MSpaint comic

Make an MSpaint comic, post results

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Are you retarded?
also counter-sage

this was good

heh/10, made me lightly chuckle


nice, you can become the next tgweaver

Is that a dick


just a big clit… doh…


Meatcucks BTFO

If you had zero luck on Holla Forums I highly doubt it will catch on here.

I really enjoyed this one.



not MSpaint, sorry

Literally the plot of Muzzy.


I probably approve

Seemed funnier in my head.

still good

I laughed


It's the dickhead who keeps making shit threads asking for memes to post online.

Jesus Christ, please leave.

I love how dynamic this is.


I don't know who that is just thought a thread about creating something would be fun.

But I suppose you would enjoy derailing threads with unfunny millenial memes instead


I had that fucking dream again last night. Why are tits in dreams so hard?



It should be either "I sang too much", or possibly "I have sung too much".

Yeah, thanks.



My sides.



I knew leftists can't meme but I had no idea it was this bad, this is deviantart tier.

Cheesy bait



Poirkies gonna pork. do you know who leads you?


More like the Anglo. You're just starting to open your eyes, but come with me and I'll show you the world of truth

My heart aches. It reminds me of Quentin.

Anglo's are idiots, Jews know what they're doing is bad and they still do it.

Okay so you are somewhat redpilled.
Yes, the "HWHITES" aren't in any way superior. Most of their tech was stolen or assimilated due to them being nomadic in nature. Also what are "da jooz" doing? Improving things? Oh no. How terrible. They want the world to unite in harmony. Oh, awful.

They started out with a god complex, got butthurt over being cucked by other civilizations, and are hypocritically trying to kill all non jew whites the way Hitler did to them.

They're literally the worst. Improving my ass.

>>>Holla Forums561869
I bet you actually think these are good enough to be re used by everyone on Holla Forums

Sorry but no. If you look at these articles you'll see that jews are improving the world.

On top of this who cares about whites? You just said that they were stupid. The sooner they die out the sooner we can rise again.

You've been brainwashed by the system.

What a brilliant and revolutionary economic idea!
We should totally try it out, after all nothing wrong can come out of it

Eternal anglos are real

Money is just something the porkies use to distract you. It is only as valuable as the value you place upon it. Once you open your eyes to this you'll realise.

Remember the old quote:
"When the rivers are all dry, when the crops all dead, then and only then will you realise that you cannot eat money"

It's literally just something invented by society. Get over it. Grow up. Grow good.

This. Anglos (HWHITES) are the real enemy.

Being Jewish is only great because so far you're on top of the world.
Jewish women are fine though.

No just retarded.

Mah nigga

As almost everything, its not some hidden knowledge
But thanks to the wonders of technology and global market you can use those money to buy necessities from neighboring countries/cities/communities

After all thats the reason why money exist, to make banter easier

Are you people retarded?

Now you're starting to open your eyes.
Exactly almost everything, every social construct (Race, Gender, eg) are based upon a societal implemented value or "truth" whilst not being true in a vacuum.

No thanks to the PEOPLE we have those. Money is just a subset of a porky country set to distract you.

Wrong. Whites are single handedly one of the most vile and repulsive species and the sooner we can say bye-bye to cumskin the better.

I was hoping that word wouldn't be spoken.
You're probably just an ironic Freech fag not an actual one.

Sorry for pushing him on like an idiot, but having browsed Holla Forums I thought he was actually serious.

I don't use the n word nigga.

I thought it said "Life is a circle".

Nigga is different from the n word nigga, you wouldn't know because you racist. You no better than dem crackers.

Reminder that Holla Forums had threads calling for each other to derail other boards into political shitflinging every chance they get.
Responding seriously to their Holla Forums tier b8 is the most asinine thing you can do.

I can't tell if this is satire of not.

I had no idea that artist drew straight lewds, I've only ever seen his gay shit.

Who did the Greeks steal their culture from? What about the French, Germanic, or Slavic people?

its hiding a humungous futa plant cock

can someone make a comic about Holla Forums shitting up yet another thread with their inane bullshit?

Have you seen modern leftists.
There's is no difference between seriousness and satire now, they're one in the same.

But Holla Forums is the one shitting up this thread.

Neutral fags are worse than both tbh.

I disagree with both, as well, though. I do find /lpol/ more annoying, however. Holla Forums is fucking crazy, but at least their ideals have worked, albeit extremely unethical. /lpol/'s ideals don't work and never have.

Check out this faggot.

Oh yeah Holla Forums definitely has some morons that browse it, but the board isn't shit overall.


I didnt post any
If everyone is equal than there is no value, no authorities and no social order. Nature is hierarchic at its very core. There always will be better and worse and you cannot change that>>734271

Ancient Greeks were not the same as modern Greeks. They were much whiter before they got raped by the Turks for several centuries.

But those obviously bullshit links don't say anything about French, Germanic, or Slavic people(aside from a baseless claim that Pushkin was black.) They just talk about Celts, Nords, and Brits.

Actually you're the one shitting up the thread.

I don't think he's ever drawn futa, then again I haven't seen all of his work.

You faggots really are retarded. Not even Holla Forums gobbles up b8 this hard.

Because Holla Forums is just everyone acting like fools at this point bait is only replied to with bait.

yeah but its self aware bait taking. so that makes it ok. no im just kidding, Holla Forums is retarded.

I like where this is going. Are you gonna do more?

because when you grab them in the dream, you're actually grabbing your boner while you sleep.

Makes sense

What if you dream you're grabbing your boner?

we call those wet dreams.

I demand more.


Not using OP's template, but here you go


Are you Max G?

No. I just didn't feel like drawing hair.


pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws

I'm sensing a pattern in responses from Trump supporters; I don't think you're going to arrive at any meaningful consensus with the rest of us if we're stuck at square one, arguing about whether government and MSM is a big conspiracy. Conspiracy theories by nature cannot be convincingly disproven because every evidence given to the contrary is just going be thought to demonstrate how carefully the system is crafted to fool you and how deep the rabbit hole goes, further cementing your idea that you've some hidden truth.

pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
How was I supposed to have read it? Nobody has answered any of my questions so far……'s like nobody can read on this board except me.

And, that being the case, Gad could always find her in the dark.

You mean I've been holding out for this long, and I've just been retarded?

ho168 18 m cesena

ho186 su snapchat

Hes referring to the Super J cup 94 and 95 guys, its funny when you look at those, ECW in 95, 96 and 97 I'm pretty sure literally all of them are in WCW or WWE by 98

Actually, no - I did a vector trace of the first then made color slices. The vector is what makes it "better" so take our whinging elsewhere

2-3 seconds of film was 3 weeks of work or so one of their insider clips says. No mention how many crews they had making 3 seconds each.

I assume that was the worst of it though or total process from stop motion dolls to final edit


They can just read old comics, though. Like the adventures of Jimmy Olsen.



should i bother doing more?

lycan go make the next episode you cuck.

we're all waiting for you genital cowboy

we all wish he'd do them faster
i can't draw for shit though, especially on a tablet, i haven't practiced since 11th grade



Not this again.


Really makes you /think/.

Can't tell if sincere or not.

I'm pretty sure it's satire.


Got a chuckle out of me.

ok here's next side splitting comic

I got something from a dream as well


B-but flying cubes are the shit.

flying nuclear watermelons are better fam

I thought I might start a series based on weird shit from my dreams. Maybe when I'm feeling less lazy.

because you've never felt one, and you never will.

somebody doesn't know what inflation is

this is worse than the real thing

but user if you put three people in a room and give each of them a paper money does not make sense so why print money

That's scary as fuck.

English isn't your first language I'm guessing.


like imagine if you just made your own country but why print money because money is worthless

oh so just make my own country and i git all dat sweet poo-c free, gotchu fam

I've felt my own.


like imagine if you lead a country and there was no printed money so why have printed money

You don't have boobs. You have moobs, which are not boobs.

gotchu for real now fam, i jus gotsta make a country den take da bitches

Transphobic, tbh.

I am glad joonze is making the videos again, though we reached DIO's World in terms of budget


the whole point is why ever have printed money when countries never needed them to begin with


i got dis fam. gotta get dat country so i can get dem bitches.


think why we need printed money if we didn't have it from the beginning

Contributing to dead thread.



These are great, honestly. Takes me back to Tails Gets Trolled.





This is fucking gold. The lack of a punchline just made it so much funnier.than the standard, over-the-top parody.

8/10 I expected rape.

Spoopy, nice. Please a sequel.

I love this.

It reminds me slightly of Quentin. People getting mad and responding seriously is also a plus.


I think I get it.


I guess I'll have to apologize for how cancerous and facebookish this ended up.

Who /thinking/ here?


I know you're just being a muh deep fag, but pls

Maybe you should have done us all a favor and deleted it before you posted it then.

you should put that much "intellectual" effort in the exams themselves instead of comic strips

I was thinking more Google and kinect rubbish that invades your privacy, not modern civilization and materialism in general.
I am deepfagging though, you're right.

No, wait, I got it.


So this is where the cancer was unleashed. This thread is hiroshima.

What about ">tfw no azn qt gf"

I don't like asians.


Hello Holla Forums.
It appears an unsavory fellow is pretending to be me on the internet.
This are the REAL comics, please spread them around everytime you see the fake ones, as my name is being slandered.

It happened with Ben Garrison too, thankfully Holla Forums managed to help the truth surface, I will be most thankfully if you helped me as well with this obvious case of slander.

Here is some of my REAL comics.

And a couple more.
I am absolutely so very sorry that the wrong versions have been spread on this lovely board, please inform me whenever you spot a fake copy, I will do my work to correct the record.
Have a good day Holla Forums.

When are you getting your DooM mod?

I currently have absolutely no way of knowing for sure that you are the real TruthSeeker and not a ruffian posting his comics, edited with a subtle twist that I cannot detect at the moment but will surely completely unmake the message the real TruthSeeker put into his comics.
Surely you can understand the conundrum I am in.

hahaha disregard that, I suck cocks

I don't see loss in there.

100 hours in paint






welcome the butt tank
it runs on gas

Just fucking stop with these horrendous MSPaint abominations, Holla Forums. They're not funny, and they're uglier than Sonichu.


While holding her tits together. Don't forget she's holding her tits together.

I regret making these comics.

I was expecting a Willy Coyote esque "rope being too long for hanging" gag.

But user, university is great!

or your major is useless

Don't pick a useless major, then. Pick maths or something.

All will be TruthSeeker

Like this guy?
I'm no good with large numbers.

Do not listen to these slanderous trolls

He can think in Attosecond and yet he still got schooled by a guy with boomerangs and a guy with cold raygun sometimes.





Wait, who got post #744444?


Who cares?

Wow this is indistinguishable from other political comics

Does your fucktarded ass know there is a world outside of US where school doesn't cost you your life?

Nice stuff, was it a comic school or something?
I thought it was ironical shit art. Not that it changes anything though

Two schools actually.
Imho everything at the start of 20th century that happened in NY and Paris gave us the cancer we have today.

Odd because there was some decent stuff too

I doubt he really meant everything.


Well there is always some decent stuff. You just need to look past popular opinion.

It's when the roots of dadaism started spreading and paved the way to modern art that the whole thing started falling apart. When it became cool to be garbage and to slander everything that was considered good in terms of technical quality and masterwork. After Dadaism, things went downhill rapidly culminating in '6o and '7o with shit such as conceptual art and activism-performance stuff.

The whole process started earlier in 19th century but back then it was a good thing because it opened a door to experimentation gave people alternatives. Academia was really stale back then.

No one cares.

Nice trips.


Someone's showing off.

You mean having… Fun!?? :O

not allowed



I hate it when that happens.

But you can't read in dreams…


You fucked up, big time


Nice try there

These are pretty stellar.

Why is this so funny?



Oh shit dude, better look out fam.

Who /cry/ here?





is this a better attempt?

I still have faith that the Warner Brothers' lawyers will track you down and hurt you worse than Holla Forums ever would.

This thread has been nothing but utter trash except for only a few examples.

Are you toddlers??? What is up with this obsession with political shit and looney toons? Why are you all such horrible artists?
Kill yourselves if you don't already plan to.

I've made >>>/leftyb/

You can visit it. /leftyCo/ and /leftyTv/ soon don't worry fellow TruthSeeker!

I just have a busy schedule, lots of things to do but >>>/leftyb/ is available now. You're welcome.

You and me are gonna have a long history FactSeer. I'm going to make sure you're featured…and you won't even be a LooneyTune. You're gonna be the mouse.


This thread is already infested, it's too late to salvage it, run, run as far away as you can!

reminder to filter the faggot by name and try not to reply to him, as much as you think you're being funny by posting your witty quirky reply, every reply whether good or bad validates his retardation.

he's a contrarian idiot (or hence, a group of) and the only solution is to ignore him completely.

This isn't Holla Forums and its really been one guy that's made everything, document it. Because I believe I smell a sperg out a coming.

No matter how fast you run, you will never be a meme

Because I'm using a mouse instead of a drawing pad


or like just have fun because it's funny.
what a shitty opinion you have smdh tbh fam


you seem tense
Here's another edition of fact seer to calm your nerves



….Well, yeah?

This reminds me of shit like 40oz Mouse and all that. Keep these up FactSeer

Now I wonder which are the few examples that found favor in your sight. Yours, perhaps?

What part of "MS Paint comics". Don't you understand? They're supposed to be crude.

This thread had potential to make some good funny OC. With just 4 panels to work with.

Nothing too much. Just draw a little story in those 4 little boxes, but that's too hard for you chucklefucks. Instead you just copy and paste stock images and fill them with quotes from far right youtubers!

What's that about stock images with far right opinions?

dead thread

Draw a comic, then.

This is a fun thread. I'll try to think of something to draw.


letting you see the thumbnail ruins the surprise




Did you just trace over a frog? Pretty funny.

That's a bit of a stretch mate.

Nice try, goon. Shame that good OC's not very common.

I think we're all a little bit truth seekers in our own way.

And you say that the right wing hugboxes.
TruthSeeker is literal goon trash

Shit, this leftyb board is pretty big already. I guess there was a high demand.






Thanks for following my orders, pals
Haha, I'm so happy that no one is making comics and reverse psychology doesn't work all that well, does it

Boxdog's 10 year anniversary is in 2 days

just saying

It does now.

Wow, how many years it's been? More than a decade by now, I think.

C-can I come back inside now?


Nope, exactly a decade.




What and excellent comic.


Kibaszott rovásírás!


also known as "Variations on a Theme"

Docsánat :^)




I don't get it.


Soon, he died of hypervitaminosis

I fucked up

It's alright. Just don't rush it next time you try to upload a pic


What the fuck happened to your tumblr, man? Do you have a DA account, or something?



I like this a lot.

Is he okay?

Those fucking faces crack me up.

Kyodeiwù ùvrwehedoah oh dmù facof.
O pah'd mejù e PE. Ceqiù ahù peq?
O ewka lehdùp da mycehosù dmù dyciwz ehp pa e facof lodm mùz iyd dmed lekh'd jùzq tyh.

Mohd: glùzdq

I think I've struck gold this time.

I heavily empathize with the science cunt

I'm not even making comics anymore, tbh.






Truthseeker did several things wrong
And still isn't a meme

I honestly can't even tell anymore if Truthseeker was ever a real person, or if it's all an elaborate shitpost.

Is this what Holla Forums's been doing?

The first comic is actually funnier if you don't have the second page.
because he was good at engineering his own suicide

Like, last year. Now we're all about Jenny Nicholson and Aqua Teen Hunger Force

Enjoy some capped threads.

Oh christ, is this thread that old already?

Yeah, only Holla Forums is cancerous enough to keep the autism this high.

An elaborate attempt at shitposting that collapsed under it's own faggotry.

You don't get it, it's okay, it's a meme for higher intellect

It's always something to see both "meme" and "higher intellect" in the same sentence.

hi where are the gomigs :DDDDD

In english, please.

It is in English, it's just encoded or something.

What intellect? It's just pretentious hipster garbage

RIP thread. It was a nice one.

Could have been better but too much shitposting and not enough drawing