Supposedly in the 7th century B.C. Israel was homeland to the Aryan peoples who were driven out and enslaved by the Assyrian Empire as well as the long lost and forgotten Babylonian Empire. The modern day kike with his disgusting brown skin ascended from Jordan and assimilated with Arab culture as they settled in the lands of the Aryans long after the Aryans had been deported/exterminated. They are referred to as Canaanites, sons and descendants of Cain, who hailed in Canaan or modern day Jordan. The Saxons were descendants of Isaac, one of the tribes of Israel. Sons of Isaac, remove the I and you have Saac. They commonly called themselves "Saac-Sons", or Saxons.
History of the "Ten lost tribes of Israel"
Other urls found in this thread:
Ive read all about this 'theory'.
I doesnt stand up to any kind of scrutiny because they evidence is pretty much nonexistent.
Genetic evidence? nope
Linguistic evidence? nope
Its entirely made up by Christians who spent all theyre time reading the bible and feel as if they want to be the 'chosen people'. So they come up with bull shit pseudo historys so they essentially larp as Jews.
not that I think ashkenazi jews are jews either. I believe that if there any actual Jews that still exist then they are probably saphardic but even I dont really believe that. Its most likley that the actual Jews just assimilated in the other semetic peoples. Chances are there are no real Jews.
And really, why would you as a white man to be a believe your a Jew? do you really like the Idea that blond hair blue eyed aryans were enslaved by swarthy egyptians? Only to escape to a land where they would then be eventually be taken over by swarthy babylonians? the ancient Jews had absolutly nothing to be proud of, thats why they had to make up lies about how theyre actually gods chosen people and not just former slaves, they were essentially just the we wuz kangz of bronze age mesopotamia.
And by contiouing to believe that jews were a chosen people you are continouing this lie. Not only are you continouing it, you are appropriating it, what you are doing is no different than a nigger talking about how we wuz the original gyptians mang, and that them muh fugging cave man neanderthals just drove us kangz outta egypt and stole are civilization n sheeeeit.
This is pretty sad too, the ancient Jews didnt even have anything physical to actually be proud of, they didnt build any great civilizations or have any empires. They were pretty much self obsessed no bodys that essentially thought 'everyone is dumb cept us, right guys?' they were pretty much autistic no bodys that got pushed around by chads that actually had stuff to be proud of.
stop believing your a kike, it will get you no where.
Plenty of genetic and linguistic evidence. All you have to do is pick up a book, you kike. You're clearly a subverting jew mongrel who shitposts on this board attacking valid arguments and theories because you can't read the fucking bible. Niggers were never kangz. The astronomical evidence to support this theory of Aryan Israelite is overwhelming and is a perfect explanation for the current onslaught of western civilization and white culture after the migration of whites through Asia minor during the 4th and 3rd centuries B.C.
There's a difference between kikes like yourself, and the true Aryan master race chosen by the universe itself to manifest self realization and understand its godhood.
Ok then, if there's so much proof then where is it? Please post actual sources or else fucking gas yourself for making such a shitty slide thread.
Christian Identity isn't meant to be taken literally. If you think that White Civilization didn't exist until the 4th-3rd Century B.C. then you're delusional. That being said you may as well reinforce the Southern Baptist Convention's support of racial segregation.
Before anybody tries to bring up "muh table talks and sheeeeeeeeeeeit"
rekt nigger kike
There is a distinct lack of ACTUAL FUCKING SOURCES on all of these images, which were obviously made by your CTR boss. I hope mods actually do their job and bump lock this goddamn slide thread.
You seem awfully opposed to facts and truths. Go back to plebbit you inbred scoundrel of satan.
Christianity is Pagan, try again.
If I see any actual research that isn't a thumbnail made in MSPaint then I'll believe it, but it's more likely you're just here to shill anyway.
There are countless edits of the old testament before it was translated to English or Latin. Surely the old masons with ancient knowledge, aka Hitler, had an edit themselves before the publishing. Implying the whole of bible was influenced by jewish jordanians is absurd.
I like the new Christcuck strategy for forcing Jewish religions down our throats! So you're saying we wuz kikez an sheeeit?
This was an original painting by the author himself - a renowned author and painter who far exceeded your level of expertise with your metapedia sources and links.
So you would just like to believe do to the romans straight out of our cavemen aspects of evolution we achieved a superior society rather than a gradual migration and adaption of all of european/asian cultures?
I mean, the Germans did reopen Ukrainian Churches that were destroyed by Atheistic Jews that ruled the Soviet Union. Do you think the Germans we're sucks?
I'm not the user who posted the metapedia link, unsurprising that you CTR shills don't know how to check IDs yet though.
Jewish references erased in newly found Nazi Bible
Last updated at 14:47 07 August 2006
An institute in Germany has unearthed a Nazi bible ordered by Adolf Hitler to replace the old and new testaments expunged of all references to Jews.
Hitler's race theorists even rewrote the 10 commandments and added two more for good measure in the book called ’German with God’ which was – alongside Hitler’ s autobiography – meant to be required reading in every home in his Third Reich.
Thou shalt not kill, coveting one's neighbour's wife, thou shalt not steal and all other others were scrapped by a regime that stole, murdered and plundered its way across the world.
Hitler admired the ceremony and majesty of the church – he admitted as much in Mein Kampf – but hated its teachings which had no place in his vision of Germanic supermen ruling lesser races devoid of 'outdated' concepts such as mercy and love.
But he knew the power of the church in Germany and even he could not banish it overnight.
He was even forced to abandon the systematic murder of the handicapped and insane before the war when outspoken bishops began to speak against it.
Instead his plan was to gradually 'Nazify' the church beginning with a theological centre he set up in 1939 to rewrite the Holy Bible. He appointed lackey professors to work on a thoroughly Nazi version that would remove all references to Jews and all compassion.
Their brief: 'The cleanse church texts of all non-Ayran influences.'
The first to go were the 10 Commandments. The Nazi 12 run:
"Honour God and believe in him wholeheartedly.
Seek out the peace of God.
Avoid all hypocrisy.
Holy is your health and life!
Holy is your wellbeing and honour!
Holy is your truth and fidelity!
Honour your father and mother – your children are your aid and your example.
Keep the blood pure and your honour holy!
Maintain and multiply the heritage of your forefathers.
Always be ready to help and to forgive.
Honour your Fuehrer and master!
Joyously serve the people with work and sacrifice.
That is what God wants from us!"
More important for Hitler, however, was the eradication of Jewish words, including Hallelulja, Jehova and even Jerusalem – it was instead termed the ’ the eternal city of God.’
"The book will have to serve the fight against the immortal Jewish enemy!" said Hitler in a memorandum to the institute in Eisenach.
Hansjoerg Buss of the Nordelbischen Church Office discovered the Bible in an archive search.
It was printed in 1941 by a company in Weimar and was shipped out to thousands of churches across Nazi-occupied Europe. It is understood most have been destroyed.
The name of the office Hitler created to shape the Bible in his image was the 'Institute for the research and removal of the Jewish influence on German church life.'
Reading IDs are for shills trying to subvert a good thread. back to the gas chamber (that never existed) with you.
What the fuck?
This has to be the worst shill I've ever seen, I don't think he's going to get his shekels for making the thread this time.
If you do not use your thoughts, memories, associations, perceptions, what does doing or achieving even mean?
If you do not use your thoughts, memories, associations, perceptions, are you adequate, inadequate, or neither?
If you do not use your thoughts, memories, associations, perceptions, what does the word adequate, or inadequate, even mean?
We are gods.
I'm not against Christianity, I'm stating that Christian Identity, while somewhat plausible is not entirely factual. You're just making yourself look like a fucking retard.
The Romans conquered a shit ton of different white people you realize. And some were very primitive by comparison. The Celts barely had a fucking written language.
Christianity is cucky unfortunately. I don't know what else to tell you. If the Germans actually followed their old religion then exterminating kikes would be no problem. There would be absolutely no way that any of them would have tried to save the kikes (which many Christcucks did) because muh chosen people myth.
It's not about christian identity, but the identity of the Aryan race as a whole. The bible isn't just a book of Christianity, but a book of the white race and the history of mankind. Though it not be entirely true, there are bits and pieces that are to be injected and dissect into and from history to make a means of understanding current and past events.
The romans were turkish arab jews from cast out of troy by the Greeks due to their monopoly of the silk road and finance of the Persian empire. The Italians were a sub race of Aryans conquered by these arab jew.
So white people are really Jews and Romans are really Arabs?
White people's homeland was Israel. The Canaanites migrated north after the Aryans expulsion where they assimilated into Arab Assyrian ruled Egypt and invented Judaism and a means of racial superiority like they blame the whites for today.
ADAM is the WHITE RACE. Science proves it, all other races are PRE-Adamic or POST Mamzers.
Blacks are literally called "beasts of the field"
All nonbelievers are subhuman baltic races or russ who were conquered by mongolions and did not have the geological barriers to isolate their culture and race.
All of these people were Christian, all of them opposed Jewry and Bolshevism, some of them even serving in the SS.
Polite sage because OP turned his whole thread into cancer
sage rejected
we must have this discussion
Isn't that sort of the same argument as saying Vlad the Impaler was Christian? I mean if you're being fucking invaded even the most hardcore cucked religion will have some people from it stand up and fight. Also, it doesn't excuse the fact that many devout Christians were fighting against Hitler within Germany because of their religious beliefs. Why the fuck would they do that unless their religion made them love Jews so much that they were literally willing to die or kill their countrymen to save a foreign invading tribe?
At least Hitlers version of Cuckstianity was somewhat palatable because they changed so much doctrine and language. There's no way he liked this shitty pacifist religion otherwise he wouldn't have changed it so much.
I fully believe that after part of Israel (the Northern Kingdom) was conquered by Assyria they traveled north and were spread throughout Eastern Europe and West Asia. Even I'm not stupid enough to think they're Aryan.
Canaan was the son of Ham you dolt.
u fuckin wot m8?
shit bait, OP never actually read a Bible, 3/10 got me to reply
b-but Romans were nordics. Or are we switching to something else now?
another kike attempt at subversion.
Jesus Christ didn’t sing “All You Need Is Love”, he wasn’t a flower power, star-child bohemian and he didn’t compromise with degenerate, god-rejecting nullifidians
The Jewish Media has done a knock-out job of distorting and perverting the true nature of Jesus Christ of the Holy Bible. They have portrayed him as a passive resister, appeaser, and OHM chanting hippie…this is a total misrepresentation of the truth. While Jesus did indeed preach a gospel of love, compassion and forgiveness, he also had zero tolerance for bullcrap, was uncompromising, confrontational, militant and stern. He condemned. He denounced. He caused trouble and he disrupted the established order
Here are some examples:
-Jesus Christ was a carpenter, a man’s man, he wasn’t a hairstylist or a white collar business man
-Jesus was extremely confrontational and put people on blast right in public; he called the Pharisees and Scribes fools, vipers, hypocrites, Sepulchers, Sons of the Devil. He labels them murderers and blind guides, he ridicules them publicly. He undermines their authority. He insults them. He castigates them. He’s not very nice to them (Matthew 23).
- Jesus made a whip from cords and chased the wicked money changers out the temple and flipping over their tables (John 2:15)
-Jesus instructed his disciples to arm themselves, even selling their possessions to buy a weapon in case they didn’t have one (Luke 22:36)
- Jesus was a ZEALOT to the word of God, there was no compromise or middle ground with unbelievers or the secular world.
-Jesus rebukes and condemns. In Matthew 18, Jesus utilizes morbid and violent imagery, saying that it would be better to drown in the sea with a stone around your neck than to harm a child.
-Jesus didn’t say there was many different ways to live ones life; he said he was the ONLY way (John 14:6). Most people would hate Jesus if he was around today because of this. They don’t want to live by God’s laws, statutes and commandments. They want to do whatever and accept whoever and live by: “To each his own.”
- Jesus Christ says he did not come to bring peace to this world but a sword and that belief in him would divide families (Matthew 10:34-35)
-Jesus did not when you are lukewarm in your ways. "because you are lukewarm–neither hot nor cold–I am about to spit you out of my mouth" (Revelation 3:16)
-When the Lord Jesus returns he’s not coming back to give big teddy bear hugs but to bring destruction to the nonbelievers and secular world (2 Thessalonians 1:8-9 and 2 Peter 3:10-11)
- On judgment day Jesus will sentence most of the world into the eternal lake of fire (Matthew 25:41, Revelation 20:15 and Revelation 21:8).
From fellow brother in Christ Matt Walsh:
“Anger is good when it is directed at things that offend not us, but God. Just as Christ’s intolerance, like the intolerance we’re commanded to have, stems from a desire to save souls and defend Truth.
Even when we have righteous anger, we do not have carte blanche to act on it in anyway we please. But, according to the Bible, there are times to use strong language, there are times to cause a scene, there are times to hurt people’s feelings, and there are times when we might need to use physical force.
Jesus told us to turn the other cheek when we are personally attacked; He never told us to turn our backs entirely and let lies spread and evil grow.”
I think passive-aggressiveness among true followers of Jesus Christ in general–and leaders in particular–must go away because it runs counter to the ethics of the Kingdom.
Jesus was not passive-aggressive. The Lord did not hesitate to address people directly as needed. No cryptic messages when He stood before Pilate, not parable at the house of Simon the Pharisee ("You did not wash my feet."), and in sending a message directly to Herod
So, enough with the niceties.
Christians in this country sound too similar to the Golden Girls song, and not enough like the Battle Hymn of the Republic. There’s too much ‘thank you for being a friend,’ and not enough ‘lightening from His terrible swift sword.’
We’re all hugging and singing Kumbaya, when we should be marching and shouting Hallelujah.
We’re nice Christ followers with our nice Jesus, and we are trampled on without protest.
Enough, already.”
Fuck your jew god and fuck you
that's very deep.
degenerate kike sandnigger cuck mother fucking liberal slime of impotent semen covered in convulsing bacterial infested feces smother with vomit and a little bit of apple sauce. You are scum cancer.
What the fuck happened to Holla Forums?
There was none of this shit thread or the nordicism retardation in the First Exodus period.
this board has been infiltrated by the open society foundation otherwise these moronic generic claims would not be so prevalent. it has begun.
pls go and stay go
The Bible has more to offer and is a better story than any mythos you have (or haven't) dug up in the hills of Scandinavia. Stop being a reprobate and come back to the Christ Reich
admit you have no solution for white people and check yourself closely.
Well articulated and factual statements. Jesus has been lost in the essence of Protestantism partially due the insurgence of jewry in the new testament and modern church. This has led to a growth and hypocrisy in modern Christendom. no real understanding of the crusades or it's cultural history exists besides in the very deep and pervasive influences of the human knowledge base.
Not sure if direct lineage, but it doesn't really matter. If you want Biblical reference to the nations, we are the 'Expanders' of the sons of Noah. Semites and Asians are the 'Glory/Honor' and Hamites (Africans) are the servants.
Jiddish is Slavic, if I do remember correctly. Regardless, Phoenicians probably spoke Semitic languages despite being Greek, and Carthaginians worshipped Semitic pantheon. Egyptians also adopted Semitic languages after Akkad defeated them.
A white civilization may have existed, or some white civilizations. The predatory values that dominated much of Europe were vanquished by Romans - who could not expand further into Europe.
If anything, religion became the Roman weapon against barbarians.
True. However, I presume kikes to be the sons of Cain.
Despite numerous attempts, they can't be killed.
Interesting to note that Cain killed Abel over his jealousy - of his relationship with God. Just like kikes kill Christian children in their Blood Libel practices.
These are mostly kids looking for an identity.
what are allegories and name changes due to edits/language differences. Middle East was white before shit skins showed up
I wonder where Europeans will run off to after this migration? In the event that we do lose.
Argentina? Siberia?
They absolutely are. I have doubts of them being blood descendants (though I've read some stuff about Ham's wife being one) but they are as far as their actions and them seeming to bear his curse.
outed yourself as even your own kike-written articles as of late admit that the "kid" stereotype outsiders like yourself apply to chans is actually a falsehood, but nice try schlomo.
I'm 28, but anyone that isn't praising Jesus might as well be a child.
The "lost tribes" didn't exist. The old testament is fairy tales and myths, not real history.
Am I the only one who suspects that the gypsies are the so-called lost tribe?
Gypsies are low caste curry niggers.
You're wasting your life with this, bro. CI didn't even come about until the 1800's, and it's just based on word-play, exactly like your example in your post. We have DNA studies now. Hebrew is an Afro-Asiatic language. If there's any link between words, it's because they were picked up along the way. I think people are attracted to this kind of stuff because it helps lessen some sort of cognitive dissonance between becoming racially aware and their earlier religious training. It's ok, you're not going to burn in hell because you realize jews suck.
British Israelism arose in England, then spread to the United States.[3] British-Israelists cite various medieval manuscripts to claim an older origin, but British Israelism as a distinct movement appeared in the early 1880s:
Although scattered British Israel societies are known to have existed as early as 1872, there was at first no real move to develop an organization beyond the small groups of believers which had arisen spontaneously. The beginnings of the movement as an identifiable religious force can, therefore, be more accurately placed in the 1880's when the circumstances of the time were particularly propitious for the appearance of a movement so imperialistically-orientated.[4]
Earlier aspects of British Israelism and influences are traceable to Richard Brothers in 1794, John Wilson's Our Israelitish Origins (1840s), and John Pym Yeatman's The Shemetic Origin of the Nations of Western Europe (1879). In 1875, J. C. Gawler published Our Scythian Ancestors which is considered an influential text to the British Israel movement.
Proponents of British Israelism claim numerous links in historical linguistics between ancient Hebrew and various European place names and languages.[32][31] As an example, proponents claim that the word “British” is derived from the Hebrew words “Berit” and “Ish”, and should therefore be understood as “Covenant Man”. This word has different roots, and this interpretation of the Hebrew is incorrect.[33] Another example is Rhys' assertion of equivalence between Cymry (the native Welsh name for the British) and Cimmerian, which is at odds with the generally accepted derivation of Cymry from an earlier Celtic form *kom-broges (lit. "with-land"), meaning "people of the same country", or compatriot; only the modern form of the word looks similar.[34] Yet another example is the alleged connection between the Irish "Tuatha Dé Danann" and the Tribe of Dan. Secular sources indicate that the true root of this phrase is the "People of the Goddess Danu".[35]
Other links are claimed, but they cannot be substantiated and they contradict the findings of academic linguistic research. This shows conclusively that the languages of the British Isles (English, Welsh, and Gaelic) belong to the Indo-European language family and are unrelated to Hebrew, which is a Semitic language of the Afroasiatic language family.[36] In 1906, T.R. Lounsbury stated that “no trace of the slightest real connection can be discovered” between English and ancient Hebrew.
The "lost ten tribes" are just a way for the kikes to convince gullible Goyim they are part of their in group.
one simple piece of evidence everyone ignores…..cows
Israel was a nation of bovine keepers. They ate beef and drank milk….plenty of it.
As you go back through history for the past 2000 years only the European nations kept up with the practice of milk drinking. All other cultures are intolerant to bovine milk and have not consumed it in their history.
Jews are intolerant to milk as are Asians and blacks. They have spent well over 100 years now trying to get use to it. Look it up. Israel was a beef eating, milk drinking nation. They were forced out of their homeland and every Tribe went and settled in their own lands that they made great themselves. They were the master builders and the tradesmen.
typical kike talk fiend
You are not the original Israel so stop trying. The world is waking up to you synagogue of Satan.
All you need to know about Christianity: they accept Abos (more than half of whom can't even understand moral turpitude), subsaharans and Arabs as members.
Recruitment being central to the religion makes it impossible for atheists, pagans and any non-goater religion member to work with them.
How's that for a comeback? Werhmacht also accepted Indians, Jews, Asians and Blacks into its ranks.
The truth will set you free.
AYY YO, MY BROTHERS. Listen, and listen well
we should organize, you know what I'm sayin? this Egypt is truly the land of the dead.
But we have our GOD. And he is absolutely fucking fantastic. I've been visiting the mount Sinai lately. Been there done that.. so. He gave me the new updated version of his commandment.
read it. remember it. implement it. With it we will finally leave the Egypt for our own cool Georgio-land/Hyperborea/Whiteopia call it al you want.
And spread love for your brothers and sister. Fake ass "jews" tribe of Judah will not pass. We are the True Israel. World Peace to you all.
Fuck off, jew-lover
You are trying to be rational where science-approved rationality is not needed.
Dude I'm the Moses, I know my stuff alright? Come on, put 2 and 2 together.
Make sure you have Love for your brothers and sisters. If you're only have hate (without Love) then you're a cripple. That is what White Israelism is about - it is about Love. And finding God. In your race. Finding love in that tight cherry pussy of your aryan GF.
Saxondale comes from the word Saex, which is the sword they're known for. Thus crushing this nonsense. Fuck your jew theory trying to pretend jews are white
Saxon* Weird autocorrect
Talking about jews and not mentioning ovens? You're on the list, faggot. Jews have one purpose on pol — oven occupation.
Kenites are sons of Kain you moron. Why do I have to teach Christians their own religion all the time?
Zeolots = Zionists —————-Pharisees were the pro-Roman Jews
Ha-Adam is only 7,500 years old when you count the generations. That's why your Jewish slave cult is dead. We have dead white people older than that.
I'm pretty ambivalent about the Christianity vs. Paganism debate but I think CI deserves some of our attention if we're going to win over the Cuckstians. The problem is that all of the material is super esoteric and there's no way it's ever going to reach a mass audience.
A lot of people just like Christianity's ethics, but Christian ethics are inherently pozzed as fuck. It's a huge part of our history as a people, but in my opinion it only ever worked for us for as long as it did because we invoked it as a spiritual authority in relation to one another, as opposed to the world at large.
This shit is too retarded to even consider.
Also, the word "Saxon", or "Seaxe" in Old English, comes from the word "seax" which was a type of dagger. The word "son" didn't come into use in English until the 13th century. The Old English word for is "sunu".
Your etymological theory is complete nonsense.
CI doesn't win over Christians. It's for wewuz types who need to be 'godschosen' to feel any validity to their lives. It's the same reason Himmler was chasing spaceships in Tibet or why niggers make up kangz stories.
lol, is this true?
Yeah more or less, he was tracing the aylmao nordic atlanteans to somewhere around Tibet.
Then are they beyond all hope? I mean I'm not assuming CI is the only answer for them, but I'm not sure anything else would appeal to them either aside from like NazBolism. It's literally the next closest thing.
We can't save them all if we can't even save all of us.
Reubenites are the French, French diaspora, and probably the Catalonians
Judahites are the highland Scots and the larger Jews (think Richard Stallman) mostly found in modern Israel
Levites blend in with their assigned tribe very well. They're disproportionately with the Judahites and Benjamites, and least with the Simeonites
Simeonites are the north Germans, minus the ethnic Prussians, Silesians, Sudentenland Czechs, Slovenians, Croatians, and certain German diaspora, namely the Anabaptists and Texas Germans
Danites are the Celts (minus the Scots), Icelanders, coastal Norwegians, the northwest coastal Swedes, and continental Danish
Napthalites are the inland Norwegians, Swedes, and Bosnians
Gadites are the east Slavs (ethnic Russians, eastern Byelorussians, Ukrainians east of the Dnieper), and the Serbs
Asherites are the west Slavs (ethnic Poles, Slovaks, and the rest of the Czechs, Ukrainians, and Byelorussians)
Zebulonites are the Dutch and the Afrikaaners
Issacharites are the Flemish and Walloonians
Mannesites are the English and English diaspora, minus the descendants of the early immigrants to modern day United States
Ephraimites are the vast majority of the English, German, lowland Scots, and Scots-Irish diaspora in the United States, as well as the Danish diaspora in the Rocky Mountains, and a majority of the self identified Irish outside of the northeastern coast, without Irish surnames
Benjaminites are the most recognizable Jews, small, hooked noses etc, mostly in the urban United States
Top kek
If you were to actually analyse the biblical astronomical description, it blows the current datings out of the water as based on nothing. You are just parroting from other kikeslave idiots trying to rationalise the support for your jew religion.
The astronomical descriptions tell about events in the Middle Ages, and not located in the Levant
Isn't mfw accompanied by an appropriate pic?
Learn 2 mfw OP
Opening churches in conquered lands of a strictly atheist state is, in fact, cucking the soviets.
Whether Hitler or NSDAP Germany as a whole is christian and/or pagan, it was still adamantly against fedoras
We are NOT jews. Stop pushing that bullshit because it makes no sense. Also, who were in Europe by the time?
Israelites =/= Jews
Stop with your subversive bullshit. We can't all have our origins from the same ancestor, "common ancestor" is a jewish scam. Also the khazars are nothing more than a mix between diaspora kikes and some eurasian mongrels. Sephardic and mizrahi kikes act exactly like the ashkenazi, they act jewish. So, now take your bullshit to wherever you came from.
Forgot to sage.
Kek, even mods can't stand your retarded attempts at rewriting history in order present Cuckstianity as European anymore.
Kek, deliver this sinner into enlightment.