what are your thoughts regarding terrible tommy?
his site is resist.com
back in the day he produced a tv show. it was called race and reason.
some episodes are on the web.
what are your thoughts regarding terrible tommy?
his site is resist.com
back in the day he produced a tv show. it was called race and reason.
some episodes are on the web.
Other urls found in this thread:
i know him from when louis theroux interviewed him and there he came across like a drunk old buffoon.
i agree. that documentary made him look so bad.
then again i was expecting some lone white dude living in a rv. he had a decent home, a wife, kids.
his podcasts are informative, i would think.
here is a somewhat recent interview he gave for a documentary.
Why would you omit two significant elements of this man's life?
he no longer identifies with the kkk.
in one of his podcasts he said the insurgent is a better name. resistance is just avoiding the inevitable.
i posted his site's address.
this is interesting. it's obvious he's been through a rough patch in life but i love how bluntly he talks about race to the nu-german presenter.
Great guy with grest ideas in my opinion. The man has dedicated his entire life to the movement
Largely irrelevant in 2016 but he actually was the original person to publish the A. Wyatt Mann cartoons so in a way we owe him for the memes. We've far surpassed him though, bet he would be proud
Jesus Christ, I bet you believe Hitler was a degenerate and into pee pee poo poo shit
i find him interesting too because he's done it all.
he fought the communists on the streets.
he organized racist groups.
he printed race related material and spread them all over the country. the happy merchant is from one of his publications.
sadly he says this was a waste of time. only a few people contacted his organizations after printing tons of fliers.
organizations are infiltrated by fbi agents.
he lost everything due to an informant.
he was trolling before it was cool tbh
metzger's opinion on trump
but it just like a filthy kike to act volatile when confronted with empirical facts
Lmao that little faggot kike is such a tryhard, he acts like that because he know people will stop Metzger from fighting back.
Toplel, you think he was killed by a white power prison guy ?
i have no idea. but this is interesting.
Well earl krugel is main guy got murdered by a prison skinead.
Made a mistake, sorry.
We deride skinheads as degenerate nigger tier criminals, but they do have their place.
Here are some cleaned up versions of the classic Rubin and Tom toons …
Archive.is is down for me, so disregard if that's what the link is about, but there's a theory that he was killed by the Mossad over something he knew or saw re: one of the 9/11 patsies.
Michael Collins Piper (RIP in peace) talked about (briefly) on RBN years ago.
Those are great, thanks.
Not every footsoldier who served under them was of the same quality of Caesar, Hannibal, Napoleon or Hitler.
He's anarchist. He might be OUR anarchist, but he is still destruction and chaos agent.
Why is this idiot giving interviews to The Wrap?
This has always been my strategy. Subvert the enemy with deception and shapelessness. Become a chameleon in their presence.
He calls himself an Aryan Socialist.
because no one else would interview him
Tom Metzger is one of the best of the old school. He was one of the first to distance himself from conservatism and develop more of a direct white working class perspective, with some similarities to the old left from a century earlier. Along with many other figures back in the 70s & 80s, he was also against Christianity, which he regularly mocked.
He always had a good sense of humor, and lacked the arrogance shown by William Pierce, for example. I like Pierce, but that guy drove Resistance Records into the ground with his disdain for the subculture that sustained it. Yeah, skinheads were often losers, but Metzger could interact constructively with them.
Remember that the A Wyatt Mann cartoons were published in Metzger's paper WAR. There were hardly any other outlets for genuinely humorous stuff like that.
What happened to Tom with the Morris Dees trial was criminal.
Tom frequently references Jack London, the author and racially aware socialist, as an inspiration. Politically, he could maybe be described as a left-libertarian, but one who considers race more important than economics.
Not enough attention is given to this, but that is close to Hitler's own views. Hoppe has a talk somewhere where he contrasts Hitler's statements on the economy with those of Roosevelt, and Hitler was definitely much more free-market oriented than the American president, with a common sense understanding of money and business. However, Hitler thought that Germany was in crisis, and the needs of the nation trumped normal economics.
Before the Bolsheviks, the left was not usually thought of as embracing strong government beyond what was needed for the revolution. Anarchists and communists interacted together, thinking they were virtually on the same side, as they thought the proletariat would simply follow their programs voluntarily.
That is how you decode early leftism kek
Looks like shit but how would you make a racist game nowadays ?
He used to sell them as stickers in his newsletter
Imagine buying up a few hundred of these and plastering them all over your local college campus
I think he still does
What's the story?
Tom and WAR lost a civil suit over the death of an Ethiopian by skinheads. It looks like they were basically railroaded with evidence that wouldn't have made it in a criminal court, plus it had some nasty implications for freedom of speech. The guy behind it was that scumbag Morris Dees of the SPLC.
The C-SPAN Book TV video about Elinor Langer's A Hundred Little Hitlers is a good overview of the case. Tom liked her book so much he offered to go on tour with her to promote it.
pdf of the book - pdfarchive.info
Not sure if I'll finish it, but she does seem objective. Thanks!