
user is rightly using sex to disable Holla Forums's critical thinking, this is absolutely the proper alt-right way to shield a female shill from criticism.
Anyone who criticises right-wing females is just a desperate Kike mgtowstein who hates all White women.
You're exactly the kind of faggot who will try to claim that Renegade's replacement for Evalion looks like Anne Frank, well don't even go there because she already has the DNA test (got it done in advance, pure coincidence).

Hello, Sinead!

I don't care. Lauren Southern is a QT 3.14

Sinead is a brave woman who shows her face and uses her real name, unlike faggots who hide behind encryption and don't show their faces because their noses are about 12 feet long.
It is the plan to shame these cowards into using their real names and showing their faces, by using cute young women to instill guilt.
i.e "if this cute and vulnerable girl can show her face and use her real name, then what sort of a weak faggot am I for continuing to hide?"
Sinead's colleague Fascist Lemming explains the tactic in his latest video.


Why would she lie about having jewish herritage? She has no jewish features.

She's also cute as fuck.

SInead has kike features, is a coalburning whore and a flat earther. Probably a fed also.

nice try JIDF

Have you not heard of crypto-Jews? They're a real thing.

Spotting Jewish features requires skill and knowledge. What you mean is "I can't detect any Jewish features". That doesn't mean there are none. She looks pretty Jewy to me.
If your Jewdar is on a par with your ability to detect sarcasm then you need to put some work into both.

Video related because I think you're still not going to get it. Calm down.

So user, when trying to determine a person's Kike status, an absence of family history in the public domain should be your first red flag.
Cryptos go to great lengths to conceal, obfuscate and memory-hole their family history, for obvious reasons.
When dealing with possible cryptos, the following slogan is a good one to bear in mind:
Anyway, just started scratching the surface and already found that her major influences are all Jewish, she even cites the leading Cultural Marxist Herbert Marcuse.

reminder that lolbergs are controlled opposition

Why would it want to? :^")

I wonder is it because she has aged like milk so far for someone in their early 20? Is that a jewish trait?

Also you reminded me she is friends with Christina Hoff Sommers and Cathy Young.

I guess its the wonders of make up and peroxide.

The meme was not invented by Holla Forums. Just because they have made a few doesn't make it a Holla Forums meme.

Acceptable under some dialects of English.
It's supposed to be there, you retard.

Leftypol has no memes

Realistically these things wouldn't happen because people demand order in their society so you'd probably just get yourself killed, then again that very fact undermines the entire AnCap philosophy.

they don't believe in magic? dull

Anarchy inevitably ends in monarchy

Lauren southern needs to abandon libertarianism and embrace national socialism once and for all.

And monarchy inevitably ends in capitalism and capitalism in socialism. Which can be either national or international and confront each other. As we know from history international model wins.

tldr To skip unnecessary bullshit it's better to just switch to communism already.


T-thanks for (((CTR))), fellow user…

Holy shit, she's only 21??

I watched a Molyneux episode with her and he was ripping into women who wait too long to have children and put their careers first, and the whole time I was thinking 'well shit, he's basically shitting on Lauren because she must be at least 29-30 and has no kids'.

any of these would have been more accurate for those little nigglets to be garnishing

If I can be completely honest with you all, I would have miss Lauren Southern give me at least five children. We would have sex in the morning and she would give me oral pleasure at night. Do you guys think this is acceptable?

This would require you leave your parents basement.
You have a better chance of bedding a feral cat.

kill yourself

My mom voted for them. She's going to vote HDZ next, I think. I'm probably going to vote for based Ruža again. Fucking everyone else I talk to is either dodgy about this shit or full blown HDSSB/HDZ gas the Serbs, yugo wars now.

WTF! I'm a month older than this chick?!

I don't know if this is more depressing for me or for her.

Monarchy is the final version of capitalism, as everything becomes private property and the sole proprietor of everything becomes king.

Socialism is state-organized bribery of the populace, usually as a last ditch effort to keep them from revolting. Socialism is the bread and circus.

KYS shill.

Lawyers litigating on behalf of river owners.

Femfag detected.

She has classic Celtic features including her nose.

Two appeals to ignorance in a row, hmmm wonder what's next.

Three. Yup, using that merchant pic totally hides the fact you're a JIDF shill.

Illegal immigrants who commit crimes deserve no mercy from the country they sponged off of dummy.

I don't get why when looking at this you can come to the conclusion that the thing you need to do is mix them together so that the nationalism bit is stuck carrying the dead weight of libertarianism

It's justified to an extent but I agree with you. IMO libertarianism might be utopian and unfeasible in non-White societies but it's a natural sentiment of White people either way despite how (((subverted))) it might have become. Still Ayn Rand kiddies should be put in a bag and beaten with a club before thrown off a bridge

You mean like self-identifying as a nationalist today?


the alt-right includes nazis you fucking retard

Alt-right can basically be summed up as every retarded ideology that exists on Holla Forums from MTGOW to HITLERDIDNOTHINGWRONGism

There is no 'rest of the country'

Republic of Ireland sucks and is barely functional as a country.

Stop embarrassing yourself

Thank you for (((CTR)))

"Dr." Chinweizu? Suggesting that the anons here "learn" from an anti colonialist African negro? That is funny.

I hope that the anons here will conduct a surface level dig on this "thinker" before giving any credence to the ideas espoused in the referenced book.

The year of Trump has brought all the cockroaches out of hiding.

I'm actually glad I voted for Romney in 2012 now.

But Romney was even worse than Obongo?

Should have voted for Merlin Miller tbh.

Yes, it just needs to be inverted on the kikes.

Who the fuck cares about stormfags' approval? Holla Forums is and will always be a libertarian board. You butthurt naziboos are barely tolerated on OUR board.


This is how you know an ideology is bullshit.


She's danish, not jewish.

Also, those are old tweets, she's red pilled as fuck now due to her encounters with degenerate antifa.


If they don't name the Jew, they aren't redpilled.



Fuck off, not everyone is a Jew just because they work in media.

She's a shabbos goy whore

Sam Hyde named the jew on national television. Lauren Southern defends the Jew on a Jewish Jewtube channel.

That's very true, the difference is that Sam Hyde's situation is much less precarious. Nobody would give a shit if Lauren were to commit suicide (again) by naming the jew.

Still, I can't take this shit seriously because Holla Forums not even a few months ago was shilling for a coal burning kike faggot.

Lauren is pro-Trump and does not actively shill for kikes. Holla Forums's hatred of her is unfounded.


Lauren will become natsoc any second now. I can feel it. The force is strong in this one.

The only people doing that were the same fags like you who are defending Southern.

Yes, she does. Examples: Jew Ezra Levant, judeo-feminist Christina Hoff Sommers, Jew author Ayn Rand, Jew economist Milton Friedman, etc.

In your thirsty beta dick

To be fair, you are correct. I should clarify though, by "red pilled as fuck," I mean in comparison to the average normie. The real red pill is not simply noticing that spics and niggers need to be btfo, but that the merchants are behind it all.

She's clearly concealing her power level to some extent, with the Sam Hyde reference. Time will tell if she reveals the jew. Until then, unless she actively shills for degenerate behavior, then I do not see any reason to hate her.


She shills for assimilation of immigrants (even saying she would prefer an assimilated nigger over a European who doesn't speak English). She shills for (((capitalism))). She shills for Jews. She pretends to be righ- wing while subversively pushing left-wing causes.


If you don't understand the damage capitalism has done to the west, then you are a braindead retard.

Crony capitalism, sure.

>>>Holla Forums

Kek, no wonder you're shilling for that bitch, you don't have a clue yourself.

No, all capitalism.

And capitalism and its related ideologies are left wing, moron.

Damn, I guess I'd better head to Holla Forums so we can circle jerk over how good capitalism is.

Holla Forums is fantastic.

Do that.


Labeling anything left or right wing is confusing and was probably made as an illusion that people have a choice in democracy, I just label everything that's bad for the Nation as a whole as kike bullshit or Globalism if I'm interacting with normalfags

That's pretty much the only thing you got right in all the posts you've made ITT.

Real capitalism hasn't been tried!

in 2012 Ron Paul was the only Holla Forums approved choice.

Yeah they can. They can advocate for all businesses to have gun free zones, advocate for TSA style anal probes whenever people enter one and they can also say that businesses should forbid their employees from owning guns at all - even in their private life. So worst case you have to make a decision: either no guns or no income.

fuck off (((sinead)))

I'd like to close inside her borders.

Don't use that word with women. They don't fight, they don't lose limbs, they endure no pain outside of that of childbirth and even then they have drugs to manage it. I'm tired of this dramatization of women's actions. They put absolutely nothing on the line and they know it. They are shielded from ordinary consequences.

She could go around saying Hitler did nothing wrong all day, be an absolute harridan, but she will never have to worry about not having a job, she will never have to worry about fighting for anything - just running her mouth on jewtube. All she has to do is get knocked up and the state will take care of them both no questions asked.

That's not bravery, bravery is for people who fight knowing they will have suffer the full consequences of their actions without an escape hatch. This country has built in escape hatches for every woman.

kinda agree with you, but at the same time it would be political/social suicide, and you know it.

does anyone have the picture Martin shared?

so close to naming the merchant… pic related.

nwm, found it.

me an Paul Town had a bit of a falling out one time tbh

This is complete cancer

It makes fun of hillary.

how is that bad?

Take a closer look at that Evangelion.


Monarchy is perhaps the most libertarian order of things plausibly achievable and sustainable for long periods.

You know it doesn't take much money to enrich one family and their friends, not in modern times.

stopped reading there. Open borders never work. Try getting 5 million african violent chimps per year and see how that works
Even worse since they'll chimp out and resort to looting to go by
Congrats, you just turned you country in an open battlefield with violent savages constantly streaming in and shootouts in every city.
Somalia 2.0 here we come

maybe I just lack some sense of real purpose in life, but a battlefield where we get to spend the days shooting brown people is a neat idea.

Niggers made something resembling ancap work in Somalia for 700 years, until they got invaded by technologically superior Europeans and caught the Communism bug.

sub-saharan africa is AnCap incarnate.

Go read some Hoppe, societies by contract naturally result in things like gated city states.

Yep, when you compare our current situation to that of only 200 years ago it takes very little to afford the basic necessities (unless you are a retard and live in a major city center).

There are places in the world where there is still unclaimed land, and modern communication technology and delivery services make it possible to live in the middle of nowhere depending on the persons job.

The most AnCap nation was Ireland prior to the Catholicucks comming and shitting the place up. I dont think you could find a society which remained stable for as long as they did either.

[citation needed]

Nice coalburner "proof" faggot.

in imagination land.

for fuck's sake, if you want to reach people weak-minded enough to be convinced by a woman, just hire another camwhore and write scripts for her.
you can even get a Gentile woman with natural blonde hair that way!

Ron Paul is a fucking retard and Holla Forumswas pretty bluepilled back then.

Libertardian wishful thinking with no historical precedent or evidence suggesting it is true. Hoppe also believes in "argumentation ethics" and is a philosophically illiterate moron.

I love it when libertardians just makes shit up like this. Just like their communist brothers, ahistorically claiming past societies as their people. Yes, all the ancients were fedora tipping ancap retards.

user, thats a brilliant idea.

Imagine the poor sods in the NSA having to explaing why they're watching a bored woman wearing a pepe mask ==and nothing else==.

Yeah, I wasn't really a Ron Paul fan, but was definitely bluepilled as fuck compared to now.

A good heuristic is if someone is female, don't listen to them. Maybe Laura Southern will have good shit to say, or maybe she'll influence some blue-pilled faggots I wouldn't know, I'm not clicking your youtube link OP

But by ignoring ALL women in the public you render yourself invulnerable to being manipulated by your balls or the inevitable D&C of whackjobs like sinead and evalion. You have very little to lose.

If a woman actually cared about what we care about, she would come here anonymously, not attempt to stir shit up, and have actual discussions. Or she would know she isn't part of our group, and go do her job as a wife, and not make a public nuisance of herself.

At least he has arguments, unlike yourself.

This is the most retarded thing I read on the intarwebz recently, and I browse Holla Forums semi-regularly so that says something.

Go home Lauren

Good job being historically illiterate, tard. Capitalism and its related ideologies are left wing. This is just historical fact.

Not really. He has a bundle of false premises and deductive elaboration from these premises, just like all libertarians do. A nice self-reinforcing internally consistent ideological box that just happens to be philosophically and empirically wrong. No different from communists in this way.

she is a jew and mocked white genocide on twitter. get off this board if you are the gavin mccuck/lauren type

dude you are such a faggot. and also wrong.

Freedom is a myth made to destroy fact.

Qué picardia

libertarianism does not mean ancap. nor does it mean globalism.

You can have a libertarian country that has 1984 tier strict border control as long as it does not infringe on its citizens rights. The two are not mutually exclusive at all in any way. You just think they are because you are as stupid as shit.

Libertarianism is not ancap.
It's not ancap. I need you to understand that it is not ancap. A libertarian country still has a government to protect its citizens. One of the
areas that the government makes laws in for the protection of the country and its citizens is border control.
It's not ancap and it is not globalism.

The logical end of libertarian values is globalism, though. You mistakenly believe that values and ideas can exist in a vacuum. But in reality they unfold through time, and libertarian values and ideas are globalist and universalist to the core. This is the outcome of individualism, abstract ethics systems, egalitarianism, etc.

But libertarians also hold the mistaken belief that without libertardianism, there is no liberty. But you can have liberty without making it the end of society itself.

no. You mistakenly believe that a viewpoint which governs how you run a country has to be applied to the rest of the world simultaneously.

Do americans let people who only have chinese passports vote in their elections? no!? Wow! its not true democracy then!
-t you

Reminder that libertarianism can't exist without a white nationalist superstructure.

Darkies are coded for Marxism/statism.

"Well, what's this weeks security briefing about?"

"Uhm… Sir…"

"Go on, spit it out"

"We have encountered a new wave of right wing extremism"

"Who? David Duke? A new trump fanbase?"

"No, it's a naked lady with green face-paint talking about Hitler"



I think I'm still voting for Živi Zid, I'm not sure about HKS.

KDZ and SDP are a load of shit, a bunch of puppets.


This is like saying that it's a joke to describe any racist a "nationalist" because most self-described nationalists disavow them strongly. To say that Hoppe is not a libertarian is removed from reality. You also seem to not have grasped what Hoppe advocates and how he thinks it would work.

such as? so far all you have done is made assertions without backing them up.

though maybe I shouldn't be surprised from the guy who thinks all capitalism is left-wing

yeah, beats the alternative

are people swayed by the big words you use without ever backing them up with any proof whatsoever?

It's sad that even here, people refuse to see the left- and right-libertarian split.

this just got moved near the top of the catalog despite the last comment being from yesterday

shows 581 replies at bottom of page, 188 on catalog. I find it unlikely that laura fucking southers is worth 400 replies in a day