I'm sure most of us are aware of the shit that went down with the SJW Annaliese Nielsen and her bravely and stunningly putting that damnable Asian white supremacist rape apologist Lyft driver in his place for his terrible Hula Doll.
Well, DeFranco made a video about it, reporting it as news-of-the-day, and jewtube saw fit to use this as an excuse to drastically cut his ad revenue. Phil reports on it here:
This is important because DeFranco, for all of his relative cuckery, has a reputation for A.) being one of jewtubes oldest creators and earliest adopters, and B.) manages to report on the news in a fairly ethical way, going out of his way to describe what he knows are his own feelings and reactions as such, and asking the viewer to check out his sources and draw their own conclusions.
Most importantly however, his reach is in the millions, he is well-loved by pretty much everyone normie as a source of decent news, and ==he has been directly and negatively affected by by the censorship and power exercised by an SJW==.
This seems like it has potential for a lot of normie-friendly redpills. I mean, if jewtube is willing to twist and finagle their own policies to censor (and possibly shut down) one of their biggest, most popular content producers, then even the normiest of normies will start to ask questions. And if we do it right, uncle Holla Forums will be there to answer.
On a side note, obviously this Annaliese whore has some kind of in, because as Phil explains in his video, in order for jewtube to uphold the rule he was supposedly in violation of, it would completely kill off pretty much any news reporting of world events. My gut says there's much more to this than meets the eye.
tl;dr major youtube celeb may have his 10+ year-old channel shutdown because of SJW cunt. Possible opportunity for redpilling normies on the truth behind the lugenpresse and it's allies in the tech world.
i don't suppose there's a compilation or list .jpg of youtube's shit?
John Hughes
He's a cancerous faggot, but anyone that had predicted this shit where (((they))) would try to turn the entire site into nuTV is made right.
Parker Davis
Agreed. I think DeFranco is aware of it as well; this same video he talks about the decline in cable subscribers, which went down by over 800k over the past fiscal quarter I think. (((Pure Coincidence))) that jewtube is pulling this now, I'm sure.
Brayden Rodriguez
Dudes a maggot, pot-smoking godless lolberg twat.
But, it was because of him that I discovered this lovely little cumdumpster, so….
… As usual, fuck the Jews.
Andrew Flores
Welcome to the assassination of Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand.
Deus Vult.
Xavier Peterson
OY VEY! Looks like someone is being a bad goy on twitter.
Reminder that the CEO of youtube is a jewish women
Thomas Sanchez
looks like somebody has a little shitlord in him.
wonder how quickly jewtube will slide into irrelevance now that they are attacking large, independent creators. nothing lights a fire under someone's ass like going after their meal ticket.
Nolan Torres
I remember these guidelines from not too long ago. So they're implementing them now? Be on standby. This could kick off the big one if they go all out. If you have any ungood++ vids that you've been meaning to save, do it now before they're quietly removed. Also, rev up those social media accounts promoting alternatives if YT gets nuked because "we want the Shillary crowd."
Another moderately big YT channel commenting on the situation: youtube (dot) com/watch?v=bePsGivjZpg
Jose James
Sage because who the fuck cares about some reddit-tier squabbling.
Anthony Cooper
Just watch the fucking video faggot, and make the webm yourself. I have no video alteration technology, not even photoshop, on this computer, because I suck ass at that shit.
As said, this could be huge. They're trying to turn jewtube into the next Talmudvision, only they're going about it in such a way that primes a lot of people for exposure to the seedy darkside, including how media kikes have their tentacles on everything and how the good goys, who say the right things or know the right people, are treated differently under the rules.
Yeah, sure. You're just a faggot shill. Thank you for correcting the record :^)
Aaron Jenkins
You know there are 6 gorrilion websites you can paste the link into and have it spit out a webm? It's your thread the onus is on you to make it and not act like a lazy nigger. It's the same concept as archiving a link. Prevents it from disappearing when it's taken down or altered and denies clickshekels/pageviews to YouTube.
Sorry it's not a downboat redditfaggot. You probably think it's pronounced like the plant.
Grayson Allen
Thank you again for correcting the record. .02 shekels have been deposited in your account.
Matthew Powell
Fuck you faggot he was right. If you can use this site, then you can WebM. You are either lazy or stupid. Either way, you have already proven yourself worthy of our hatred and scorn. You even tried to turn it around on him! Fuck you faggot! YOU DO NOT BELONG HERE
Jaxon Turner
While I understand the pros to archiving and making webms, I'll be honest when I say I don't give a damn whether people do it or not.
It's not OP's responsibility to do shit for you. You just create a chilling effect on new threads by trying to make up imaginary rules OP has to follow.
You people are worse than vegans and recyclers combined.
John Reyes
Tell us more about the chilling effects nigger. Is there a reason it bothers you? Is there a reason you make a new paragraph for every sentence like a redditfaggot? There are conventions for every environment and the large influx of newfaggots is affecting the board because not enough people are taking the time to call out the bullshit and telling people to lurk moar. (Much like how France is no longer french because of all the sandniggers refusing to assimilate.) Caring about e-celeb faggots is bottom of the barrel, as is this thread, as are you.
Dominic Foster
.02 shekels have been deposited in your account. Thank you for correcting the record (and the bump and the butthurt)!
Seriously Holla Forums, this shit is apparently being shilled. Any other ideas? The comments on jewtube are basically people begging to swallow the redpill, calling jewtube out on their shit, talking about how these new ToS rules, if implemented as written, will basically shut down anything that isn't G-rated kiddie shit. Which naturally means the people with the "right" message will be untouched of course. There's got to be a way to leverage this to our advantage. One of the top comments is calling out a Killary ad that's been pushed a lot recently.
Thanks user. Have some butterface asian tits.
Jason Moore
You dont understand what chilling effects are.
And shit like this? Cornered animal people. They are getting the old vibes back.
Like, they know they have been cry Nazi like it was Wolf for decades….and they know the end kf that story….
Eventualky, a wolf suowed up. AND NOBIDY CARED.
Daniel Taylor
Great dodge faggot.
I'll check my own trips of truth.
Oliver Hughes
This is huge. DeFranco is actually a perfect catalyst for mass redpilling.
Hes leftshit, but generally grounded which makes conflicts like this inevitable, plus he connects with a lot of leftists who haven't seen the light yet, but are likely to do so going forward.
How can we capitalise on this?
Video for lazy neets.
Isaac White
Yup. Been following this a little. They're cutting income for anybody saying anything with an opinion that isn't the narrative. If you talk about rape they cut funding, talk about islam and they fuck your shit. Jim talked about this once. That advertisers don't want to be linked to anything controversial (even though everybody knows youtube is an automated system.) This happens on every site
Elijah Ward
hello there jim
Brody Sanchez
…Who is this lovely little cumdumpster, user?
Brayden Collins
not jim, just someone who snatched a few pics of his butterface slut before she deleted fucking everything.
Adrian Flores
Chance for something big here. Anyone?
William Evans
i hope Phil DeFranco kills himself. that cancer has outstayed his welcome. he is a shit cunt bastard
Bentley Bailey
Shitpost or shill post?
Isaac Brooks
OP, thanks for posting this. I've been semi-redpilling with comments on this and some other videos and holy shit are people responsive.
I've been saying since GamerGate that the path to enlightenment is to go to places where gamer kids hang out and explain the opposition to them before they have a chance to be indoctrinated by leftist fascism.
Kids don't give a shit about politics or ideology, they just unabashedly desire what they desire, hate what they hate, do what the fuck they wanna do. Show them that sjws/leftists/jews are the ones trying to take away their games, their music, their youtube celebrities, and they'll never fall for being brainwashed into giving up what they love and feel for some illogical rhetoric about how everything is sexist and racist.
It's the largest generation ever and it could be on our side.
Brayden Martinez
by the way, just an extension to that, and im not suggesting this personally because its too underhanded for me to get behind, but just an idea of something that COULD be done:
kids are lot more susceptible to propaganda. fake narratives and stories would go a looong way. make up some scandals about how Steam is going to increase its prices, or Youtube is under pressure to ban vloggers, blame it on [your target of choice], and you got a horde of angry little tasmanian devils at your disposal.
Austin Price
that's terrible user. we here at Holla Forums would never resort to propaganda in order to sway the minds of impressionable youth!
because truth doesn't need propaganda, and what Holla Forums teaches is the truth
They are also parrots. Which is why they are cucked numales in the first place. Control of the narrative is control of the mind.
Isaiah Thomas
uh oh user, you dun used "fascism" as a negative on Holla Forums (when you meant authoritarianism)
Levi Russell
page 8 bump
Parker Wright
as people who delude themselves into thinking theyre the good guys for fighting "fascism", they get triggered the fuck out when you can call them the same thing. dont forget to link them to the wikipedia article when they try to argue.
Daniel Johnson
Isaiah Robinson
Conveniently vague reasons for Jewing contributors out of money.
Probably an easier pill for normies to swallow than "everyone uses adblock, we're not making money, fuck the talent"
Dylan Rogers
haha remember davedays too? i love my cucky early jewtube e-celeb refuse
Christopher Davis
you mean lose?
Camden Long
So in wrestling terms, we're transitioning from the Attitude era to the PG era.
Be wild and edgy to draw people in, then sanitize everything and go full mainstream to maximize shekels.
Angel Martinez
A caveat i'll add is, a model like this works in a dinosaur format like TV, but what they're attempting is doomed to fail on the internet. People are too used to their freedom. Same way them trying to force people to use real names online crashed and fucking burned. Fuck that was annoying.
If they push this too long and too hard, it's only a matter of time until an alternative rises up that young people flock to and Youtube becomes the streaming video version of myspace.
Christian White
Working in the tech world is truly awful.
On the inside it's all these literally hypocritical six figured rich kids who have never been around a nigger or mexican or whatever in their entire lives going on and on about diversity and those poor poor, poor people while driving around in their mercedes or tesla and not ever once donating anything in their lives not to mention all this "progressive" nonsense. The executives and CEOs are the worst, they are literally the most out of touch individuals you could ever meet despite marketing themselves as the opposite because of the whole valley culture and trying to mangle with employees but all you learn from the experience is that they are complete douche bags and the type to say they want more diversity but at the same time pack up from their multi-million dollar apartments and mansions the moment a nigger moves within five miles of them. And yes, techjews are ultra greasy but I suppose you already knew that with the likes of Mark "They Trust Me The Dumbfucks" Zuckerberg. tl;dr Valley culture is shit. It's full of hypocritical sheltered limousine liberal faggots who are only "progressive" as a display of their douche baggery so they can brag to their other rich liberal faggot "friends" how "progressive" they are while they shop together for a new luxury item that could feed a poor family for a year and does fuck all over overpriced decadent bourgeois meals at "trendy" restaurants where you pay out the ass for food that could fit on a quarter and coffee/tea with a cost that could feed the average family of four for a week. Of course, not all of us is like this which is my next point.
On the outside, you're stereotyped as a liberal SJW extremist faggot just because you work in Silicon Valley. I fucking hate it. You look at the stats and yes voting says it mostly votes libfag but it's not ALL OF US. Jesus.
Ryder Rodriguez
DeFranco is one of the better leftists out there. While most of them were assblasted George Zimmerman was let go, I remember he said that he was wrong about the guy and the evidence showed Martin assaulted him first. He's not a sack of absolute pure shit like many people on his spectrum.
Colton Lee
Agreed. This is why he's a good jumping off point.
I doubt any efforts of ours will get people to a Holla Forums-tier level of redpill, but if it makes even 1% of his regular viewers question things a bit more deeply, then we may have just caused a few thousand people to stay home on election day instead of going out and voting for Shillary.
Sebastian Bailey
That felt good to get out of your system, didn't it nigga?
Jayden Carter
DeFranco is a faggot anyways, I hope this SJW garbage does bite him in the ass, and I hope it bites him hard.
Ryan Moore
I watched a few other videos from normalfag popular youtubers on it and it seems this has been going on for maybe two or more years, they're just now telling anyone about it. The gist of it sounds like it mostly has to do with the tags and that people just aren't going to add any tags on their videos anymore. There could be more to it that I just haven't heard yet.
Kayden Rogers
Supposedly one of the blacklisted tags is SJW. Phil really called out the actions of that Annaliese cunt for what they were; despicable acts by a despicable creature.
I can't shake the feeling that this is just about "advertising." There's something greater at play.
Carson Morgan
Incorrect. While he does often tell people to draw their own conclusions and share what they think in the comments just to engage his audience so he maintains views and attention his "opinions" are always extremely mild and as neutral as possible. If he ever is not precisely on the fence about something, he leans only very slightly in one direction, and most of the time it's the politically correct virtue signaling direction. He tries not to take a very solid stance on anything because he doesn't want to offend anyone or disagree with anyone and he wants everyone to fucking like him and keep watching his videos. He's a spineless faggot who desperately tries to appear like a "good moral guy" and, whether he consciously knows it or not, is mainly focused on how much attention and shekels he can garner.
That still does make him much better than most retarded liberals, but that's really setting the bar terribly low.
Luke Davis
Sad, but true.
However, in this particular video, he takes a different tack. He comes as close to tearing someone a new one as I've ever seen him which is still tame by Holla Forums standards
Couple that with and his use of the term "SJW" to call out Annaliese and it gets my Holla Forums sense tingling.
Yes, Phil is at best a milquetoast liberal/cuck faggot who only wants people to feel like he's engaging them so he continues to get views. But it's something he's done (and sold others on) very well, for a very long time, and now some janky shit is going down, causing a lot of normies to question things they never questioned before.
Again, if we can get just a fraction of his subscriber base to the point where they just stay at home on election day, we've essentially removed thousands of votes that would probably have gone against the God Emprah. I've made a few comments on there already, and I've seen some other vaguely-Holla Forums-ish remarks as well. Whether he knows it or not, Phil is helping to shift the Overton window just a little bit more right.